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Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relatively new approach to
managing people in any organisation. People are considered the key resource in this
approach. it is concerned with the people dimension in management of an
organisation. Since an organisation is a body of people, their acquisition, development
of skills, motivation for higher levels of attainments, as well as ensuring maintenance
of their level of commitment are all significant activities. These activities fall in the
domain of HRM. Human Resource Management is a process, which consists of four
main activities, namely, acquisition, development, motivation, as well as maintenance
of human resources.

Scott, Clothier and Spiegel have defined: Human Resource Management as that
branch of management which is responsible on a staff basis for concentrating on those
aspects of operations which are primarily concerned with the relationship of
management to employees and employees to emp loyees and with the development of
the individual and the group. Human Resource Management is responsible for
maintaining good human relations in the organisation. It is also concerned with
development of individuals and achieving integration of goals of the organisation and
those of the individuals. North considers human resource management as an
extension of general management, that of prompting and stimulating every employee
to make his fullest contribution to the purpose of a business. Human resource
management is not something that could be separated from the basic managerial
function. It is a major component of the broader managerial function.

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1.1.1 Definitions:
According to French Wendell, Human resource management as the recruitment,
selection, development, utilisation, compensation and motivation of human resources
by the organisation.

According to Edwin B. Flippo, Human resource management is the planning,

organising, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, resources to the
end that individual and societal objectives are accomplished. This definition reveals
that human resource (HR) management is that aspect of management,

This deals with the planning, organising, directing and controlling the personnel
functions of the enterprise.

1.1.2 Objectives:
The basic objective of human resource management is to contribute to the
realisation of the organisational goals. However, the specific objectives of human
resource management are as follows:

To ensure effective utilisation of human resources, all other organisational resources

will be efficiently utilised by the human resources.

To establish and maintain an adequate organisational structure of relationship among

all the members of an organisation by dividing of organisation tasks into functions,
positions and jobs, and by defining clearly the responsibility, accountability, authority
for each job and its relation with other jobs in the organisation.

To generate maximum development of human resources within the organisation by

offering opportunities for advancement to employees through training and education.

To ensure respect for human beings b y providing various services and welfare
facilities to the personnel.

To ensure reconciliation of individual or group goals with those of the

organisation in such a manner that the personnel feel a sense of commitment and
loyalty towards it.

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The main functions of human resource management are classified

into two categories:

Managerial Functions and (b) Operative Functions

Managerial Functions:

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EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION Following are the managerial functions of Human Resources Management.

The planning function of human resource department pertains to the steps taken
in determining in advance personnel requirements, personnel programmes, policies
etc. After determining how many and what type of people are required, a personnel
manager has to devise ways and means to motivate them.

Under organisation, the human resource manager has to organise the operative
functions by designing structure of relationship among jobs, personnel and physical
factors in such a way so as to have maximum contribution towards organisational
objectives. In this way a personnel manager performs following functions :

Preparation of task force;

Allocation of work to individuals;

Integration of the efforts of the task force;

Coordination of work of individual with that of the department.

Directing is concerned with initiation of organised action and stimulating the
people to work. The personnel manager directs the activities of people of the
organisation to get its function performed properly. A personnel manager guides and
motivates the staff of the organisation to follow the path laid down in advance.

It provides basic data for establishing standards, makes job analysis and
performance appraisal, etc. All these techniques assist in effective control of the
qualities, time and efforts of workers.

Operative function:
The operative functions are those tasks or duties which are specifically entrusted
to the human resource or personnel department. These are concerned with
employment, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of personnel of
the organisation.

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The operative functions of human resource or personnel department are discussed


1. Employment:
The first operative function of the human resource of personnel department is
the employment of proper kind and number of persons necessary to achieve the
objectives of the organisation. This involves recruitment, selection, placement, etc. of
the personnel.

Before these processes are performed, it is better to determine the manpower

requirements both in terms of number and quality of the personnel. Recruitment and
selection cover the sources of supply of labour and the devices designed to select the
right type of people for various jobs. Induction and placement of personnel for their
better performance also come under the employment or procurement function.

2. Development:
Training and development of personnel is a follow up of the employment
function. It is a duty of management to train each employee property to develop
technical skills for the job for which he has been employed and also to develop him for
the higher jobs in the organisation. Proper development of personnel is necessary to
increase their skills in doing their jobs and in satisfying their growth need.

For this purpose, the personnel departments will device appropriate training
programs. There are several on- the-job and off-the-job methods available for training
purposes. A good training program should include a mixture of both types of methods.
It is important to point out that personnel department arranges for training not only of
new employees but also of old employees to update their knowledge in the use of latest

3. Compensation:
This function is concerned with the determination of adequate and equitable
remuneration of the employees in the organisation of their contribution to the
organisational goals. The personnel can be compensated both in terms of monetary as
well as non-monetary rewards.

Factors which must be borne in mind while fixing the remuneration of personnel
are their basic needs, requirements of jobs, legal provisions regarding minimum
wages, capacity of the organisation to pay, wage level afforded by competitors etc. For
fixing the wage levels, the personnel department can make use of certain techniques
like job evaluation and performance appraisal.

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4. Human Relations:
Practicing various human resources policies and programmes like employment,
development and compensation and interaction among employees create a sense of
relationship between the individual worker and management, among workers and
trade unions and the management. It is a process of interaction among human
beings. Human relations is an rear of management in integrating people into work
situations in a away that motivates them to work together productively co-
operatively and with economic, psychological and social satisfaction. It includes:

Understanding and applying the models of perception, personality, learning, intra

and inter personnel relations, intra and inter group relations.

Job satisfaction

Motivating the employees

Boosting employee morale

Developing communication skills

Employee motivation

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Employee motivation
Motivation is one of the most important factors affecting human behaviour and
performance. This is the one of the reason why managers attach great
importance to motivation in organizational setting. Lipper has called motivation has
the core of management. Effective directing leads to effectiveness, both at
organizational and individuals levels. This requires the understanding of what
individuals want from the organization. However, what individuals want from the
organization has not been fully identified.

