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Einsatz von Enzymen in und für die Verbraucher-Endprodukte/

Application of enzymes in and for consumer-ready products

Application of phospholipases in the edible oil industry

Bruno H. Winter*, Kornelia Titze* und
Volker Marschner*

Microbial hydrolytic enzymes with phospholipase activites were found Einsatz von Phospholipasen in der Lebensmittelindustrie.
in Aspergillus strains, suitable for the hydrolysis of phospholipids in Hydrolytisch spaltende Enzyme mit Phospholipaseaktivität wurden im
soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower oil during the enzymatic degumming Kulturüberstand von Aspergillus entdeckt. Diese Enzyme eignen sich
of edible oils. The microbial enzyme is significantly different from für die Hydrolyse der Phospholipide in Soja-, Raps- und Sonnenblu-
pancreatic phospholipase. Calcium is not essential, but enhances the menöl während des enzymatisch katalysierten Entschleimungsschrittes
activity. bei der Herstellung von Speiseölen. Das mikrobielle Enzym unterschei-
det sich signifikant von der Phospholipase aus Schweinepankreas. Es
benötigt kein Calcium für seine Aktivität. Diese wird aber durch den
Zusatz an Calcium gesteigert.

1 Introduction used for medical and analytical purposes [4]. For the enzy-
matic degumming of edible oils, phospholipases of the A2-
Phospholipases used for industrial processes in the food type were reported to be suitable [5]. Other applications of
industry are mainly produced from porcine or bovine phospholipase A2 include the synthesis of triglycerides
pancreas. The microbially produced phospholipase D was enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from soy-
mainly discussed for use in the synthesis of chemicals [1, 2] bean lysolecithin [6]. Enzymatic degumming of crude edible
and phospholipase A1 for the removal of free fatty acids from oils reduces the amounts of acid, base, and waste during the
oil preparations [3]. Phospholipases C and D were chiefly refining process [5]. It also allows the extraction of lecithin
and lysolecithin as a valuable byproduct for the fortification
* Röhm Enzyme GmbH, Department FEA, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany of other foods. Microbially produced enzymes therefore not

