Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: From Diagnosis To Prognosis

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Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic

Leukemia: From Diagnosis
to Prognosis
Warren Alperstein, MD; Mary Boren, MD; and Jennifer L. McNeer, MD, MS

Warren Alperstein, MD, is a Resident in
Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common childhood cancer. Although
Pediatrics, Comer Children’s Hospital, Pritz-
the appearance of the disease is often quite dramatic, there are many patients who pres- ker School of Medicine, University of Chi-
ent much more indolently, creating a diagnostic dilemma for the primary care pediatrician. cago. Mary Boren, MD, is a Resident in Pe-
The appropriate diagnostic work-up assesses the initial extent of disease and stability of a diatrics, Comer Children’s Hospital, Pritzker
patient, and provides information that is important for risk stratification. Such information School of Medicine, University of Chicago.
includes patient age and white blood cell count at diagnosis, leukemia immunophenotype, Jennifer L. McNeer, MD, MS, is an Attending
presence or absence of extramedullary disease, and blast cytogenetic abnormalities. After Physician, Section of Pediatric Hematol-
therapy is initiated, the response of the disease to treatment is key for predicting outcomes. ogy/Oncology/Stem Cell Transplant, Comer
Altogether, this information is used to guide overall treatment intensity. Chemotherapy is Children’s Hospital; and an Assistant Profes-
administered in sequential blocks or phases, and lasts for several years. In general, outcomes sor of Pediatrics, Pritzker School of Medi-
cine, University of Chicago.
are excellent and the majority of patients survive, but there are still subsets of patients who
Address correspondence to Jennifer
do not fare as well, either due to resistant or recurrent disease, or due to long-term and late
L. McNeer, MD, MS, 5841 S. Maryland Av-
effects of therapy. [Pediatr Ann. 2015;44(7):e168-e174.]
enue, MC 4060, Chicago, IL 60637; e-mail:
Disclosure: Jennifer L. McNeer discloses
consulting fees from Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
The remaining authors have no relevant fi-
nancial relationships to disclose.
© Shutterstock