“motivation is the complex forces starting and keeping a person at work in
an organization . Motivation is something that moves the person to action, and
continues him in course of action already initiated”.

“ motivation refers to the way in which urges, d rives, desires, aspirations,

strives, or needs direct, control or explain the behaviour of human beings”.

Motivation can be defined in a variety of ways, depending on whom you

ask. If you ask someone on the street, you may get a response like, ‘’it’s what
drives us’’ or ‘’motivation is what makes us to do the things we do .’’ as far as
a formal definition, motivation can be defined as ‘’forces within in an individual
that account for the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at work,’’
according to schemer horn, et al . This is an excellent working definition for use
in business.

In order to understand the concept of motivation, we have to examine

three terms : motive, motivating and motivation and their relationship.


The purpose of study is to identify the type of motivation most suited for
higher productivity and methods usually adopted for measuring employee’s

To study the factors affecting the individual performance.

Motive: based on the Latin word mover, motive (need) has been defining s follow;

“A motive is an inner state that energies, actives, or moves (hence motivation),

and that directs behaviour towards goals.

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There is a difference between needs and wants. It is necessary to know the difference

Between those two terms for every employee. Needs are more comprehensive and

Desires both physiological needs like social needs, recognition needs, etc, which do
not fall under wants.

Motivation is the term which implies that one person in the organization context,
a manager, induces anther, say employee to engage in action (work behaviour) by
ensuring that a channel to satisfy the motive become available and accessible to the
individual in addition

To channel zing the strong motive in a direction that is satisfying t both the
organization and the employers the manger can also active the latest motivation in
individuals and harness them in a manner that would be function for the organization.

While a motive is engineer of action motivation is the canalization and
activation of

Motives motivation is the work behaviour itself. Motivation depends on motives and
motivating therefore, it becomes a complex process.

Fig 1: relationship between motive, motivating and motivation

Motive Motivating Motivation

Activating needs and Engagement in work

Needs in

Providing need satisfaction


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Nature of motivating:
Based on the definition of motivation, we can derive its nature relevant for human
behaviour in organization.

Following characteristics of motivation clarify its nature:

Based on motives:
Motivation is based on individual’s motives which are internal to the individuals.
These motives are in the form of feelings that the individual lacks something. In order
to overcome this feeling of laciness, the employee tries to behave in a manner which
helps in overcoming this feeling.

Affected by motivating:
Motivation is affected by way the individual is motivated. The act of motivating
channelizes need satisfaction. Besides, it can also activate the latent needs in the
individual, that is, the needs that are less strong and somewhat dormant, and harness
them in a manner that would be functional for the organization.

Goal-directed behaviour:
Motivation leads to goal directed behaviour. A goal-directed behaviour is one which
satisfies the causes for which behaviour take place. Motivation has profound influence
on human behaviour; in the organizational requirements.

Related to satisfaction:
Motivation is related to satisfaction. Satisfaction refers to the contentment experiences
of an individual which he drives out of need fulfilment. Thus, satisfaction is a
consequence of rewards and punishments associated with the past experiences. It
provides means to analyze outcomes already experienced by individual.

Persons motivated in totality:

A person is motivated in totality and not in part. Each individual in the organization is
a self-contained unit and his needs are interrelated. These affect his behaviour in
different ways. Moreover, feelings of needs and their satisfaction is a continuous
process. As such, these create continuity in behaviour.

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Complex process:
Motivation is a complex process; complexity emerges because of the nature of
needs and the type of behaviour that is attempted to satisfy those needs.

These generate complexity in motivation process in the following ways.

(1) Needs are internal feelings of individuals and sometimes even they,

They may not be quite aware about their needs and the priority of these. Thus,

Understanding of human needs and providing means for their satisfaction Becomes

(2) even if needs are identified, the problem is not over here as a particular need may
result into different behaviours from different behaviours from different result into
different behaviours from different need ma individuals because of their differences.
For example, the need for promotion may be uniform for different individuals may no
engage in similar type of behaviour; they may adopt different routes to satisfy their
promotion needs.

3) a particular behaviour may emerge not only because of the specific need but it
may be because of a variety of needs. For example, hard work in the organization may
be due to the need for earning more money to satisfy psychological needs, or may to
enjoy the performance of work itself and money becomes secondary, or to get
recognition as a hard- working person.

4) Goal directed behaviour may lead to goal attainment. There may be many cons
buses in situation which may restring the goal attainment of goal directed behaviour.
This may lead to frustration in an individual creating lot of problems.

Type of needs
There are many types of needs which an individual may have and there are various
ways in which these may be classified. The basic objective behind classification of
needs into categories is to find out similarly and dissimilarly in various needs so that
incentives are grouped to satisfy the needs falling under one category or the other.
Needs may be natural, biological phenomenon in an individual, or these may over the
period of time through learning.

Thus, needs may be grouped into three categories:

1) Primary needs

2) Secondary needs

3) General needs

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Primary needs:
Primary needs are also known as physiological, biological, basic, or unlearned
needs. Primary needs are animal drives which are essential for survival. These needs
are common to all human beings, though their intensity may differ.

Secondary needs:
These needs are learned by the individual through his experience and interaction.
Therefore these are called derived or learned needs. Emergence of these depends on
learning. These may be different types of secondary needs for power, achievement,
status affiliation, etc.

General types:
Though a separate classification of general needs is not always given, such a
category seems necessary because there are of needs which lie in the grey area
between the primary and secondary needs. Such needs are like need for competence,
curiosity, manipulation, affection, etc

Motivation and behaviour:

Motivation causes goal- directed behaviour. Felling of a need by an individual
generates a feeling that he lacks something. This lack of something creates tension in
the in of the individual. Since the tension is not an ideal state of mind, the individual
tries to overcome this by engaging himself in an behaviour through which he satisfies
his needs. Goal – directed behaviour leads to goal fulfilment and the individual
succeeds in fulfilling his needs and there by overcoming his tension in the favourable
environment. Satisfaction is one need leads to feeling of another need, either same
need after the lapse of certain time or different need and goal – directed behaviour
goes on. Thus, goal – directed behaviour is a continuous process.