152 Fett/Lipid 100 (1998), Nr. 4-5, S. 152–156 © WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 1998 0931-5985/98/0405-0152$17.50+.50/0
only yield in a more environmentally friendly production method, but using 33 mg ml–1 olive oil as substrate, 11.6 mg
process, but also provide a product, which can be sold in ml–1 sodium taurodeoxycholate, and 30 mg ml–1 gum arabic
Islamic countries and in the Jewish community. in the assay mixture.
Many microbially produced phospholipases A1 and D
are known, mainly from Streptomyces [7, 8], Aspergillus, 2.3.3 Influence of metal ions and EDTA
and Bacillus species. In 1994, a Streptomyces violaceoruber For the determination of the influence of metal ions
phospholipase A2 was patented by Suzuki and Sugiyama [9]. and EDTA, the liberated fatty acids were measured with a
In 1991, production of porcine pancreas phospholipase by Boehringer test kit (Free fatty acids No. 1383175). With the
Saccharomyces cerevisiae was achieved by Bekkers et al. exception of the assays with ETDA addition, Ca2+ was
[10], at yields, which were too low for an economical indus- always added to the assay.
trial process.
2.3.4 Effect of temperature and pH on enzyme stability
and activity
2 Materials and Methods The effect of pH on the enzyme activity was determined
with the Boehringer free fatty assay kit at 20 and 55° C using
Epicuron-200 as substrate. Temperature optimum was deter-
2.1 Strains mined with the pH-stat method after incubating diluted
All Aspergillus strains came from the strain collection of enzyme samples for 1 h at the appropriate temperature at
Röhm Enzyme GmbH, Darmstadt. The work presented in this pH 4.0. The effect of temperature on enzyme stability was
paper was performed with an enzyme preparation produced determined by pre-incubating the diluted enzyme samples at
by Aspergillus sp. RH 3046. pH 4.0 in a premix for the assay, without the substrate solu-
tion, at 50–65° C for various periods of time. The activity
2.2 Chemicals was measured with the pH-stat method.
Epicuron-200 (No. 139 029, purified phosphatidyl choline 2.3.5 Free fatty acid concentration in oil samples
from soybean) was purchased from Lucas Meyer, Hamburg,
Germany. The test kit for the determination of free fatty acids Free fatty acids in the oil samples from the degumming
(No. 1383175) was from Boehringer Mannheim, experiments were determined according to DGF-Einheits-
Germany. Crude rapeseed and soybean oil were a gift from methode C-V 2 (57).
Lurgi Öl Gas Chemie GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany. All other
2.3.6 Phospholipid concentration in oil samples
chemicals were of analytical grade, from either Merck or
Sigma. Phospholipid concentration in the oil samples was deter-
mined by adding 750 mg MgO to 0.5–2 g of an oil sample in
a quartz bowl, evaporating the residual water for 60 min at
2.3 Methods 120° C and ashing for 30 min at 850° C. The phosphorus
2.3.1 Phospholipase activity content of the ash was determined according to DGF-Ein-
heitsmethode C-VI 4 (61).
Phospholipase activity was determined with a pH-stat
(Metrohm) according to QS analytical procedure QA 2.3.7 Enzymatic degumming experiments
1/011/029 of Röhm Enzyme GmbH. One unit of phospho- Enzymatic treatment of crude oil samples was performed
lipase corresponds to the amount of enzyme, which releases on a lab-scale by continuously pumping the mixture con-
1 mmol of fatty acids per minute under described conditions. sisting of 500 units phospholipase per kg of oil, 0.2% citric
Substrate solution: 1 g Epicuron-200, 100 ml deionized acid and 7% total water content, at pH 4.0 and at 55° C for
water, and 5 ml 0.32 M CaCl2 solution were homogenized 6 h with a rotary pump (Metabo, Germany, No. 27621) at a
with an Ultra-Turrax for 2 min at 24,000 rpm. This substrate speed of 500 rpm. Samples were taken every 90 min and
solution may be kept for 3–4 d at 4° C. The assay was analyzed for free fatty acids and residual concentration of
performed by mixing 10 ml substrate solution with 10 ml 1% phosphorous compounds in the oil phase. Heat inactivated
Triton X-100 solution and 5 ml 3.3 mM citric acid monohy- enzyme solution and water served as blanks.
drate solution in a wide-shaft Erlenmeyer flask with a
magnetic stirring bar and incubated for 10 min at 40° C. After Residual phosphorus concentrations in the oil phase from
addition of 0.1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution lab-scale degumming experiments of rapeseed oil were
(< 2.5 PLU* g–1) the reaction mixture was incubated for measured at the end of 6 h incubation periods. The enzyme
10 min at 40° C. At the end of the incubation period the reac- was added to oil of 55° C. The first sample was taken at the
tion mixture was titrated with 10 mM KOH to pH 10.0, the end of the first batch after 6 h. The sludge was stored over-
first 5 ml KOH being added quickly (within approximately night at 55° C, and was kept at 70° C for 1 h before being
1 min). Consumption of KOH was monitored. Blanks were reused in the second degumming batch for 6 h. The same
measured with a heat-inactivated enzyme sample, for which procedure was repeated once more. No fresh enzyme was
an enzyme stock solution was kept at 95° C for 15 min. After added to the second and third degumming batch.
cooling to ambient temperature the solution was used as 2.4 Enzyme preparation
described for the active enzyme sample.
Aspergillus sp. RH 3046 was grown in a 30 l bioreactor
2.3.2 FIP lipase activity at 500 rpm, 0.5 vvm, 28° C, and controlled pH-conditions
(pH 4–8). The medium consisted of 3.75% maltodextrin, 3%
FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation) lipase corn steep in liquor, and 0.5% (NH4)2HPO4. The supernatant
activity was measured according to the phospholipase of the culture was used as enzyme source after concentration
by ultrafiltration (10 kDa cut-off), diafiltration, and sterile
* PLU = Phospholipase units. filtration through Seitz EKS filter sheets.

