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Work and Labor: History of the Concept

some other possibility that is not articulated in the process, including in capitalist societies in which work
previous alternatives? Answers to such questions await constitutes the yardstick. Although various meanings
a generally accepted and reliable logic of nonlinear of the word ‘work’ existed in the nineteenth century
analysis, appropriate to cognitive performance, con- (Cottereau 1994), it is on the particularly restrictive
nectionist models, and nonlinear dynamical systems concept of labor, in the sense of quantifiable pro-
theory. ductive activity, that Western capitalist societies have
been built.
See also: Connectionist Models of Language Pro- The development of the concept was concurrent
cessing; Lexical Processes (Word Knowledge): Psy- with the evolution of the social sciences. Labor,
chological and Neural Aspects; Priming, Cognitive conceptualized in political economy after Adam Smith
Psychology of in terms of value, came to be seen as the mediator
between the individual and the collective. It thus
became a focal point of sociological analysis. The
transformations of productive activity and their con-
Bibliography sequences in industrial society have certainly contrib-
Carroll D W 1994 Psychology of Language 2nd edn. Brooks\ uted to shaping the main directions of development in
Cole, Pacific Grove, CA social sciences, but the descriptive as well as pre-
Farmer J D 1990 A Rosetta Stone for connectionism. Physica D scriptive discourse of the latter has also played an
42: 153–87 essential role since the early twentieth century in
Forster K I 1976 Accessing the mental lexicon. In: Wales R J, establishing the social sphere on the basis of work.
Walker E (eds.) New Approaches to Language Mechanisms. The history of the concepts of work and labor will
North-Holland, Amsterdam be examined from this angle of a dual process in which
Frost R, Katz L (eds.) 1992 Orthography, Phonology, Mor-
phology, and Meaning. North Holland, Amsterdam
the social sciences and the societies they study mutually
Plaut D C, McClelland J L, Seidenberg M S, Patterson K 1996 engender one another. Thus delimited, the history will
Understanding normal and impaired word reading: com- not be a total one, but situated in time and space, that
putational principles in quasi-regular domains. Psychological is, confined to the question of the reduction of the
Reiew 103: 56–115 concept of work to the concept of labor in capitalist
Port R F, van Gelder T (eds.) 1995 Mind as Motion: Explorations European societies from the nineteenth century on-
in the Dynamics of Cognition. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA ward. This rather Eurocentric history is also the
Rayner K, Pollatsek A 1989 The Psychology of Reading. Prentice history of the statistic and legal codification of labor
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ into a social status, providing access to citizenship
Van Orden G C, Stone G O, Pennington B F 1990 Word
identification in reading and the promise of subsymbolic
within the welfare state. Finally, since the 1970s it has
psycholinguistics. Psychological Reiew 97: 488–522 been the history of re-examining the concept, closely
Van Orden G C, Pennington B F, Stone G O 2001 What do tied to a reassessment of paradigms of action in the
double dissociations prove? Cognitie Science 25 social sciences.

M. A. Moreno and G. C. van Orden

1. The Semantic Reduction of Work to Labor
Labor, more precisely wage labor, a dominant form in
social–economic relationships in today’s societies, has
not always had this value as a standard. In the Middle
Work and Labor: History of the Concept Ages, when idleness was the privilege of the aris-
tocracy, labor was synonymous with poverty and
The concept of work has at least three different but social devaluation. Without going back over the
complementary meanings in contemporary Western history of work (see Work, History of ), it is important
societies. As an action, it refers to the content and the to underline the contradictory heritage that charac-
performing of an activity; as a product, it is part of the terizes the notion in the nineteenth century. On the
organization of capitalist societies; finally, as a status, one hand, work was associated with the idea of
it constitutes a linchpin of social organization. Work, alienation. This association finds its origins in the
as the mainspring of economic activity, is also at the Greek conception of slavery, the function of which
crux of the functioning of the political and social was to satisfy the vital needs of reproduction of the
world. Affecting the slightest aspects of life in society, human species (Arendt 1958). It was further developed
it can be viewed as a ‘total social fact’ (Mauss 1966). by Marx’s critique of wage labor, a modern form of
This pivotal position has made work a notion that has alienation through work. On the other hand, work
long been taken for granted as universal, to the rhymes with accomplishment and self-expression. This
detriment of its variability in time and space (Kocka opposite aspect, based on the Protestant formalization
and Offe 2000). Yet the contemporary meaning given of an occupation (Beruf ) as a vocation (Weber 1930),
to the concept is the result of an eminently historical drawing on the Hegelian conception of work as the