A more common reaction to frustration is aggression, an act against someone or
something. An employee being denied a promotion may become aggressive and
verbally berate his supervisor.

Motivation and performance

Motivation is necessary for work performance because if people do not feel inclined
to engage themselves in work behaviour, they will not put in necessary efforts to
perform well. However, performance of an individual in the organization depends on a
variety of factors besides motivation. Therefore, it is desirable to identify various
factors which affect individual performance and the role that motivation plays.

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Factors affecting individual performance:

Observations show that (1) various individual perform differently in the same work
situations, and (2) the same individual performs differently in different work
situations. These statements suggest that various factors which affect an individual’s
performance are broadly of two types, individual and with in each type there may be
several factors.

We can derive form figure that individual performance depends on the following

Motivation of individual,

His since of competence,

His ability,

His role perception, and

Organizational resources



Performance Reward

Sense of

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Fig : factors affecting individual performance

If any of the elements is taken away, performance will be affected
adversely. The double- headed arrow between motivation and sense of competence
that the two variables mutually influence each other. Reward, as a result of
individual’s performance affects his level of motivation. If the reward is perceived to
be of valence and equitable, it energizes the individual for still better performance and
this process goes on.

Level of motivation drives an individual for work. Motivation is based on motive
which is a feeling that an individual lacks some things. This feeling creates some sort
of tension in his mind. In order to overcome this tension, he engages in goal –directed
behaviour that is taking those actions trough which his needs are satisfied. Thus,
motivation becomes a prime mover for efforts and better work performance.

Sense of competence:
To sense of competence denotes the extent to which an individual consistently
regards himself as capable of doing a job. Sense of competence of an individual
depends to a very great extent on his locus of control. Locus of control means whether
people believe that they are in control of events or events control them. Those who
have internal locus of control believe that they can control and shape the course of
events in their lives; those who have external locus of control tend to believe occur
purely by chance or because of factors beyond their own control. An individual with
internal locus of control tends be high performer than those with external locus of
control. However, this sense of competence is not an independent factor but depends
on the ability of the individual.

While sense of competence is type of perception about oneself, ability is his personal
attributes relevant for doing a job. Often, ability is expressed in the following way or

Knowledge refers to the position of information and ideas in a particular field which
may be helpful in developing relationships among different variables related to that
field. Skill refers to expertness, practical ability or facility in an action or doing
something. Thus, if the individual has ability relevant to his job, his performance tends
to be higher than those who do not posses such ability.

Ability=knowledge* skill

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Role perception:
A role is the pattern of actions expected of a person in activities involving
others. Role reflects a person’s position in the social system with its accompanying
rights and obligations. In an organization, activities of an individual are guided by his
role perception that is, how he thinks he is supposed to act in his own role is clear, the
individual tends to perform well. There are two types of problems which emerge in
role specification, role ambiguity and role conflict role ambiguity denotes the state in
which the individual is not clear what is expected from him in the job situation. Role
conflict is the situation in which the individual engages in two or more roles
simultaneously and these roles are mutually incompatible. In both these situations, his
performance is likely to be affected adversely.

Organizational resources:
Organizational resources denote various types of facilities ---physical and
psychological ---which are available at the work place. Physical facilities include
appropriate layout of the work place and conductive physical environment.
Psychological facilities include appropriate reward system, training development
facilities, harmonious workshop appropriate and motivating leadership styles,
motivating work, and do on. These organizational resources work in two ways in
increasing individual performance. First, they facilitate job performance. Second they
work as motivating factors which enhance individual enthusiasm to perform well.

Role of motivation:
Motivation is one among the various factors affecting individual performance.
However, it is one of the most important factors. All organizational facilities will go
waste in the lack of motivated people to utilize these facilities effectively. Every
superior in the organization must motivate his subordinates for the right types of
behaviour. Diagnosing human behaviour and analyzing as to why people behave in a
particular way is of prime importance in motivating them irrespective of the
organization because individual is the basic component of any organization.

The importance of motivation in an organization may be summed up as follows:

High performance level:

Motivated employees put together performance as compared to other employees. In a
study it was found that motivated employees worked at close 80-90 percent of their
ability. The further suggested that hourly employees could maintain their jobs, if they
were not fired, by working approximately 20to30 percent of their ability. The high
performance is a must for an organization being successful and this performance
comes by motivation.

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Low employee turnover and absenteeism

Motivated employees stay in the organization and their absenteeism is quite low. High
turnover and absenteeism create many problems in the organization. Recruiting,
training and developing large number of new personnel into a working team take
years. In a competitive economy, this is almost an impossible task. Moreover, this also
effects the reputation of the organization unfavourably

Acceptance of organizational changes:

Organizations are created in the society. Beca use of changes in the society changes in
technology, value system etc, and organization has to incorporate those things to cope
up with the requirement of the time. When these changes are introduced in the
organization, there is a tendency to a resist these changes by the employees. However
if they are properly motivated, they accept, introduce and implement t hese changes
keeping the organization on the right track of progress.

Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to
think, behaves, take action, and control work and decision making in autonomous
ways. It is the state of feeling self-empowered to take control of one’s own destiny.
Empowerment rules as a development strategy.

Along with motivation job design, empowerment is also used as a technique

for motivation. Most of work organizations have a number of employees who believe
that they are dependent on others and their own efforts have little impact on the
performance. Sense of this powerless creates frustration in employees and they start
developing feeling that they cannot perform success fully or make meaningful
contributions. In order to overcome this feeling of employees and involving them in
their jobs, the idea of empowerment has been introduced. The basic those of
empowerment have emerged from the proponents of total quality management (TQM)
which has gained acceptance throughout the world.

In Webster’s dictionary, the verb empowers means to give the means, ability of
authority”. Thus, empowerment in work setting involves giving employees the means,
ability and authority to do something.

Newsroom and Davis have defined empowerment as follows

“Empowerment is any process that provides greater autonomy through the

sharing of relevant information and the provision of control over factors affecting job

“Empowerment helps remove the conditions that cause powerlessness while

enhancing employee feeling of self-efficacy.”

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There are five approaches which have been suggested for empowerment:
Helping employees achieve job mastery – giving training, coaching, and guided
experience that are required for initial success.