Fett/Lipid 100 (1998), Nr. 4-5, S. 152–156 153

3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Characterisation of the microbially produced
3.1.1 pH and temperature optima of the microbial
enzyme dissolved in an oil in water emulsion
The microbial enzyme showed a very broad temperature
optimum between 40 and 60° C for a residual activity above
90% of the maximum activity as displayed in Fig. 1. The
temperature optimum includes the temperature interval
(55–60° C) at which the industrial process is run.
The pH optima of this enzyme are displayed in Fig. 2. At
room temperature the pH-optimum is very sharp at pH 4.5.
However, at 55° C, the temperature of the industrial process,
the enzyme exhibits a much broader pH optimum between
pH 3.5–4.0. A similar, but reversed phenomenon is known Fig. 3. Temperature stability in water of enzyme samples from two
for amyloglucosidase from Aspergillus niger, which shows a different fermentations. The fermentations were performed at low
much broader pH optimum at lower temperature (20° C) than pH values (pH 4) and high pH values (pH 7). Data represent incubations
at higher temperature (60° C) [11]. Other phospholipases (A1 at 50° C (pH 7, filled dot), 55° C (pH 7, triangle down), 60° C (pH 7,
and A2) from Aspergillus niger were reported to have their filled square), and 60° C (pH 4, diamond).
pH optimum at pH 4.5 [12]. However, the authors did not
measure the pH optimum at elevated temperatures, so that
3.1.2 Temperature stability in water solutions
it is not known, whether broadening of the pH optimum at
higher temperatures is a unique feature of the Aspergillus sp. The temperature stability of the enzyme was greatly in-
RH 3046 enzyme. fluenced by the pH profile used during the fermentation pro-
cess of the strain. An example is displayed in Fig. 3. A shift
of the pH during fermentation to neutral pH conditions, as
they are normally not used for fungi, resulted in a more
thermolabile protein. The thermostability at 60° C of the
enzyme produced at pH 4 is similar to the enzyme stability at
50° C of the enzyme produced at pH 7. The temperature
stability curves shown were measured in water with citric
acid as buffer at pH 4.0. The data obtained by this method are
only valid for the given environment, as can be seen from the
data from application tests, given below.
3.1.3 Influence of metal ions and EDTA
The influence of EDTA, Cu2+, Fe2+/3+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ on
the enzyme activity was analyzed at 10 mM and 20 mM con-
centration, respectively. The results are shown in Tab. 1. In
contrast to pancreatic phospholipases, the microbial enzyme
does not depend upon Ca2+ for its activity, although removal
Fig. 1. Temperature optimum of the microbial enzyme with phospholi- of Ca2+ by the addition of 20 mM EDTA resulted in a 50%
pase activity, measured in a water phase at pH 4.0. decrease in enzyme activity. Due to the fact that the enzyme
sample always contained some Ca2+ from the fermentation
medium, no effect was observed for the addition of 10 mM
EDTA. Of the tested metal ions, Fe3+ had a strong influence
on the enzyme activity. Fe2+ and Cu2+ also reduced the enzy-
matic activity to a significant degree. Fe2+ slowly oxidizes
to Fe3+ at pH 4 thereby enhancing its inhibitory effect. The
metal ion concentrations tested are far above those found in

Tab. 1. Influence of EDTA and metal ions on the activity of the micro-
bial phospholipase activity, using the standard assay conditions.

Added metal Residual Residual

ion or agent activity at activity at
10 mM [%] 20 mM [%]
Ca2+ 100.0 n.d.
Cu2+ 67.3 n.d.
Ni2+ 90.8 n.d.
Zn2+ 78.6 n.d.
Fe2+ 69.5 n.d.
Fig. 2. pH-optimum of the microbial enzyme at 20° C and 55° C, Fe3+ 22.6 n.d.
measured in a water phase. The activity was measured at 20° C (filled EDTA 100.0 50.4
symbols) and 55° C (open circles).