Work and Labor: History of the Concept

essence of man (Hegel 1977\1805), considerably fed economy (Marx 1982, p. 208). Seen from the angle of
the ideology of the welfare state. This tension between the economic dependence of the worker, who can only
alienation and liberation was to mark the concept of meet his needs through the sale of his labor power,
labor in the long term and run through theoretical labor cannot be envisaged independently from non-
debates in the social sciences even until today (Me! da work and its different individual consequences. Marx
1996). thus contributed to a conceptualization of labor as
dependent work, that is, seen from the producer’s
rather than the product side. This Marxist critique of
political economy was to be, in the second half of the
1.1 The Inention of Abstract Work
nineteenth century, a fertile ground for the devel-
The opposition between work considered as the opment of the social sciences. Their particular con-
essence of human existence and the reality of alienating tribution was, among others, to objectify nonwork by
labor provided, in particular, the basis of the Marxist breaking it down into categories of social organization
critique of the political economy (Marx 1968\1867) such as old age, disability, illness, unemployment, etc.
that marked a major turning point in the concep-
tualization of work. Political economy, of which
labor is a key concept, produced an initial swing of the
1.2 Wage Labor: A New Expression of Dependent
concept of work toward that of labor. This swing
occurred in the context of liberalization of work,
consecrating the idea of the market through the The concept of work mobilized in this endeavor for
promulgation of a set of legal provisions abolishing social objectivation meets the dual criteria of quanti-
hereditary dependency, establishing the free circu- fication and dependence. The reformist social sciences
lation of individuals, freedom of commerce and free of the early twentieth century and the new categories
competition. On the theoretical level, Adam Smith’s they contributed to producing thus reinforced the
work (1776) some years earlier consecrated labor as a process of dissociation between on the one hand
value, as a source of national wealth, and saw freedom work\œure, characterized by the independence of the
of work as the means to maximize this wealth. From producer and the quality of the product, and on the
Adam Smith to John Stuart Mill, British theorists of other hand abstract work associated with dependence
political economy made labor a product, a commodity and quantity. This social differentiation grew more
sold according to the laws of supply and demand, on a marked up until World War II, accompanied at the
market held to be the dominant form of regulation. same time by an increased hold of abstract labor over
Determined by the principles of economic liberalism, work to the point of assimilating Work with Labor, to
this conception associates work with a manifestation the detriment of other possible meanings of the
of individual freedom, it is a specific commodity concept. This process went along with the spread of
having an exchange value. Boiled down to a comm- wage labor which was legally codified—in the form of
odity that each person theoretically should be able to a contract or through labor legislation—and stat-
sell as he wishes by way of freely agreed contracts, istically codified—in the form of socio-professional
work became, through contractual mediation, a gene- categories—as a response to standardization and mass
ral legal and abstract category, separate from the production in economic activity.
individual who produced it. This was the invention of The concept of employment, at the heart of the legal
abstract work, quantifiable and measurable in time codification of labor, is informed by a dual meaning:
and money; this was labor, a founding principle of from a macroeconomic standpoint it means trading a
capitalism (Biernacki 1995). given quantity of work for a given salary on the
Marx embraced this conceptualization of abstract market; from the political and social standpoint, it
work, but introduced at least two new elements. The means exchanging individual subordination for sec-
first was labor power. Marx viewed labor less from the urity, that is, the worker’s subordination to his em-
perspective of the resulting product but from the angle ployer and the security offered by labor legislation and
of the labor power (Arbeitskraft) required to achieve social protection. From this standpoint, employment
it. Biernacki (1995) sees in this shift the expression of is not so much determined by the nature of economic
the structuring nature of the German work culture on activity as by the nature of the social relationships that
the development of Marx’s thought. But beyond frame this activity. Employment can thus be defined as
cultural specificities, taking into account labor power socialized labor, insuring protection for the producer,
provokes a considerable shift in the problematics of in response to the Marxist critique. But this protection
work. Work is no longer reduced to the mere economic is highly variable geographically, reflecting the dif-
dimension of selling and circulating goods, it is ferent avenues of society building around the inte-
henceforth associated as well with the condition of the grative virtues of work (Esping-Anderson 1990). As
producer in a capitalist market system. The second Biernacki (1995) has shown in the case of England and
contribution of the Marxist critique is the introduction Germany, the historical forms of economic objec-
of nonwork, a notion previously absent from political tivation of labor specific to each country—as a product

Work and Labor: History of the Concept

for the English, as labor power for the Germans— two centuries ago (Arendt 1958). But it has become
affect the way in which the concept of labor has been such a natural fact within the European nation-state
mobilized in the production of the political and social that it today seems to be taken for granted historically
order. (Zimmermann et al. 1999).

