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People vs. Pioquinto De Joya; guilty. After trial, the RTC rendered a decision convicting
De Joya of the crime charged.
November 8, 1991
ISSUE: WON the statement made by Eulalia qualifies as a
dying declaration
The spouses Arnedo Valencia and Herminia Salac-
HELD: We turn first to the dying statement made by the
Valencia, together with their ten (10) year old son Alvin
victim when the 10-year old Alvin Valencia asked his
Valencia and Herminia Valencia's 88-year old mother,
grandmother who was sprawled on the floor of their
Eulalia Diamse, are residents of Balagtas St., Baliuag,
house drenched with blood: "Apo, Apo, what happened?"
BulacanBoth spouses are teachers by profession. In the
The deceased victim said: "Si Paqui". After uttering those
afternoon of January 31, 1978, Herminia Salac-Valencia
two words, she expired. It is not disputed that "Paqui" is
left for school to teach. Her mother Eulalia Diamse was
the nickname of appellant Pioquinto de Joya. It must be
then sitting at their sofa watching the television set.
noted at once, however, that the words "Si Paqui" do not
constitute by themselves a sensible sentence. Those two
At around 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon of that same day,
words could have been intended to designate either (a)
the spouses Valencia's neighbor by the name of Gloria
the subject of a sentence or (b) the object of a verb. If they
Capulong, together with a friend, went out of the former's
had been intended to designate the subject, we must note
house to visit a friend. While at her yard, Gloria Capulong
that no predicate was uttered by the deceased. If they
looked back to the direction of the Valencia's house. She
were designed to designate the object of a verb, we must
noticed appellant Pioquinto de Joya standing and holding
note once more that no verb was used by the deceased.
a bicycle at the yard of the Valencia's.
The phrase "Si Paqui" must, moreover, be related to the
question asked by Alvin: "Apo, Apo, what happened?"
When Alvin reached home, he saw his grandmother
Alvin's question was not: "Apo, Apo, who did this to
Eulalia Diamse lying down prostrate and drenched with
her own blood. He immediately threw his bag and ran
towards her. He then held her hands and asked her:
It has been held that a dying declaration to be admissible
"Apo, Apo, what happened?" Eulalia Diamse held his
must be complete in itself. To be complete in itself does
hand and after which said: "Si Paqui". After saying these
not mean that the declarant must recite everything that
words, she let go of Alvin's hand and passed away.
constituted the res gestae of the subject of his statement,
but that his statement of any given fact should be a full
In an Information dated 5 May 1978, appellant Pioquinto
expression of all that he intended to say as conveying his
de Joya y Cruz was charged before the Regional Trial
meaning in respect of such fact. The doctrine of
Court. At arraignment, appellant De Joya pleaded not

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completeness has also been expressed in the following Paqui", the deceased had intended to name the person
terms in Prof. Wigmore's classic work: who had thrust some sharp instrument through and
The application of the doctrine of completeness is here through her neck just below her ears. But Eulalia herself
peculiar. The statement as offered must not be merely did not say so and we cannot speculate what the rest of
apart of the whole as it was expressed by the declarant; her communication might have been had death not
it must be complete as far it goes. But it is immaterial interrupted her. We are unable to regard the dying
how much of the whole affair of the death is related, statement as a dying declaration naming the appellant as
provided the statement includes all that the declarant the doer of the bloody deed.
wished or intended to include in it. Thus, if an
interruption (by death or by an intruder) cuts short a ISSUE: WON the supposed attempt to settle the criminal
statement which thus remains clearly less than that charge amicably by Pioquinto constitutes an implied
which the dying person wished to make, the admission of his guilt
fragmentary statement is not receivable, because the
intended whole is not there, and the whole might be of a HELD:
very different effect from that of the fragment; yet if the We find the above testimony quite impalpable and
dying person finishes the statement he wishes to make, it inconclusive so far as a supposed attempt of appellant,
is no objection that he has told only a portion of what he through his counsel, to offer a compromise on the
might have been able to tell. criminal charge is concerned. We are aware of the
provision of Section 24 of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court
The reason upon which incomplete declarations are which provides that
generally excluded, or if admitted, accorded little or no
weight, is that since the declarant was prevented (by Sec. 24. Offer to compromise not admission. An offer of
death or other circumstance) from saying all that he compromise is not an admission that anything is due, and
wished to say, what he did say might have been qualified is not admissible in evidence against the person making
by the statements which he was prevented from making. the offer. However, in criminal cases which are not
That incomplete declaration is not therefore entitled to allowed by law to be compromised, an offer of
the presumption of truthfulness which constitutes the compromise by the accused may be received in evidence
basis upon which dying declarations are received. as an implied admission of guilt. (Emphasis supplied)
We do not, however, feel justified in concluding from the
It is clear to the Court that the dying declaration of the above testimony from a member of the (extended) family
deceased victim here was incomplete. In other words, the of the deceased victim that "an offer of compromise" had
deceased was cut off by death before she could convey a been made "by the accused" nor that "an implied
complete or sensible communication to Alvin. The trial admission of guilt" on the part of the appellant may be
court simply assumed that by uttering the words "Si reasonably inferred in the instant case. The trial court
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itself made no mention of any attempt on the part of FACTS:
appellant to settle the criminal case amicably through the In a criminal case pending before the Court of First
defense counsel; we must assume that the trial court Instance of the city of Manila, Emeteria Villaflor and
either did not believe that appellant had tried to Florentino Souingco are charged with the crime of
compromise the criminal case or considered that adultery. On this case coming on for trial before the Hon.
appellant could not fairly be deemed to have impliedly Pedro Concepcion, Judge of First Instance, the court
admitted that he had indeed robbed and killed Eulalia ordered the defendant Emeteria Villaflor to submit her
Diamse. A much higher level of explicitness and specific body to the examination of one or two competent doctors
detail is necessary to justify a conclusion that an accused to determine if she was pregnant or not. The accused
had impliedly admitted his guilt of a crime as serious as refused to obey the order on the ground that such
robbery with homicide. examination of her person was a violation of the
constitutional provision relating to self-incrimination.
The totality of the case made out against appellant De Thereupon she was found in contempt of court and was
Joya thus consists of an incomplete, aborted, dying ordered to be committed to Bilibid Prison until she
declaration and a number of circumstances which, singly should permit the medical examination required by the
or collectively, do not necessarily give rise to a compelling court.
inference that appellant had indeed robbed and slain The petitioner prays that a writ of habeas corpus issue to
Eulalia Diamse. We consider, after prolonged scrutiny, restore her to her liberty.
that the sum total of the evidence in the instant case is
insufficient to induce that moral certainty of guilt which ISSUE: Whether the compelling of a woman to permit
characterizes proof beyond reasonable doubt. The her body to be examined by physicians to determine if
conscience of the Court remains uneasy and unsettled she is pregnant, violates that portion of the Philippine Bill
after considering the nature and speculative character of of Rights that no person shall be compelled in any
the evidence supporting the judgment of conviction. criminal case to be a witness against himself

Pioquinto de Joya is hereby ACQUITTED on grounds of HELD: The writ of habeas corpus prayed for is hereby
reasonable doubt. denied. The costs shall be taxed against the petitioner.