154 Fett/Lipid 100 (1998), Nr. 4-5, S. 152–156

the industrial process and only a minor influence on the Measurements of lipase activity (FIP assay) in the microbial
enzyme activity is expected during the industrial process. enzyme sample with olive oil, however, showed no lipolytic
The citric acid concentration present in the assay is similar to activity. Therefore, the microbial lipase might have some
that present in the industrial process, so that the results can kind of substrate specificity, either for shorter chain fatty
be used to estimate the effects to be expected in industrial acids or for polyunsaturated fatty acids. Mustranta et al. [12]
use. determined a much higher phospholipase than lipase activity
(with olive oil) in their A. niger phospholipase A2 prepara-
3.2 Application in the degumming of oil tion. The results obtained with the Aspergillus sp. RH 3046
during the degumming of rapeseed oil also showed more
3.2.1 Degumming experiments – stability of enzyme phospholipase than lipase activity. The spectrum of fatty
sample during prolonged use acids in olive oil and rapeseed oil is not identical. Further-
Enzymatic degumming of crude edible oils on an indus- more, not all activity measurements were performed in the
trial-scale – EnzyMax process Dahlke et al. [5] – is per- same type of emulsion (oil in water or water in oil) or under
formed by producing a stable emulsion of crude oil with a identical conditions (emulsifier, temperature), resulting in
phosphorous content, composed of phospholipids of about different diffusion coefficients and solubility properties.
150–300 ppm P, citric acid, enzyme solution, and additional Therefore, these data cannot be directly compared.
water. This emulsion is stirred for 6 h at 55–60° C, during So far, some microbial enzymes with phospholipase
which lecithin is enzymatically hydrolyzed to lysolecithin. activity are known. Phospholipase activity was also observed
Lysolecithin is soluble in the water phase, whereas lecithin is as another activity of microbial lipases by Mustranta et al.
only soluble in the oil phase. The emulsion is broken in a [12] and Jaeger et al. [13]. The ratio of lipolytic to phospho-
continuously operating separator, resulting in three streams: lipolytic activity varies widely between known lipases with
oil, water, and sludge. The enzyme adheres to the sludge, and phospholipase activity. Pancreatic phospholipase, however,
the majority of the sludge is brought back into the process is regarded as a true phospholipase without lipase activity.
stream, so that the enzyme can be reused several times. This The enzyme preparations used by Röhm Enzyme and by
process was simulated in the lab. As the centrifuge is operat- Mustranta et al. [12] were technical enzyme preparations.
ed at higher temperatures, hold-up times at 70° C were in- Therefore, one cannot conclude, whether enzyme mixtures
cluded. were present or whether the enzymes belong to that class of
According to stability data from enzyme samples in the microbial lipases, in which phospholipase activity predomi-
water phase, the enzyme should have been inactivated nates.
towards the end of the first test cycle. However, the observed
decrease in enzyme activity was minimal. According to
earlier experiments, a minimum initial enzyme activity of 4 Conclusions
300 PLU kg–1 oil is necessary to decrease the phosphorous
content in the oil phase to a value below 10 ppm P, which was The microbial enzyme preparation from Aspergillus sp.
still achieved with enzyme preparations, that had been used RH 3046 could be used in lab-scale experiments for the
for three times. The results thus indicate that the sludge sta- degumming of crude edible oils, although the data for tem-
bilizes the microbial enzyme and only minor amounts of perature stability, as analyzed in a dilution in water/buffer,
fresh enzyme need to be added continuously to the industrial showed no promising values. The enzyme does not depend
production process. Data shown in Tab. 2 were obtained for upon Ca2+ and some lipolytic activity could be observed
the degumming of rapeseed oil. Degumming experiments during the degumming of rapeseed oil. Both facts indicate
with soy oil showed very similar results. that the enzyme, if only one enzyme was present, might
belong to the class of lipases in which phospholipase activity
3.2.2 Liberation of fatty acids from triglycerides predominates. Further detailed studies with the purified
Treatment of crude oil with the microbial enzyme samples enzyme will be necessary to answer this question. The poten-
resulted in an increase of free fatty acids in the oil phase. tial use of such microbial enzymes for industrial degumming
Data of several experiments are shown in Tab. 2. For oils of edible oils will depend upon their price and on whether
with about 300 ppm P an increase of 0.2%–0.3% in free fermentation and process conditions can be found, which
fatty acids could be observed due to the hydrolysis of inhibit the lipase activity.
lecithin to lysolecithin. Such values were obtained with pan-
creatic phospholipase. The values obtained with the micro- Acknowledgements
bial enzyme preparation were greater than 0.3%, indicating We thank Astrid Pfeifer and Gerhard Leiß for the production of the
some additional lipase activity in the enzyme preparation. enzyme samples.

