Constitution and By-Laws: Preamble

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PHINMA Education
Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines
PHINMA UPang Student Chapter


We, the students of the PHINMA University of Pangasinan, cognizant of the need to establish
an association of Electronics Engineering (ECE) students in order to strengthen the harmony and good
relationship among ourselves. To attain and foster proficiency in the well being of its members and to
encourage the members to participate in the promotion of unity and cooperation within the
compromise of this institution do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-laws.

Section 1. This association shall be known as the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines
PHINMA University of Pangasinan Student Chapter. It shall adopt the acronym IECEP PHINMA
UPang SC to identify and distinguish it from other organization.

Section 2. The office of this organization shall be located within the school premise of the University
of Pangasinan.

Section 1. The IECEP PHINMA UPang SC shall be the student council of the Electronics Engineering

Section 2. The IECEP PHINMA UPang SC is the student chapter of the IECEP, Inc. (Institute of
Electronics Engineers of the Philippines Incorporated). As such it is affiliated and accredited as
IECEP, Inc.’s student counterpart. Membership of the said institution shall depend on the propose
membership fee imposed by the national board which will be renewed annually as long as the
organization still seeks to be a member.

Section 3. This association shall be cooperative and non-profitable.

Section 4. With concerted efforts among ECE students, it shall develop sense of service and
responsibility to uphold the ideals and objectives of the association.
Section 5. This association shall foster the growth and development of the Electronics Engineering
students through the promotion of their intellectual, spiritual, social, cultural, and physical well-being.

Section 6. The members shall safeguard and protect the honor and integrity of the association.

Section 7. This association shall actively participate on current matters and issues that may involve
the interest and welfare of the members within the premises of this institution and in the regional,
national, and international level.

Section 8. This association shall adhere and respect the rule of majority and objections of every

Section 1. Second year to fifth year ECE students is obliged to be a member of the association while
first year ECE students’ membership is voluntary.

Section 2. The annual membership fee is Php 200.00 which a needed percentage will be rendered to
the association’s affiliation to the national level and the remaining percentage will compose the
association’s fund.

Section 3. The members must renew their membership annually through one-time payment of the
annual membership fee.

Section 4. The members can enjoy the same rights and privileges except that of official function,
voting power and holding of elective position provided in this constitution.

Section 1. The officers of this association shall be composed of the following:
1. President
2. External Vice President
3. Internal Vice President
4. Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Auditors
7. Public Information Officers
8. Business Managers
9. Board of Directors
A. Chairman
B. Members
a. Technical Committee Head
b. Membership & Registration Committee Head
c. Financial Committee head
d. 2nd -5th Year Representatives
i. The members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the elected officers of
ii. The members of the Board of Directors shall compose of four (4) individuals, one (1)
members from each year level (2nd – 5th year level)
iii. The Board shall elect a chairman and subdivide the remaining positions among

Section 2. Candidates of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC officers must be officially enrolled in the
university for two consecutive semesters, and should not have incurred a failing grade (5.00 or below
75%) for the last semester enrolled. As such, these requirements should be strictly imposed.

Section 3. Incumbent officers who wish to run in any position shall first submit a resignation letter to
the COMELEC. All resignation letters shall be considered irrevocable.

Section 4. All IECEP PHINMA UPang SC officers shall hold office for one school year or until their
successors shall have been elected and inducted into office.

Section 5. An officer of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC may be elected to the same position for only
two (2) consecutive terms.

Section 6. The Vice President for External Affairs shall fill any vacancy in the position of the
President. Vacancy in the position of the Vice President for External Affairs shall be filled by means
of election of the elected officers and by the appointed officers of the Board of Directors.

Section 1. The officers of IECEP PHINMA UPang SC shall exercise the following duties and

(1) To direct and supervise the implementation of all activities being undertaken by the
(2) To administer the implementation of the General Program of Action of the association;
(3) To manage the funds and maintain the properties and equipment of the association in the
interest of the members;
(4) To provide mechanism/s for evaluation for the activities and performance of the officers;
(5) To exercise such powers necessary or incidental to its function.

Section 2. The President shall be the head of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC. He shall:
(1) Convince and preside in all meetings of the association.
(2) Sign all documents and communications of the association and approve vouchers
representing legitimate disbursement of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC fund.
(3) Enforce and implement due observance of this constitution and By-laws.
(4) Exercise all powers that are inherent to his position and shall perform each other functions
as may be deemed necessary.