EMETERIA VILLAFLOR vs. RICARDO The prohibition of compelling a man in a criminal court
to be a witness against himself is a prohibition of the use
of physical or moral compulsion to extort
G.R. No. 16444 September 8, 1920 communications from him, not an exclusion of his body
as evidence when it may be material. The Supreme Court
of the Philippine Islands, in two decisions, has seemed to
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limit the protection to a prohibition against compulsory against the thumbscrew and the rack. A legal shield was
testimonial self-incrimination. The constitutional raised against odious inquisitorial methods of
limitation was said to be "simply a prohibition against interrogating an accused person by which to extort
legal process to extract from the defendant's own lips, unwilling confessions with the ever present temptation to
against his will, an admission of his guilt. commit the crime of perjury. The kernel of the privilege
as disclosed by the textwriters was testimonial
Even in the opinion Mr. Justice Holmes, to which we compulsion. As forcing a man to be a witness against
have alluded, there was inserted the careful proviso that himself was deemed contrary to the fundamentals of
"we need not consider how far a court would go in republican government, the principle was taken into the
compelling a man to exhibit himself." Other courts have American Constitutions, and from the United States was
likewise avoided any attempt to determine the exact brought to the Philippine Islands, in exactly as wide —
location of the dividing line between what is proper and but no wider — a scope as it existed in old English days.
what is improper in this very broad constitutional field. The provision should here be approached in no blindly
But here before us is presented what would seem to be worshipful spirit, but with a judicious and a judicial
the most extreme case which could be imagined. While appreciation of both its benefits and its abuses.
the United States Supreme Court could nonchalantly
decree that testimony that an accused person put on a Once again we lay down the rule that the constitutional
blouse and it fitted him is not a violation of the guaranty, that no person shall be compelled in any
constitutional provision, while the Supreme Court of criminal case to be a witness against himself, is limited to
Nuevada could go so far as to require the defendant to a prohibition against compulsory testimonial self-
roll up his sleeve in order to disclose tattoo marks, and incrimination. The corollary to the proposition is that, an
while the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands could ocular inspection of the body of the accused is
permit substances taken from the person of an accused to permissible. The proviso is that torture of force shall be
be offered in evidence, none of these even approach in avoided. Whether facts fall within or without the rule
apparent harshness an order to make a woman, possibly with its corollary and proviso must, of course, be decided
innocent, to disclose her body in all of its sanctity to the as cases arise.
gaze of strangers. We can only consistently consent to the
retention of a principle which would permit of such a It is a reasonable presumption that in an examination by
result by adhering steadfastly to the proposition that the reputable and disinterested physicians due care will be
purpose of the constitutional provision was and is merely taken not to use violence and not to embarass the patient
to prohibit testimonial compulsion. any more than is absolutely necessary. Indeed, no
The maxim of the common law, Nemo tenetur seipsum objection to the physical examination being made by the
accusare, was recognized in England in early days, but family doctor of the accused or by doctor of the same sex
not in the other legal systems of the world, in a revolt can be seen.
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The Regional Trial Court (RTC) found the accused guilty
Although the order of the trial judge, acceding to the beyond reasonable doubt of violating Section 15, Article II
request of the assistant fiscal for an examination of the of R.A. 9165. The CA affirmed the ruling of the RTC.
person of the defendant by physicians was phrased in
absolute terms, it should, nevertheless, be understood as ISSUE: WON the drug test conducted upon the petitioner
subject to the limitations herein mentioned, and is legal.
therefore legal.
HELD: We declare that the drug test conducted upon
JAIME D. DELA CRUZ vs. People of the petitioner is not grounded upon any existing law or
G.R. No. 200748 July 23, 2014 In the case at bench, the presence of dangerous drugs was
only in the form of residue on the drug paraphernalia,
FACTS: and the accused were found positive for use of dangerous
While eating at a Jollibee branch, Petitioner was arrested drugs. This Court thus calls on law enforcers and
allegedly for extortion by NBI agents. When he was at the prosecutors in dangerous drugs cases to exercise proper
NBI Office, he was required to extract urine for drug discretion in filing charges when the presence of
examination, but he refused saying he wanted it to be dangerous drugs is only and solely in the form of residue
done by the Philippine National Police (PNP) Crime and the confirmatory test required under Sec. 15 is
Laboratory and not by the NBI. His request was, positive for use of dangerous drugs. In such cases, to
however, denied. He also requested to be allowed to call afford the accused a chance to be rehabilitated, the filing
his lawyer prior to the taking of his urine sample, to no of charges for or involving possession of dangerous drugs
avail. should only be done when another separate quantity of
dangerous drugs, other than mere residue, is found in the
Petitioner Jaime D. dela Cruz was charged with violation possession of the accused as provided for in Sec. 15.
of Section 15, Article II of Republic Act No. (R.A.) 9165,
or The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, by Furthermore, making the phrase "a person apprehended
the Graft Investigation and Prosecution Officer of the or arrested" in Section 15 applicable to all persons
Office of the Ombudsman – Visayas. When arraigned, arrested or apprehended for unlawful acts, not only
petitioner, assisted by counsel de parte, pleaded not under R.A. 9165 but for all other crimes, is tantamount to
guilty to the charge. The records do not reveal whether a mandatory drug testing of all persons apprehended or
De la Cruz was likewise charged for extortion. arrested for any crime. To overextend the application of
this provision would run counter to our pronouncement

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in Social Justice Society v. Dangerous Drugs Board and
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency,25 to wit: We are aware of the prohibition against testimonial
compulsion and the allowable exceptions to such
x x x [M]andatory drug testing can never be random and proscription. Cases where non-testimonial compulsion
suspicionless. The ideas of randomness and being has been allowed reveal, however, that the pieces of
suspicionless are antithetical to their being made evidence obtained were all material to the principal cause
defendants in a criminal complaint. They are not of the arrest.
randomly picked; neither are they beyond suspicion.
When persons suspected of committing a crime are The constitutional right of an accused against self-
charged, they are singled out and are impleaded against incrimination proscribes the use of physical or moral
their will. The persons thus charged, by the bare fact of compulsion to extort communications from the accused
being haled before the prosecutor’s office and peaceably and not the inclusion of his body in evidence when it may
submitting themselves to drug testing, if that be the case, be material. Purely mechanical acts are not included in
do not necessarily consent to the procedure, let alone the prohibition as the accused does not thereby speak his
waive their right to privacy. To impose mandatory drug guilt, hence the assistance and guiding hand ofcounsel is
testing on the accused is a blatant attempt to harness a not required. The essence of the right against self-
medical test as a tool for criminal prosecution, contrary incrimination is testimonial compulsion, that is, the
to the stated objectives of RA 6195. Drug testing in this giving of evidence against himself through a testimonial
case would violate a person’s right to privacy guaranteed act. Hence,it has been held that a woman charged with
under Sec. 2, Art. III of the Constitution. Worse still, the adultery may be compelled to submit to physical
accused persons are veritably forced to incriminate examination to determine her pregnancy; (Villaflor vs.
themselves. Summers, 41 Phil. 62 [1920]) and an accused may be
compelled to submit to physical examination and to have
The drug test is not covered by allowable non-testimonial a substance taken from his body for medical
compulsion. determination as to whether he was suffering from
gonorrhea which was contracted by his victim;(U.S. vs.
We find that petitioner never raisedthe alleged Tan Teng, 23 Phil. 145 [1912]) to expel morphine from his
irregularity of his arrest before his arraignment and mouth; (U.S. vs. Ong Siu Hong, 36 Phil. 735 [1917]) to
raises the issue only now before this tribunal; hence, he is have the outline of his foot traced todetermine its identity
deemed to have waived his right to question the validity with bloody footprints; (U.S. vs. Salas, 25 Phil. 337
of his arrest curing whatever defect may have attended [1913]; U.S. vs. Zara, 42 Phil. 308 [1921]) and to be
his arrest. However, "a waiver of an illegal warrantless photographed or measured, or his garments or shoes
arrest does not mean a waiver of the inadmissibility of removed or replaced, or to move his body to enable the
evidence seized during an illegal warrantless arrest."
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foregoing things to be done.(People vs. Otadora, 86 Phil. Section 17. No person shall be compelled to be a witness
244 [1950])28(Emphasis supplied) against himself.

In the instant case, we fail to see how a urine sample In the face of these constitutional guarantees, we cannot
could be material to the charge of extortion. The RTC and condone drug testing of all arrested persons regardless of
the CA, therefore, both erred when they held that the the crime or offense for which the arrest is being made.
extraction of petitioner’s urine for purposes of drug
testing was "merely a mechanical act, hence, falling While we express our commendation of law enforcement
outside the concept of a custodial investigation." agents as they vigorously track down offenders in their
laudable effort to curb the pervasive and deleterious
The drug test was a violation of petitioner’s right to effects of dangerous drugs on our society, they must,
privacy and right against self-incrimination. however, be constantly mindful of the reasonable limits
It is incontrovertible that petitioner refused to have his of their authority, because it is not unlikely that in their
urine extracted and tested for drugs. He also asked for a clear intent to purge society of its lawless elements, they
lawyer prior to his urine test. He was adamant in may be knowingly or unknowingly transgressing the
exercising his rights, but all of his efforts proved futile, protected rights of its citizens including even members of
because he was still compelled to submit his urine for its own police force.
drug testing under those circumstances.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed
The pertinent provisions in Article III of the Constitution Decision is SET ASIDE. Petitioner is hereby
are clear: ACQUITTED.

