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Measurement Class 1: Learning How to Use a Ruler- cm 70 mins Math


● 3. Demonstrate an understanding of measuring length (cm, m) by:
○ Measuring and recording length, width and height
● 5. Demonstrate an understanding of perimeter of regular and irregular shapes by:
○ Measurement and recording perimeter (cm, m)

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Recognize the difference between the sides of the ruler and understand that we are
using cm.
2. Implement new measuring skills to measuring real life objects
3. Explain what a referent is and be able to recognize them.


● Rulers
● ‘How Tall How Short How Far Away’ by David A. Adler
● Notebook/Smartboard
● Worksheet


● Have worksheets printed off for all students

Introduction Time

● Read ‘How Tall How Short How Far Away’ to the class as an opener 5 min
● Explain how people in the past would measure differently and compare
it to how we measure today.

Body Time
Ruler 1. Introduce that we will be learning how to use a ruler 10 min
Introduction a. Show the students the two sides of the ruler and
that we are only using the cm side
b. Explain that students need to start at the 0 and
to look if their ruler starts at the edge or has a
little gap. Provide example.
2. Explain what length and height is.
a. Length: ​the measured distance from one end to
the other of the longer or longest side of an
b. Height: the distance from the bottom to the top
of a person or thing
3. Ask: What would you measure with a ruler?
a. Have multiple students answer
b. Explain that you can measure smaller objects,
but also longer objects. By either lining rulers up
or by marking the ruler and then moving it up

Snake Ladders 1. Explain to the class that we are going to be making 10 min
our own rulers. Our ruler will be 80 cm long and all of
our rulers will be the same.
2. Show the class what the ruler will look like. Each
student will get one and will be cutting out the pieces
of the ruler and a teacher will help tape them together.
3. This way all of the students have the same ruler to
measure objects with.

Referent 1. Review what a referent is to the class as I know they 5 min

Discussion have spoken about it
a. Definition: ​something used to estimate a
2. Provide examples of a referent for a cm.
a. E.g. finger nail, paper clip

Measuring 1. Depending on the number of ruler students may need 20 min

Objects in the to get into groups of 2 or 3. Explain to students that we
Classroom are going to measure objects in the classroom.
2. On a worksheet there will be a list of objects that I
want the students to measure. E.g. book, desk, pencil.
3. Explain that I want them to use the cm side of the ruler
and to double check where the 1 cm on their ruler
4. Once students have completed the worksheet have
them return to their desk and hand in the worksheet to

Conclusion Time

● Re ask what you would measure with a ruler. Ask for examples not 2 mins
from the worksheet
● Explain that there is another type of ruler that is longer that we will be
learning about next week

● Class Discussion: help to determine what prior knowledge students have and if they
are understanding the material
● Observation: while students are completing the worksheet I am able to determine
how they listened or interpreted the material
● Measuring Worksheet: Will help me determine students understanding of the
material and how well they can measure with a cm ruler.

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