Section 3. The Vice President for External Affairs shall:

(1) Assume the duty of the President in case of latter’s absence and temporary disability.
(2) Assist or aid the President in decision-making and to other matters regarding external
activities of the association.
(3) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.
Section 4. The Vice President for Internal Affairs shall:
(1) Assist the President in all matters regarding internal affairs of the organization.
(2) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.

Section 5. The Secretary shall:

(1) Issue notice of meetings of the association.
(2) Prepare, sign, and file documents and communication of the association.
(3) Prepare and record the duration of meetings and all proceedings of the organization.
(4) Be responsible for the safekeeping of records and documents of the organization.
(5) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall:

(1) Prepare the budget of the organization.
(2) Be the chief custodian of all the property of the association.
(3) Collect or receive all fees and contributions from members as well as other payments due
to the organization.
(4) Keep all the financial records of the organization.
(5) Cover all the legitimate and necessary disbursement and payment of obligations with
vouchers and receipts.
(6) Prepare all expenditure vouchers representing legitimate disbursement of the association
(7) Accountable for the funds of the association and is responsible in the preparation of
financial reports properly audited with copies furnished to advisers and the Dean. This will
include financial report after every activity.
(8) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.

Section 7. The Auditors shall:

(1) Audit all collected or received fees and contributions from members as well as other
payments due to the organization.
(2) Check all financial records of the organization.
(3) Help the treasurer in preparing financial reports.
(4) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.

Section 8. The Public Information Officers shall:

(1) Monitor the opinions and needs of the students and report these concerns to the President.
(2) Serve as media liaison/s and answer questions, issue press releases, and arrange interviews
with executives/officers and constituents.
(3) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.

Section 9. The Business Managers shall:

(1) Oversee and supervise the organization activities.
(2) Coordinate with the Treasurer in budgeting purposes regarding to organization activities.
(3) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.

Section 10. The Chairman of the Board shall:

(1) Represent the association and its officers in any affair or occasion authorized by the
(2) Coordinate with the Technical Committee Head in circulating information regarding
activities of the association.
Section 11. The Technical Committee Head shall:
(1) Handle all matters regarding upcoming programs and seminars.
(2) Inform Officers and Board of Directors for upcoming meeting or assembles.
(3) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.

Section 12. The Registration/Membership Committee Head shall:

(1) Handle all matters of information regarding activities of the association.
(2) Keep all files regarding membership.
(3) Perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the President.

Section 13. The Financial Committee Head shall:

(1) Help the treasurer in preparing financial reports.
(2) Check all financial reports.
(3) Be responsible for all duties and obligations assigned by the President.

Section 14. The Board of Representatives shall:

(1) Represent their respective year level during the association’s meetings and in any affair or
(2) Coordinate with the Technical Committee Head in circulating information regarding the
activities of the association
(3) Exercise such other functions as may be delegated to them by the President.

Section 1. The members of the COMELEC shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board or
designated through majority of the votes of the officers and advisers in a meeting called for the
purpose, two (2) weeks before the election.

Section 2. The COMELEC shall be composed of a Chairman and three (3) members.

Section 3. The COMELEC shall hold office for one (1) school year until their successors are chosen.

Section 4. The COMELEC shall be the sole judge of all election returns and protests. Any decision
made by the COMELEC shall be final.

Section 5. The members of the COMELEC shall be considered supreme above all masters once
appointed by the Chairman of the Board.

Section 6. Any critical decision to grant to the advisers shall take effect only by the majority votes of
Section 1. The funds of IECEP PHINMA UPang SC shall consist of students’ membership fees to be
collected once every year. Reasonable amount will be collected from each member to support projects
and activities of the organization.

Section 2. The funds shall be kept by the Treasurer/President and no actual disbursement shall be
made without any signature of the President, Financial Committee Head, and Advisers.
Section 3. A financial report of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC shall be subjected to audit by the
Auditor and the Financial Committee Head.

Section 1. Regular meetings of IECEP PHINMA UPang SC shall be held every first and third Friday
of each month during the school year at the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC’s chosen place in the
University of Pangasinan or outside the campus as the President may determine.

Section 2. The President may call special meetings if he deems majority votes of the officers.