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previously healthy 3-year-old requested. Bone marrow aspirate and mately half of patients present with fe-
toddler presented to an outside biopsy were performed, which revealed ver, which is thought to be induced by
emergency room with fever and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia pyrogenic cytokines released from leu-
abdominal pain. Physical examination (B-ALL). kemic cells. Half of patients have firm,
and computed tomography scan of the nontender lymphadenopathy. Young
abdomen suggested appendicitis, and PRESENTATION OF ALL children may present with a limp, bone
the patient underwent an uncomplicated Demographics pain, or unwillingness to walk because
appendectomy. However, on pathologic Acute lymphoblastic leukemia of leukemic infiltration of the perios-
evaluation there was no appendicitis. (ALL) is the most common childhood teum, bone, or a joint. Some may pres-
The boy was diagnosed with mesenteric cancer. There are about 2,500 to 3,000 ent with symptoms of anemia, namely
adenitis and discharged home. The fevers new cases of pediatric ALL diagnosed fatigue and lethargy. Rarely, ALL may
and abdominal pain continued, and bilat- in the United States each year, with a present with bleeding secondary to
eral leg pain developed. Upon evaluation peak incidence in children between thrombocytopenia or a serious infec-
by his primary pediatrician, otitis media ages 2 and 5 years.1 The exact patho- tion secondary to neutropenia. How-
was diagnosed and he was prescribed an- genic events leading to the develop- ever, peripheral blood counts can be
tibiotics. The fevers continued, and labo- ment of ALL are unknown. However, relatively normal, and there are not al-
ratory work was significant for elevated ways circulating blasts. Therefore ALL
inflammatory markers. Echocardiogram cannot be ruled out when the blood
and bone scan were obtained, and due to counts are not overtly abnormal, as in
enhancement of several vertebrae as well
Some may present with the illustrative case.
as the left ankle on bone scan, a referral symptoms of anemia,
to pediatric rheumatology was made. Laboratory Evaluation and
In addition to the above history, the
namely fatigue and Diagnosis
review of systems at the time of the lethargy. The initial evaluation includes a
rheumatology visit was significant for CBC with differential and review of
decreased oral intake over several weeks, the peripheral blood smear, examining
resulting in a 4-lb weight loss. During about 5% of cases are associated with carefully for the presence of leukemic
physical examination, the patient ap- inherited genetic syndromes. Those blasts, which are present at diagnosis
peared generally uncomfortable and was with Down syndrome have a 10- to in about 90% of patients.2 Hyperleu-
lying in bed in a flexed position, but there 30-times greater risk of developing kocytosis (>100 × 103 WBC/mcL)
were no focal findings. any type of leukemia, most commonly occurs at diagnosis in about 12% of
The patient was admitted for further ALL. Children with certain autosomal white children and in about 23% of
evaluation. A complete blood count recessive genetic diseases associated African-American children,2 who are
(CBC) revealed a white blood cell with chromosomal fragility such as more likely to be diagnosed with the
(WBC) count of 5.2 × 103/mcL, hemo- ataxia-telangiectasia, Nijmegen break- T-lymphoblastic immunophenotype
globin of 9.2 g/dL, and a platelet count age syndrome, and Bloom syndrome of ALL (T-ALL). It is important in all
of 102 × 103/mcL. The differential was have an increased risk of ALL. There is patients, but in particular those with
48% neutrophils, 45% lymphocytes, and no clear link between infectious expo- hyperleukocytosis to assess for tumor
7% monocytes. A comprehensive meta- sure and the development of ALL. On lysis syndrome (TLS) by obtaining a
bolic panel (CMP) was unremarkable. the other hand, exposure to high-dose CMP and uric acid level. Tumor lysis
C-reactive protein was elevated at 162 radiation and benzene are recognized syndrome can occur spontaneously or
mg/L (normal <5 mg/L) and erythrocyte risk factors for developing ALL, but with the initiation of chemotherapy,
sedimentation rate was 162 mm/h (refer- these associations are rarely found in and is characterized by hyperphospha-
ence range 0-15 mm/h). Lactate dehy- children.2 temia, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia,
drogenase (LDH) was elevated at 511 and hyperuricemia that occur when
U/L (normal 116-245 U/L), as was the Symptoms leukemic cells rupture and release their
ferritin, which was 465 ng/mL (normal, The symptoms of ALL can be very contents into the circulation. This most
20-300 ng/mL). nonspecific, may gradually become commonly occurs in tumors with a
Because of the anemia and throm- evident over a period of months, or high proliferation rate, and the risk of
bocytopenia, an oncology consult was they may appear acutely.3 Approxi- TLS can be gauged both by the WBC

PEDIATRIC ANNALS • Vol. 44, No. 7, 2015 e169


count and the initial LDH. All patients lineage proteins such as CD19, CD22, row biopsy is obtained, occasionally
should have a chest radiograph to as- CD20, and CD79a, and negative for diagnostic difficulties arise in children
sess for a mediastinal mass, which is surface immunoglobulin, which appears with severe viral infections. At times,
more commonly observed in patients only on mature B cells. Cases of T-ALL the immune response may increase the
with T-ALL than B-ALL. express TdT and variable combinations production of normal precursor B cells
A bone marrow aspirate and biopsy is of T-lineage antigens such as CD1a, in the bone marrow, leading to suppres-
obtained at initial presentation to docu- CD3, CD4, CD5, CD7, and CD8.3 Be- sion of other hematopoiesis and resulting
ment the extent of marrow involvement sides determining the immunophenotype in modest granulocytopenia. It is usually
and to determine immunophenotype of the leukemia, the marrow sample is not difficult to distinguish such processes
(ie, B-cell versus T-cell disease). Lym- also processed for cytogenetic analysis from B-ALL because reactive popula-
phoblasts contain fine chromatin, small to aid with risk stratification. tions of lymphoblasts include cells from
nucleoli, and scant agranular cytoplasm At diagnosis, the presence or absence all stages of early B-cell development
(Figure 1). Acute lymphoblastic leuke- of extramedullary disease must be docu- and never replace the marrow. In con-
mia is defined as involvement of 25% mented. Central nervous system (CNS) trast, neoplastic lymphoblasts tend to
of marrow cellularity by lymphoblasts, involvement is defined as the presence of have a uniform immunophenotype repre-
but can be diagnosed in cases with fewer cranial nerve palsies by history or physi- senting one or another stage of early B-
blasts if a known recurring cytogenetic cal examination, or the finding of leuke- cell development, the hallmark of acute
abnormality is identified.4 The particu- mic blasts in the cerebrospinal fluid ob- leukemia.3
lar immunophenotype is identified using tained via lumbar puncture. In all boys,
flow cytometry, a process by which cells a testicular examination, and for some a RISK STRATIFICATION
are stained with a panel of antibodies to biopsy, is required to determine whether Risk stratification for children with
determine which markers are expressed there is testicular involvement. Patients ALL is of utmost importance as we are
on the surface of the malignant cells. In with extramedullary disease require increasingly tailoring therapy for each
B-ALL, the tumors cells are positive for modification of their therapy to intensify patient. By using risk-based treatment
terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase therapy to these immune-privileged sites. we can provide less toxic treatment to
(TdT), an enzyme that is expressed only Although making a diagnosis is usu- patients with more favorable progno-
in immature B and T cells and certain B- ally straightforward once a bone mar- ses, and for those with higher-risk dis-
ease, we can intensify therapy early on
to improve outcomes.

