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Scoring Guide & Rubric Assessment – Volleyball Activity / Drill

Mr. Marin

Scoring Guide:
4 – Met all expectations and included some extra elements or details to enhance the assignment.
3 – Met all expectations
2 – Came close to meeting all expectations but was missing one or two minor elements or details.
1 – Did not meet the expectations and was missing crucial elements.

Area / Section (highlighted) Score

Did the diagram represent the activity or drill appropriately?
Where the steps listed in chronological order and easy to understand?
Where there at least 2 different variation to the activity / drill?
Was the link to the source live (Ctrl + Click) and copied & pasted correctly?
Did the video resemble a specific skill used in the drill?
Was the video briefly summarized or briefly explained in a series of steps (chronologically)?
Was the link to the video live (Ctrl + Click) and copied & pasted correctly?
Total Score

*** Total Score will be multiplied by 5 making the assignment worth a total of 140 points. ***

Instructor Comments:

Peer Participation Grade & Why:

A – Peer contributed consistently and actively throughout the assignment.
B – Peer contributed to the assignment.
C – Peer contributed inconsistently to the assignment.
D – Peer contributed very minimal to the assignment.
F – Peer did NOT contribute to the assignment.

NAME__________________________________ DATE____________________ SCORE_________/140____

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