Tab. 2. Residual phosphorus concentrations in the oil phase from References

lab-scale degumming experiments of rapeseed oil at the end of 6 h in-
cubation periods with fresh and recycled enzyme. [1] Buehler, M., and C. Wandrey, Oleochemicals by biochemical
reactions, Fat Sci. Technol. 94 (1992), 82.
Incubation Residual Free fatty Total period of time [2] Vulfson, E. N., Enzymatic synthesis of surfactants, Surfactants-
period concentration acids at which enzyme Lipid-Chem. 118 (1992), 16.
[ppm] P [%] was exposed to [3] van Tilbeurgh, H., R. Bhikhabhai, L. G. Pettersson, and M.
elevated temperatures Claeyssens, Separation of endo- and exo-type cellulases using a
of 55° C/70° C [h] new affinity chromatography method, FEBS 169 (1984), 215.
[4] Ruttloff H.: Industrielle Enzyme. Behr’s Verlag 1994.
Initial conditions 244 2.55 0/0 [5] Dahlke, K., H. Buchold, E.-M. Münch, and B. Paulitz, First experi-
End of 1st 6 3.81 6/0 ences with enzymatic oil refining, Inform 6 (1995), 1284–1291.
End of 2nd 7 3.19 30/1 [6] Heusch, R.: Emulsions, in: Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial
End of 3rd 8 3.04 60/2 Chemistry. Eds. Gerhartz W., Y. S. Yamaoto, L. Kaudy, F. J. Roun-

Fett/Lipid 100 (1998), Nr. 4-5, S. 152–156 155

saville, G. Schulz, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Vol. A9 1987, [12] Mustranta, A., P. Forssell, and K. Poutanen, Comparison of
pp. 295–339. lipases and phospholipases in the hydrolysis of phospholipids,
[7] Sawada Haruji, Kudo Satoshi, Watanabe, Tsuneichi, Kuroda Akio, Process Biochemistry 30 (1995), 393.
Oki Takamasa, Jap. Pat. J58212783 (1983), Kyowa-Hakko. [13] Jaeger, K.-E., and S. Wohlfarth, Bakterielle Lipasen: Bio-
[8] Jap. Pat. J63219373 (1988), Shokuhin-Sangyo-Bioreactor-Syst. chemie, Molekulargenetik und biotechnologische Bedeutung,
[9] Suzuki, Y., and M. Sugiyama, JP 6-327468 (1994), Asahi Chemical BioEngineering 9 (1993), 39.
Industry Co.
[10] Bekkers, A. C. A. P. A., P. A. Franken, C. J. van den Bergh, J. M. A.
Verbakel, H. M. Verheij, and G. H. Haas, The use of genetic
engineering to obtain efficient production of porcine pancreatic Address of the authors: Dr. Bruno H. Winter, Kornelia Titze, Volker
phospholipase A2 by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Biochimica et Marschner, Röhm Enzyme GmbH, Department FEA, Kirschenallee 45,
Biophysica Acta 1089 (1991), 345. 64293 Darmstadt, Germany.
[11] Uhlig, H.: Enzyme arbeiten für uns; Technische Enzyme und ihre
Anwendungen. Carl Hanser Verlag, München, Wien 1991. [Received: November 18, 1997; accepted: February 10, 1998].

Synthesis of structured triglycerides

by lipase catalysis
Mohamed M. Soumanou*,
Uwe T. Bornscheuer*, Ulrike Schmid*,
and Rolf D. Schmid*

