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Assignment 2

Prepared for :

Mr. Hoang Nhu Vinh

Greenwich University Da Nang

Prepared by:

Le Vo Thang

June, 20, 2018



This report including 4 sections : Development Document, IDE Evaluation, Debugging Evaluation
and Coding standard evaluation .

In section 1 , we can understand of the User interface and how the App execute.

In section 2 , we can know about the comparison of using IDE for develop applications and
without using an IDE.

In section 3, we can figure out the debugging process , debugging facilities available in
Microsoft Visual Studio and how debugging process make application more secure, robust.

In section 4, we will find out some code standards were used in the app and the benefit of
Coding standards.

Table of Contents
Section 1 – Development Document

1. Activity diagram : ...................................................................................................................................... 4

2.User Interface : .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Section 2 – IDE Evaluation

1.Evaluate the use of an IDE for development of applications contrasted with not using an IDE. ............ 10
Developing app using IDE ....................................................................................................................... 10
Developing app without using IDE .......................................................................................................... 10

Section 3 : Debugging Evaluation

1.Debugging process : ................................................................................................................................. 11

2. Debugging facilities available in Microsoft Visual Studio ...................................................................... 13
3. Debugging process make application more secure, robust : ................................................................. 14

Section 4 : Coding standard evaluation

1.Some code standards were used in the app : .......................................................................................... 15

2. Benefit of Coding standards : .................................................................................................................. 15

Section 1 – Development Document

1. Activity diagram :

App running

2.User Interface :

The patient management application interface will look like this when execute. We can see here
all of the fields : Full Name, Address, Telephone, Sex, Date of birth, Patient record number and
all of the buttons : Save button, Update button, Delete button and Load image button are
disable except Add button. The table in the bottom corner of the app is where the information
we type in will display. The control auto focus on the Add button when we run the app , so the
User have to click the Add button to start adding new patient into database table.

After click the Add button, we can see all of the fields and Load image button are unlock to help
the user can start filling information in now. What if the user don’t type anything and just click
the Save button? The app will show up the dialogs to remind the user to fill in all of the
required fields step by step until the user completely finishes. There is some example if the user
doesn’t fill in the fields :

- Full name field :

- Telephone field :

The special point that is the input of the user is strictly validate by the app.

Example in the telephone field :

Or Date of birth field :

The user must type into these fields follow the predefined styles : only type the numbers into them.

With the telephone field is 10 numbers and the Date of birth field is DD/MM/YYYY.

After fill up all of the required fields, the user just click Save button to add all of information into
database table. These information will be display in the datagridview table like a record.

After Save the record, all of the fields are lock again and 3 buttons are unlock for user to Add, Update
and Delete the records.

We can update the record by select the record that we want to edit in the datagridview table and click
the Update button, then all the fields are unlock so we can modify all information of the record.

Then click Save button to finish. All old information was replaced immediatly by new information that
the user just entered.

If we want to delete a record, just simply select the record in the datagridview table and click the Delete
button. A warning dialog will pop up and confirm that the user make sure to remove the record.

After click Yes in the warning dialog, the record was removed permanently from database table.

We can see the record was disappeared and the datagridview table become empty.

Section 2 – IDE Evaluation

1.Evaluate the use of an IDE for development of applications contrasted

with not using an IDE.

Developing app using IDE Developing app without using IDE

-Build automation tools :

Build automation tools help the programmers Use a specific compiler depend on the
to automating the production of a software programming language that the developer
and the process including: compiling computer use.
source code into binary code, packaging
binary code, and running automated tests.

- Debugger integrated :

We can write code and debug it in the same Developers have to write source code in a text
program. In case of error, a program is editor and then debug it with an external
stopped and the debugger will show the linter or compiler.
details and position of errors in the target
program. That is very easy and convenient for
developers to fix errors.

- Intelligent code completion :

Intelligent code completion : is a context- Just a few of popular text editors support
aware code completion feature in intelligent code completion feature.
programming environments that help
programmers speed up the process of coding
by reducing typos and other common
mistakes. This feature is carried out through
auto completion popups when typing,
querying parameters of functions, query hints
related to syntax errors, variable names,
functions and methods.

Section 3 : Debugging Evaluation

1.Debugging process :

1.1.Create a project and write a program (make the app).

1.2.Set a breakpoint by clicking the left margin of the first line of code.

1.3.Press F5 or the Start Debugging button, the app starts, and the debugger runs to the line of
code where we set the breakpoint. We can test variables that we suspect might not run
correctly .When the executable program arrives at breakpoint we have marked , the line that
will change to yellow as shown below.

1.4.We can test the local variables of the program by going to the Debug menu -> Windows ->
Locals (or pressing Alt F4). Now we can see local variables in the program and its value when
the program runs there. Using this function to know how each value changes when the
program runs there.

2. Debugging facilities available in Microsoft Visual Studio :

+ Use error List to fix or refactor code.

+ C# code analysis :

+ Generate unit tests for your code with IntelliTest.


+ Advanced breakpoint features, including conditional, address, data breakpoints.

+ Debugging ASP.NET Web Services.

+ Remote machine debugging.

3. Debugging process make application more secure, robust :

When the developers detect some bugs, they have to find out the mistakes in their code
statements that they have just written and try to correct them. That’s why developers should
consider debugging as a learning opportunity. Debugging is one of the most important skill of
developers. The more time developers spend to debug, the better they are. If developers debug
frequently , they will definitely learn many helpful things. The better developers get at learning
new things, the easier it’ll be to fix bugs in their code.

To make an completely application, the developer have to fix bugs and test the app a several of
times . After a thousand time of fix and test , again and again , the app become more and
more complete about the functions , the design, the security , …

Section 4 : Coding standard evaluation

1.Some code standards were used in the app :

-Divide source code into different parts by dividing them into paragraphs.

- Conventions of variable naming should be consistent throughout the code. They should
describe the data they contain.

-Name the functions according to the content that they perform.

-Coding should be clear and apparently so when return to it after a time gap the developer still
be able to understand it without having to look at every line.

-Avoid using complex language functions or constructs that are difficult to comprehend.

2. Benefit of Coding standards :

- Increases Efficiency :

Establishing coding standards helps developers avoid spending a significant amount of time in
resolving generated problems .It’s also Allow the team to detect problems early and prevent
them totally.

-Minimize the Risk of the whole project’s failure :

Many IT projects fail because of software development problems. Coding standards reduce the
risk of failures.

- Reduces Complexity :

Higher the complexity of source code the easier it is to causes errors. Coding standards help
reduce complexity of source code so that minimizing errors.

- Maintenance process will become much more simply if the source code is consistency.
Because it’s very convenient for developers to jump in at any phrase of source code and modify
it without read every line.

-A consistent source code makes it easy to locate and fix bugs in the application.

-An apparently source code leads to the potential to reuse more code statements . This reduces
the cost of the project and developers ’s effort.


Through the report we have understood more about the interface and the app ‘s execution,
comparison of using IDE for develop applications and without using an IDE, the debugging
process and how debugging process make application more robust, code standards were used
in this app .

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