Section 2. The right of the people to be securein their PRIMITIVO LOVINA vs HON.
persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable FLORENCIO
searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or MORENO;
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause G.R. No. L-17821 November 29,
to be determined personally by the judge after 1963
examination under oath or affirmation of the
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and FACTS:
particularly describing the place to be searched and the The cause started by a petition of numerous residents of
persons or things to be seized. the said municipality to the Secretary of Public Works
and Communications, complaining that appellees had

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blocked the "Sapang Bulati", a navigable river in Annex "AA" of Yonzon's Report), where the old channel
Macabebe, Pampanga, and asking that the obstructions of the creek is clearly discernible. To be sure, spouses
be ordered removed, under the provisions of Republic Act contend that they were not shown this plan; but in their
No. 2056. After notice and hearing to the parties, the said evidence before the court of first instance, they never
Secretary found the constructions to be a public nuisance attempted, or offered, to prove that said plan is incorrect.
in navigable waters, and, in his decision ordered the land
owners, spouses Lovina, to remove five (5) closures of That the creek was navigable in fact before it was closed
Sapang Bulati; otherwise, the Secretary would order their was also testified to by the government witnesses, whose
removal at the expense of the respondent. After receipt of version is corroborated as we have seen.
the decision, the respondent filed a petition in the Court
of First Instance of Manila to restrain the Secretary from Considering the well-established rule that findings of fact
enforcing his decision. The trial court, after due hearing, in executive decisions in matters within their jurisdiction
granted a permanent injunction, The Court of First are entitled to respect from the courts in the absence of
Instance found that "according to the location plan, fraud, collusion, or grave abuse of discretion, none of
Exhibit "C", the "Bulati creek, on which dikes and dams which has been shown to exist in this case, we agree with
in question were constructed was a mere estero and could appellant that the court below erred in rejecting the
not be considered a navigable stream then." findings of fact of the Secretary of Public Works.

ISSUE: WON trial court erred in substituting its The findings of the Secretary can not be enervated by new
judgment for that of defendant Secretary of Public Works evidence not laid down before him, for that would be
and Communications and in reversing the latter's finding tantamount to holding a new investigation, and to
that the stream in question is a navigable river which was substitute for the discretion and judgment of the
illegally closed by plaintiffs. Secretary the discretion and judgment of the court, to
whom the statute had entrusted the case. It is immaterial
HELD: that the present action should be one for prohibition or
The conclusion of lower court is not supported by its injunction and not one for certiorari, in either event the
premises. The plan, Exhibit ―C‖corroborates the case must be resolved upon the evidence submitted to the
previously summarized testimony laid before the Secretary, since a judicial review of executive decisions
investigator, Yonzon, and relied upon by the Secretary in does not import a trial de novo, but only an
his administrative decision. Even more, spouses' own ascertainment of whether the executive findings are not
caretaker, Yambao, showed investigator Yonzon the old in violation of the constitution or of the laws, and are free
course of the Bulati within the fishpond itself; and this from fraud or imposition, and whether they find
evidence is, likewise, confirmed by the cross-section reasonable support in the evidence. Here, the proof
profile of the ground near the dams in question (See plan preponderates in favor of the Secretary's decision.
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that from 1980 to 1982, she made 19 payments of various
Finally, there being a possibility that when they amounts totaling P95,600.00.3 She said that the loan
purchased the property in question the appellees Lovina was under a "white-paper" system where there is no
were not informed of the illegal closure of the Bulati maturity/expiration date and where the jewelry can be
creek, their action, if any, against their vendor, should be, redeemed anytime provided the interests were paid.
and is hereby, reserved.
In the next days, Dr. Santiago said, she went to the
In resume, we rule, among others, that the findings of pawnshop, with a certain Mrs. Dava and a Mrs. Zuñiga to
fact of the Secretary of Public Works under Republic Act redeem her jewelry. She brought with her the amount of
No. 2056 should be respected in the absence of illegality, P450,000.00 to settle her loan. However, petitioner told
error of law, fraud, or imposition, so long as the said, her that the jewelries were already sold.5 This prompted
findings are supported by substantial evidence submitted Dr. Santiago to consult Atty. German Abaya Sipin, who
to him. wrote to Maria Tin6 asking her to allow Dr. Santiago to
redeem the pieces of jewelry. Petitioner replied through
The decision appealed from is reversed, and the writs of her counsel, Atty. Marcelo T. Dy, confirming that Dr.
injunction issued therein are annulled and set aside. Santiago has an unsettled obligation of P220,000.00 and
Costs against appellees Lovina. demanding payment. The letter also stated that no
jewelries were received as collateral for the loan.7 In a
handwritten letter dated March 7, 1984, Dr. Santiago
MARIA TIN @ MARIA TY @ MARIA DY pleaded for the redemption of her jewelries.8 Maria Tin,
vs. People of the Philippines; G.R. No. also in a handwritten letter dated March 16, 1984, replied
that she merely acted as guarantor of the loan and since
126480 August 10, 2001 she was made to pay the loan she now was demanding
payment therefor.9 In said letter, Tin narrated the
FACTS: circumstances behind the loan, and alleged that it was
At the trial, private complainant Dr. Francisca Santiago another person who gave the loan and received the
testified that she and Aurora Jose went to Mady's jewelry as collateral.
Pawnshop owned by petitioner to pawn some pieces of
jewelry. She initially asked for P250,000.00 but Petitioner testified that the real parties to the loan were
petitioner offered only P220,000.00, P200,000.00 first Dr. Santiago and her daughter-in-law, Mia Chan. She
and then the P20,000.00 a week later. A list of the merely introduced them to one another and it was Mia
jewelries was typewritten by a helper of the petitioner. Chan who signed the acknowledgment receipt and who
This list was signed by petitioner as evidence of her actually received the pieces of jewelry.
receipt of the said jewelries.2 Dr. Santiago also averred

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Mia Chan, for her part, corroborated the testimony of ISSUE: (2) WON the signature of appellant [petitioner]
petitioner, her mother-in-law. She stated that she was the appears on the document16 acknowledging receipt of the
one who extended the loan to Dr. Santiago and that she pieces of jewelry.
merely asked petitioner to appraise the pieces of jewelry
for her. She also requested petitioner to collect payments HELD: The signature appearing in the receipt, Exhibit
from Dr. Santiago. According to Mia Chan, the loan was "A", apparently differs from the specimen signatures
for a three-month term with 14 percent interest per provided by petitioner Maria Tin in open court.20 But it
annum. She stated she signed the receipt upon request of has striking and obvious similarities to Mia Chan's
Dr. Santiago. specimen signatures.21 The differences and similarities
are so obvious to the eye. They could not be casually
The trial court rendered a decision finding petitioner disregarded. Expert handwriting analysis is probably
guilty of Estafa. The Court of Appeals affirmed the trial useful here, but it is not indispensable.22 As said
court's decision. in People vs Pagpaguitan, 315 SCRA 226:

ISSUE: (1) WON the letter wrote by Aurora Jose to Fiscal When a writing in issue is claimed on the one hand and
Jumino - one Aurora Jose who had allegedly introduced denied upon the other to be the writing of a particular
Dr. Santiago to Maria Tin and who was present when the person, any other writing of that person may be admitted
transaction took place - corroborated Dr. Santiago's in evidence for the purpose of comparison with the
testimony; writing in dispute. It is also recognized that a comparison
of writing is a rational method of investigation;
HELD: A careful review of the records, however, reveals similarities and dissimilarities thus disclosed have
that, first, it was erroneous for the Court of Appeals to probative value in the search for truth. Thus, it has been
consider in evidence the letter which a certain Aurora held that, where a comparison is permissible, it may be
Jose sent to Fiscal Jumino.17 Aurora Jose was never made by the court, with or without the aid of expert
presented to testify on the veracity of said letter, much witnesses. The court may, in the exercise of its sound
less its contents. A private certification is hearsay where discretion, order a party to write or sign his signature as a
the person who issued the same was never presented as a basis for comparison. For, the handwriting of a person is
witness.18 The same is true of letters. They are hearsay characteristic of the person himself. Once admitted, the
evidence. Here, Aurora Jose's alleged letter is obviously genuineness of other offered writings alleged to be the
hearsay. While hearsay evidence may be admitted work of the same writer becomes a question for the trier
because of lack of objection by the adverse party's of fact who may, but need not, be assisted in this task by
counsel, it is nonetheless without probative value.19 experts.

