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By :

Eka Andini Santoso (17030194011)

Anis Mualifah (17030194066)

Pendidikan Kimia Unggulan 2017







By :

Eka Andini Santoso (17030194011)

Anis Mualifah (17030194066)

Pendidikan Kimia Unggulan 2017





School : State Senior High

The Lesson : Chemistry
Subject : Eksothermic and Endothermic Reaction
Grade/ semester : XI/ 1
Time Allocation : 2×45 minutes

A. Main Competency :
KI-1. Appreciating and practicing religious teachings
KI-2. Demonstrating honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual cooperation,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), courtesy, responsiveness and proactivity and showing
attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment and in placing themselves as reflection of the nation in
world association.
KI-3.Understand, apply, and analyze factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive
knowledge based on their curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and
humanities with humanity, nationality, state and civilization insights regarding the
causes of phenomena and events, and applying knowledge procedural in the field or
study that is specific to their talents and interests to solve problems.
KI-4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in concrete and abstract realms related to the
development of what he learned in school independently, acting effectively and
creatively, and being able to use methods according to scientific rules.
B. Basic Competency :
Basic Competence Indicator Achievement Of Competence
3.4 Explain the concept of enthalpy change 3.4.1 Identify exothermic and endothermic
reaction at constant pressure in a reactions.
thermochemical equation. 3.4.2 Distinguish exothermic and endoteric
3.4.3 Explain thermochemical equations.
3.4.4 Write down thermochemical equations.
4.4 Concluded the results of thermochemical 4.4.1 Designing exothermic and endothermic
experimental data analysis at constant reactions experiment.
pressure. 4.4.2 Carry out exothermic and endothermic
reactions experiment.
Basic Competence Indicator Achievement Of Competence
4.4.3 Classifying exothermic and endothermic
reaction based on experimental data.

C. Learning Objectives : Through experiment data, students are able to identify exothermic and endothermic
reactions appropriately. Through data, students are able to distinguish exothermic and endoteric reactions. Through data, students are able to classifying electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions
based on their electrical conductivity appropriately. Through experiments, students are able designing exothermic and endothermic
reactions experiment appropriately. Through experiments, students are able to Carry out exothermic and endothermic
reactions experiment appropriately. Through experiments, students are able to classifying exothermic and endothermic
reaction based based on experimental data appropriately.

D. Learning materials :
1. Systems and Environment
The system can be interpreted as substances or mixtures of substances that are being
observed, while the environment is everything that surrounds the system. Between the
system and the environment, energy and material exchange can occur. Whether it's from the
system to the environment or from the environment to the system in the form of heat. The
exchange is due to the temperature difference between the chemical reaction system and the
2. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
Broadly speaking, chemical reactions can be divided into reactions that absorb or
require a certain amount of energy and reactions that release or produce a certain amount of
energy. Chemical reactions that require energy are called endothermic reactions (heat flows
from the environment to the system), this reaction occurs in systems that have less energy
than the environment, whereas chemical reactions that produce energy are called
exothermic reactions (heat flows from the system to the environment), this reaction occurs
in systems that have more energy than the environment.
These are reactions that transfer energy to the surroundings. The energy is usually
transferred as heat energy, causing the reaction mixture and its surroundings to become
hotter. In the exothermic reaction there is a transfer of heat from the system to the
environment or the reaction is released heat. In the exothermic reaction the price ΔH =
negative (-) The temperature increase can be detected using a thermometer. Some examples
of exothermic reactions are:
 Burning
 neutralisation reactions between acids and alkalis
 the reaction between water and calcium oxide
Examples and non examples of
Exothermic Reaction
Examples :
2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g) ∆H = - 483,6 kJ/mol
C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g) ΔH = -393.5 kJ/mol
CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq) ∆H = - x kJ/mol
Non – examples :
N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g) ∆H = + 180,5 kJ/mol
CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g) ΔH = +178.5 kJ/mol
NH4Cl(s) + Air → NH4Cl(aq) ΔH = + x kJ/mol
E. Approach/Model/Learning Method
Approach : Scientific approach
Model : Inductive Learning
Method : Lecture, discussion, brainstorming, and experiment
F. Media/Learning
Tools and Materials
1. Media/Tools
 Power point slide.
 Tools and material which suitable for experiment
2. Learning Materials
 Student Activity Sheet
 Internet
G. Learning Resources
a. Relevant reference book
b. Local environment
H. Learning Steps
First Meeting (2JP)
No Steps Activities Estimated
1 Introducion a. The teacher greeted. 10 minutes
b. The teacher checks the presence of
c. The teacher asks the previous
material about the principle of
conservation of energy to the
d. The teacher conveys the learning
objectives to students.
e. The teacher informs students that
today, they will be studied with
exothermic and endothermic
2 Core Activity Open Ended Phase 75 minutes
a. Teacher divides the group which each
group consisting of 4 students.
b. Teacher gives the student worksheet
about endothermic reactions and
exothermic reactions experiments to
c. The teacher gives an example and non-
example about exothermic reaction.
d. Teacher ask student to identify
characteristic of examples and non
examples and ask student to write in
No Steps Activities Estimated
the worksheet (exercise number 1)
e. The teacher communicates the student
answer about characteristic of
examples and non examples.
Convergent Phase
a. Teacher give again example and non
example and ask the student to disscuss
it with their group and then answer the
question in exercise number 2.
b. Teacher ask the each group to write
their answer in the white board.
c. The teacher guides students to disscuss
the answer to determine the
characteristic owned by the example.
d. Teacher identify the answer to
eliminate the wrong answer.
Closure Phase
a. Teacher ask each group to analysis the
characteristic of example that already
write beforein the exercise 3.
b. Teacher ask the student to write their
answer in the worksheet for exercise 3.
c. Teacher ask each group to present their
answer in front of the class.
d. Teacher with the student discusses the
answers that have been present by each
Application Phase
a. Teacher ask the student to do experiment
in the exercise 4 with their group.
No Steps Activities Estimated
b. Teacher ask student to write the
experiment result.
c. Teacher ask student to identify the
characteristics and define the exothermic
reaction based on experiment result.
d. Teacher ask each group to present their
result of the experiment in front of the
3 Closing Activity a. Teacher with student make a concclusion 5 minutes
about the lesson today.
b. Teacher give information about the matter
that will be learned n the nex meeting.
c. Teacher give reinforcement to the student.
d. Teacher closing the calss and greeted.

