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1 A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

Rounded Average: 4/6

5 Targeted teacher capacity building.

5 innovative curriculum across LA's- such as humanities/science/maths
5 Keep working in productive teams
5 Continue to improve upon effective practices
4 Not at this stage, I will keep thinking on it
Growth needs to be coordinated. When we address the growth we need to make it explicit
4 through communication so that staff can see this is what we have done and the reasons why.
Future growth could be developing an applied learning program for students to complete
independently after they have complete the required class work. This would allow students to
be challenged through the year and have something to go on with if they finish up the class
work early. This could be targeted in consultation with year level teachers. There could
5 possibly be additional academic recognition for students.
6 Empowerment and Work demands appear to be less considered.
4 more team teaching to help develop specific learning for some struggling students.
4 Greater time for curriculum planning.
4 Have project based topics to deliver curriculum across years 7 - 10
Improvement in coordination- though there is no doubt that there has been exceptional
5 growth in this area over the last 18 months
4 More specific focus on this area rather than so many other tasks.
4 we need more orking together
However, teams need the ability to meet or converse regularly, without it being part of
limited planning time. Is there a way that the meetings can be factored into Monday
4 meetings? Half the session perhaps?
5 Try to minimise the disruptions of extra curricula activities during scheduled class time.
4 No suggestions at this time.
5 Maybe more support for those of us who teach subjects alone.
4 Visible pathways and explanations for why we do things
There needs to be more opportunities for teachers to collaborate and plan together in the
development of curriculum. This may require time release from classes etc, rather than trying
to do this type of planning in PP days etc.. It also should be done at the end of each year,
5 prior to the Early Start program, while the year is still fresh in the minds of teachers.
5 Maintain the higher order thinking strategies in each year level.
Our documentation of curriculum is very poor - we have minimal meetings where we can
create curriculum effectively. We need to be revising curriculum and given adequate time to
do so in the required groups (eg. year levels). As I started at this school in the capacity of
'filling in' for teachers on leave, I was not once given a curriculum planner, it was just word of
mouth from teachers. It was very hard to step in to these positions - so I could imagine other
4 new teachers to the school would have trouble with this too.
Let's keep communicating this sort of data, and use it as a start for a conversation about how
5 people can get engaged and involved in developments that effect their work.
We need better electives at year 9 and 10 to give the students greater understanding of VCE
3 and the requirements going into Unit 1-4.
5 Not sure here.
4 Positive reinforcement of teachers work on curriculum documentation.
I would suggest setting up a way of capturing data that triangulates and verifies the data that
is generated to capture teacher confidence and the curriculum process. For example. instead
of asking teachers whether they believe they can do things, ask for more concrete examples
of how. AITSL have a self-assessment tool for all teachers to use which could help teachers
more accurately understand how they are performing in many areas, and this would help
improve or verify the data generated in the school review
Similarly, instead of asking opinions of the curriculum process, perhaps we should audit the
curriculum and its documentation. I think we would find that we believe we are doing a much
better job than we are, especially when considering the coordination, planning and
documentation of what we do against what AusVELS or the Australian Curriculum dictates, let
1 alone the effectiveness of differentiation of teaching students with different needs.
6 .
The challenge now is to continue the growth particularly in the areas where significant growth
was shown, so we move from the lower 25% of all schools to at least the middle band. Some
practices that have been implemented in the last couple of years will be more evident at the
4 next survey.
Greater collaboration in year levels to explore strategies in subjects of best practice. This will
5 lead to more sharing of teaching ideas and a more uniform delivery across all classes.
Following on from my comments above I believe that Ash is able to effectively identify,
instruct and inform the LA leaders but those initiatives can break down at the next level of
management when teachers blatantly don't follow through on instructions and there are no
consequences by LA's. I don't want this to sound overly critical but I think some of our middle
4 management need PD on how to effectively manage people and how to implement change.
More time for teams to meet for planning, sharing of best practise so that they can feel that
they are making a difference (which they are).
4 Continue with staff voice.
5 More time for planning, sharing of best practise. Continue with staff voice sessions.

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