Aristolte On Good Gov

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Important Terms:

Polis - Though the word "city" is often used as a translation of polis in this
SparkNote's summaries and commentaries, there is no exact English equivalent for
the Greek city-state. The polis was a relatively small, self-sufficient, and
independent region governed by its citizens, the elite class. The workforce
consisted of slaves, manual laborers, and women. Aristotle's world was made up of
city-states, and his political theories work from the assumption that the polis is
the most sensible form of government.

Koinonia - Roughly translatable as "association," koinonia is defined literally as

"a sharing in common." This concept is very important to Aristotle's political
philosophy and is integral to the nature of the polis: the polis is an association
not only in the sense of people living in the same place, but also in the sense of
a shared venture in which all citizens take part. Aristotle thus perceives no
conflict between individual and state.

Politeia - Aristotle uses this complex word in two different ways: first, it
translates quite directly as "constitution;" second, it describes an entity
translated here as "constitutional government" (other translations may render it as
"polity"). Aristotle considers constitutional government, in which the masses are
granted citizenship and govern with everyone's interest in mind, one of the best
forms of government. It combines elements of oligarchy and democracy, finding a
compromise between the demands of both the rich and the poor.

Kingship - An idealized form of monarchic government in which the king is an

exceptional individual who governs with everyone's best interests in mind.
Aristotle acknowledges that finding such an outstanding leader is difficult, but
prizes the possibility nonetheless.

Oligarchy - Aristotle uses oligarchy, literally "the rule of the few," to refer
to a government controlled by a minority consisting of the wealthy. Unlike
aristocracy, Aristotle believes, oligarchy is a bad form of government, as the
ruling faction governs solely in its own interests, disregarding those of the poor.

Democracy - Aristotle disparages democracy, literally "the rule of the people,"

as a type of government in which the poor masses have control and use it to serve
their own ends. This involves the heavy taxation and exploitation of the rich,
among other things. Among forms of majority rule such as democracy, Aristotle
prefers politeia, or constitutional government.

Aristocracy - Aristotle highly esteems aristocracy, literally "the rule of the

best," and considers it superior to oligarchy because it values everyone's
interests. He contrasts aristocracy with oligarchy, democracy, and politeia by
pointing out that these forms of government concern themselves only with questions
of wealth. Aristocracy, on the other hand, confers benefits on the basis of merit,
with the result that those who most deserve to govern do in fact govern.

Tyranny - The rule of an individual interested solely in his own benefit. A

perverse form of kingship, tyranny is unpopular and usually overthrown. In
Aristotle's opinion, it is the worst type of government.

Demagoguery - The worst type of democracy, in Aristotle's opinion, is mob rule is

carried to an extreme. In demagoguery, everyone's voice is equal, and the rule of
the majority has greater authority than the law. As a result, the will of the
people supersedes law. Invariably, a charismatic leader, or demagogue, takes
control and becomes a tyrant. Because he speaks with the voice of the people, and
because the voice of the people is sovereign, the demagogue is free to do what he
Forms of Government
Aristotle argued that there were six general ways in which societies could be
organized under political rule, depending on who ruled, and for whom they ruled.

Aristotle�s Best Form of Government:

Aristotle�s politics begins with his study and comparison of a
household and state. He uses observation, his scientific tool and examines how
household, communities, states and other associations of humans come to being. Then
he moves on taking into consideration different subjects like function of a state,
slavery, women�s role in nature, art of getting wealth and finally steps into his
Book III of Politics. In the first few chapters of Politics Book III, Aristotle
answers a few questions about the citizens of a state. Exactly, in the chapter 6 of
Book III he starts addressing the forms of the government.

The first question he answers here is; what is a constitution? For Aristotle, a
constitution or government is the arrangement of powers in a state. Looking at the
structure of a household and state, we can assume that man is a political animal
for Aristotle and man, by nature, depends on other men. Men require help from each
other which is why they desire to live together. Aristotle says �Men cling to life
even in the midst of misfortune, seeming to find in it a natural sweetness and

The very important point that Aristotle raises here is that the mutual or common
interest of men is what brings them together. So one of the purposes of a state is
to work as a body that respects the common interests of the citizens that reside
there. Hence, it can be said that common interest is what brings people together to
help each other. Another definition of Aristotle is one that he gives in chapter 12
where he says that the highest science of all is political science and the good of
this science is justice or common sense in other words. Aristotle then moved
towards the function of a state. He believed that the function of a state is to
ensure supreme good of people, in the moral and intellectual sense. Happiness comes
from virtue and it is the ultimate goal of mankind. State is the agency that helps
men to achieve their ultimate goal.[2]

Aristotle says that a master and a slave come to live in an association and they
both share common interests but without a slave the master has no status at all.
Hence, they have common interests and the system has landed them in a manner that
the division of power or constitution has declared one the master and the other,
the slave. A true constitution would be one where the master uses power for their
common interest. However, if the master manipulates the power he is entitled to,
for his own interest and not the common interest of the two then his constitution
is perverted, according to Aristotle. [3]

So, true forms of government, for Aristotle, are the ones that are constituted
according to the principles of justice and regard the common interest of the
people. And the governmental constitutions that only regard for the interests of
the rulers are perverted and deteriorated forms of the true constitutions. [4]