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In the present case, the prosecution bears the burden of
proving that the signature in Exhibit "A" was the ISSUE: (5) WON Mia Chan’s admission was an admission
petitioner's, not Mia Chan's. This the prosecution did not
do. HELD: Yes. Mia Chan's admission, that she was the one
who extended the loan and received the jewelries,
ISSUE: (3) WON the receipts evidencing payments made deserves weighty consideration and could not be ignored.
by Dr. Santiago and which appeared to be signed by the That admission is one against self-interest, amounting to
petitioner were not denied by the latter; an incriminatory statement, which the witness could not
have volunteered if not the truth.
HELD: Petitioner did not deny that she received
payments and made demands for payment from private Petitioner claims that the loan was for a three-month
complainant. They do not show, however, that she was period only. But private complainant averred that it was
the one who extended the loan and accepted the extended under a so-called "white-paper" system, or a
jewelries. Note that even Mia Chan received certain loan with an indefinite term. Petitioner presented her
payments from Dr. Santiago, as shown by Exhibits "8", daughter-in-law, Mia Chan, to establish that the loan was
"8-A", "10" and "10-A". A certain "Viring" also received only for a three-month period. Private complainant did
payment from Dr. Santiago.24 These instances only not present evidence to substantiate her claim, other than
prove that a person who received payments from another her self-serving testimony. Private complainant relied' on
is not necessarily the person who extended the loan. the acknowledgment receipt allegedly, signed by
petitioner in the presence of two witnesses; However, the
ISSUE: (4) WON Petitioner did not deny that she sent a prosecution did not present Aurora Jose, who allegedly
note (Exh. "M-2") to Dr. Santiago reminding her to witnessed the transaction. Nor did it present Mrs. Dava
update her payments, or else she would auction the and Mrs. Zuñiga who allegedly accompanied Dr. Santiago
pieces of jewelry. when the latter tried to redeem her jewelries. While non-
presentation of certain witnesses is not a valid defense
HELD: Exhibit "M-2"25 which the Court of Appeals nor does it work against the prosecution's cause,29 this
considered proof that petitioner was in possession of the holds true only if the evidence of the prosecution is
jewelry, deserves serious scrutiny. Said exhibit was not sufficiently strong to overcome the presumption of
properly identified or introduced as evidence at the trial. innocence of the accused. If the prosecution evidence is
It was marked as an exhibit upon mere manifestation of not strong, then it becomes mandatory for the
counsel.26 It was not touched upon during the testimony prosecution to present evidence which can help further
of the private complainant nor listed in the list of exhibits its case, or explain why such evidence is not presented.
for the prosecution,27 hence deemed inadmissible in When the sole testimony of the complainant is met by an
evidence.28 equally credible evidence of the defense, then the
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prosecution must present credible corroborative is ACQUITTED of the charge against her under Article
witnesses to buttress its case. Its failure to present 315 (1) (b) of the Revised Penal Code, for lack of evidence
corroborative witnesses, without any explanation why sufficient to sustain a finding of guilt beyond reasonable
they were not produced, weakens the testimony of the doubt.
witness who named those corroborating witnesses in her
testimony.30 In this case, the prosecution's failure to ROBERTO SORIANO vs. Atty. MANUEL
present the corroborative witnesses, without any DIZON; January 25, 2006
explanation for their non-appearance, makes private
complainant's testimony weak.
Before Supreme Court is a Complaint-Affidavit for the
Further, since it was private complainant who asserted
disbarment of Atty. Manuel Dizon, filed by Roberto
that the loan was for an indefinite term under the so-
Soriano with the Commission on Bar Discipine (CBD) of
called "white-paper system" of the pawnshop, she had the
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP).In his
burden of proving that fact as true. In this she failed, and
Complaint-Affidavit, Complainant Robert Soriano alleged
her failure undermines the case for the prosecution.
that respondent had violated Canon 1, Rule 1.01 of the
Code of Professional Responsibility; and that the
Faced with two conflicting versions, we are guided by the
conviction of the latter for frustrated homicide, which
equipoise rule. Under this rule, where the evidence on an
involved moral turpitude, should result in his
issue of fact is in equipoise or there is doubt on which
side the evidence preponderates, the party having the
burden of proof loses.31 The equipoise rule finds
Accordingly, the accused was driving his brown Toyota
application if the inculpatory facts and circumstances are
Corolla and was on his way home after gassing up in
capable of two or more explanations, one of which is
preparation for his trip to Concepcion, Tarlac with his
consistent with the innocence of the accused and the
wife. Along Abanao Street, a taxi driver overtook the car
other consistent with his guilt, for then the evidence does
driven by the accused not knowing that the driver of the
not fulfill the test of moral certainty, and does not suffice
car he had overtaken is not just someone, but a lawyer
to produce a conviction.32Briefly stated, the needed
and a prominent member of the Baguio community who
quantum of proof to convict the accused of the crime
was under the influence of liquor. Incensed, the accused
charged is found lacking. And in this case, the petitioner
tailed the taxi driver until the latter stopped to make a
must be declared innocent and set free.
turn. The accused also stopped his car, berated the taxi
driver and held him by his shirt. To stop the aggression,
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the Court of
the taxi driver forced open his door causing the accused
Appeals, affirming that of the Regional Trial Court, is
to fall to the ground. The taxi driver knew that the
hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Petitioner Maria Tin
Page 12 of 27
accused had been drinking because he smelled of liquor. In her Report and Recommendation, Commissioner of
Taking pity on the accused who looked elderly, the taxi the CBD, Herbosa, recommended that respondent be
driver got out of his car to help him get up. But the disbarred from the practice of law for having been
accused, by now enraged, stood up immediately and was convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude.
about to deal the taxi driver a fist blow when the latter
boxed him on the chest instead. The accused fell down a The commissioner found that respondent had not only
second time, got up again and was about to box the taxi been convicted of such crime, but that the latter also
driver but the latter caught his fist and turned his arm exhibited an obvious lack of good moral character.
around. The taxi driver held on to the accused until he On July 8, 2005, the Supreme Court received for its final
could be pacified and then released him. The accused action the IBP Resolution adopting the Report and
went back to his car and got his revolver making sure that Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner.
the handle was wrapped in a handkerchief. The taxi
driver was on his way back to his vehicle when he noticed ISSUE: 1) Whether his crime of frustrated homicide
the eyeglasses of the accused on the ground. He picked involves moral turpitude, and 2) whether his guilt
them up intending to return them to the accused. But as warrants disbarment.
he was handing the same to the accused, he was met by
the barrel of the gun held by the accused who fired and HELD:
shot him hitting him on the neck. He fell on the thigh of
the accused so the latter pushed him out and sped off. Moral turpitude has been defined as everything which is
The incident was witnessed by Antonio Billanes whose done contrary to justice, modesty, or good morals; an act
testimony corroborated that of the taxi driver, the of baseness, vileness or depravity in the private and social
complainant in this case, Roberto Soriano. duties which a man owes his fellowmen, or to society in
general, contrary to justice, honesty, modesty, or good
It was the prosecution witness, Antonio Billanes, who morals.
came to the aid of Soriano and brought the latter to the
hospital. Because the bullet had lacerated the carotid The question of whether the crime of homicide involves
artery on the left side of his neck,[9] complainant would moral turpitude has been discussed in International Rice
have surely died of hemorrhage if he had not received Research Institute (IRRI) v. NLRC,[15] a labor case
timely medical assistance, according to the attending concerning an employee who was dismissed on the basis
surgeon, Dr. Francisco Hernandez, Jr. Soriano sustained of his conviction for homicide. The Court explained therein
a spinal cord injury, which caused paralysis on the left that it was not for the employer to determine conclusively whether
part of his body and disabled him for his job as a taxi a crime involved moral turpitude. That discretion belonged to the
driver. courts, as explained thus:

