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Stones of Cataria

Aladdin Vargas-Vicuna

Revision: 0.0.1


Theme / Setting / Genre
Core Gameplay Mechanics Brief
Targeted platforms
Monetization model
Project Scope
Influences (Brief)
- Animal Crossing
- Game
- Elder Scrolls series
- Game
Project Description:
What sets this project apart?
Core Gameplay Mechanics (Detailed)
- Different Races
- Combat
- Inventory
- Weapon Styles
Assets Needed
- 2D
- 3D
- Weapons
- Sound
- Code
- Animation


Theme / Setting / Genre

- Fantasy/RPG style game using an Animal Crossing art style to appeal to
children and will have simple quests and a simple crafting system in order to
appeal to children. Game will essentially be a simplified version of more
complex games such as Elder Scrolls. Game takes place on the island Cataria*
land of the cats. When magical floating pillars start appearing around Cataria*
The cat races brightest minds study them. Before they can unlock their full
potential or power the warlocks* attack thus beginning the war between the
cats and warlocks. Choose your race, pick your armor, and favorite weapon and
help defend Cataria* from the evils trying to steal the powers of the floaty

Core Gameplay Mechanics Brief

- Crafting*
- Different races
- Inventory system
- Economy*
- Simple combat
- Multiple weapon styles (i.e sword and shield, axe, long sword)

Targeted platforms
- PC, Console (If possible)

Monetization model
- Paid game sold via Steam, PS Store*, Xbox store*

Project Scope
- <Game Time Scale>
- Cost? (How much will it cost?)
- Time Scale (How long will it take to make this game?)
- Team Members
- Member #1
- <Licenses / Hardware / Other Costs>
- <Total Costs with breakdown>

Influences (Brief)
- Animal Crossing

- Game
- Game will use an art style reminiscent to Animal Crossing to
appeal to a younger crowd.
- Elder Scrolls series

- Game
- Game will use a story kind of like this style of game but again be
more aimed towards kids and have simpler quests.

Project Description:
Game will be an isometric camera style, Animal Crossing art style, and Elder
Scrolls story line style. The game will have a fun simplicity making it easy for
anyone of any age to play but not losing it touch with people who seek a bit of
a challenge from an RPG game. As the game gets further into development I
would want to add more “complex” systems but to begin I would prefer to keep
it as basic as possible using only the core mechanics to get the game running
enough for a demo.

What sets this project apart?

- Kid friendly
- Simple yet fun
- AAA RPG’s are usually too complex for younger kids. I aim to break that
barrier with this project
- etc.

Core Gameplay Mechanics (Detailed)

- Different Races
- Details:
- Dog, Cat, Humans with possibility to add more as
development advances but I would like three base races to begin with.
- How it works:

- Each race will have an advantage and disadvantage wither
to HP, Stamina, carry amount limit dropped for either healing stones or
stamina revitalizers, or weapon style restrictions.

- Combat
- Details:
- right click/trigger/R2 attack, Hold for more power, restore
health button, restore stamina button
- How it works:
- Holding attack button longer = more power but also leaves
you open to quick attacks. Restoring health during battle can help you survive.
Restoring stamina can help turn tide, once stamina runs out you can no longer
use power attacks and quick attacks are slowed drastically.
- Inventory
- Details:
Basic inventory system for currency, items, etc.
- How it works:
Inventory will be limited it will have one slot for currency,
starting ten slots for items and slots for three armor pieces (head, torso, legs)
and weapon.
- Weapon Styles
- Details:
Sword and shield, dual daggers, 2 hand sword, battleaxe,
bow and arrow. More styles to be added further into development.
- How it works:
Weapons will all have about the same amount of power the
only difference will be in attack speeds so the battles are more strategic in
how you use your quick and heavy attacks and how many healing stones and
stamina revitalizers you have available.


When the cats of Cataria discover the magic pillars, or floaty stones as they
call them, they immediately get the smartest group together to study them.
After a brief time, they discover the stones have many good uses such as being
honed as healing stones, stamina revitalizers, and when refined and combined

with other precious stones they can be used as mental and physical buffs. The
cats also discover the stones have extremely destructive qualities and can be
used to do terrible damage if in the wrong hands. Shortly after discovering the
secret of the stones is when the warlocks begin to attack. At first it was small
raiding parties easily taken care of by the cats’ guards, but no one knows
where the warlocks came from or how they made it to the island of Cataria.
After a while the packs of warlocks got bigger and bigger, then they got
smarter and seemed more sophisticated in battle. Almost as if someone has
banded the warlocks together and has begun training them. If what the Cats
believe to be true comes to fruition, then it seems war is imminent, and the
cats will need all the help they can get to defend the island of Cataria and stop
the warlocks from spreading further. Can you be the warrior to turn the tide of
battle and help save Cataria?

Assets Needed

- 2D
- Textures
- Current weapon style (i.e sword, spear, etc.)
- Health bar (Red Bar)
- Stamina bar (Green Bar)
- Exp points bar (Yellow Bar)

- 3D
- Characters List
Characters will be race based
- Cat
- Human
- Dog
- Warlocks*

- Environmental Art Lists
- Environment will be grassy hills with streams and rivers. Game
will take place on an island and MAYBE a volcano will be included but I
want to mainly focus on the hills, castles, forts, and towns the game will
have. References will be attached under this.

- Weapons
- Weapons will be of many types and will (obviously) follow the
same art style. Some reference attached below but artist will be encouraged to
have their own touch to the weapons and armor while still maintaining the
animal crossing art style. Some weapon and armor reference can also be taken
from the Warlock reference in the character section.

- Magic Floating Stones

- The magic stone will have multiple shapes. All will levitate above the
ground. Reference below, imagine that the rocks don’t have the part
connecting then to the ground.

- Sound
- Sound List (Ambient)
- Outside
- In towns song
- In the “wild” song

- In a fight song
- Inside
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- etc.

- Sound List (Player)

- Character Movement Sound List
- Walking/running on “roads”
- walking/running in grass
- etc.
- Character Hit / Collision Sound list
- Example 1
- Example 2
- etc.
- Character on Injured / Death sound list
- Example 1
- Example 2
- etc.

- Code
- Character Scripts (Player Pawn/Player Controller)
- Player movement
- Inventory
- Enter combat
- Ambient Scripts (Runs in the background)
- Ambient lighting in towns
- Fog of war when in “wild”*
- NPC Scripts
- Conversations
- Movement

- Animation
- Environment Animations
- Example

- etc.
- Character Animations
- Player
- Walking
- Idle
- Running
- Combat
- Talking


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