Allowing more control – giving employees descry travel section over job performance
and making them accountable for the performance outcomes.

Providing successful role models – allowing them to observe peers who are
performing successfully on the job.

Using social reinforcement and persuasion – giving praise, encouragement, and verbal
feedback to raise confidence.

Giving emotional support – reduction of stress and anxiety through better role present
travel section, task assistance, and personal care.

When managers use these approaches, employees develop a feeling that their
jobs are important and they contribute meaningfully for the achievement o f
organizational effectiveness.

This feeling contributes positively to the use of skills and talents in job performance
as shown in figure:

Empowerment Perception of Better

Job mastery Empowerment Performance

More self-control

Reinforcement Self-confidence
Fig : empowerment and its effect

High values to job

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Top 10 principles of employee empowerment:

These are the most important principles for people in a way that reinforces employee
empowerment, accomplishment, and contribution. These management actions enable
both the people who work with you and the people who report to you to soar.

1. Demonstrate, you value people

Your regard for people shines through in all of your actions and words. Your facial
expression, your body language, and your words express what you are thinking about
the people who report to you. Your goal is to demonstrate your appreciation for each
person’s unique value. No matter how an employee is performing on their current task,
your value for the employee as a human being should never falter and always be

2. Share leadership vision

Help people feet that they are part of something bigger than themselves and their
individual job. Do this by making sure they know and have access to the
organization’s overall mission, vision, and strategic plan.

3. Share goals and direction

Share the most important goals and direction for your group. Where possible,
either make progress on goals measurable and observable, or ascertain that you have
shared your pictures of a positive outcome with the people responsible for
accomplishing the results.

4. Trust people

Trust the intention of people to do the right thing, make the right decision, and
make choices that, while may be not exactly what you would decide, still work.

5. Provide information for decision making

Make certain that you have give people, or made sure that they have access to,
all of the information they need to make thoughtful decisions.

6. Delegate authority and impact opportunities, not just more work

Doesn’t just delegate the drudge work; delegate some of the fun stuff, too. You
know, delegate the important meetings, the committee memberships that influence
product development and decision making, and the projects that people and customers
notice. The employee will grow and develop new skills. Your plate will be less full so
you can concentrate on contribution. Your reporting staff will gratefully shine-and so
will you.

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7. Provide frequent feedback

Provide frequent feedback so that people know how they are doing.
Sometimes, the purpose of feedback is reward and recognition. People deserve your
constructive feedback, too, so they can continue to develop their knowledge and skills.

8. Solve problems: don’t pinpoint problem people

When a problem occurs, ask what is wrong with the work system that caused
the people to fail, not what is wrong with the people. Worst case response to
problems? Seek to identify and punish the guilty.

9. Listen to learn and ask questions to provide guidance

Provide a space in which people will communicate by listening to them and

asking them questions. Guide by asking questions, not by telling grown up people
what to do. People what to do. People generally know the right answers if they have
the opportunity to produce them. When an employee brings you a problem to solve,
ask, “what do you think you should do you should do to solve this problem?”

Or, ask, “what action steps do you recommend?” Employees can demonstrate what
they know and grow in the process.

10. Help employees feel rewarded and recognized for empowered

When employees feel under-compensated, under-titled for the responsibilities
they take on, under- noticed, under-praised, and under – appreciated, don’t expect
results from employee empowerment. The basic needs of employees must feel met for
employee’s empowerment.

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The ins ur a nce sec tor in I nd ia ha s co me a fu ll c irc le fro m
be ing a n op e n co mp e titive ma rk e t to na tio na liza tio n a nd bac k to a
libe ra lize d ma rk e t a ga in. Tr ac in g the d e ve lo p me nts in the I nd ia n
ins ur a nce s ec to r re vea ls the 3 60 de gre e tur n witne s se d o ve r a p er io d o f
almos t two centur ies.

A brief histor y of the Insura nce sector

The b us ine ss o f life ins ur a nc e in I nd ia in its e xis ting fo r m star ted

in I nd ia in the yea r 1 818 with the es tab lis h me nt o f the Or ie nta l Life
Insura nce Company in Calcutta.

So me o f the imp o rta nt mile s to nes in the life ins ur a nce b us ine s s in I nd ia

1912 : The I nd ia n Life Ass ur a nce Co mp a nie s Act e na cted a s the fir s t
statute to regula te the life insura nc e busines s.

1928 : The I nd ia n I ns ura nce C o mpa nie s Ac t e na cted to e nab le the

go ve r nme nt to c o lle c t sta tis tica l in fo r ma tio n ab o ut bo t h life a nd no n-
life insura nce busine s se s.

1938 : Ea r lie r le gis la tio n c o nso lida ted a nd a me nd ed to b y the I ns ur a nce

Act with the objective of protectin g the inter es ts of the insur ing public.

1956 : 24 5 I nd ia n a nd fo re ign ins ur er s a nd p ro v ide nt soc ie tie s tak e n

o ve r b y the c e ntra l go ve r nme nt a nd natio na lize d. LIC fo r med b y a n Ac t
o f Pa r lia me nt, viz. LIC Ac t,1 956 , with a ca p ita l c o ntr ib utio n o f Rs. 5
cro r e fr o m the Go ve r nme nt o f I nd ia. The Ge ne ra l ins ur a nce b us ine s s in
I nd ia , o n the othe r ha nd , c a n tr ac e its roo ts to the Tr ito n I ns ur a nce
Co mp a ny Ltd. , the f ir s t ge ne ra l ins ur a nce co mp a ny es tab lis hed in the
year 1850 in Calcutta by the Britis h.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 19

Ins ura nce s e ctor re forms :

I n 199 3, Ma lho tra Co mmitte e head ed b y fo r me r F ina nc e S ec re tar y a nd

RBI Go ver no r R.N. Ma lho tr a was fo r me d to e va lua te the I nd ia n
insura nce indus tr y and recomme nd its future directio n.

The M a lho tr a co mmittee wa s se t up with the ob jec tive of

comple me ntin g the refor ms initiated in the fina nc ia l sector.