Page 13 of 27
x x x. Homicide may or may not involve moral turpitude Clearly, his inordinate reaction to a simple traffic incident
depending on the degree of the crime. Moral turpitude is reflected poorly on his fitness to be a member of the legal
not involved in every criminal act and is not shown by profession.
every known and intentional violation of statute,
but whether any particular conviction involves moral It is also glaringly clear that respondent seriously
turpitude may be a question of fact and frequently transgressed Canon 1 of the Code of Professional
depends on all the surrounding circumstances. x x x. Responsibility through his illegal possession of an
unlicensed firearm and his unjust refusal to satisfy his
The present case is totally different. As the IBP correctly civil liabilities.
found, the circumstances clearly evince the moral
turpitude of respondent and his unworthiness to practice Conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude may
law. relate, not to the exercise of the profession of lawyers, but
certainly to their good moral character. Where their
Atty. Dizon was definitely the aggressor, as he pursued misconduct outside of their professional dealings is so
and shot complainant when the latter least expected it. gross as to show them morally unfit for their office and
The act of aggression shown by respondent will not be unworthy of the privileges conferred upon them by their
mitigated by the fact that he was hit once and his arm license and the law, the court may be justified in
twisted by complainant. Under the circumstances, those suspending or removing them from that office.
were reasonable actions clearly intended to fend off the
lawyers assault. The trial court’s finding of treachery is a We also adopt the IBPs finding that respondent displayed
further indication of the skewed morals of respondent. an utter lack of good moral character, which is an
He shot the victim when the latter was not in a position to essential qualification for the privilege to enter into the
defend himself. In fact, under the impression that the practice of law. Good moral character includes at least
assault was already over, the unarmed complainant was common honesty.
merely returning the eyeglasses of Atty. Dizon when the
latter unexpectedly shot him. To make matters worse, The foregoing abhorrent acts of respondent are not
respondent wrapped the handle of his gun with a merely dishonorable; they reveal a basic moral flaw.
handkerchief so as not to leave fingerprints. In so doing, Considering the depravity of the offense he committed,
he betrayed his sly intention to escape punishment for his we find the penalty recommended by the IBP proper and
crime. commensurate.

The totality of the facts unmistakably bears the earmarks The purpose of a proceeding for disbarment is to protect
of moral turpitude. By his conduct, respondent revealed the administration of justice by requiring that those who
his extreme arrogance and feeling of self-importance. exercise this important function be competent, honorable
Page 14 of 27
and reliable -- lawyers in whom courts and clients may WHEREFORE, RESPONDENT MANUEL DIZON is
repose confidence. Thus, whenever a clear case of hereby DISBARRED, and his name is ORDERED
degenerate and vile behavior disturbs that vital yet fragile STRICKEN from the Roll of Attorneys.
confidence, we shall not hesitate to rid our profession of
odious members. People of the Philippines vs. Gloria
Umali; G.R. No. 84450 February 4, 1991
We remain aware that the power to disbar must be
exercised with great caution, and that disbarment should
FACTS: Francisco Manalo, was investigated by operatives
never be decreed when any lesser penalty would
of the Tiaong, Quezon Police Department and for which a
accomplish the end desired. In the instant case, however,
case for violation of the Dangerous Drug Act was filed
the Court cannot extend that munificence to respondent.
against him. He was likewise facing other charges such as
His actions so despicably and wantonly disregarded his
concealment of deadly weapon and other crimes against
duties to society and his profession. We are convinced
property. Pat. FelinoNoguerra went to the Tiaong
that meting out a lesser penalty would be irreconcilable
Municipal Jail, and sought the help of Francisco to
with our lofty aspiration for the legal profession -- that
identify the source of the marijuana. In return he asked
every lawyer be a shining exemplar of truth and justice.
the policeman to help him in some cases pending against
him. He didnot negotiate his case for violating the
We stress that membership in the legal profession is a
dangerous drug act, as he has entered a plea of guilty.
privilege demanding a high degree of good moral
character, not only as a condition precedent to admission,
Pfc. Sarmiento, Chief of the Investigation Division gave
but also as a continuing requirement for the practice of
Manalo four (4) marked P5.00 bills to buymarijuana
law. Sadly, herein respondent has fallen short of the
from sources known to him. Few minutes there after,
exacting standards expected of him as a vanguard of the
Manalo returned with two (2) foils of dried marijuana
legal profession.
which were allegedly bought from the accused Gloria
In sum, when lawyers are convicted of frustrated homicide,
Umali. Thereafter, he was askedby the police
the attending circumstances not the mere fact of their
investigators to give a statement on the manner and
conviction would demonstrate their fitness to remain in the
circumstances of how he wasable to purchase marijuana
legal profession. In the present case, the appalling
foils from accused Gloria Umali. After securing a
vindictiveness, treachery, and brazen dishonesty of
search warrant, with the help of Manalo’s affidavit,
respondent clearly show his unworthiness to continue as a
supported by the toils of marijuana, the police operatives,
member of the bar.
went to the house of Gloria Umali, in the presence of
Brgy. Capt. Punzalan, served the search warrant and
wereable to confiscate from the person of Gloria Umali

Page 15 of 27
the four P5.00 bills with serial numbers as reflected inthe Religious or political belief, interest in the outcome of the
police blotter and a can of milo, containing sixteen (16) case, or conviction of a crime unless otherwise provided
foils of dried marijuana leaves. by law, shall not be aground for disqualification.

Gloria Umali and Suzeth Umali were charged for The phrase "conviction of a crime unless otherwise
violation of Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972.Upon provided by law" takes into account Article 821 of the
arraignment, Gloria Umali entered a plea of "not, guilty" Civil Code which states that persons convicted of
as accused Suzeth Umali remained atlarge. After trial, the falsification of a document, perjury or false testimony"
lower court rendered a decision finding accused Gloria are disqualified from being witnesses to a will." Since the
Umali guilty beyond reasonable doubt and sentenced to witness Francisco Manalo is not convicted of any of the
suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua above-mentioned crimes to disqualify him as a witness
and this case does not involve the probate of a will, We
ISSUE: Whether or not Manalo’s testimony should be rule that the fact that said witness is facing several
given credit criminal charges when he testified did not in any way
disqualify him as a witness. The testimony of a witness
HELD: The appellant vehemently denied the findings of should be given full faith and credit, in the absence of
the lower court and insisted that said court committed evidence that he was actuated by improper motive.
reversible errors in convicting her. She alleged that Hence, in the absence of any evidence that witness
witness Francisco Manalo is not reputed to be Francisco Manalo was actuated by improper motive, his
trustworthy and reliable and that his words should not be testimony must be accorded full credence.
taken on its face value. Furthermore, he stressed that said
witness has several charges in court and because of his THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,
desire to have some of his cases dismissed, he was likely vs. TIA FONG alias AH SAM
to tell falsehood.
[G.R. No. L-7615. March 14, 1956.]
Rule 130, Section 20 of the Revised Rules of Court
provides that: FACTS: This is an appeal by Tia Fong alias Ah Sam
against a judgment of the Court of First Instance of
Except as provided in the next succeeding section, all Misamis Oriental finding the said Ah Sam, Maximo
persons who can perceive, and perceiving can make Alcantar, Florencio Bahala and Rufino Palarca guilty of
known their perception to others may be witnesses. homicide for killing a Chinaman named Lian Kao, 28
years of age, son of Chinaman Wong Kiat.

