Life in One Day. Just Relax. Master The Day Then Just Keep Doing That Every Day." People Might Think I

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Gazette Article:

The path of success is not a straight line. It is also not a path that only moves forward. The
people who gain fulfillment in their lives are not the ones who never failed, but those who continued
after failing. This path is also unique to only you.

The years in college, the months of reviewing for the boards, and even the events after passing it
have given me various insights about the world. One is that the digital age is dangerous if we let it run
our lives. Social media paints a picture of perfection and it pressures us to crawl towards that ideal.
The world puts too much pressure on success and often, we give in to it. We think we are worthless if
we are not constantly busy and continuously producing just like everyone else. We think rest is a
crime and feel guilty for not squeezing in more productivity each day. This is a very unhealthy mindset.
Rest is essential for growth. Reflection on one's self and one's goals is just as important as the tasks
we put on our to-do list. In the rapid flow of the world we must pause or else we forget who we are
and what we truly desire to become. We must regain control of our own lives.

Another thing that I would like Canossians to learn is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone.
Despite your best efforts and purest intentions, there will always be that person to find fault in your
actions. One toxic Filipino culture is the tendency to compare and to belittle achievements. "Buti pa si
ganito may narating na" or "Yan lang?" and other destructive comments. In these scenarios become a
Stoic. If you have an emotional reaction each time something terrible is presented to you, you will
never be happy. Aim to please yourself instead and strive to become a better version of yourself.

Lastly, take care of your mental health. Don't be ashamed to seek help if it's needed. Mental
illnesses are just as valid as physical ones. The brain is an organ and it can malfunction just like any
other organ in your body. Be kind to others but most importantly, be kind to yourself. Don't rush. I do
not know whose words these are but I wish to share it. "You are not going to master the rest of your
life in one day. Just relax. Master the day then just keep doing that every day." People might think I
have my life figured out, graduating with high honors from elementary until college and now topping
the board exam. Yet here I am still struggling to find my own path and searching for my purpose.
There is no deadline for life. Posts like "you must be stable at age ___, married at age ____, retired at
age ____" are plain nonsense since humans are not the same. Find your own pace. Dance at your own
tempo with the music you create out of your existence. This music is yours and no one can take it
away from you.

Lorenz M. Barro

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