2. Labor and the Constitution of the Social World 2.2 Labor, Class and Nation
Labor has become the nerve center of the social world. The socialization of work and nonwork, based on the
As participation in the common good, it was used at critique of a strictly economic conception of labor, has
the end of the nineteenth century in the definition of a been held up to be the promise of the nation-state’s
link that could bind together individuals in the order and political legitimacy. This conjunction be-
broadened framework of the nation-state. Conse- tween providing security for wage-labor—through
quently, it was codified as a vector of individual social protection and labor legislation—and consoli-
belonging to the collective, thereby insuring the dating the nation-state has led to a considerable
group’s cohesion. But although the social world growth of the social value attached to paid work. The
reflects the actual organization of the group, it is also established expression ‘social security’ suggests to
the fruit of competing endeavors at formalization and what extent the socialization of nonwork is as much a
cannot be apprehended independently from the dis- question of collective as of individual security. This
course and knowledge that institute it. Social science collective security is based on the capital\wage labor
discourse as it was institutionalized at the turn of the dichotomy, in a framework where the social regulation
century is in this respect exemplary. It played an of labor is a partner of economic regulation of the
essential role in indexing the social world on labor and market more than a substitute for it. The encounter of
in defining labor’s relationships to the public concern the nation-state, economic organization and labor
(Durkheim 1964, Weber 1930). During the first half of institutions under the auspices of the welfare state thus
the twentieth century, this scholarly activity focused appears as the fruit of a historical compromise between
on the production of general categories to organize the capital and labor. This compromise, at the basis of
industrial society on the level of the nation-state. In Fordism, is founded on the norm of full employment
other words, it was an activity mainly aimed at stating taken to be a constituent principle of the social world.
principles of homogenization and generalization, as if From such a perspective, the social world can be seen
the transformations of the late nineteenth century had as a collective order produced on the basis of wage
at the same time generated social sciences with strong labor and codified by a set of rights and duties attached
holistic orientations and the organization of society to the salaried class (Castel 1995).
on a large scale, on the basis of principles of stan- The history of this collective order is, from 1890 to
dardization referring to labor within the framework of 1960, one of establishing a coherence between in-
national institutions. dividual identities and economic and political
practices on the basis of the principles of class and
nation (Wagner 1994). It is a movement of widespread
standardization aiming to reduce uncertainty as well
2.1 Labor as a Status
as the variety of possible actions and interpretations.
The close connection between work and social status is Statistical and legal methods were the preferred
one of the main features of the concept of labor. This instruments of this standardization and establishment
type of connection doubtless already existed in feudal of equivalences. Through the institution of nomen-
societies and guild organizations in cities, for instance, clatures, they gave shape to a national body made
but its specificity lies in its relation, since the late homogenous that can be observed and planned thanks
nineteenth century, to demands of social justice, to the objective nature of figures. By granting social
political equality, and democracy. Labor has thus and political rights guaranteed by the state, they
become the democratic means of access to social status stipulate individual belonging to this body. But today
and political integration, a function that for centuries these standardization principles are put to the test by
was ensured by property and heredity. As a provider the demands of flexibility and the multiplication of
of income and the principle on which the redistribution work statuses.
of wealth is based, labor has become the central social
relationship in capitalist societies. A powerful deter-
mining factor of each person’s position in the social
2.3 Transformations in Work and Reconfiguration
hierarchy, it helps produce individual identities and
of the Social Sciences
shapes the ways in which citizenship is exercised. This
link between work and politics, in the sense of The quest for generality a century ago has been
organization and production of the society on the replaced by the quest for diversity. This holds true for
whole, was not, however, a foregone conclusion even economic and social life as well as for the field of social