Immunophenotype and National

Cancer Institute Risk Groups
The initial distinction to be made
is between B-cell and T-cell leukemia.
This initial distinction is critical as T-
ALL is more aggressive and requires
higher-intensity treatment. Histori-
cally, patients with T-ALL did not fare
as well as those with B-ALL, but with
modern therapeutic approaches the
outcomes for patients with T-ALL are
approaching those of patients with B-
Patients with B-ALL are initially
divided into standard- and high-risk
subsets at the time of diagnosis, based
on age and WBC count. These criteria
were established as prognostically im-
Figure 1. Bone marrow aspirate demonstrating acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Sheets of lymphoblasts portant by the National Cancer Institute
with characteristic smooth chromatin and scant cytoplasm are present. (NCI) in 1996 and retain significance

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Summary of B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Risk Classification

Risk Factor Favorable Unfavorable

NCI risk group Age: 1-10 years Age: <1 year and ≥10 years
WBC <50 x 103/mcL WBC ≥50 x 103/mcL
Cytogenetics Hyperdiploidya Hypodiploidyb
Trisomy 4 & 10 t(9;22)
t(12;21) MLL rearrangement
Other characteristics CNS or testicular disease

Minimal residual disease <0.01% on Day 29 BM ≥0.01% on Day 29 BM

Abbreviations: BM, bone marrow; CNS, central nervous system; iAMP, intrachromosomal amplification of chromosome 21; NCI, National Cancer Institute; WBC, white blood cell.
Hyperdiploidy: >50 chromosomes or DNA index of ≥1.16.
Hypodiploidy: <44 chromosomes or DNA index <0.81.

to this day.9 Patients who are between than age 10 years with B-ALL will served prospectively at times of disease
ages 1 and 10 years at the time of diag- have favorable cytogenetics.11 reassessments to help gauge a patient’s
nosis and have a WBC <50 × 103/mcL Unfavorable cytogenetic abnor- disease status (ie, whether remission
are considered to have standard-risk malities include t(9;22), known as the has been achieved).
disease. As a group, these patients “Philadelphia chromosome,” which The cytogenetics of T-ALL are not
have a 4-year event-free survival (EFS) results in production of the BCR-ABL yet as clearly elucidated, and are not
rate of >80%.10 Patients who are ei- fusion protein, a constitutively active currently used in risk stratification
ther younger than age 1 year or age tyrosine kinase that requires incorpo- schemes. Recurrent abnormalities tend
10 years or older age at diagnosis, or ration of a tyrosine kinase inhibitor to be related to genes within the T-cell
have a WBC ≥50 × 103/mcL are con- (TKI) into therapy. The presence of receptor, located on chromosomes 7
sidered high risk, and require more in- t(9;22) increases with patient age, such and 14.11
tense treatment regimens. In particular, that only 2% to 4% of young patients
infants younger than age 1 year with (younger than age 10 years) harbor this Disease Response
ALL have very aggressive disease, and abnormality in their leukemic blasts, Ultimately, the most important pre-
treatment regimens exist specifically whereas up to 25% of adults with ALL dictor of outcome is disease response
for patients in this age group. do.12 Other unfavorable abnormali- to chemotherapy, and whether remis-
ties include hypodiploidy (<44 chro- sion can be achieved. Classically,
Cytogenetics mosomes per cell), rearrangement of remission was assessed morphologi-
Cytogenetic abnormalities within the MLL gene located at chromosome cally, and defined as <5% blasts in the
the leukemic blasts are an important 11q23, and intrachromosomal ampli- bone marrow. Now with more precise
component of risk stratification for fication of chromosome 21.11 Any of techniques (flow cytometry and poly-
patients with B-ALL, and individual these abnormalities would lead to a merase chain reaction), even minute
abnormalities are considered to be patient’s disease being considered high levels of residual leukemia can be
favorable, unfavorable, or intermedi- risk, regardless of initial age and WBC detected—referred to as minimal re-
ate. Favorable factors include a trans- count. sidual disease (MRD). For patients
location between chromosomes 12 There are other recurrent chromo- with B-ALL, the Children’s Oncology
and 21 [t(12;21)], which results in the somal aberrations that do not currently Group (COG) assesses MRD at two
ETV6-RUNX1 fusion protein, or hy- carry prognostic significance, such as time points during the initial 4-week
perdiploidy (>50 chromosomes per t(1;19) or trisomies of other various induction therapy: (1) in the periph-
leukemic cell), specifically with triso- chromosomes. Although these abnor- eral blood on day 8 and (2) in the bone
mies of chromosomes 4 and 10. Ap- malities may not lead to modification marrow on day 29 (at the end of induc-
proximately 50% of patients younger of treatment regimens, they can be ob- tion therapy), with a goal of <0.01%