The re fo r ms we re a ime d at “cr ea tin g a mo r e e ff ic ie nt a nd c o mpe titive

fina nc ia l s yste m s u itab le fo r the re q uir e me nts o f the e co no my k ee p ing
in mind the str uc tura l c ha nge s c urr e ntly und e rwa y a nd re co gniz ing tha t
ins ur a nce is a n impo r ta nt pa r t o f the o ver a ll f ina nc ia l s ys te m whe re it
was necessar y to address the need for simila r reforms… ”

I n 1 994 , the c o mmittee s ub mitted the r epo r t a nd s o me o f the k e y

recomme nda tio ns includ ed :

i) Structure
Go ve r nme nt s ta ke in the ins ur a nc e Co mp a nie s to be br o ught do wn to

Go ve r nme nt s ho uld tak e o ve r the ho ld ings o f GIC a nd its s ubs id ia r ie s

so that these subsid ia r ies can act as indepe nde n t corporatio ns.

All the insur a nce companie s should be give n greater freedo m to operate

ii) Competition
Pr iva te Co mp a nie s with a minimum pa id up c ap ita l o f Rs .1b n s ho uld be
allowed to enter the indus tr y.

No Co mp a ny s ho uld de a l in bo th Life a nd Ge ner a l I ns ura nce thro ugh a

single entity.

For e ign co mp a nie s ma y be a llo we d to e nte r the ind us tr y in

collabo r atio n with the domestic companies .

Postal Life Insura nce should be allowe d to op erate in the rural market.

Only o ne S ta te Le ve l Life I ns ur a nce C o mpa ny s ho uld b e a llo we d to

operate in each state

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 20

iii) Regulatory Body

The Insura nce Act should be changed

An Insura nc e Regula tor y body should be set up

Co ntro lle r o f I ns ur a nc e (C ur re ntly a pa r t fr o m the F ina nc e M in is tr y)

should be made indepe nde nt

iv) Investments
Ma nda to r y I nves tme nts o f LIC Life F und in go ve r nme nt s ec ur it ie s to be
reduced from 75% to 50%

GIC a nd its s ub s id ia r ie s ar e no t to ho ld mo re tha n 5 % in a ny c o mpa ny

( Ther e c ur re nt ho ld ings to b e br o ught do wn to this le ve l o ve r a p e r iod
of time )

v) Customer Service
LIC should pay intere st on delays in payme nts beyond 30 days

I ns ura nce co mp a nie s mus t b e e nco ur a ged to se t up unit link ed p e ns io n


Co mp ute r iza tio n o f op er a tio ns a nd upda tin g o f tec hno lo gy to be ca rr ie d

out in the Insura nce indus tr y.

He nc e, it was d ec id ed to a llo w c o mpe titio n in a limite d wa y b y

stip u la ting the min imu m c ap ita l req uir e me nt o f Rs .10 0 cr or e. The
co mmitte e fe lt the nee d to p ro vid e gre ater a uto no my to ins ur a nce
co mpa nie s in o rd er to imp ro ve the ir pe r fo r ma nce a nd e nab le the m to ac t
as ind e pe nde nt co mp a nie s with ec o no mic mo tive s. Fo r this p urp os e, it
had proposed setting up an indepe nde n t regula to r y body.

The Insura nce Regula to r y and Develo p me nt Autho r ity (IRD A)

Re fo r ms in the I ns ur a nc e s ec to r wer e in itia ted with the p as sa ge o f the

I RDA Bill in P ar lia me nt in Dec e mbe r 1 999 . The I RDA s inc e its
inc o rpo ra tio n as a s ta tutor y bod y in Ap r il 2 000 has fas tid io us ly s tuck to
its s c hed ule o f fr a min g re gu la tio ns a nd r e gis te r in g the pr iva te s ec to r
insura nce companies.

The othe r dec is io n tak e n s imulta ne o us ly to p ro vid e the s up po r ting

s ys te ms to the ins ur a nce se ctor a nd in pa r tic ula r the life ins ur a nce
co mpa nie s was the la unc h o f the I RDA’s o nline s er vic e fo r is s ue a nd
renewa l of license s to agents.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 21

The app ro va l o f ins t itutio ns for imp a rting tra in in g to a ge nts ha s a ls o

e ns ur ed tha t the ins ur a nc e co mp a nie s wo uld ha ve a tra ine d wo rk fo rc e o f
ins ur a nce a ge nts in p la ce to se ll the ir p ro d uc ts, whic h ar e e xp ec te d to
be introd uc ed by early next year.

S ince be ing se t up as a n ind ep e nd e nt s ta tuto r y bo d y the I RDA ha s p ut in

a fr a me wo rk o f glo b a lly c o mpa tib le re gu la tio ns. I n the pr iva te s ec to r 12
life insura nce and 6 genera l insur a nc e companie s have been registe red

 To be the first choice insurer for customers
 To be the preferred employer for staff in the insurance industry
 To be the number one insurer for creating shareholder value

 As a responsible, customer focused market leader, we will strive to understand
the insurance needs of the consumers and translate it into affordable products that
deliver value for money.
 A Partnership Based on Synergy Bajaj Allianz offers technical excellence in all
areas of General and Health Insurance, as well as Risk Management.
 This partnership successfully combines Bajaj Finserv's in-depth understanding of
the local market and extensive distribution network with the global experience
and technical expertise of the Allianz Group.
 As a registered Indian Insurance Company and a capital base of Rs. 110 crores,
the company is fully licensed to underwrite all lines of insurance business
including health insurance.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 22

Awards and Recognition:

"Best Insurance Company in private sector" at the IPE Banking Financial Services and
Insurance (BFSI) 2013.

Organization of the Year by SKOCH Financial Inclusion Award 2013

Stock Financial Inclusion Award 2012 for contribution towards financial inclusion
through life insurance

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance has been rated amongst the 50 top service brands and
ranked as Third Best Life Insurer, as per a survey conducted on 'Most Trusted
Companies' by Brand Equity and AC Nielsen-ORG Mar 2012.

