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One day in the Kingdom of Arendelle, there lived two daughters named Elsa and Anna.

They live happily

together with both their parents. Elsa, who has the power to freeze anything she touches. Anna loved
the snow. Almost every day he invited his sister to play snow.

Anna : Hey, Elsa. Do you wanna build a snowman?

Elsa : Yes, let’s go.

Anna : Let’s build a snowman.

Elsa : Ta..daa.. Hi, I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs.

They were playing in a room. Anna really liked the snow so much that she slipped. Elsa intended to help
Anna, but Elsa’s strength makes Anna’s head hurt. Anna was unconscious.

King of Arendelle :” I know where we must to go.”

They brought Anna to met the trolls

Kristoff :”Trolls!”

Bulda :”Shushh!! I’m going to listen. Cuties, I’m going to keep you

Grand Pabbie:”Your Majesty!”

Grand Pabbie :”Born with the powers , or cursed?”

King of Arendelle :” Born, and they’re getting stronger.”

Grand Pabbie :”Here.. here..”

Queen of Arendelle give Anna

Grand Pabbie :”Your lucky it wasn’t her heart. The heart isn’t so easily to changed. But the head can be


King of Arendelle :”Do what you must!”

Grand Pabbie :”I recommend we remove all magic even memories of magic, to be safe. But don’t worry

I’ll leave the fun. She will be okay.”

Elsa : “ But she won’t remember that I have a powers.”

Grand Pabbie : “Listen to me Elsa, your power will only grow. There Is beauty in it, but also great

danger. You must learn to control it, fear will be your enemy.”

King of Arendelle : “No, we will protect her. She can learnt control it, I’m sure.”
( Scene Anna sings “ Do you wanna build a snowman?”)

King of Arendelle :” The gloves will help. See? Conceal it.”

Elsa :” Don’t feel it.”

King and Elsa :”Don’t let it show.”

Elsa : “ I’m scared , it’s getting stronger!”

King of Arendelle : “ You’ll be fine Elsa.”

Queen of Arendelle : “Don’t scared Elsa.”

Until one day, their parents died.

Three years later.

The royal throne was replaced by Elsa. Anna was very happy because finally the gates open. Many guest
will come to the palace. Her dreams to met a prince will come true.

As successor, today Elsa will coronated as queen of Arendelle.

Duke of Weselton :” Arendelle, our most mysterious had trade partner. Open those gates so I may

unlock your secret and exploid your riches. Did I say that out loud?”

Guard : Princess Anna? Princess Anna?

Anna : Uh? Yeah?

Guard : Sorry to wake you ma’am

Anna : No, no, no. You didn’t. I’ve been up for hours. Who is it?

Guard : Still me, ma’am. The gate will open soon. Time to get ready.

Anna : Of course. Ready for what?

Guard : Your sister’s coronation.

Anna : My sister’s .. corneration. It’s coronation day!

( Anna and Elsa sings ‘ For the First Time in Forever.”)

The coronation….

The archbishop : Hmm..hmm.. (whispering) Your majesty, the gloves.

(Elsa pulls off the her gloves)

The archbishop : In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy ghost, I crown you : Queen
Elsa Of Arendelle.

All at once : Queen Elsa Of Arendelle!

The ball….

Kai : Queen Elsa Of Arendelle, Princess Anna Of arendelle.

Anna : Oh, here? Are you sure? Because I don’t think I’m supposed to.. Oh, okay.

(Everyone clapping)

Elsa : Hi.

Anna : Hi? Hi me? Oh, um.. Hi.

Elsa : You look beautiful.

Anna : Thank you. You look beautiful-ler, I mean not ful-ler, but more beautiful.

Elsa : Thank you. So.. This is what a party looks like.

Anna : It’s warmer than I thought.

Elsa : What is that amazing smell?

Elsa and Anna : (Snorting) Chocolate!

After chatting, Princess Anna offered for a dance with someone.. then..

Elsa : Haha.. Wow he was sprightly.

Anna : Especially for a man in heels!

Elsa : Are you okay?

Anna : Ya.. I’ve .. never been, better this is so nice! I wish it could be like this all the time.

