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The Darkest Black-
Black-Hat trick ever

Hi, let’s get straight to point. We would be making a get paid

to site and trust me we won’t be paying anyone…. Hahaha…
Step 1 (Time Required = 10min)
Register with or any other CPA network which
you like.
Step 2 (Time Required = 5min)
Register a DOMAIN name something like (This is my site which I made for the
same purpose)
Step 3 (Time required = 5min)
Get some web space. You can buy one from DP for as low
as $1 per month
Step 4 (Time required = 5min)
Register with (Will cost you $1 per month)
Step 5 (Time Required = 20 min)
Use any web page maker E.g. use Windows front page and
make a very basic landing page like I made; and paste the code in it
Step 6 (Time required= 5 min)
Buy 10,000 visitors traffic from US for $25. Just check out
DP traffic forum for this. You will get it from there.

CPA BLACKHAT For Digital Point Forums

Step 7 (Time required = 5min)

Register with
Total Time Required = 1 Hours Approximately
Total Money Invested = $40 at the max

So, let’s get started

1. Go to your cpa account and select 10 highest paying
email-zip code offer

CPA BLACKHAT For Digital Point Forums
2. Take those 10 links and go to and shorten all the
10 links and now copy the new
Kindly Check out the pic below

3. Go to and make the first follow up

message and put the shortened links in that follow up
CPA BLACKHAT For Digital Point Forums

CPA BLACKHAT For Digital Point Forums
4. Upload the Html page / landing page with the code on to the webserver
5. Make two personalized mail id with the domain you
have created. E.g.; ( Use these same id’s
while making the follow up message on
6. Now initiate the US traffic campaign which you have
bought (Should at least be of 10,000 visitors).
7. Set the traffic campaign to 200 visitors per day so as to
keep the clicks genuine and realistic

That’s it you are done!

What will happen now?

Out of the 10,000 visitors which you have bought
approx. 10-15% visitors will register at you site
(Depends on how appealing the site is)

10-15 % means 1500 people approx.

After registering with your website these 1500 visitors

would get the follow up message and almost all of them
will click on all the shortened links of the CPA offer that
you have made and only 500 people will actually
complete the offers.

Most of you would be worried that if everyone who

registers completes the offers than you will be detected
by the cpa company and get banned, but trust me that
doesn’t happens. ONLY 20-30% of the people who
CPA BLACKHAT For Digital Point Forums
register will complete the offers while most of others
would be just clicking and checking the offers and will
never complete it and thus keeping the conversion rate

Most of the email/zip submit or small survey offers can

fetch you anything from $1.5-$3.5 so 10 cpa offers will
correspond to $20 in your cpa account and assuming
that 500 people are completing the survey your earning
will correspond to 500 X 20 = $10000
WOW that’s a lot of money!

MY Experiment / Story

I made my site somewhere on last week of April.

It’s called

I did everything which is mentioned above. Started by

making a new CPALEAD account to registering a new
I bought 10000 visitors from US and set the campaign at
200 users per day and guess what almost every day 15-
20 people started registering on to my web site and 8-9
people completed all the offers and I’m earning $160-

This has been my average and till the time my campaign

of 10000 visitors will be over I’m expecting to earn
somewhere around $8000

CPA BLACKHAT For Digital Point Forums
I need to get my site redesigned by a profession so that
I can increase the registration rate and thus the
conversion rate.

Visitors after completing the offers mail me saying ‘pay

me now I have completed your offers” and I reply to
them as you haven’t successfully completed all the
offers and you are not eligible to get paid. Hence I never
paid any one yet.

What will I do next after the 10,000 visitors campaign is


I will sell rather flip the website at for at least

$300 and will start a similar site with a different domain

What can you do more?

Get your website Designed from a profession so as to

make it very attractive (Put up a website design contest
in the designing forums and select the best design at
the cheapest price)

Buy 20,000 visitors or more and set the campaign to

1000 visitors per day and Enjoy money falling on to your
cpa account.
CPA BLACKHAT For Digital Point Forums

Update the offers from your CPALEAD account time to

time to keep the links live and active

Make Couple of such sites or join couple of CPA

websites and use a Mixture of links from all of them so
as to distribute your earning

Happy earning ☺

Kindly leave your feedback on the thread once you are

done reading


For DP,

Mike Joes

CPA BLACKHAT For Digital Point Forums

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