PEDIATRIC ANNALS • Vol. 44, No. 7, 2015 e171


account age, WBC, cytogenetics, and

disease response.

Treatment and Prognosis

The treatment for ALL occurs in se-
quential blocks of therapy (Figure 2).
This therapy consists of both initial and
delayed aggressive phases of therapy
(induction/consolidation and delayed
intensification) with an intervening less
intense phase of treatment known as
interim maintenance. After the comple-
tion of these blocks of more aggressive
therapy, which generally takes between
6 and 9 months, there is a prolonged
maintenance therapy that, on COG pro-
tocols, lasts approximately 2 years for
girls and 3 years for boys. During this
time, children feel relatively well, with
most of the therapy being low-dose oral
chemotherapy. Normal school and extra-
curricular activities are often resumed.
For all patients with ALL, both sys-
temic therapy and CNS-directed therapy
are required. Systemic chemotherapy
involves a combination of intravenous
and oral medications, with intramuscu-
lar drugs used in some cases as well.
Similar classes of drugs are used in in-
duction/consolidation and delayed in-
tensification, but with substitutions of
certain medications for one another—
for example, dexamethasone for pred-
nisone or doxorubicin for daunorubicin,
incorporating noncross-resistant agents
Figure 2. Schema of the Children’s Oncology Group therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Duration into later phases of therapy to eradicate
of consolidation is dependent on risk group (4 weeks for standard risk, 8 weeks for high risk). Protocols any remaining drug-resistant malignant
vary as to whether or not there is a second interim maintenance phase.
cells.14 CNS-directed treatment consists
of intrathecal chemotherapy adminis-
leukemic cells in the marrow by day for survival, but the NCI criteria of age tered at the time of lumbar punctures,
29 of therapy. The 5-year EFS rate for and WBC count, as well as favorable and is necessary regardless of CNS sta-
patients with <0.01% MRD (“nega- cytogenetics, retained prognostic sig- tus at diagnosis to protect against CNS
tive MRD”) at the end of induction is nificance.13 relapses. Those patients with overt in-
nearly 90%, and increasing levels of In summary, an individual patient’s volvement of the CNS often require cra-
MRD portend a worse prognosis, with treatment is adjusted based on the par- nial radiation at some point during their
a 5-year EFS rate of about 30% for the ticular risk group to which that patient treatment, in addition to intrathecal che-
group of patients with MRD >1% at the is ultimately assigned (Table 1). Al- motherapy.
end of induction therapy.13 In a multi- though the nuances of risk stratifica- Besides classic cytotoxic chemother-
variate analysis, MRD was found to be tion schemes vary slightly between dif- apy, in some cases more targeted therapy
the most important prognostic factor ferent cooperative groups, all take into is incorporated into treatment regimens.

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