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Bansud National High School

Regional Science High School for MIMAROPA

Pag-asa, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro


Name (optional): ______________________________________________________________

Demographic Profile:
Age: _____ Gender: _____ Grade & Section: _______________

This questionnaire was made to determine BNHS-RSHS students’ perspective regarding the so-
called “ability grouping”, wherein students are grouped in sections in terms of academic
performance, which will be used in our qualitative study. Put a check () in the box that
corresponds to your answer in the scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being “strongly agree” and 1 being
“strongly disagree”. Please answer with complete honesty. There are no right or wrong answers.
Your answers will be treated as highly confidential. We are deeply grateful for your cooperation!

1 2 3 4 5
strongly disagree  strongly agree

1. I often feel inadequate or not capable enough.

2. I feel embarrassed for being a part of my grade


3. I always comply with the required schoolwork.

4. I am motivated to learn.

5. I frequently raise my hand to answer questions in


6. I rarely miss deadlines.

7. I feel like some of our teachers don’t put a lot of

effort into teaching us.

8. I often feel like nobody understands me.

9. With enough effort, I can understand what is being

10. I often feel useless and neglected.

11. I hate going to school.

12. I feel like people regard me as someone worthy of

shame or great disapproval.

12. I feel like my skills are weaker than other students.

13. I have self-discipline.

14. I am addicted to video games.

15. I hold myself to high standards.

16. I feel like some of our teachers have a very low

opinion of us.

17. I don’t feel like I belong in this school.

18. I am motivated to break beyond my abilities.

19. In group activities, I tend to rely more on my

groupmates than put in my fair share of work.

20. I often feel jealous of other students.

21. I have low self-esteem.

22. I feel like I’m not getting enough support.

23. I like sports.

24. I belong to a family with high socio-economic


25. I feel like I don’t have any true friends.


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