Viking Society

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Viking Society

There have been amazing societies throughout history.

Today ,I want to talk about viking society.The vikings were one of the most important icons of
ancient Norway.They sailed in large areas of europe fighting,exploring and trading.The vikings were
scandinavian expeditionists very bound to the sea and they have been for years object of the most
fabulous legends.They were accustomed to a war environment from birth and they made of their
excursions and expeditions their day to day for centuries.

Political Organization of the Vikings

The political System of vikings was aristocratic, in wich the Kings were chosen by an elite of
population. They also were well organized and very effective, the vikings were considered fast and
unpreditable. The kings weren´t richer than the noble class beacuse in reality the vikings didn´t use
to have established kingdoms, they only used to have villages organized in social clases.

Viking Family

In the viking age the blood ties were of divine nature, so attempting against one’s family was a
severely punished offense. The links of a clan weren’t limited to blood bond, since strong
relationships with the political family were also consolidated. This type of bond was considered of
great importance, since an individual without siblings was considered an orphan.


In this society the marriages were arrange by family agreements, for this process there were two
phases, the first was the request of hand on the part of man, who had to pay money to the bride
for that. The second, the bride was given to husband, and the ceremony lasted several days.


In the viking society, old scandinavian laws allowed the abandonment of children,but this was
an uncommon practice,only occurred in the case that they were born with physical deformations
and they were called not accepted. Anyway the abandonment was an omen of misfortune for the
father if it had already given him name.

In ancient texts the word viking was used to refer to expedition, in Other texts this word refers
to warriors and sailors participated in expeditions overseas.

Life Style

The vikings were used to farming and hunting as a means of survival, and in 3000 AC,they already
made their own ships to navigate and trade with their neighbors in the baltic sea.

Where did they live?

The vikings lived in the north of europe,especially in the part of the britihs islands where they
were seen as cruel and warriors.This happened in the year 793 with the attack on the island
lindisfarne,wich was unhabited by them.

What were they well known for?

The vikings were well known to be competent sailors capable of traveling long distances, in
addition to being experts in war both on land and in sea.

What i like most the viking society is its ability to plan its conquests and its audacity to invade
territories.They were famous for being excellent conquerors and warriors of a thousand battles,the
vikings began in the 8th century to create their warships and send them to looting expeditions where
they plundered,colonized and traded.At the beginning of the viking era,they were in the nordic
religión,believing in tyr the god of war,they also believed in odin te most powerful god,the god of
the dead fallen in war,they feared death but believed in life after death.At the end of the era more
and more people had converted to Christianity,this fact didn’t end the travels of looting but it was
the beginning of the end.

People didn’t like the vikings because they were anything but kind,slave usered to maintain their
predominant lifestyle and brutal looters.
Within the great contributions that the vikings made to society are:

The Navegation:The art of woodcarving allowed them to creat designs of boats capables of
navigating in two types of waters and being fast,nowadays these designs have allowed to perfect
the navigation.

Literary Sagas:The vikings used to write about their important events and they recorded about laws
and terriotories.These sagas have allowed to know much of scandinavian history from its beginnings
and origins.

I can say that this ancient society has influenced in certain parts of europe in how to stand out
and be efficient in its funtions,communicating to others in a clear and precise way.

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