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Where’s the Bathroom!?

Original Game & Analysis Project

Milestone 1 – GDD
Game Design II
Aladdin Vicuna

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Theme ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Detailed Mechanics ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Goals .....................................................................................................................................................................2
Rules .....................................................................................................................................................................2
Actions ..................................................................................................................................................................2
Transitions .............................................................................................................................................................2
Items .....................................................................................................................................................................2
Setup .....................................................................................................................................................................3
Storyboard .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Level Layout ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Milestone 2 Playtest Report......................................................................................................................... 5
Individual Playtests ................................................................................................................................................5
Analysis .................................................................................................................................................................6
Action Plan ............................................................................................................................................................7
Milestone 3 Playtest Report......................................................................................................................... 8
Individual Playtests ................................................................................................................................................8
Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Action Plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Milestone 4 Playtest Report....................................................................................................................... 13
Individual Playtests .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Action Plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Player must complete a 3D top down style obstacle course/maze before the “bomb” in his pants
explodes. The player will navigate the obstacle course and at the end of the course there will be a
bathroom. Every time the player stops the timer on the bomb will count down but when the player is
moving the timer will stop. The player will run and jump through the map as fast as they can and have
to make it to the end of the level before the timer hits zero to successfully win the game. In “Where’s
the Bathroom!?” your worst enemy will be other customers/people in the store. The other people will
be walking around the store and can get in your way and hinder your progress causing you to stop and
the timer to tick down.

This month’s theme is “You Can’t Stop”. The inspiration from my game and gameplay came from the
title and me having to go to the bathroom really bad on the way home and I came up with “Where’s
the Bathroom!?”. I literally couldn’t stop or slow down when looking or my pants might have exploded
to if you know what I mean.

Detailed Mechanics

The players goal is to make it to the bathroom before the bomb in their pants explodes.
Rule #1: There are NO rules! Run and make it to the bathroom before you explode!
Move – Moving through the level in the process of trying to find the bathroom
Jump – Jump over certain items like boxes of half aisles in the level
How the game transitions from one state to another
• Level to level. 3 levels total (Hopefully)
• When a player dies, they’ll restart the level completely. No checkpoints.
As of now the player won’t interact with anything his only goal is to run to the end of the
course. If I have time, I may add some power-ups.
Possible power-ups:
• Run Faster
• Double Jump
• Employees/Customers – These people will all have rigid bodies so getting around them
will be tough. If you do run into another person, it’s possible they will stop you and
cause your timer to tick down. Be careful and if you see one of these people in your way
find a way around or try your luck at pushing past them.
The game will start on level one and the player will work his way to level three. Dying will reset
the player on his current level. The player can only progress if they make it to the bathroom on
their level before the bomb explodes. The timer starts as soon as the level does and will tick
down every time you stop moving.

This is a little storyboard for the back story of how the game would begin.

(Can I help you?) (Back of the store past aisle 6, turn left when you
see the bread, then 50 paces due north just
past the oatmeal)
(Where’s the bathroom!?) (What is this a MAZE!?)

Level Layout
Photo below is a mock up of what the level from a top down aspect would look like. Each level will
have a different theme and layout and will get progressively harder as you move through each level.
Boxes – Aisles
Circle – Player
Green Square – Bathroom/Finish Line
Dashed boxes – Aisles that can be jumped over.
Milestone 2 Playtest Report
Individual Playtests

Playtest 1
Name: Richard
Age: 28
Gaming Experience: FPS, Action, Adventure, Horror
1. Player was confused on what to do.
2. Game is basically unplayable if I'm not there to explain the goal or purpose.
3. Richard believes I need a system or sign to guide the player a little better.

Playtest 2
Name: Celena
Age: 23
Gaming Experience: RPG, Racing, Adventure
1. Too much sticking to walls and shelves.
2. Couldn't make it up stairs because of said sticking.
3. Timer too fast.

Playtest 3
Name: Collin R.
Age: 26
Gaming Experience: RPG, FPS, Platformer, Racing, Action, Adventure, RTS
1. Got stuck at the wall you must jump over.
2. Enjoyed the fast pace feel of the game.
3. Wasn’t sure if shoppers were obstacles or not.

Playtest 4
Name: Anthony
Age: 25
Gaming Experience: RPG, FPS, Platformer, Racing, Action, Adventure, Horror
1. Players stick to everything.
2. Walls are too high.
3. Timer doesn’t stop after finishing the level.
1. 4 playtests recorded as of now all seemed to somewhat enjoy the game, but I think only half of them
reached the end.
2. All players got stuck somewhere and all players seemed fond of the explosion.
3. Need to work on getting the player to not stick as I think that’s one reason people can’t make it over
the walls.
4. Gender:

Action Plan
1. Instead of shortening the walls I’m going to try and make sure the players aren’t sticking and see If that
solves the wall height problem.
2. By next iteration I want to add a new mechanic because I feel the games a little bare in its current
3. I will change the player experience by solving the sticking that’s haunting this game. I feel the pace of
the game is good but maybe adding someone trying to actively stop you would help.
4. I will be changing the gaming experience format as I feel the data from that is too broad and doesn’t
properly represent how experienced one person is in gaming.
Milestone 3 Playtest Report
Individual Playtests

Playtest #
Gaming Experience:
1. At
2. Least
3. Three
Playtest #
Gaming Experience:
4. At
5. Least
6. Three
Playtest #
Gaming Experience:
4. At
5. Least
6. Three
Playtest #
Gaming Experience:
4. At
5. Least
6. Three
5. Aggregation of all playtests
6. General trends noticed
7. Conclusions drawn from the collected data
8. Charts and Graphs

Action Plan
5. Based on conclusions, what are you going to do about it?
6. Should be SPECIFIC MECHANICAL changes not generalizations
7. How do you expect this to change the player experience?
8. What will you add to/change in the playtest process (form) to make sure?
Milestone 4 Playtest Report
Individual Playtests

Playtest #
Gaming Experience:
4. At
5. Least
6. Three
Playtest #
Gaming Experience:
7. At
8. Least
9. Three
Playtest #
Gaming Experience:
7. At
8. Least
9. Three
Playtest #
Gaming Experience:
7. At
8. Least
9. Three
9. Aggregation of all playtests
10. General trends noticed
11. Conclusions drawn from the collected data
12. Charts and Graphs

Action Plan
9. Based on conclusions, what are you going to do about it?
10. Should be SPECIFIC MECHANICAL changes not generalizations
11. How do you expect this to change the player experience?
12. What will you add to/change in the playtest process (form) to make sure?

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