Section 1: Any member may file charges against any of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC officers.

Section 2. The officers of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC and members of the electoral tribunal shall
be subjected to suspension and impeachment for the following grounds:

(1) Willful violation of this constitution

(2) Doing improper application of responsibilities towards a certain activity of the association.
(3) Gross violation of any of the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws done solely or
in an organized manner with the willful intent of deceiving the member and undermining
the capability of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC in pursuing its duly mandated objectives.
(4) Gross negligence on the performance of duties, functions and responsibilities stated herein.
(5) Act of graft and corruption such as misappropriation of funds including the utilization and
facilitation of the association, conscious intent and effort to connive with member/s and
IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Officer/s including the use of constituted powers to
camouflage and whitewash any gross violation of this Constitution and By-Laws.
(6) Failure to attend the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC meetings for three (3) consecutive
occasions without justifiable reason, despite official receipt of notices of the meetings.
(7) Acts unbecoming of an officer that is detrimental to the image of the University of
Pangasinan and/or the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC.
Section 3: For purpose of suspension:
a) The IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Officers (excluding the officer who is subject for
suspension) shall enact a resolution providing for the guidelines regarding the imposition
and length of suspension, taking into consideration the gravity of offense of the concerned
b) An affirmative vote at least 2/3 of all the members of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC
Officers excluding the officer in question shall have to be obtained.

Section 4: For purposes of impeachment:

a) The members of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC, excluding the officer/s who is/are the
subject of the impeachment complaint, shall elect among themselves to form a committee
at least five (5) members for purposes of investigation.
b) An affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of all members of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC
officers excluding the officer/s in question shall have to be obtained.

Section 1. The IECEP PHINMA UPang SC shall have two (2) Faculty Advisers.

Section 2. The Faculty Advisers must be members of IECEP, Inc.

Section 3. The advisers must coordinate with each other in order to have unified plans, protests, or

Section 4. The advisers shall be responsible for decision-making concerning electoral problems.

Section 1. There should be a Legal Counsel of the organization who shall assists the organization in
any legal problems it may encounter and to advice the officers and members on the legality of their
particular cause of action.

Section 2. The board of officers shall select the Legal Counsel thus a resolution duly agreed. He can
be removed by a majority of votes of the board of officers.
Section 1. Any amendment, revision or repeal of this Constitution and By-Laws may be proposed on
any of the following manners:

a. By at least 2/3 vote of all the officers of the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC;
b. By a petition filed with the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC by at least ten percent
(10%) of the total members of the association.

Section 2: In case of repeal or amendments, the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC shall constituent

Section 3: In case of revision of this constitution, the Constitutional Commission to be hereafter

created shall convene.

Section 4: Any revision of this constitution shall be valid only when ratified by the majority of the
votes cast by the IECEP PHINMA UPang SC officers or members in a plebiscite called for the

Section 1: This Constitution shall be adopted upon its ratification by a majority of the votes cast by
the association in a plebiscite called for the purpose.
Certified true and correct:

__________________________ ______________________
Engr. Marco Ermol P. Bagasbas Engr. Lyndon G. Padama
Adviser, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Chairperson, CpE – ECE Department

Noted by:

Ericson P. Capua ______________________________
President, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Rod Emmanuel L. Obay

Adam Jude E. Pasion ______________________________
External Vice-President, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Nikko B. Manuel
Board of Director, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC

Charles David M. Eden ______________________________
Internal Vice-President, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Denmark B. Calimquim
Board of Director, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC

Stephanie M. Macanlalay ______________________________
Secretary, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Lheix Jeorvie L. Pidlaoan
Board of Director, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC

Aracelie B. Gonzales ______________________________
Treasurer, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Divine Angelee F. Abalos
Board of Director, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC

Jeterine U. Arias ______________________________
Auditor, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Edrian Renz C. Aguilar
Board of Director, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC

John Carlo B. Sangco ______________________________
Auditor, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Ken Harold A. Fajardo
4th Year Representative

Elizabeth A. Agustin ______________________________
Business Manager, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC Jenny V. Manuel
4th Year Representative

Henry C. Mendoza, Jr. ______________________________
Business Manager, IECEP PHINMA UPang SC
Kim William B. Viloria
5th Year Representative
Justine P. Aguinaldo

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