Elsa : Me too. But it can’t.

Anna : Why not?

Elsa : It just..can’t!

Anna : Excuse me for a minute.

Anna is very sad hear Elsa’s answer. She leave elsa. Then, someone hit Anna by accident.

Anna : Oop!
Alexia : I’m sorry! Are you hurt?

Anna : I’m okay.

Alexia : Seriously? Oh, um.. I’m Princess Alexia of Genovia

Anna : Princess Anna of Arendelle.

They became very close friends. Alexia pretend that she doesn’t have any place to stay. Anna then
persuade Elsa so she allowing Alexia to stay in Arendelle. But Elsa doesn’t allow a stranger stay there.
Anna is very disappointed.

Anna : Elsa wait, wait, please!

Elsa : Give me my gloves!

Anna : What did I ever do to you?

Elsa : Enough, Anna!

Anna : No, why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?

Elsa : I said enough!

Suddenly, Sharp ice appear from her hand! Of course everyone in that night shocked. After that
accident, Elsa ran way. Anna want to chase Elsa and leave Princess Alexia in charge. On her way, anna
feels really cold.

Anna : Snow. It had to be snow. She couldn’t had tropical magic that covered the fjords and white sands
and warm.. Fire! (Anna saw a place with cimney) “Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post”, ooh “and Sauna”!

There, Anna buy winter boots and dresses, she meet a girl who have a sled, her name is christabel.
Christabel want to buy carrots for her reindeers but she don’t have enough money but she find a free
place to sleep exact beside the trading post.

Christabel : (Singing) Reindeers are better than people, sven, don’t you think that’s true? (Yeah of course
that’s true, for all except you) You got me. Lets call it a night (good night) don’t let the frostbite.. bite…

Anna : Nice duet!

Christabel : Oh.. It’s just you. What do you want?

Anna : I want you to take me up the north mountain!

Christabel : I don’t take people places.

Anna : Let me rephrase that. (Anna throwing the carrots to Christabel)

Anna : We leave now! Right now!

Anna wants to go to the north mountain to find Elsa, on their way, Anna told the story to Christabel.
Arriving the north mountain…

Anna : I never knew winter could be so beautiful.

Olaf : Yeah.. It really is beautiful, isn’t it? But it’s so white. How about a little color? I’m thinking maybe
some crimson, blue, how about yellow? No, not yellow. Yellow and snow? Brrrr… No go!

Anna and christabel are so surprised! They just saw an alive snowman!

Olaf : Hi, Everyone! I’m Olaf. And I like warm hugs!

Anna : Olaf? That’s right! Olaf! Uh, I’m Anna.

Olaf : And who’s the funky-looking donkey over there?

Anna : That’s sven.

Olaf : And who’s the reindeer?

Anna : Sven.

Olaf : Oh. Okay that makes things easier to me. Oh look at him, He trying to kiss my nose. I like you, too.

Anna : Olaf, did Elsa built you?

Olaf : Yeah, why?

Anna : Do you know where she is?

Olaf : Yeah, why?

Anna : Do you think you could tell us the way?

Olaf : Yeah, why?

Christabel : I’ll tell you why. We need Elsa to bring back summer.

Olaf : So come on! Elsa’s this way. Let’s go bring back summer!

Anna : I’m coming.

Arriving at Elsa’s Ice Kingdom. Anna get into there.

Anna : Elsa? It’s me, Anna.

Elsa : Anna?

Anna : Elsa you look different, It’s a good different! And this place is amazing.

Elsa : Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of.

Anna : I’m so sorry about what happened…

Elsa : No, no, no. It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize, but you should probably go. Please!

Anna : But I just got here.

Elsa : You belong down in Arendelle.

Anna : So do you.

Elsa : No, Anna I belong here. Alone. Where I can be who I am. Without hurting anybody.

Anna : Actually about that…

Olaf : Sixty! Hi! I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs!

Elsa : Olaf?

Olaf : You built me. Remember that?

Elsa : And you’re alive?

Olaf : Um.. I think so.

Anna : He’s just like the one we built as kids.

Elsa : Yeah.