Best Contribution in Investor Education & Category Enhancement by Bloomberg UTV

Financial Leadership Awards 2011

The Best Utilization of Information Technology to Transform Businessۥ by

Bloomberg UTV CXO Awards 2011-Technology Chapter.

Products & Services

Term Insurance

Savings Solutions

Investment Solutions

Retirement Solutions


Group Insurance

NRI Corner

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 23

The Bajaj Allianz “child gain” Plan :

Taking care of a child is perhaps the most important job a parent can have. It is
but natural that you would like to give your child your best. And therefore, this is the
time when careful financial planning can help you fulfill the aspiration that you have
for your children. The Bajaj Allianz child gain solutions help you to enjoy the joys of
parenthood responsibly, with the reassurance of a secure future for your child.

What does Bajaj Allianz “child gain” plan offer you?

Bajaj Allianz child offers a wide array of solutions that allows you to plan for your
child’s future by providing you with as many as 4 distinct and unique options.

Option 1: child gain 21

Option 2: child gain 24

Option 3: child gain 21 plus

Option 4: child gain 24 plus

The Bajaj Allianz new unit gain plan :

Bajaj Allianz New unit gain comes with a host of features that allows you to have the
best of both worlds – protection and investment , with flexibility like never before.

Key features of this plan are :

Guaranteed death benefit.

Choice of investment funds with flexible investment management; you can change
funds at any time.

Providing for full/partial withdraws any times after three years, provided three full
years’ premiums are paid.

Unmatched flexibility – to match your changing needs .

Maturity benefit equal to the fund value payable on the date of maturity.

The “Bajaj Allianz new unit gain plus” plan:

The Bajaj Allianz new unit gain plus plan comes with a host of features that allows
you to

Have the best of both worlds – protection and investment with flexibility like never

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 24

Some of the key feature of this plan are :

Guaranteed death benefit

Choice of 5 investment funds with flexible investment management: you can change

Funds at any time.

Attractive investment alternative to fixed – interest securities.

Choice of investment funds with flexible investment management: you can change

Funds at any time.

Attractive investment alternative to fixed – interest securities

Provision for full/partial withdrawals any time after three years from commenced

of the policy provided three full years’ premiums are paid.

Unmatched flexibility to match your changing needs.

Maturity benefit equal to the fund value payable on date of maturity.

How does Bajaj Allianz Cash Gain?

This plan pays out a guaranteed amount on survival at the end of every 1/5th of
the Policy term selected. A total of 75% of the sum assured is paid out in the first 4
cash benefits.

On maturity, 50% of the sum assured is paid along with accrued bonuses. Hence the

Cash/survival benefit distributed under this plan comes to more than 100% 0f the sum

– in fact 125% of the sum assured.

1st Cash Benefit 15% of Sum Assured

2nd Cash Benefit 25% of Sum Assured

3rd Cash Benefit 25% of Sum Assured

4th Cash Benefit 25% of Sum Assured

On maturity 50% of sum Assured + accrued bonuses.

The benefits will further increases by way of accrued bonuses that are distributed at
maturity or on death, if earlier. In case of maturity or death after 15 full policy years,
the company may Pay an additional terminal bonus for in – force policies.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 25

The “Bajaj Allianz Invest Gain” plan :

Bajaj Allianz Invest Gain is a specially designed pla n that offers unique
combinations of benefits to help you develop a sound financial portfolio for your
family. Among the many unique benefits, the most significant is the family income
benefit (FIB) that sustains the Family by compensating the loss of income due to death
or permanent disability. This is one – stop shop solution that can keep you and you
family financially protected at times when you need it most. In a financial world where
choices can drive you crazy, your search for the perfect life insurance plan stops

Bajaj Allianz Life aims high

Sam Ghosh, CEO, Bajaj Life Insurance Company Limited, who took over this
January, outlines his aggressive growth strategy. VenkatachariJagannathanreports..

Bajaj Life Insurance Company Limited — a 74:26 joint venture between Bajaj Auto
Limited and Allianz AG, Germany (formerly Allianz Bajaj Life Insurance Company
Limited) — under a new team headed by Sam Ghosh, CEO, has taken the competition
head-on, leaving industry watchers surprised at its rapid pace of growth.

Ghosh himself is a newcomer to the company, earlier having steered the Rs480 crore-
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company to the second position in the Indian private
sector insurance sector.

In a span of just eight months, Bajaj Allianz Life (premium income Rs220 crore) has
jumped three paces to occupy the fourth slot in the 13-strong life insurance industry.

Today the company is in the midst of pursuing its twin corporate 'dream' goals — to
close this fiscal with a premium income of Rs750 crore and occupy the number three
slot displacing the incumbent Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited.

Given the daily collections — over Rs1 crore — and its month-on- month growth, the
second may come true sooner.

According to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) figures,

the new premium difference between Bajaj Allianz Life and Birla Sun Life at the end
of August 2004 was Rs37.5 crore. Rival Birla Sun Life has taken the threat seriously.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 26

Research is a systematic method of finding solutions to problems. It is
essentially an investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of
gaining knowledge.


According to Clifford woody, “research comprises of defining and redefining

problem, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and
evaluating data, reaching conclusions, testing conclusions to determine whether they
fit the formulated hypothesis”


To study the role of employee empowerment after motivation.

To identify how employee motivation is related to performance.

To measure the consequences of pre and post employee motivation.

To calculate the level of motivation.

To study the impact of authorized motivation on productivity.

To measure employee satisfaction towards working environment.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 27


 The purpose of the study is to identify the level of motivation among the
working group in Bajaj Allianz Life insurance.
 To know the working environment, supervisors relationship, family
relationship and individual perception about the company in relation to
 The study can reveal the psychological and economic factors associated with
motivation and also can bring forth the interrelated factors for motivation.
 The study would be helpful in giving suggestions to apply the motivation

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 28


 The human resources management has to identify employee’s motivation

to match with the organization’s productivity.
 The motivation of each employee will lead to the better performance
and in turn satisfies both the employees and also organization.
 As employee motivation is important for the organization to achieve the
desired goals on time, therefore the employees must be motivated by
using various techniques.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 29


3.3 Meaning:
Research is an endeavour to discover answers to intellectual and practical
problems through the application of scientific method. “Research is a
systematized effort to gain new knowledge”. -Redman and Mory. Research is the
systematic process of collecting and analyzing information (data) in order to
increase our understanding of the phenomenon about which we are concerned or
3.3.1 Research Design:
A research design is considered as the framework or plan for a study that
guides a s we ll as the da ta co llectio n a nd a na lys is o f da ta. The researc h
des ign ma y be e xp lora tor y he lps, desc r iptive a nd e xper ime nta l for the
present study. The descriptive research design is adopted for this project.

