Glosario de Ingles Ambiental

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A mixture of decaying
Compost / Abono plant or animal matter /kɑmpoʊst/
used for fertilizing soil.

In the ecosystem, it is
Abiotic/ Abiótico called those components /ˌeɪbaɪˈɒtɪk/
that have no life.

It is formed when the

humidity of the air is
Acid Rain/ Lluvia combined with oxides of
/ˈæsɪd/ /reɪn/
Acida nitrogen, sulfur dioxide
or sulfur trioxide emitted
by factories

Acidification /
Increase in acidity.
Acidificación /ɪnkriːs ɪn əˈsɪdɪti/

Concentration of
hydrogenous due to the
Acidity of a
presence of certain /əˈsɪdɪtɪ/ /ɒv/
mineral and / or organic /rɪˈzɪdjʊəl/ /ˈwɔːtə/
wáter/Acidez de
acids, or to the hydrolysis
un agua residual
of some salts
Adaptations and
Developed tendencies to
improvements /
the technological
Adaptaciones y /Ædæpˈteɪʃ(ə)nz æ
adaptation or to the
mejoras nd ɪmˈpruːvmənts/

Administration of
Manage the possible
natural resources/ /ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃən/
environmental services
Administración /ɒv/ /ˈnætʃrəl/
provided by natural
de recursos /rɪˈzɔːs/
Adsorption is a process
by which atoms, ions or
Adsorption / molecules are trapped or
Adsorción retained on the surface of /Ædˈsɔːpʃ(ə)n/
a material, as opposed to
absorption, which is a
phenomenon of volume.
Productive system in
which the natural
ecosystem (pastures and
forests) and artificial
Agro Ecosystem ecosystems (agricultural
/ Agro areas) are integrated for /ˌægrəʊ
Ecosistema the purpose of producing ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəm/
fiber, fuel and plant and
animal foods and other
products necessary for
human use.

Algae / algas water plant /ˈældʒiː/

It is the set of phenomena

or natural and social
elements that they
surround an organism, to
which it responds in a
certain way.
These natural conditions
Ambient /
can be other organisms /ˈæmbɪənt/
(biotic environment) or
non - living elements
(climate, soil, water).
Everything as a whole
conditions life, the
growth and activity of
living organisms.
Geological formation of
Aquifer / acuífero permeable material
capable of storing water
Atmosphere/ The mixture of gases aro
atmósfera und the earth

Atmospheric They are emissions that

Pollution / are generated towards the /ˈætməsˌfɪə/
Contaminación air generating /pəˈluːʃən/
atmosférica affectations

Biodegradable /
Nature eliminates it /ˌbaɪəʊdɪˈɡreɪdəbəl/

This term refers to the

Biodiversity / variety of animals and
Biodiversidad plants live in a
determinate area.

Set of all areas of our

planet (hydrosphere,
lithosphere and
Biosphere /
atmosphere) where /ˈbaɪəˌsfɪə/
organisms live, or living

Biotechnology / Applied biology wing

biotecnología industry

In the ecosystem are

Biotic/ Biótico considered living /baɪˈɒtɪk/

Botany / botánica Study of the plants /ˈbɒtənɪ/

It is the main chemical
harmful to the
Carbon Dioxide/
environment since it is /ˈkɑːbən/
Dióxido de
generated by the burning /daɪˈɒksaɪd/
of fossil fuels in high

Is an action that is
Conservation /
executed for the nature /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən/

Is the introduction of a
Contamination negative pollutant that
/contaminación affects the ecosystem and
the beings that inhabit it.

That has a degree of

cool / fresco coldness that is pleasant /kuːl/
or that does not bother

Deforestation or logging
is a process usually
caused by human action, /diːˌfɒrəˈsteɪʃən/
in which the forest area is
Process by which a
territory that does not
have the conditions
climatic conditions of a
desert acquires its
Desertification /
characteristics, as a result /dɪˌzɜːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/
the destruction of its
vegetation cover and also
because of a strong

It is a solid celestial body

Earth/planeta /ɜːθ/
that circle around a star
Study the relationships of
Ecology/ different living beings
Ecología with each other and with
their environment

It is a biological system
constituted by a
community of living
organisms and the /ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəm/
physical environment
where they are related

Process that leads to

knowledge of
Environmental environmental and
analysis/ Análisis ecological impacts by
ambiental evaluating their
consequences, prior to
the start of the activity.

Character of the
activities, products and
services corresponding to /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/
aspect/ Aspecto
an organization in /ˈæspɛkt/
relation to the

Environmental Organization, institution,

authority/ or person with executive /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/
autoridad power in matters of the /ɔːˈθɒrɪtɪ/
ambiental environment.

Is to give back with
compensation/ /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/
actions, something that is
compensación /ˌkɒmpɛnˈseɪʃən/
running out
Is the care of ecosystems
that are important to
Conservation/ /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/
survive, and take care of
conservación del /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən/
the resources they
medio ambiente
It is the conduct
described in a norm of a
criminal nature whose
The consequence is the
degradation of the health /ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmentl
Crime / Crimen
of the population, of the kraɪm/
quality of life of the same
or the environment, and
that is sanctioned with a
penalty determined.

Environmental Event or circumstance

impact/ impacto that directly or indirectly
ambiental affects the environment.