Anna : Elsa, we were so close. We can be like that again.

Elsa : … No! We can’t! Goodbye, Anna!

Anna : Elsa, wait!

Elsa : No, I’m just trying to protect you!

Anna : You don’t have to protect me, I’m not afraid! Please don’t shut me out again, please don’t slam
the door. You don’t have to keep your distance anymore.

Elsa : Anna, please go back home. Your life’s await! Go enjoy the sun and open up the gate.

Anna : Yeah, but…

Elsa : I know, you mean well. But leave me be. Yes, I’m alone, but I’m alone and free. Just stay away! And
you’ll be safe from me.

Anna : Actually we’re not!

Elsa : What do you mean you’re not?

Anna : I get the feeling you don’t know.

Elsa : What do I not know?

Anna : Arendelle’s in deep, deep, deep, deep, snow.

Elsa : What?

Anna : You kind of set off an eternal winter. Everywhere.

Elsa : Everywhere?

Anna : Well, it’s okay, you can just unfreeze it.

Elsa : No I can’t. I don’t know how.

Anna and Elsa fight. Elsa struck Anna’s heart by accident!

Kristoff : Anna! Are you okay?

Anna : I’m okay.. I’m fine!

Elsa : Who is this? Wait it.. it doesn’t matter, just.. you have to go!

Anna : No, I know we can figure this out, together!

Elsa : How?! What power do you have to stop this winter? To stop me?

Kristoff : Anna, I think we should go.

Anna : No, I’m not leaving without you, Elsa!

Elsa : Yes, you are!

Elsa just made a giant snowman. He threw out Anna, Christabel and olaf. They’re running away from
Elsa’s ice kingdom. Christabel brings Anna to the love experts and they need Granpabbie to heal anna’s
froze heart. On the way, christabel describing how’s the trolls’ behavior.

Arriving the trolls’ recidence.

Kristoff : Meet my family! Hi guys..

Anna : They’!

Olaf : She’s craaazy. I’ll distract her while you run. Hi sven’s family. It’s nice to meet you!. Because I love
you, Anna. I insist you run! I understand you’re the love expert! Why aren’t you running?

Anna : Uh.. Okay, well, i’m gonna go.

Kristoff : No, no, no. Anna. Wait!

Suddenly, the rocks moving and change to trolls!

Mama trolls : Christabel’s home!

Olaf : Kristoff’s home! Wait, Kristoff?

Then they’re meet Granpabbie.

Granpabbie : There’s a strange magic here! Come, come. Bring her here to me. Anna, your life is in
danger. There is ice in your heart. If not removed, the solid ice will you freeze, forever.

Anna : What? No.

Christabel : But you can remove it right?

Granpabbie : I cannot. But, only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.

Anna and Christabel are so worry. Then Christabel brings Anna back to Arendelle, while, Elsa is so
scared. Appear sharp ice in her ice kingdom.

Elsa : Get it together. Control it. Don’t feel, don’t feel, don’t feel!

Arriving in Arendelle, Anna’s hair turning white. She’s cold as ice. Her body is limp.

Alexia kidnapping Elsa and takes her to Arendelle’s prison.

Elsa : Why did you bring me here? I’m a danger to arendelle. Get anna!

Alexia : Anna has not returned. Could you just stop the winter, bring back summer, please?

Elsa : Don’t you see? I can’t. You have to tell them to let me go.
Alexia : I’ll do what I can.

Elsa froze the prison, she breaks them and escape from that place. While Anna and Olaf planning to
search Elsa before Alexia kill her sister. With limp body, she walk out for escape. Her body getting weak
and her fingers start to freeze. And finally she’s frozen. Elsa shocked when sees Anna turns into ice. She

Elsa : Anna? No.. no.. Please.. Anna!

But suddenly, Anna’s finger back to normal and spread to all parts of her body.

Elsa : You scarify yourself for me?

Anna : I love you.

Olaf : An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart!

Elsa : Love will thaw. Love, of course. Love..

Anna : I knew you can do it.

Elsa thaw the winter, she brings back summer, they’re open up the gates and never closing them again.
Elsa gives Olaf a personal flurrie

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