3.3.2 Research Approach:

The r e s e a r c he r wo r k e r c o nta c te d t he r e s p o nd e nts p e r s o na lly
w it h we ll- prepared sequentially arranged questions. The questionnaire is
prepared on the basis of objectives of the study. Direct contract is used for survey,
i.e., contacting employees directly in order to collect data.

3.3.3 Objectives of Research:

The purpose of research is to discover answers through the application of
scientific procedures. The objectives are:
 To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it –
Exploratory or Formulative Research.
 To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation
or a group – Descriptive Research.
 To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else – Diagnostic Research. To test a hypothesis
of a causal relationship between variables – Hypothesis-Testing Research.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 30

3.3.4 Characteristics of Research:

 Research is directed towards the solution of a problem. It is based upon

observable experience or empirical evidence.
 Research demands accurate observation and description. Research involves
gathering new data from primary sources or using existing data for a new
 Research activities are characterized by carefully designed procedures.
Research requires expertise i.e., skill necessary to carryout investigation,
search the related literature and to understand and analyze the data gathered.
 Research is objective and logical – applying every possible test to validate
the data collected and conclusions reached. Research involves the quest for
answers to unsolved problems. Research requires courage.
 Research is characterized by patient and unhurried ac tivity. Research is
carefully recorded and reported
3.3.5 Steps in conducting research:

Research is often conducted using the hourglass model structure of research. The
hourglass model starts with a broad spectrum for research, focusing in on the
required information through the method of the project (like the neck of the
hourglass), then expands the research in the form of discussion and results. The
major steps in conducting research are:

 Identification of research problem

 Literature review
 Specifying the purpose of research
 Determine specific research questions or hypotheses
 Data collection
 Analyzing and interpreting the data
 Reporting and evaluating research
 Communicating the research findings and, possibly, recommendations

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 31


1. Personal Interviews : Schedules were administered personally for

Collecting the data.

2. Questionnaire : structured questionnaire

3. Research method : convenience sampling method

4. Sample size : 100 employees


The primary data was collected from employees through structural
questions and personal interviews with the employees who have attended the
training programmes.

Secondary data include both quantitative and qualitative data, and they
can be used in both descriptive and explanatory research. The data you use may be
raw data, where there has been little if any processing, or compiled data that have
received some from of selection or summarizing within business and business and
management research such data are used mostly in case study and survey-type

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 32


 Accuracy of the report is completely dependant of the employee’s respondents.

 An in depth study couldn’t be conducted because of the limited time period.
 The respondents were not always open and forthcoming, with their views,
agitates and not disclosing.
 The changes of biased responses cannot be eliminated through all steps were
taken to avoid the same.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 33

Data Analysis and Interpretation

4.1. Years of experience.



1 0-5 years 36 36
2 6-10 years 28 28
3 11-15 years 20 20
4 >15 years 16 16
TOTAL 100 100


From the graph shows that 36% of respondents says that they have an 0-5 years

Experience in that organisation, 28%of respondents says that they have an6-10

Years of experience in the organisation,20% of respondents says that they have an

11-15 years experience in their organisation.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 34

4.2. Following are the list of motivational factors.


FACTORS Total Percentage (%)

Job security 32 32

Promotion 16 16

Career Development 28 28
Welfare measures 24 24

TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph shows that 32% of respondents feels that they have an job

Security in that organisation,28% of respondents feels that the organisation has

To be providing the good career opportunity from then 24% of respondents feels

That they have an availability of welfare facilities in that organisation 16% of

Respondents feels that they have an good promotion opportunity will be provided

By the organisation from them.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 35

4.3. Employees at work place.



1 Highly satisfied 36 36
2 Satisfied 28 28
3 Average 14 14
4 Dis satisfied 22 22
TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph 36% of respondents says that they an highly satisfied in their
work place,28% of respondents says that they have an satisfied in their work place
,22% of respondents says that they have not satisfied in their work place.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 36

4.4 Effectiveness of employee participation in decision making.



1 Highly satisfied 22 22
2 Satisfied 14 14
3 Average 28 28
4 Dis satisfied 36 36
TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph 36% of respondents are dis satisfied the participation of
decision making in their organisation,28% of respondents are average,22% of
respondents are highly satisfied the participation of decision making in their
organisation,14% of respondents are satisfied.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 37

4.5 Role of hr in the organization.



1 Highly satisfied 32 32
2 Satisfied 40 40
3 Average 16 16
4 Dis satisfied 12 12
TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph 40% of respondents says that they are satisfied the HR place

And important role in their organisation, 32% of respondents says that they are

Highly satisfied.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 38

4.6 List of approaches to motivate



AWARDS 36 36




TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph 36% of respondents are satisfied that the organisation has to be
identify the performance of an employee by providing the awards,28%of respondents
are in that organisation has to be identify the performance of an employee by
providing there awards.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 39

4.7 Motivational challenges of employee.


FACTORS Total Percentage

Personal issues 10 10

Educational back ground 22 22

Competition among trade unions 46 46

Reluctance again administration 10 10

Bias in management decisions 12 12

TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph 46% of respondents are competition among the trade unions will
give the challenge of employee motivation, 22% of respondents are educational back
ground, 12%of respondents are bias in management decisions

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 40

4.8 Obstacles in employee performance


FACTORS Total Percentage (%)

Stagnation, lethargy, growth 10 10


Lack of motivation and recognition 24 24

Decision taken by top authorities 48 48

Miscellaneous 18 18

TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph 48% of respondents that centralisation process highly involved
in the employee performance,24% of respondents lack of motivation and
recognition,18% of respondents are miscellaneous.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 41