Is responsible for
Environmental managing negative
management/ impacts generated by
manejo ambiental man through sustainable
waste / Residuo Garbage Scraps
End or end of a thing,
especially after having
Extinction /
been decreasing or /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən/
disappearing little by
extinction of
animal species/ It is the disappearance of
/ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən/ /ɒv/
extinción de all the members of a
/ˈænɪməl/ /ˈspiːʃiːz/
especies de species or group of taxa.

Set of animal species livi

Fauna / Fauna /ˈfɑː.nə/
ng in a place

A tuft like mass, as in a

Flocs/ flóculos /flok/
chemical precipitate.
A series of interrelated
organisms in which the
Food chain/
smallest is fed upon by a /food chain/
Cadena trófica
larger one, which in turn
feeds a still larger one.

They are constituted by
combustibles/ /ˈfɒsəl/
fossil remains of living
combustibles /kəmˈbʌstəbəl/

It is the alteration
(increase) of the
Global warming / temperature of the planet,
Calentamiento product of intense human
global activity in the last 100

Increase in the
temperature of the
greenhouse atmosphere that occurs as
effect/ efecto a result of the /ˈɡriːnˌhaʊs/ /ɪˈfɛkt/
invernadero concentration in the
atmosphere of gases,
mainly carbon dioxide

It is the surface of the

Ground/suelo /ɡraʊnd/
terrestrial cortex

Substances that are

dissolved in the
environment in
Harmful agents/ inappropriate /ˈhɑːmfʊl/
Agentes dañinos concentrations pose a /ˈeɪdʒənt/
danger to the biocoenosis
and the biotope.

Humus / humus Organic matter layer /hjuːməs/

This term refers to the

Inhabit / Habitar action that animals do: to /ɪnˈhæbɪt/
live in an ecosystem.
It is an extension of earth
Land/terreno /lænd/
delimited by something

Reduce the negative

Mitigation / impact of human
Mitigación negative activities on the

Mountain / Is a nature elevation of

montaña land

Natural areas and their

constituent elements /ˈnætʃrəl/
environment /
dedicated to non-urban or /ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt/
agricultural land uses.

Combination of things
Nature / that exist and produce in
Naturaleza the world without human

Is a good or service
Nature resource / provided by nature
/ˈnætʃrəl/ /rɪˈzɔːs/
Recurso natural without alterations by the
human being.

Emission of particles
from a nucleus, this
Nuclear radiation /ˈnjuːklɪə/
happens when there is
/radiación nuclear /ˌreɪdɪˈeɪʃən/
energy excessive in the
radio of the orbit
It is an elaborated species
of organic compounds
that are eaten in the
surroundings of living
Organic/ /ɔːˈɡænɪk/
beings, stories like
plants, animals and
natural products in the
natural environment.
A form of oxygen, O3,
produced when /oʊzoʊn/
Ozone/ Ozono
ultraviolet light passes
through air or oxygen.

Layer composed of
ozone that protects the
Ozone layer / Earth from damage
/ˈəʊzəʊn/ /ˈleɪə/
Capa de ozono caused by ultraviolet
radiation from the sun

A living thing
that grows in earth,
in water, or on other
Plant /planta plants, usually has /plɑːnt/
a stem, leaves, roots, and
and produces seeds:
It is caused by polluting
substances that cause
Pollution / instability and damage to
[puh-loo-shuh n]
Contaminación ecosystems

Predatory/ Of or relating to
depredador predators; example: tiger

The process in which

energy is given off by
one body as particles or
waves, sent through /reɪdiˈeɪʃən/
space or through some
substance, and absorbed
by another body.

Recycling / /ri saiklin/

Use of used material
This term refers to the
conservation act that
Reforestation / consists to recover a
Reforestación determined area of
vegetation (three or
It is any type of water
that its chemical
sewage water/
compound has been /ˈsuːɪdʒ/ /ˈwɔːtə/
aguas residuales
altered by the human
Is a renewable energy,
solar energy/ obtained from the use of
/ˈsəʊlə/ /ˈɛnədʒɪ/
energía solar electromagnetic radiation
from the Sun

The material on
Soul / tierra o the surface of
suelo the ground in
which plants grow

This mammal animal is a

Spectacled bear /
species of bears
Oso de antojos [spek-tuh-kuh ld]
characterized because aro
undtheir eyes their fur gi
ves the shape ofglasses.

Tide / Marea Movement of the sea /taɪd/

Toxic waste is any

unwanted material in all
forms that can cause
Toxic waste/
harm (e.g. by being /ˈtɒksɪk/ /weɪst
residuos tóxicos
inhaled, swallowed, or
absorbed through the
Waste, generally of
urban origin and solid
type. There is garbage
that can be reused or
Trash / Basura /træʃ/
recycled. In nature,
garbage not only makes
the landscape, but also
harms it; for example it
can contaminate the
underground, seas, rivers
Extension of the land
whose waters flow into a
Valley / valle river and is delimited by /ˈvælɪ/
mountains or mountain

Vegetation / Set of own plants of a

Vegetación zone or place, existing in
a determined land.

It is a substance whose
molecule is formed by
Water\ Agua /ˈwɔːtə/
two hydrogen atoms and
one oxygen atom.

The conditions in
the air above the
earth such as wind, rain,
Weather / clima or /ˈwɛðə/
temperature, especially at
a particular time over
a particular area
Animal that lives in
Wild animals
freedom in its habitat and
/animales /waɪld/ /ˈænɪməl/
has not been object of
Air current that occurs in
the atmosphere when the
Wind / Viento pressure varies /wɪnd/

It is the energy obtained

Wind power
from the wind /wɪnd/ /ˈpaʊə/
/energía eólica

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