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is the literary element that describes the structure.It shows the a casual arrangement of events
and actions within a story.Plot lays out the series of the events that form the entirety of the play
.It serves as a structural framework which brings the events to a cohesive form and sense.Plot
the seriesof events that comprise the whole story that is told in a novel, play, movie TV show,


Identifies the time and place in which the events occur.It consists of the historical period, the
moment, day and season in which the incidents take place.It also includes the sceneries in the
performance which are usually found in the preliminary descriptions.Setting the scenic design
and props, which add meaning and historical context to what the characters do and say


In the novel it is incorporated in the story,that is as the story progresses,the novelist gives two
or more characters the opportunity to discuss or comment on certain issues and the story
continues in prose form.However, in the drama, the entire story is presented in dialogue.This
explains why some people find it difficult to read plays because you see the name of a
character,then,what the character says,the name of another character and the response.


Are the people in the play and thus considered as the principal material in a drama.


This is the group of people who watch the play .Many playwrights and actors consider the
audience to be the most important elements of drama , as all of effort put in to writing and
producing a play is for the enjoyment of the audience.The fact a live audience also has an
important impact on the way plays are created.The essential feature of an audience involves
the fact that they have, at single instant, a common experience ;they have assembled for the
explicit purpose of seeing a play.


The stage creaters its effect in spite of, and in part because of, definite physical limitations
Setting and action tend to be suggestive rather than panoramic or colossal.Both setting and
action may be little more than hints for the spectator to fill out.

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