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There are several key elements which makes consumers determine a particular Brand if it is good or
bad. The first impression of the brand lies on The brand name and its logo. The name of the brand might
express the vision of the brand and also registers the quality of the product or service in the consumer’s
mind. The logo depicts the brands moto or the product or service the brand is providing, through a
simple illustration or silhouette with the use of colours, depicting the mood.

After an identity is created among the customers, the main aim of the brand should be the
accessibility. The brand should make sure that the message is being delivered to the customer through
all means. The communication should be so effective that, when the customer is in need of a particular
product or service, the first thing they should remember is the Brand.

Websites, social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, SMS, blogs are a few ways of passing the
message to the customer regarding the offers, discounts, new launch of product/service, etc. The brand
should remind the customer in regular intervals to keep them reminded, at the same time the brand
should ensure that the number of messages does not disturb the client.

Nonverbal mode of communication is the best mode of communication. When it comes to websites,
the visual representation should be neat and calm. A few elements such as an appealing font, pleasant
visuals, a pleasant piece of music and easy handling would help the consumer understand the brand and
shop better. When it comes to social platforms, posting pictures of consumers with the product would
help them closer to the brand and encourage to buy them more. When it comes to Store display, it is
very important to present the products in a very decent and pleasing manner. The store lightings play a
very important role in showcasing the products. The alignment of products, the store music, ambiance,
smell, air conditioning, toilet accessibility, cleanliness, location, staff gestures, etc. are very important to
please the customer for the next visit.

Apart from nonverbal communication, verbal communication is also a helping aid. Broachers,
pamphlets, visiting cards, posters and banners might also help to attract the consumer to shop for
products or look in to new offers and updates. When a consumer enters the store, greeting the
customer, giving prior information about each product, helping them by suggesting products and
services would make a lot of change on the consumer’s interest. On social media, posting inspirational
quotes or quotes promoting the goods or services might keep the client interested in the product.
Appreciating a customer by re-posting their posts on social platforms might encourage them to buy more

One good example for a good brand is ‘eco-femme’. Ecofemme is a brand the produces khadi cotton
sanitary napkins which are sustainable, biodegradable and eco-friendly. They provide a livelihood for the
rural women of Auroville, Pondicherry. The brand has tried its best to promote their product in all
possible modes. Firstly, the website includes all the details of the Product and the ranges. The website
talks about more than the product including, the services they provide, what the money is being used
for, information on the artisans working in the making of the product, materials they are using for the
making of the product and why to choose their product. The transparency in the company helps the
customer make a bond with the product and artisans. On Instagram, each customer is given importance,
the pictures are posted appreciating the customer. Even after the product is delivered to the customer,
the packaging speaks a lot about the customer. A Picture and description of the artisan, the recycle
paper concept, makes consumers want to buy more and more of products from the same brand and rely
on it for future.

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