I. Assessment
1. Assessment Techniques:
a. Knowledge Assessment : Written tests and assignments
b. Skills Assessment : Practice
2. Assessment Form:
a. Observation : student observation sheet
b. Written tests : descriptions and worksheets
c. Portfolio : report evaluation
3. Assessment Instrument (attached)

Knowing: …….…,……..2019
Headmaster, Subject teacher,

…………………………… ……………………………..
NIP………………………. NIP…………………………


Education Unit : Senior High School ………

Subject : Chemistry
Class / Semester : XI / Odd (I)
Basic Competencies :
3.4 Explain the concept of enthalpy change reaction at constant pressure in a thermochemical
Indikator :
3.4.1 Identify exothermic and endothermic reactions.
3.4.2 Distinguish exothermic and endoteric reactions.
3.4.3 Explain thermochemical equations.
3.4.4 Write down thermochemical equations.

No Queation Key answer Stage Score

1 What is the deffinition of Exotherm reaction is a C1 0-3

exotherm reaction! chemical reaction which takes
place by releasing the heat
(heat), price changes in
entalpinya is negative (-).
2 Based on the price of the reaction A reaction between HCl and C2 0-2
enthalpy, where below which is NaOH is eksoterm because the
the reaction of endoterm and ∆ H reaction reaction is
eksoterm? Explain your negative while for reaction of
answer!a. HCl(aq) + b, because the ∆ H reaction is
NaOH(aq) → H2O(l) + positive, then the reaction is
NaCl(aq) ∆H = -56 the reaction of the eksoterm.
b. N2O(g) → 2NO2(g) ∆H = +58
3 In an experiment, a Crystal KNO3 Instead of eksoterm, because C2 0-3
put into test tubes containing the reaction occurs the
water. It turns out the cold absorption of heat from the
environment by the system so
reaction tubes. Does
that the temperature of the
reaksitersebut include eksoterm environment down.
reaction to explain!

4 Look at the following reactions: That includes the reaction of C3 0-6

eksoterm is b has a value of ∆
a. 2 NH3 (g) → N2 (g) + 3H2 H because of negative reaction,
∆H = +46 kJ whereas a and c is not a
b. C2H6 (g) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 3 reaction to having eksoterm ∆
H is positive.
H2O (g)∆H = -142 kJ
c. CaCO3 (s) → CaO (s) + CO2
(g) ∆H = +178,5 kJ

Which includes the reaction of

eksoterm and not eksoterm? Give a

5 Look at some of the following The corresponding statement is C3 0-3

statement: a statement iv. Because if a
chemical reaction produces
I. Reactant Enthalpy change
heat, then the reaction is the
II. A reduced Enthalpy
reaction of the eksoterm. On
the eksoterm reaction, the
III. Reaction Enthalpy
reaction enthalpy is negative
reactant and yield increase
(the enthalpy of the reactant is
IV. The Enthalpy of the
larger than the enthalpy of the
reactant is larger than the
reaction results)
enthalpy of the reaction
V. Results of the reaction
Enthalpy is larger than the
enthalpy of the reactant

