1-MILE Race:: ( (. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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* Training Terms Defined

STRIDES: This set of six short
accelerations should be per-
HILLS: These sessions will build
strength and stamina. Find a
formed after an easy run and moderate incline that forces you
as part of your warm-up for key to get up on your toes. A four to
workouts as a way to maintain six percent grade on a treadmill
turnover and improve efficiency. will suffice as well. Walk or jog
Accelerate for five seconds, down the hill between repeats
run at your fastest sustainable for recovery.
speed for 10 seconds, and then
decelerate for the final five
seconds. Take a minute between
strides to get your breath back. X-TRAINING: Complete alternative
aerobic exercise in the form of
cycling, pool running, swimming
or the elliptical machine. These
WARM-UPS AND COOL-DOWNS: are scheduled before or after
Precede each of your key hill your key workouts for the week.
workouts, tempo runs and in- Cross-training for 30 to 60
terval sessions with 10 to 15 min- minutes on your non-running
utes of easy running and a set days is a good way to get in
of strides to warm up. Follow the extra volume without beating up $VN\RXUVHOI¶&DQ,JLYHPRUH"·
workout with 10 to 15 minutes of your body.
easy running to cool down. 7KHDQVZHULVXVXDOO\¶<HV·
—Paul Tergat, professional marathoner


Hills: 6 x 1:00 @ 2 x [5 x 200m
55:00 easy Rest or 5K effort w/2:00 30:00 easy or 35:00 easy Rest or @ 1-mile race
X-Training recoveries, 6 x 30
X-training + strides X-Training pace w/1:00
seconds @ 1-mile recoveries]
race effort w/1:00 3:00 recovery
recoveries between sets

2 x 800m @ 1-mile Tempo Run:

race pace w/2:00 2 miles @ 5K
Rest or recoveries; 2 x 400m 30:00 easy or 35:00 easy Rest or race pace, 3:00
60:00 easy @ 1-mile race pace
w/1:00 recoveries;
X-training + strides X-Training recovery, 4x
200m @ faster
2 x 200m @ faster than 1-mile race
than 1-mile race pace pace w/1:30
w/1:00 recoveries recoveries
800m @ goal 3 x 1K @ 5K race

1-mile race pace pace w/2:00
60:00 easy Rest or w/1-minute 30:00 easy or 35:00 easy Rest or recoveries; 4 x
X-Training recovery. 2 x 400m X-training + strides X-Training 200m @ 1-mile
@ 1-mile race race pace w/1:00
pace w/30 sec
recoveries recoveries

2 x 400m @

1-mile race
45:00 easy Rest or
pace w/2:00 30:00 easy or 35:00 easy + Rest or
recoveries; 4 x
200m @ 1-mile
X-training strides
race pace w/1:00

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