Page 16 of 27
The authors of the crime could not be immediately counsel, on this appeal, argues that it was error for the
determined until a lieutenant of the Constabulary by the trial court to consider said participation as an evidence
name of Alberto N. Chavez was detailed to conduct the against him, because all that the Appellant did during the
investigation. He suspected Florencio Bahala, who was entire period of the reenactment was to remain silent and
living in the neighborhood, and subjected him to a rigid do what he was told and directed to do. Against this
questioning. Subsequently, Bahala made a confession and contention the Solicitor General argues that
the confession of Maximo Alcantar and Rufino Palarca the Appellant himself voluntarily took part in the
were also secured. So an information was filed against the reenactment and in one instance corrected the position
three above-mentioned accused who have confessed, and which he was directed to take.
Heracleo Limbaco and the Appellant Tia Fong alias Ah
Sam. ISSUE: WON Ah Sam admitted his participation in the
commission of the crime by silence
The evidence mainly relied upon for the conviction of Ah
Sam is his silent participation in the reenactment of the HELD: SC finds no evidence to sustain the claim that Ah
crime by his co- accused Florencio Bahala, Maximo Sam was forced against his will to participate therein. We
Alcantar and Rufino Palarca. With the confessions of have searched the record in vain for any act or word of
these three accused on hand, Lt. Chavez and a protest from Appellant, either before the reenactment or
subordinate of his, Sgt. Fernandez, asked the accused to during the entire period thereof, against his taking part
reenact the crime and photography of the acts reenacted therein. Appellant’s counsel himself admits that
were caused to be taken. In all the most important the Appellant was silent, doing what he was told to do.
incidents and details of the commission of the crime. Ah But counsel for the Appellant contends that as
Sam took part, although silently, under the direction of the Appellant was under arrest at the time of the
the Constabulary and his three co-accused. reenactment, his taking part therein should not be
considered as evidence against him.
The witnesses for the prosecution especially Lt. Chavez,
testified that Ah Sam took part in the reenactment of the The principle that may govern the relevancy and
crime and without any opposition on his (Ah Sam’s) part. admissibility of Appellant’s participation in the
He (Ah Sam) neither opposed nor denied to take part. On reenactment is stated in section 8 of Rule 123 of the
one occasion Ah Sam himself, according to Lt. Chavez, Rules, which provides:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
corrected his co-accused as they were reenacting their
respective positions as Exhibit ―K‖ was being taken. ―SEC. 8. Admission by silence. — Any act or declaration
made in the presence and within the observation of a
The trial judge held that the guilt of Ah Sam was proved party who does or says nothing when the act or
by his participation in the reenactment of the crime. His declaration is such as naturally to call for action or
Page 17 of 27
comment if not true, may be given in evidence against accusation, prevents his silence or the statements
him.‖ themselves from being admissible against him, on the
ground that under such circumstances he is not called
In one case decided by us, U. S. vs. Bay, 27 Phil., 495, upon to speak. Other courts have held that this
the Defendant was accused before the councilman of a circumstance alone does not render the evidence
barrio with having criminally assaulted the offended inadmissible, and that an accusation of crime calls for
party. The Defendant kept silent as the latter explained reply even from a person under arrest or in the custody of
the assault, neither admitting nor denying the an officer, where the circumstances surrounding him
imputation. At the trial he allege that the imputation was indicate that he is free to answer if he chooses so to
false, but we held that if it were so, he would have do cralaw .‖, (16 C.J. 633.)
instantly and indignantly denied the imputation when
made before the councilman. ―SEC. 574. Accused under Arrest or in custody. — The
authorities are divided as to the effect on the
But in another case, we also said that if admissibility of an incriminating statement made in the
a Defendant remains silent during an official presence of an accused, and not denied by him, of the fact
investigation by a Fiscal, such silence is no evidence of his that he was under arrest or in custody under a criminal
guilt, as said official investigation was no occasion for charge at the time the statement was made. According to
denying the imputation then being made against him (U. some decisions, the mere fact of arrest, alone, is not
S. vs. De la Cruz, 12 Phil., 87). sufficient to render the testimony inadmissible, but such
fact deserves consideration only as one of the
There are other related principles, in connection with the circumstances under which the accusation was made, in
silence of an accused in criminal cases, namely, that his determining whether the accused was afforded an
failure or refusal to testify may not be taken as evidence opportunity to deny and whether he was naturally called
against him (Rule 111, section 1 [c], and that he may to do so. Another view supported by many authorities is
refuse to answer an incriminating question E Rule 123, that the mere fact that an accused was under arrest is
section 79]. It has also been held that while an accused is sufficient to render inadmissible the fact of the failure of
under custody his silence may not be taken as evidence the accused to deny accusatory statements made in his
against him as he has a right to remain silent; his silence presence and bearing. According to this view, it is
when in custody may not be used as evidence against common knowledge and belief of men in general that
him, otherwise his right of silence would be illusory. silence while under arrest is most conducive to the
welfare of an accused, whether he is guilty or
―Section 1259 (d) Silence under Arrest. Some of the innocent cralaw .‖ (20 Am. Jur. 486.)
courts have held that the fact that one is under arrest and
in the custody of an officer, when he is silent under
Page 18 of 27
But the better rule is to consider the circumstances in reenactment or to follow the directions indicated. Far
each case and decide the admissibility of the silence from doing so, he acquiesced and willingly took part in
accordingly. the reenactment as directed. If the Appellant had the
courage to refuse to own his guilt when he was boxed on
―(4) Certain situations in particular may furnish a the solar plexus, or when he was forced to put his face in
positive motive for silence without regard to the truth or the toilet bowl, why did he not have the courage to
falsity of the statement. Whether the fact that the party is protest his participation in the reenactment before or
at the time under arrest creates such a situation has been while it was being conducted?
the subject of opposing opinions; a few Courts (for the
most part in acceptance of an early Massachusetts It is to be noted that the implication of guilt in the case at
precedent), by a rule of thumb exclude the statement bar is not derived from mere silence; it is inferred
invariably; but the better rule is to allow some flexibility from Appellant’s silent acquiescence in participating in
according to circumstances: ―(IV Wigmore, pp. 80-81.) the reenactment of the crime. More than mere
silence, Appellant committed positive acts without
Let us now examine the facts and circumstances of the protest or denial when he was free to refuse. Had he not
reenactment in view of the above principles. actually participated in the commission of the offense for
which he is charged, he would have protested being made
The reenactment of the crime was not a part of a formal to take part in the reenactment thereof; he would have
official investigation like one conducted by a justice of the informed the public officials at the time of the
peace or a provincial fiscal. The reenactment was a police reenactment, or immediately prior thereto, that he did
contrivance, designed to test the truthfulness of the not actually take part in the commission of the offense.
statements of the witnesses who had confessed the We, therefore, find that the trial court committed no
commission of the offense. If the Appellant herein had error in taking into account Appellant’s participation in
not really taken part in the commission of the crime, his the reenactment as voluntary and in considering it as
immediate reaction when he became aware that the crime evidence against him.
was to be reenacted, should have been to protest against
the implication of the reenactment or to refuse his The circumstances or evidence submitted against
indicated participation therein. One of the accused, the Appellant in this case are as follows: he was the only
Heracleo Limbaco, did not admit participation in the one among the accused who had a motive for causing the
crime. Like the Appellant, he did not confess yet he was death of Lian Kaw; had he not actually participated in the
not asked to participate in the reenactment. On the other commission of the offense he would have been able to
hand the Appellant readily took part therein. If he did introduced positive evidence that he was either not
own participation in the offense he should have refused, present or was somewhere else and, therefore, could not
at least in the beginning, to participate in the have taken part in the said crime; the confession of his
Page 19 of 27
co-accused as to the reason for the killing and as to the kidnap Charlene Sy and demand a P10-million ransom
manner in which the offense was committed corroborates from her parents. Gallego, in particular, identified as
or indicates the probability of the Appellant having their co-plotters those arrested in Cabuyao, namely
participated therein; and his silent acquiescence in taking Diamante, Dela Torre, and Padrones.
part in the reenactment and his voluntary and ready
participation therein produce conviction as to his actual After trial, all of the accused were convicted of the crime
participation in the commission of the offense. The above of kidnapping. Thereafter, Dela Torre filed an appeal
circumstances convince us that the Appellant Ah Sam whereby he claims that the extrajudicial confession
participated in the commission of the crime, inducing his executed by accused Gallego and Job cannot be used to
co- accused to help him perpetrate it, he himself actually establish his culpability, but only of the confessants
taking direct part therein. We find, therefore, that the themselves. However, the Solicitor General contends that
trial court committed no error in finding him guilty as the extrajudicial confessions of Gallego and Job are in the
charged. nature of interlocking confessions that can be used
against all their co-accused.
The Solicitor General calls attention to the fact that the
crime committed is not mere homicide, but murder. ISSUE: WON the extrajudicial confession by Gallego and
Thus, the judgment appealed from is hereby modified Job may be given in evidence against him
and instead of homicide the Appellant Tia Fong alias Ah
Sam is found guilty of murder, without any aggravating HELD:
or mitigating circumstances. As a general rule, an extrajudicial confession by an
accused may be given in evidence only against him, but
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. not against his co-accused. This rule, however, admits of
exceptions. Where several extrajudicial confessions had
been made by several persons charged with the same
offense, without the possibility of collusion among them,
the fact that the statements are in all material respects
In an Information dated January 15, 1993, accused
identical is confirmatory of the confessions of the co-
Joelito dela Torre, Damaso Job, Manuel Gallego, Macario
defendants and is admissible against other persons
Diamante and Vicente Padrones, were charged with the
implicated therein. Such confessions are commonly
crime of kidnapping. The said accused were all arrested.
known as interlocking confessions.
Assisted by counsel, Damaso Job and Manuel Gallego
The extrajudicial confessions of accused Gallego and Job
executed extra-judicial confessions in connection with the
are in the nature of interlocking confessions. They were
crime. They named their co-conspirators in the plot to
made independently of each other. They contain similar
Page 20 of 27
material details which only persons involved in their
criminal plot could have known: the vehicle used by the FACTS:
group, how the kidnapping was committed, the amount Petitioners are legal heirs of Pedro Cabais, who died
of ransom which would have been demanded from the leaving a parcel of land situated Albay. The said property
victim's parents, the location of the group's safehouse, was inherited by Pedro Cabais from his grandmother
and the names of the other members of the group. Eustaquia Caeta by right of representation. His mother,
Therefore, as an exception to the general rule, these Felipa Caeta Buesa, who was the only daughter of
confessions may properly be used in evidence against Eustaquia Caeta, predeceased the latter, leaving him as
herein appellant, being one of several persons implicated the only legal heir of Eustaquia. Thus, Pedro Cabais
therein. executed a Deed of Self-Adjudication, adjudicating in his
favor subject property. Questions on ownership of the
Moreover, also as an exception to the general rule, the subject property were raised by the Heirs of Victoria
extrajudicial confessions may be used by way of Caeta and Heirs of Anastacio Caeta against Pedro Cabais.
circumstantial evidence regarding the actual criminal They presented the baptismal certificate of Felipa Caeta
participation of the co-conspirator named in the Buesa to prove that Felipa was the daughter of one
confession.[35] In this regard, apart from being tagged by Gregoria Caeta and not of Eustaquia Caeta, the original
his co-conspirator as among those involved in kidnapping registered owner of the property under controversy.
Charlene Sy, appellant was found in the kidnappers' Thus, Pedro Cabais and his heirs have no right over the
safehouse in Cabuyao, Laguna, where the victim was subject property.
planned to be brought, on the same day the crime was
committed. Appellant offered no plausible reason for his ISSUE: WON a baptismal certificate is a conclusive proof
presence at the safehouse. His claim that he went there of filiation
only to borrow money from Mike Decir, on the exact
same day that the kidnapping was perpetrated, was found HELD:
unworthy of belief.
A birth certificate, being a public document, offers prima
WHEREFORE, the judgment of the Regional Trial Court facie evidence of filiation[9]and a high degree of proof is
of Quezon City, finding appellant Joelito Dela Torre needed to overthrow the presumption of truth contained
guilty of kidnapping and imposing upon him the penalty in such public document.[10]This is pursuant to the rule
of reclusion perpetua, is hereby AFFIRMED. that entries in official records made in the performance of
his duty by a public officer are prima facie evidence of
HEIRS OF PEDRO CABAIS vs CA the facts therein stated.[11] The evidentiary nature of such
document must, therefore, be sustained in the absence of
[G.R. Nos. 106314-15. October 8, 1999]