If a Reactant mixture in the tube

causing the reaction tubes into
heat if held. Which of the
following statements correspond
to the phenomenon? Jeaskan the
reason! :

𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆
𝑆c𝑜𝑟 =𝒎𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒎 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆 × 100

Knowing: …….…, ……..2019

Headmaster, Subject teacher,

…………………………… ……………………………..
NIP………………………. NIP…………………………

Education Unit : Senior High School…

Subject : Chemistry
Class : XI / Odd (I)
Material : Exothermic Reaction
Basic Competencies :
4.4 Concluded the results of thermochemical experimental data analysis at constant pressure.
Indicator :
4.4.1 Designing exothermic and endothermic reactions experiment.
4.4.2 Carry out exothermic and endothermic reactions experiment.
4.4.3 Classifying exothermic and endothermic reaction based on experimental data.

No Indicators Skor Siswa

1 2 3
1 Prepare material & tools
2 Practicing
3 Describe observations
4 Interpreting observations
5 Present


No. Indicators Rubric
1. Prepare materials 3 Prepare all the tools and tools needed
and tools 2 Prepare some of the tools and materials needed
1 Do not prepare all necessary tools and materials
2. Practicing 3 Perform practicum with the correct procedure
2 Conduct practicum with a procedure that is not correct
1 Not able to do practicum correctly
3. Describe the result 3 Write the correct and complete observations
of observations 2 Write the correct but incomplete observations
1 Not writing the results of observations, or writing but not
No. Indicators Rubric
complete and incorrect
4. Interpreting 3 Able to provide interpretation of observations correctly
observation 2 The Government provides an interpretation of the results of
the test but it is not correct
1 Not able to give correct interpretation of observations
5. Present 3 Able to present practicum results correctly, language is easy to
understand, and delivered in confidence
2 Able to present practice results correctly, language is
understandable, but conveyed lack of confidence
1 Not able to present the results of the practice correctly, the
language is difficult to understand, and is conveyed as not

𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆
𝑆c𝑜𝑟e =𝒎𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒎 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆 × 100

Knowing: …….…, ……..2019

Headmaster, Subject teacher,

…………………………… ……………………………..
NIP………………………. NIP…………………………
Name of Student :
Class :
Date :
Fill in the following statement honestly, check the column provided, with the following criteria:
1: Never
2: Rarely
3: Often
4: Always
No Description 1 2 3 4
1 During the discussion I proposed ideas for
groups to discuss.
2 When discussing, each group member is
given the opportunity to propose
3 All group members work together during
the activity.
4 All group members play an active role
5 During work in a group, I listened to the
opinions o friends.
6 During work in a group, I ask questions
7 During work in a group, I organized
8 I followed the course when work in a group
so that the discussion run smoothly.
Knowing: …….…, ……..2019
Headmaster, Subject teacher,

…………………………… ……………………………..
NIP………………………. NIP…………………………
Education Unit : Senior High School…
Subject : Chemistry
Class / Semester : XI / Odd (I)
Material : Exothermic Reaction
Basic Competencies :
3.4 Explain the concept of enthalpy change reaction at constant pressure in a thermochemical
4.4 Concluded the results of thermochemical experimental data analysis at constant pressure.
Indicator :
3.4.1 Identify exothermic and endothermic reactions.
3.4.2 Distinguish exothermic and endoteric reactions.
3.4.3 Explain thermochemical equations.
3.4.4 Write down thermochemical equations.
4.4.1 Designing exothermic and endothermic reactions experiment.
4.4.2 Carry out exothermic and endothermic reactions experiment.
4.4.3 Classifying exothermic and endothermic reaction based on experimental data.

1. Save each task given to the individual map of students (the color of the map corresponds to
the class / each class has different color maps).
2. Make a summary of each task that has been given and a summary is made on stripped folio
3. The deadline for collecting assignments is at the last meeting.

Students keep all the tasks that have been done completely, and the 4
tasks are done correctly, and collected on time.
Students save tasks that have been done, and most are true but 3
incomplete, and collected on time
Students save tasks that have been done, and most are wrong, 2
incomplete and not collected on time.
Students save the tasks that have been done, but the tasks that are 1
done wrong, incomplete, and not collected on time.
Students do not keep any tasks given because they never collect 0
Type of Task :
Class :
Semester / School Year : 1 / 2019/2020

No Name of Student Score Sign Date of

Student Teacher Colecting

Knowing: …….…, ……..2019

Headmaster, Subject teacher,

…………………………… ……………………………..
NIP………………………. NIP…………………………

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