The synthesis of structured triglycerides containing medium chain Synthese strukturierter Triglyceride durch Lipase-Katalyse. Die
fatty acids (M) in sn1 and sn3-position and an unsaturated long-chain Synthese von strukturierten Triglyceriden – die mittelkettige Fettsäuren
fatty acid (L) in sn2-position of the glycerol backbone (MLM) with (M) in sn1- und sn3-Position und eine ungesättigte langkettige Fettsäu-
1,3-regiospecific lipases has been investigated. In an one-step synthesis re (L) in sn2-Position am Glyceringerüst (MLM) tragen – durch 1,3-
(acidolysis or transesterification) various commercial lipases were regiospezifische Lipasen wurde untersucht. In einem Einschrittverfah-
tested. In all reaction systems, the recovered product contained con- ren (Acidolyse oder Umesterung) wurden verschiedene kommerzielle
siderable amounts of undesired byproduct (e.g. MLL). A significantly Lipasen eingesetzt. In allen Reaktionssystemen wurden beträchtliche
higher concentration of MLM was obtained in a two-step process under Mengen des Nebenprodukts (z. B. MLL) gebildet. Wesentlich höhere
the control of the water activity: In the first step, the 2-monoglycerides Gehalte an MLM wurden in einem Zweischrittverfahren bei kontrol-
(2-MG) were prepared by alcoholysis (e.g. with ethanol) of pure triglyc- lierter Wasseraktivität erzielt: Im ersten Schritt wurden 2-Monoglyceri-
erides (triolein and trilinolein) or a natural oil (cottonseed oil) with de (2-MG) durch Alkoholyse (z. B. mit Ethanol) von reinen Triglyceri-
lipase from Rhizopus delemar immobilized on Celite® in organic den (z. B. Triolein, Trilinolein) oder natürlichem Öl (Baumwollsaatöl)
solvents (e.g. methyl tert-butyl ether).The 2-MGs were purified by mit Lipase aus Rhizopus delemar immobilisiert auf Celite® in organi-
crystallization and isolated in yields up to 71.8% (e.g. from triolein). schem Lösungsmittel (z. B. Methyl-tert-Butylether) dargestellt. Diese
The 2-MGs obtained from cottonseed oil was esterified in the second 2-MGs wurden durch Kristallisation gereinigt und in Ausbeuten bis zu
step with caprylic acid in n-hexane using lipase from Rhizomucor 71,8% ausgehend von Triolein isoliert. Die 2-MGs aus Baumwoll-
miehei (Lipozyme). The final product contained more than 94% saatöl wurden im zweiten Schritt mit Caprylsäure in n-Hexan mit Lipa-
caprylic acid in sn1- and sn3-position, whereas the sn2-position was se aus Rhizomucor miehei (Lipozyme) verestert. Das Endprodukt ent-
composed of 78% of unsaturated long-chain fatty acids. hielt mehr als 94% Caprylsäure in sn1- und sn3-Position, während an
der sn2-Position 78% ungesättigte langkettige Fettsäuren gebunden

1 Introduction transesterification reaction, in which two different triglycer-

ides react to yield new triglycerides. In both reactions, the
Enzyme-catalyzed modification of the structure of fats sn2-position of the reacting triglycerides remains unchanged
and oils is of great interest. This process can be performed by [3].
exploiting the regiospecificity of lipases in interesterification The nutritional value of triglycerides and their physico-
of transesterification of fats and oils [1]. In such a reaction, it chemical properties are determined not only by the fatty acid
is possible to incorporate a desired fatty acid on a specific composition, but also on the positional distribution of the
position of the triglyceride molecule, whereas the con- acyl groups bonded to glycerol [4]. Structured triglyceride of
ventional chemical process leads to a randomization of fatty the MLM-type, which contain medium-chain fatty acids in
acids among the glycerol backbone [2]. Lipases with sn1- and sn3-position and long unsaturated fatty acids in
1,3-positional specificity show interesterification activity in sn2-position have been reported as concentrated form of
two types of reactions in microaqueous organic media: calories. These triglycerides provide rapid delivery of energy
acidolysis reaction, in which free fatty acids react with a via oxidation of the more hydrophilic medium-chain fatty
triglyceride to generate a new triglyceride molecule, and acids, while at the same time providing an adequate supply
of essential fatty acids from the remaining 2-monoglyceride
* Institut für Technische Biochemie, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, [5]. Such triglycerides are extremely rare and are difficult to
Germany. prepare by chemical synthesis, due to many purification

156 Fett/Lipid 100 (1998), Nr. 4-5, S. 156–160 © WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 1998 0931-5985/98/0405-0156$17.50+.50/0

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