Work and Labor: History of the Concept

sciences. Over the past few years, the issue has been to particular people and situations (Boltanski and
one of producing new equivalencies between situations The! venot 1989). After the major movement of stan-
and persons, able to place increasingly individualizing dardization that characterized the history of the
practices into a collective order that guarantees equity. concept of labor and sealed its hegemony, the concept
The demand for flexibility provides an exemplary of work today is being redesigned to integrate the
illustration. Whereas for the employer it is a powerful quality of products and people’s capacities, and has
tool for dealing with the ups and downs of the opened up to the plurality and diversity of configur-
economy, for the employee it introduces an uncer- ations of action (Salais and Storper 1997, Boltanski
tainty that the rhetoric of risk and predictability at and Chapiello 1999).
the basis of social protection (Evers and Nowotny By the same token, the uncertainties that weigh on
1987) can no longer necessarily control. One of the national employment institutions today, under the
current challenges is thus to make individual careers pressure of globalization and the constitution of
secure in the new context of uncertainty that weighs on supranational political entities (Habermas 1999), have
work (Supiot 1999). But the categories established on found considerable resonance in debates on post-
the norm of full employment and the model of society modernity that run through the social sciences. After
that goes with it are having difficulty integrating these the supremacy of the national level, today new scales
imperatives for diversity and flexibility. It is more of regulation and organization of the collective sphere
generally the reduction of the concept of work to that are being explored, both from a practical and theor-
of labor that should be incriminated, to such an extent etical standpoint. Here again, the connection between
that an examination of the ongoing transformations economic and political transformations and para-
entails a need to rediscover the diversity of meanings digmatic changes in the social sciences is a close one.
of work. To such an extent that, where some see the end of work
In 1958, Arendt undertook a radical critique of this (Rifkin 1995) or the nation-state approaching, others
reduction that led to labor invading the political announce both the end of society and the social
sphere, eventually crushing it in favor of the ‘social.’ sciences. But far from this alarmist diagnosis, today
Against the institution of labor as a general category of seems rather to be an era of revising both the categories
human action, Arendt reminds us that it is merely one of organization of society built around work and the
aspect among others of Vita actia. She emphasized nation, and their principles of intelligibility as they
the major historical differentiation between: were defined by the social sciences.
(a) labor, an activity of anima laborans governed by
the human race’s needs of subsistence and repro- See also: Alienation, Sociology of; Arendt, Hannah
duction, producing ephemeral things destined to be (1906–75); Capitalism; Class Consciousness; Class:
consumed; Social; Differentiation: Social; Durkheim, Emile
(b) work, an activity of homo faber, producing (1858–1917); History and Memory; Labor History;
lasting objects aimed at stabilizing human life; Labor Movements and Gender; Labor Unions; Marx,
(c) action, praxis, which produces things that are Karl (1818–89); Smith, Adam (1723–90); Social Class
inseparable from the actor and which only occur and Gender; Social Security; Weber, Max (1864–
through interaction. Action thus constitutes the emi- 1920); Work: Anthropological Aspects; Work, His-
nently public and political aspect of Vita actia. tory of; Work, Sociology of; Working Classes, History
Whereas Arendt deplored the progressive absorp- of
tion first of work, then of action, by the reductionist
concept of labor, the topicality of the question of the
relationship between work and action has since been
renewed. Bibliography
Along the lines of the revival of action theories in
Arendt A 1958 The Human Condition. The University of Chicago
the social sciences, the concept of work has opened up Press, Chicago
toward action. Until the 1960s, continental European Biernacki R 1995 The Fabrication of Labor. Germany and Britain,
sociology of work was mainly concerned with the 1640–1914. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA
status conferred on individuals by their jobs. Today it Boltanski L, Chiapello E 1999 Le nouel esprit du capitalisme.
has developed the issue of work as action, mobilizing Gallimard, Paris
a broader signification of the concept of work. The Boltanski L, The! venot L 1989 Justesse et justice dans le traail.
paradigms of action lead to taking into account a Presses Universitaires de France, Paris
greater diversity of meanings of work (women’s Castel R 1995 Les meT tamorphoses de la question sociale. Une
chronique du salariat. Fayard, Paris
domestic work, voluntary and civic work, for in-
Cottereau A 1994 The! ories de l’action et notion de travail. Note
stance). They also lead to envisaging work from the sur quelques difficulte! s et quelques perspectives. [Theories of
perspective of the interactions and conventions that action and the notion of work – Difficulties and prospects].
preside over coordination among agents (‘L’e! conomie Sociologie du Traail Sp.Iss.SI 36: 73–89
des conventions’ 1989). Such an approach indicates a Durkheim E 1964 Diision of Labor in Society. Free Press of
return to work in itself, to work as an action that refers Glencoe, New York