The ruler of the state can be one, few or many but this ruler or ruling body has to
be working for the common interest of the men of the state in a true constitution.
Perversions of these true forms may also have one, few or many as rulers but they
govern with a private, selfish interest.[5] From amongst the true constitutional
forms there is kingship where one rules, aristocracy (the rule of the best) in
which a few rule and the rule of the many is simply called constitutional
government or polity by Aristotle. Aristotle�s constitutional government is of
citizens that have arms and government that has fighting men. This is because
Aristotle believes that increasing the number of rulers decreases the chances of a
virtuous state. So if there has to be many rulers there needs to be a military
virtue in the state, this is how he justifies his polity by many.[6] However, in
chapter 15 of Book III Aristotle says the quite opposite of what he says here.
Aristotle asserts that one ruler is more easily corruptible than many. So a
constitution with a few good men ruling is better than a monarchy or one man rule.
[7] Aristocracy can thus be considered his personal favourite.[8]

Kingship, aristocracy and constitutional government are the true constitutional

forms but they all have perversions that come to being when the rulers of these
governments are catering self-interest instead of the common interest. Kingship
turns to tyranny when perverted, aristocracy turns to oligarchy and democracy is
the perversion of the constitutional government of many. Democracy is the rule of
the many poor who work for the interest of the needy while oligarchy is the rule of
the few rich that take only their interest in account as rulers. And tyranny, the
perversion of monarchy is a constitution formed for the interest of the one
tyrannical ruler. Hence, none of these perversions are in common interest of all.

Aristotle rejects oligarchy and democracy on the basis of inequality and a

constitution that cannot keep justice is not a true constitution. He says that
democracy is only equal in respect to free birth and oligarchy is considered
unequal because of wealth. Wealth and birth are not enough to determine equality;
the element of moral and intellectual virtue is what these constitutions do not
promote at all.[10] Aristotle thinks equality is an important element as it
stabilizes a constitution.

Aristotle speaks of mixed governments and considers that a mixture of oligarchy and
democracy is what makes a polity.[11] He gives detailed accounts of different types
of monarchies, tyrannies, oligarchies and democracies with particular examples.
This is the method of his study; he observes the different constitutions of history
as well as some contemporary governments to give us all the theories and
explanations of the types of different constitutions that exist.[12] According to
Aristotle, a number of factors, like the size of the state, natural resources,
number of citizens, affect the constitution and every constitution is adapted
considering all of these factors.[13] Aristotle states that the best government is
one in which every man acts the best and is the happiest.[14]

Aristotle�s state is not just an agreement for security against injustice or an

organization formed for the economics of the world. Good governments take states
towards virtue and happiness, the ultimate goal of mankind. Law enforced by such a
government helps making citizens good and just. So, a trade alliance and pact does
not form a state. The perverse constitutions just bring about a law that gives
surety to one another of justice and do nothing more. [15]

As we look deeper into Politics we find that Aristotle gave an easy account of
three true forms of governments and three perversions in the very beginning. But as
he takes the subject deeper his ideas evolve and he goes on to writing that maybe
the best constitution is not as big an issue as it is being made. He writes in Book
IV, at the very beginning, that what state�s need to look for is the best possible
or attainable government.[16] It may even be a mixed government that is best for a
particular state once we have taken all the other factors into consideration.
Aristotle does not believe that a study of all the factors can be conducted that
affect the state�s constitution which is why the best constitution should just
promote virtue, justice and happiness, generally. The specifics of power
distribution amongst one, few or many, or democracy, polity, monarchy and
aristocracy are just not important. There can be different combinations, even new
ones, and they may prove very successful.[17] However, he thinks that combinations
of true constitutions like monarchy, aristocracy and polity can make a true mixed
government. If the perverse constitutions join any government and establish a mixed
constitution, it will be a perversion.
I have observed that with his scientific approach Aristotle did set off to give a
blueprint of the best state running by the best government but he eventually
decides that best form of government is not the big question. The factors involves
make the nature of the state so complex that you cannot determine one excellent
constitution. Also, the best constitution may not be achievable so we will have to
settle for the best achievable government. This can be done keeping in mind the
function of a government; guarding common interest of the people of the state and
helping them with moral and intellectual virtue_ happiness.

#Aristotle, who was a student of great Greek philosopher Plato, recognized 6 forms
of government based on 3 classifications :-

Government based on the rule by the one

Monarchy- It is a form of government in which a state is ruled by a single ruler.

The ruler rules the state keeping in mind the welfare of the fellow citizens and
keeps away his egoist nature to ensure good law, order and social justice in the

Tyranny - It is completely perverse to monarchy. In this form of government, the

ruler is a complete dictator. He is an egoist and works to satisfy his own lust for
power. Welfare of the general public is no where in his agenda. Such a ruler looses
legitimacy over time and people revolt to dethrone him.
Government based on the rule by a few

Aristocracy- It�s a form of government in which only a handful of people, who are
considered to be the most wiset, skillful and just among all, become the part of
the government. These people use power not to satisfy their ego but to ensure the
welfare of the general public.

Oligarchy- It is completely opposite to aristocracy in its functioning. Here, only

a handful people take part in the decision making. But these people do it to
satisfy their lust for power. We may see it as group tyranny. Oligarchy is more
difficult to overthrow than tyranny.
Government based on the rule by many

Constitutional government- It is a form of government which exists only when all

the citizens participate equally in the decision making process through forums like
open discussions, compromise and conciliation. The government works for the common
good and is wise enough to take just decisions. The drawback it has is that it can
only work in small city-states.

Democracy- This is one of the most sought after form of government in the modern
world. But according to Aristotle,democracy is a form of government that is
completely perverse to the constitutional government. Aristotle claimed that no
body in a democracy is willing to compromise to find a solution to any existing
problem. The people in power try to meet their own needs rather than the common
good. This, according to Aristotle, ultimately results in the breakdown in the
process of government and eventually results in its collapse.

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