Page 21 of 27
strong, complete and conclusive proof of its falsity or relationship of the person baptized. It is indispensable
nullity. that such declarations and statements are shown by proof
recognized by law.
On the contrary, a baptismal certificate, a private
document, which, being hearsay, is not a conclusive proof There is thus no reason to further sustain respondents
of filiation. It does not have the same probative value as a stance in the face of the aforecited rulings explaining the
record of birth, an official or public document.[14] In US significance of baptismal certificates. The lower court
vs. Evangelista, this Court held that church registers of erred in giving too much credence on the baptismal
births, marriages, and deaths made subsequent to the certificate of Felipa Caeta Buesa to prove that Felipa was
promulgation of General Orders No. 68[15] and the the daughter of one Gregoria Caeta and not of Eustaquia
passage of Act No. 190,[16] are no longer public writings, Caeta, the original registered owner of the property under
nor are they kept by duly authorized public controversy.
officials.[17] Thus, in this jurisdiction, a certificate of
baptism such as the one herein under controversy is no The grant by the lower court of the motion for
longer regarded with the same evidentiary value as reconsideration from its own decision, quieting the title
official records of birth. Moreover, on this score, of Pedro Cabais (and consequently of herein petitioners-
jurisprudence is consistent and uniform in ruling that the successors in interest) to the said property, on the basis
canonical certificate of baptism is not sufficient to prove mainly of such proof was unwarranted. To repeat, a
recognition. baptismal certificate, like all documents in general,
attests the fact leading to its execution and the date
The unjustified failure to present the birth certificate thereof, the administration of the sacrament on the day
instead of the baptismal certificate now under therein specified, but not to the veracity of the statements
consideration or to otherwise prove filiation by any of the therein contained regarding the kinsfolk of the person
means recognized by law weigh heavily against baptized.
respondents. In Macadangdang vs. Court of Appeals, et
al.,[19] this Court declared that a baptismal certificate is Furthermore, the above findings of the courts below
evidence only to prove the administration of the relying on the baptismal certificate in question to
sacrament on the dates therein specified, but not the establish the filiation of Pedro Cabais mother must of
veracity of the declarations therein stated with respect to necessity yield to the inherent inconsistency and
his kinsfolk. The same is conclusive only of the baptism unbelievable nature of the baptismal certificate in
administered, according to the rites of the Catholic question. It appears that said baptismal certificate of
Church, by the priest who baptized subject child, but it Felipa C. Buesa states that she was born on September 13,
does not prove the veracity of the declarations and 1899, while the baptismal certificate of Gregoria Caeta,
statements contained in the certificate concerning the the supposed mother of Felipa, indicated that Gregoria
Page 22 of 27
was born on May 9, 1898, or only a little more than one when its adjuster went to investigate the matter, it was
year ahead of her alleged daughter. found that the driver of the insured truck, Leonardo Anit,
did not possess a proper drivers license at the time of the
This Court need not overstress the point that it is simply accident. The restriction[4] in Leonardo Anits drivers
improbable under the above circumstances for Gregoria license provided that he can only drive four-wheeled
to have been the mother of Felipa, and thus, to have been vehicles weighing not more than 4,500 kgs. Since the
the real grandmother of Pedro.The lower court should insured truck he was driving weighed more than 4,500
have readily taken judicial notice of this fact, being one of kgs., he therefore violated the authorized driver
those matters which come to the ordinary experiences of clause[5] of the insurance policy. In addition, respondent
life and which is generally accepted as true and is capable presented the police blotter of the Iloilo INP to support
of ready and unquestioned demonstration. its contention.

RUDY LAO vs STANDARD INSURANCE Petitioner claims that at the time of the accident, it was in
fact another driver named Giddie Boy Y Coyel who was
driving the insured truck. Giddie Boy possessed a drivers
[G.R. No. 140023. August 14, 2003] license authorizing him to drive vehicles such as the truck
which weighed more than 4,500 kgs. As evidence,
FACTS: petitioner presented the Motor Vehicle Accident
Petitioner Rudy Lao is the owner of a Fuso truck.The Report[7] wherein the Investigating Officer, Pat. Felipe D.
truck was insured with respondent Standard Insurance Villahermosa, stated that it was Giddie Boy driving the
Co., Inc. insured truck and not Leonardo Anit. The said report was
made three days after the accident or on April 27, 1985.
While the policy was in effect, an accident occurred However, respondent insurance company was firm in its
whereby the insured truck bumped another truck, also denial of the claim.
owned by petitioner Lao. The latter truck was running
ahead of the insured truck and was bumped from the Hence, petitioner filed the civil case before the RTC. After
rear. The insured truck sustained damages estimated to trial, the trial court dismissed the case. The CA affirmed
be around P110,692, while the damage to the other truck the decision of the RTC.
and to properties in the vicinity of the accident, were
placed at P35,000 more or less. ISSUE: WON the police blotter may be admitted as
Petitioner filed a claim with the insurance company for
the proceeds from his policy. However, the claim was HELD:
denied by the insurance company on the ground that

