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BG Productions

Take A Break With Billy



PRESENTER: Good Morning and Welcome to the

very first episode of Take A
Break with Billy. The show
discussing all of the topical
issues about the world that we
live in. Get involved with
today’s show by tweeting us
@NWATakeabreak or by texting


PRESENTER: Coming Up on your first episode,

should cyclists and horse riders
be allowed to wear hi-vis
jackets that say Polite on them
where they actually look like
Police. We will be discussing
school uniforms and should
students have to wear them and
finally coming up on today’s
show we’ll be discussing should
the voting age be lowered to 16.
We’ve got all of that to come


PRESENTER: Joining me today on Take A Break

With Billy is two fellow Year 12
students. They are Bradley Smith
and Lucy Rose. Hi Guys.

LUCY: Hello, how are you both?

BRADLEY: Hi, I’m good thank you.

PRESENTER: Hello, I’m really good thank

you. So whilst we’ve got a bit
of time why don’t we get to know
you both so why don’t you tell
us about yourselves?

LUCY: - Subjects you study

- Part Time Jobs
- Things you enjoy about Sixth
- Hobbies/Dislikes

BRADLEY: - Subjects you study

- Part Time Jobs
- Things you enjoy about Sixth
- Hobbies/Dislikes

PRESENTER: Thank you both so much, you both

lead extraordinary lives. So
since you two have shared about
your lives I will share a bit
about me
- Senior Headboy
- Things you enjoy about Sixth
- Subjects I study

PRESENTER: So, we are going to discuss our

first topic of the show. Should
the voting age be lowered to 16
instead of 18.


PRESENTER: So having had discussions with

both Bradley and Lucy before we
went on air I know that Lucy you
are very passionate about being
able to have a say on what is
going on so you are all for
having the voting age lowered.
Whereas Bradley you are
completely against it being
lowered. So Lucy, what makes you
want the voting age to be

LUCY: Discuss the following

- Having an opinion on
essentially our future

- Be able to make influential
decisions on our lives because
it will affect us most not the
- Equality
- 16 year olds can be taxed and
go into the army

PRESENTER: Bradley, why are you so against

this? Lucy those are great


- Young people aged 16 and over
don’t really follow politcs
- Young people will just follow
their friends
- The younger a person is their
abilty to make informed
decisions is decreased
- 18 year olds are generally
aware and intelligent while some
16 year olds clearly are, far
more are apathetic

PRESENTER: Since you guys have been

discussing this we’ve been
flooded with tweets and texts.
We’ve had a tweet from
@NealeWade ‘It’s great to hear
our students discussing
important issues within our
society #politics
#studentdebate’. We’ve had
another tweet from
@DanielAllen12 ‘I agree with
Lucy the voting age should be
lowered to 16,why should young
people be allowed a vote?’.
We’ve had a text come in from
Oliver Partridge ‘Absolutley
agree with Lucy our young people
need to have a say’. So there we

have it, our listeners and Lucy
seem to be out on the lead.
Don’t forget you can get
involved in the show by tweeting
@NWATakeabreak or by texting
84411. It’s competition time now
and your chance to win a massive
£25 in amazon vouchers and a
tutorial session in Neale-Wade
Academy’s Radio Station. Here’s
what you need to do; all you
have to do is text the word
‘WIN’ plus your name to 84412.
All enteries will be pooled. The
competition will end on Monday
29th April 2019 at 3:20pm.
Winner will be decided on
Tuesday 30th April and will be
revealed live on air.Terms and
conditions apply.


PRESENTER: Good Luck to all of you

entering. Now since this is a
topical radio show. Recently in
the news I’ve been hearing the
question of ‘Should Cystlists
and Horse Riders be able to wear
hi-vis jackets that say Polite
on the back of them, when
actually for drivers that are
passing by it actually looks
like it says police. So what are
we thinking about this guys?

BRADLEY: - Less accidents

- Makes people slow down around
- People will leave a wide room
for cyclists like their meant to

LUCY: - Agree with Bradley reiterate

points that Bradley said

PRESENTER: Thank you. We’ve have a text
through from Mr Sheppard
actually our Media Studies
teacher and he says’ I think
that it is a great idea. I think
this should happen for all of
the right reasons’.


PRESENTER: So our final topic on todays

show is School Uniform. Should
students have to wear school

BRADLEY: - Study shows actually students

learn better in their own

LUCY: Hang on… What about the

increased bullying issues? They
look smart when having to wear

BRADLEY: Able to express themselves

PRESENTER: We’ve had a few tweets come

through regarding this topic
already. @RanviMorgan says
‘Students should wear school
uniform because A) It means
students are looking smart and
B) It decreases issues of
bullying’. We’ve got another
tweet hear from @ArnieSmith
‘Students should not have to
wear uniform, they should
express themselves and be able
to feel comfortable whilst they
are learning’.

PRESENTER: Thank You to everyone that has

been involved with todays show
our first ever show. A massive
thank you to both Lucy and

Bradley for taking the time to
join me. We are back tomorrow
with new guests and of course
new topics. This has been Take A
Break With Billy. Goodbye.


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