Work: Anthropological Aspects

L’e! conomie des conventions 1989 Reue Economique 40 (2): In another perspective, work is studied as action and
Special issue performance. The anthropology of work has been
Esping-Anderson G 1990 Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. delineated by Applebaum (1992), Gamst (1995), and
Polity Press, Cambridge, UK
Wallman (1979).
Evers A, Nowotny H 1987 Uq ber den Umgang mit Unsicherheit.
Die Entdeckung der Gestaltbarkeit on Gesellschaften.
Suhrkamp, Frankfurt\Main
Habermas J 1999 Der europa$ ische Nationalstaat unter dem 1. The Origins of the Anthropology of Work
Druk der Globalisierung. BlaW tter fuW r Deutsche und Inter-
nationale Politik 4: 425–36 Many leading scholars became interested in work in
Hegel G W F 1977\1805 Phenomenology of Spirit. Clarendon the wake of European industrialization. Their main
Press, Oxford, UK focus was industrial work, but they made comparative
Kocka J, Offe C 2000 Geschichte und Zukunft der Arbeit. reference to pre-industrial work. Marxpraised the
Campus, Frankfurt\New York high productivity and discipline of capitalist industrial
Mauss M 1966\1950 Sociologie et anthropologie. Presses univ-
ersitaires de France, Paris
work, but criticized the alienation it caused. Pre-
Marx K 1968\1867 Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen O= ko- capitalist work was less productive (e.g., the work of
nomie. In: Marx K, Engels F Werke. Dietz, Berlin, Vol. 23 craftsmen); nonetheless it had aesthetic character. In a
Marx K 1982 Oekonomisch-philosophische Manuskripte. In: comparative study on religion in Europe, India, and
Marx K, Engels F Gesamtausgabe Dietz, Berlin, Vol. 2 China, Weberwrote about the development of the
Me! da D 1996 New perspectives on work as value. International work ethic and the rationality of work.
Labor Reiew 135: 633–43 Bu$ cher (1893) studied the division of labor and
Rifkin J 1995 The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor cooperation, and formulated a theory of ‘independent
Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era. G P Putnam’s household economy,’ in which work is subordinate to
Sons, New York
Salais R, Storper M 1997\1993 Worlds of Production. The Action
the autarchy of the household. Bu$ cher (1896) turned
Frameworks of the Economy. Harvard University Press, his attention to performance: How was it possible to
Cambridge, MA perform constant, strenuous work in pre-industrial
Smith A 1776 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the societies? In his view, the answer lay in the aesthetics
Wealth of Nations. Whiteston, Dublin, Ireland and rhythms of work. In contrast to Marx and Weber,
Supiot A (ed.) 1999 Au-delaZ de l’emploi. Transformations du Bu$ cher also drew upon contemporary ethnographic
traail et deenir du droit du traail en Europe. Rapport pour la literature, placing him at the forefront of the anthro-
Commission Europe! enne. Flammarion, Paris pology of work. He did not, however, conduct any
Wagner P 1994 A Sociology of Modernity. Liberty and Discipline. fieldwork personally.
Routledge, London\New York
Weber M 1930 Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. G
Malinowski, the founder of modern anthropologi-
Allen and Unwin, Ltd., London cal fieldwork, was a student of Bu$ cher’s in Leipzig.
Zimmermann B, Didry C, Wagner P (eds.) 1999 Le traail et la Bu$ cher and other German scholars (including Hahn
nation. Histoire croiseT e de la France et de l’Allemagne. Maison and Weber) inspired his interest in the topic of work,
des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris which became the primary focus of his research on
gardening practices on the Trobriands (Malinowski
B. Zimmermann 1935). On the one hand, he was interested in the issue
of performance: How do the Trobrianders succeed in
Copyright # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. performing sustained, strenuous work? His findings
All rights reserved. conclude that generally they were motivated by an
interest in food, but were also interested in the
aesthetics and social organization of gardening.
Work: Anthropological Aspects Malinowski also examined the relationship between
work and magic. Unlike Weber, he did not consider
Work is defined as a continuous human activity aimed magic a hindrance to successful gardening: Magic is
at producing goods and services. It is a phenomenon compatible with rational work, helping people to cope
that exists in all human societies. In contrast to with the vicissitudes of gardening.
sociologists, anthropologists primarily have studied Two of Malinowski’s students, Firthand Richards,
work in nonindustrial\noncapitalist societies (hunters continued his line of study. In her classic work on the
and gatherers, cultivators, pastoralists, craftsmen). Bemba in Northern Rhodesia, Richards (1939) stressed
Unlike historians, they are interested mainly in con- more than Malinowski the separation of work and
temporary societies. Anthropologists recently have needs: Work is not related merely to food requirements,
started studying work in capitalist enterprises, and the but is embedded in cultural traditions, in this case the
transformation from noncapitalist to capitalist work. warrior past of the Bemba.
Key concerns of the anthropology of work include the Based on intensive fieldwork, the studies produced
interaction between humans and nature, tool use, and by Malinowski, Firth, and Richards are still worth
the institutional and cultural embeddedness of work. reading, mainly due to the diversity of issues and
In these contexts, work is treated as part of a system. abundance of material. At a theoretical level they were


International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ISBN: 0-08-043076-7

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