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Name : Carolin Putri Estetika Daya

Class / Semester : A/2

Part 4 New Technology for Presentations

Computer Technology

Computer Technology is the design and construction of computers to better help people at work,
school, home, etc. The advances in computer technology have led to tremendous leaps in
presentation technology. You can easily merge photos, sound and video into a presentation on your
computer and project it directly from the computer onto a screen. Here is a brief overview of current
technology for creating slides and graphics.


If you are considering purchasing a laptop, or desktop system, it would probably be wise to get the
most RAM and also need a video capture card.


You can take a photo or document, digitize it, bring it into the computer so that it can be changed or
otherwise manipulated. Scanned photos can be placed in document, on screen presentations, or in
Visual aids. Scanners are priced about the same as printers and produce images of outstanding

Computer Project

You usually need a machine taht will produce at least 1000 lumens (the measurement of

Using Presentation Software

The effective of visuals can play an important role in succesful presentations. Slides, fpe example
can enhance a speaker’s impact if they are thoughtful created and skillfully used.

When Slide Help

- Focusing your audience’s attention

- Stimulating interest
- Reinforcing key ideas or data
- Illustrating hard-to-understand points
- Increasing audience retention of your content

When They Don’t

Slides will detract from your presentation if :

- Used primarily to avoid audience interaction

- They contain overwhelming amount of detail
- Slide content and/or sequencing contains too many points or no point at all
- The speaker reads the slides than uses as supporting material

15 Tips for Creating Better Slides with Presentation Software

1. Allow an average of two minutes per slide

2. Put your tides to work
3. Use the “5 x 5” guideline
4. Use phrases and key words
5. Capitalize only the first letter
6. Don’t “build” every slide
7. Number every slide
8. adhere to color scheme or style guideline
9. Consider using sans serif fonts
10. Use a 24 point font size
11. Pictures, photograph and video clips
12. Use clip art sparingly
13. Animating drawings
14. Have backups
15. Remember

Teleconference and Videoconferencing

Advantages and Disadvanges

What are the advantages ?

 Cost savings
 Time savings
 Teamwork

What are the disavantages?

Conference calls :

 Participants’ attention wanders because there is no visual element

 The voice is the only “involvement” technique-there’s no opportunity for non-verbal
 “Speaker phone” syndrome-you’re never sure who is really listening!
 Poor phone wtiqutte –people are impolite because they feel somewhat invisible.

Videoconferences :

 Equpment is not to the best advantages. If the camera is pre-set on wide-angle, participants
have difficulty focusing on who is actually speaking.
 Unrealistic expetations of clear communications,. Voice activated microphones can make
two-way communication awkward.

Get Ready, Get Set, Go!

Evaluate and modify your style until you find what works most effectively for your group

Before :

1. Analyze the audience

2. Develop a plan
3. Send information out in advance
4. Make assigment in advance
5. Be aware of the limitations
6. Develop some group rules in advance

During :

1. Remember the power of an attention-grabbing introduction

2. Stick with the agenda you have designed
3. Use your voice!
4. Take the temperature of the group periodically
5. Allow time for feedback

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