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1. Who created the message? Is the source reliable? Was it by a
news organization, a public citizen, an editorial team of a
scientific journal, an advertiser, or a writer?
The first slide of the power point presentation (PPT) indicates that its
creator and designer is Mr. Jasper A. Yauder, a Certified Public
Accountant (CPA) by profession and also works as professor at Tarlac
State University (TSU). He is the source of the text and also the creator
or designer of images or graphics that is well included on the PPT. As
per credibility of the presentation, it is worth and absolute because it was
created by a CPA and has an expertise in the subject itself. The source of
the PPT or the writer of the text decided to cover Quality Gurus as his
topic and choose which information is to be included and excluded in
the PPT. The creator used text and images to make the presentation
visually appealing and persuasive.

2. What does the message say? (subject, main point, support)
3. Is the information fair and logical?
4. What points of view are shared in the message? Which ones are left out?
5. What images or sounds catch your attention?
The subject of the message is about the different quality gurus who has
their own expertise and their approaches about total quality management
(TQM) , wherein it focuses on the processes and disciplines to attain
total quality. The PPT features like sentences and information about the
topic supports the main idea of the presentation. He started from citing
the name of the quality gurus, followed by their tittle, their approaches
about TQM, and lastly their accomplishments that is also TQM related.
The way the writer presents the slides aims to make his audience easily
understand the whole presentation. Information used in the PPT is fair
and analytical , since the observations and graphics also recognize the
preciseness of the message. The point of view of different quality gurus
who uses their approaches to achieve quality management in a company
or an organization are shared through the PPT.
The presentation as a whole including the graphics, information as well
as the texts were properly presented in such a way that it appeals more to
reason or logic and the message is not one sided because it mention a
variation of viewpoints regarding the said topic.

6. What type of text is used to deliver message?
7. What are the advantages and limitations of the text format?
The medium used in transmitting the message is through digital. This also upsurge
the quality of the presentation since digital form is used in order to achieve better
and faster communication. The structures of the information are well-organized
focusing from one quality gurus to another, highlighting all their approaches
regarding TQM. The advantage of this medium is that readers are allowed to
access additional information using the hypertexts and hyperlinks which may
affect readers’ and listeners’ evaluation’s of the message.

8. Who is the target audience of the message?
9. How might other people interpret the message of the text?
The Power Point presentation is intended for students in the field of Business and
Accountancy and other related disciplines like Business Administration major in
Financial Management and Marketing Management. Therefore, the target audience
involves those who are in the said disciplines who may be students, researchers,
professors and businessmen. This presentation does not cater all types of readers
and audience, except to people who are involved in a business, organization or a
company, it means to say that if other people who are not align in this field will
read or listen on this PPT, they would have different interpretation about the
message of the text. Since not all approach mentioned in the PPT are applicable in
all situation for example , an approach about quality management of a fellow Asian
may not be applicable for Americans and vice versa. One factor that may affect the
applicability of each approach to a certain management is their beliefs and culture.
The creators decision to include an Asian philosopher in the PPT aims to avoid
discrimination of races.

10.What is the purpose of the message?
11.Who controls the transmission of the message?
The purpose of the message/presentation is to inform the readers and
educate them at the same time. The message of the text provides the
audience/readers with a clear understanding of the concept which is the
Quality Gurus and how to prevent poor quality management on a
company, business or in an organization for better flow of management
and operations resulting to customer satisfaction and total quality
improvement. The multimodal texts used by the author like the digital
forms are created for information dissemination. These were built on
society’s needs and interest in learning and keeping them updated on
what to do, what processes to follow and what should be performed in
case of deviation in the vision and mission of the company.
The message is created by the author and controls the dissemination of
the message. Although we are now at the age where advancement of
technology dominates the world, it is the creator’s discretion whether if
he will upload it on google or other forms of media so people can have
an access on it or the other way around where he will keep it on his own
to prevent it on being plagiarized.

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