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The police blotter was admitted under Rule 130, Section entries in question are sadly wanting in material
44 of the Rules of Court.[18] Under the said rule, the particulars.
following are the requisites for its admissibility:
Furthermore, in this case the police blotter was identified
(a) that the entry was made by a public officer, or by and formally offered as evidence. The person who made
another person, specially enjoined by law to do so; the entries was likewise presented in court; he identified
and certified as correct the entries he made on the
(b) that it was made by the public officer in the blotter. The information was supplied to the entrant by
performance of his duties, or by such other person in the the investigating officer who did not protest about any
performance of a duty specially enjoined by law; inaccuracy when the blotter was presented to him. No
(c) that the public officer or other person had sufficient explanation was likewise given by the investigating officer
knowledge of the facts by him stated, which must have for the alleged interchange of names.
been acquired by him personally or through official
information.[19] WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision and Resolution of
the Court of Appeals are AFFIRMED, with the
We agree with the trial and appellate courts in finding MODIFICATION that the award of exemplary damages
that the police blotter was properly admitted as they form and attorney’s fees is hereby DELETED.
part of official records.[20] Entries in police records made
by a police officer in the performance of the duty ROBERT SIERRA vs. People of the
especially enjoined by law are prima facie evidence of the Philippines;
fact therein stated, and their probative value may be
either substantiated or nullified by other competent G.R. No. 182941 July 3, 2009
evidence.[21] Although police blotters are of little
probative value, they are nevertheless admitted and FACTS:
considered in the absence of competent evidence to refute Petitioner was convicted for the crime of rape rendered
the facts stated therein. by the RTC. On appeal, he invoked paragraph 1, Section 6
of R.A. No. 9344 (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of
In this case, the entries in the police blotter reflected the 2006)[9] to exempt him from criminal liability
information subject of the controversy. Stated therein considering that he was only 15 years old at the time the
was the fact that Leonardo Anit was driving the insured crime was committed.
truck with plate number FCG-538. This is unlike People
v. Mejia,[22] where we said that entries in the police In ruling that the petitioner was not exempt from
blotters should not be given undue significance or criminal liability, the CA held:
probative value, since the Court there found that the
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As to the penalty, We agree with the completed its evidence and had done everything that the
Office of the Solicitor General that law requires it to do. The burden of evidence has now
Robert is not exempt from liability. shifted to the defense which now claims, by an
First, it was not clearly established and affirmative defense, that the accused, even if guilty,
proved by the defense that Robert was should be exempt from criminal liability because of his
15 years old or below at the time of the age when he committed the crime. The defense,
commission of the crime. It was therefore, not the prosecution, has the burden of showing
incumbent for the defense to present by evidence that the petitioner was 15 years old or less
Roberts birth certificate if it was to when he committed the rape charged.
invoke Section 64 of Republic Act No.
9344. This conclusion can also be reached by considering that
minority and age are not elements of the crime of rape;
ISSUE: WON the determination of who bears the burden the prosecution therefore has no duty to prove these
of proof for purposes of determining exemption from circumstances. To impose the burden of proof on the
criminal liability based on the age of the petitioner at the prosecution would make minority and age integral
time the crime was committed should be on the elements of the crime when clearly they are not. [31] If the
Prosecution prosecution has a burden related to age, this burden
relates to proof of the age of the victim as a circumstance
HELD: No. that qualifies the crime of rape.

Burden of proof, under Section 1, Rule 131 of the Rules on Testimonial Evidence is Competent Evidence to Prove the
Evidence, refers to the duty of a party to present evidence Accused’s Minority and Age
on the facts in issue in order to establish his or her claim
or defense. In a criminal case, the burden of proof to The CA seriously erred when it rejected testimonial
establish the guilt of the accused falls upon the evidence showing that the petitioner was only 15 years
prosecution which has the duty to prove all the essential old at the time he committed the crime. Section 7 of R.A.
ingredients of the crime. The prosecution completes its No. 9344 expressly states how the age of a child in
case as soon as it has presented the evidence it believes is conflict with the law may be determined:
sufficient to prove the required elements. At this point,
the burden of evidence shifts to the defense to disprove SEC. 7. Determination of Age. - x x x The age of a child
what the prosecution has shown by evidence, or to prove may be determined from the child's birth
by evidence the circumstances showing that the accused certificate, baptismal certificate or any other
did not commit the crime charged or cannot otherwise be pertinent documents. In the absence of these
held liable therefor. In the present case, the prosecution documents, age may be based on information
Page 25 of 27
from the child himself/herself, testimonies of xxx
other persons, the physical appearance of the
child and other relevant evidence. In case of Section 7, R.A. No. 9344, while a relatively new law
doubt as to the age of the child, it shall be (having been passed only in 2006), does not depart from
resolved in his/her favor. [Emphasis supplied] the jurisprudence existing at that time on the evidence
that may be admitted as satisfactory proof of the accuseds
Rule 30-A of the Rules and Regulations Implementing minority and age.
R.A. No. 9344 provides the implementing details of this
provision by enumerating the measures that may be In the 1903 case of U.S. v. Bergantino, we accepted
undertaken by a law enforcement officer to ascertain the testimonial evidence to prove the minority and age of the
childs age: accused in the absence of any document or other
satisfactory evidence showing the date of birth. This was
(1) Obtain documents that show proof of the childs age, followed by U.S. v. Roxas[34] where the defendants
such as statement about his age was considered sufficient, even
(a) Childs birth certificate; without corroborative evidence, to establish that he was a
(b) Childs baptismal certificate ;or minor of 16 years at the time he committed the offense
(c) Any other pertinent documents such as but not charged. Subsequently, in People v. Tismo,[35] the Court
limited to the childs school records, dental records, or appreciated the minority and age of the accused on the
travel papers. basis of his claim that he was 17 years old at the time of
(2) x x x the commission of the offense in the absence of any
contradictory evidence or objection on the part of the
(3) When the above documents cannot be obtained or prosecution. Then, in People v. Villagracia,[36] we found
pending receipt of such documents, the law enforcement the testimony of the accused that he was less than 15
officer shall exhaust other measures to determine age by: years old sufficient to establish his minority. We
reiterated these dicta in the cases of People v.
(a) Interviewing the child and obtaining information Morial[37] and David v. Court of Appeals,[38] and ruled
that indicate age (e.g. date of birthday, grade level in that the allegations of minority and age by the accused
school); will be accepted as facts upon the prosecutions failure to
(b) Interviewing persons who may have knowledge that disprove the claim by contrary evidence.
indicate[s] age of the child (e.g. relatives, neighbors,
teachers, classmates); In these cases, we gave evidentiary weight to testimonial
(c) Evaluating the physical appearance (e.g. height, evidence on the accuseds minority and age upon the
built) of the child; and concurrence of the following conditions: (1) the absence
(d) Obtaining other relevant evidence of age. of any other satisfactory evidence such as the birth
Page 26 of 27
certificate, baptismal certificate, or similar documents WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant
that would prove the date of birth of the accused; (2) petition is GRANTED. The Decision dated February 29,
the presence of testimony from accused and/or a relative 2008 and Resolution dated May 22, 2008 of the Court of
on the age and minority of the accused at the time of the Appeals in CA-G.R.-CR.-H.C. No. 02218
complained incident without any objection on the part of are REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
the prosecution; and (3) lack of any contrary evidence
showing that the accuseds and/or his relatives Pursuant to Section 64 of R.A. No. 9344, Criminal
testimonies are untrue. Case No. 120292-H for rape filed against petitioner
Robert Sierra y Caneda is hereby DISMISSED.
All these conditions are present in this case. First, the Petitioner is REFERRED to the appropriate local social
petitioner and CCC both testified regarding his minority welfare and development officer who shall proceed in
and age when the rape was committed.[39] Second, the accordance with the provisions of R.A. No. 9344.
records before us show that these pieces of testimonial Petitioner is ORDERED topay the victim,
evidence were never objected to by the prosecution. AAA, P50,000.00 as civil indemnity, P50,000.00 as
And lastly, the prosecution did not present any contrary moral damages, and P30,000.00 as exemplary damages.
evidence to prove that the petitioner was above 15 years
old when the crime was committed. Unless there are other valid causes for petitioners
continued detention, we
We also stress that the last paragraph of Section 7 of R.A. hereby ORDER his IMMEDIATE RELEASE under
No. 9344 provides that any doubt on the age of the child the above terms.
must be resolved in his favor.[40] Hence, any doubt in this
case regarding the petitioners age at the time he Let a copy of this Decision be furnished the Director of
committed the rape should be resolved in his favor. In the Bureau of Corrections in Muntinlupa City for its
other words, the testimony that the petitioner as 15 years immediate implementation. The Director of the Bureau of
old when the crime took place should be read to mean Corrections is directed to report to this Court within five
that he was not more than 15 years old as this is the more days from receipt of this Decision the action he has taken.
favorable reading that R.A. No. 9344 directs.
Let a copy of this Decision be likewise furnished the
Given the express mandate of R.A. No. 9344, its Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council.
implementing rules, and established jurisprudence in
accord with the latest statutory developments, the CA SO ORDERED.
therefore cannot but be in error in not appreciating and
giving evidentiary value to the petitioners and CCCs
testimonies relating to the formers age.
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