4.9 Employee awareness of motivation and empowerment.


Response/category Total Percentage(%)

Yes 62 62

Very little 28 28

No knowledge 10 10

TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph 62% of respondents are agreed that they have an awareness of
motivation and empowerment taken place in their organisation

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 42

4.10 Employee recognition from superior.



1 Highly satisfied 32 32
2 Satisfied 40 40
3 Average 16 16
4 Dis satisfied 12 12
TOTAL 100 100


From the above graph 40% of respondents are satisfied the superior has to be
recognised their performance in the organisation,32% of respondents are highly

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 43

4.11 Job satisfaction of employee.



1 Highly satisfied 32 32
2 Satisfied 40 40
3 Average 16 16
4 Dis satisfied 12 12
TOTAL 100 100


.From the above graph 40% of employees are satisfied the organisation has to be

Providing the good peaceful environment situation from them,32% of employees are
highly satisfied.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 44

4.12 Employees need to be remind that their jobs are dependent on the
company’s ability to compete effectively



Strongly agree 76 76

Agree 10 10

Disagree 8 8

Strongly disagree 6 6

Total 100 100


From the above graph 76% of respondents are strongly agreed that employees need

To be remind that their jobs are dependent on the company ability to compete

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 45

4.13 Supervisors should give a good deal of attention of the physical working
conditions of their employees



Strongly agree 40 40

Agree 24 24

Disagree 20 20

Strongly disagree 16 16

Total 100 100


From the above graph 40% of respondents are strongly agreed that the superiors are
directly involved in the physical working conditions of their employees,24% of
respondents are agree,20% of respondents are dis agree,16% are strongly dis agree.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 46

4.14 Special wage hike should be given to employees who perform their jobs very



Strongly agree 90 90

Agree 6 6

Disagree 4 4

Strongly disagree 0 0

Total 100 100


From the above graph 90% of respondents are strongly agreed that the organisation has
to be identify the employee performance by providing the special wage hikes, 6% of

Respondents are agree, and 4% of the respondents are not agree.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 47

4.15 How is an individual recognition for attaining standard performance in

your organisation?



Strongly agree 50 50

Agree 33 33

Disagree 4 4

Strongly disagree 13 13

Total 100 100


From the above graph 50% of respondents are strongly agree ,33% of the respondents
are agree and it is an individual recognition for attaining standard performance in your

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 48

4.16 The company retirement benefits and stock programs are important factors
on their jobs:



Strongly agree 60 60

Agree 19 19

Disagree 10 10

Strongly disagree 11 11

Total 100 100


Interpretation ,
From the above graph 60% of the respondents are strongly agreed that the organisation

Has to be provided the retirement benefits and stock program from them.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 49

4.17 Almost every job can be made most stimulating and challenging



Strongly agree 50 50

Agree 40 40

Disagree 4 4

Strongly disagree 6 6

Total 100 100


From the above graph 50% of the respondents are strongly agreed that every job in the
organisation can be most stimulate and challenge them, 40% of the respondents are
agree.4% of the respondents are not agree.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 50

4.18 Management could show more than interest in the employees by sponsoring
social events after hours



Strongly agree 30 30

Agree 40 40

Disagree 22 22

Strongly disagree 8 8

Total 100 100


From the above graph 40% of the respondents are agreed that the organisation has to
be create the interest of employees by sponsoring social events after hours.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 51

4.19 If your job includes interacting with customers, how it will affect the






Total 100 100


From the above graph 54% of the respondents are agreed they have an good interest
interacting with the customers.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 52


 Job security is the highest motivation factor than any other.

 The perception of the employee is high towards the aim of the organization i.e.
 There is high involvement of the employee in the organization.
 There is low participation of employees in decision making.
 There is equal participation in work.
 Awards and rewards are the high rated approaches that which motivates
 Lack of motivation and recognition, decision taken by top authorities are
obstacles that stop employees performing to the best.
 Employee’s awareness of motivation and empowerment is very low.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 53


 Employees should be identified by their better performance and should give

some type of incentives, promotions etc. So that employee will be boosted up
and will work better.
 Promotions should be given to the basis of performance only.
 The Management creates a challenging work (or) new assignment (or)
opportunity to develop the innovative idea of employee.
 The motivation review discussion should be practiced well to encourage the
open communication between both the appraiser and appraise.
 The management should study motivation theories for better motivation.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 54


According to the study I concluded that the employees are satisfied in their
organization, Motivation plays an important role in a company when it comes to
performance. Every employee is different and what works for one might not for the
other one. Importance of recognizing different type of managers and workers in order
to effectively motivate them.Emloyees are much more sensitive to their relationship
with their managers and the atmosphere surrounding the company rather than
materialistic goods.

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 55

Questionnaire for the employee motivation measure at bajaj

1. Years of experience ( )

A) 0-5 years b) 6-10 years

c) 11-15 years d) >15 years

2. Following are the list of motivational factors ( )

a) Job security b) promotion

c) Career development d) welfare measures

3. Employee at work place ( )

a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied

c) Average d) dis satisfied

4. Effectiveness of employee participation in decision making ( )

a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied

c) Average d)dis satisfied

5. Role of HR in their organisation ( )

a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied

c) Average d) dis satisfied

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 56

6. List of approaches to motivate ( )

a) Awards b) rewards

c) Recognition d) promotional channels

7. Motivational challenges of employee ( )

a) Personal issues b) educational background

c) Competition among trade unions

d) Reluctance against administration

e) Bias in management decisions

8. Obstacles in employee performance ( )

a)stagnation ,lethargy ,growth prospects

b) Lack of motivation and recognition

c) Decision taken by top authority

d) Miscellaneous

9. Employee awareness of motivational and empowerment ( )

A) yes b)very little c)no knowledge

10. Employee recognition from superior ( )

a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied

c) Average d) dis satisfied

11. Job satisfaction of employees ( )

a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied

c) Average d) dis satisfied

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 57

12. Employee need to be remind that their jobs are dependent on the company ability

To complete effectiveness ( )

a) Strongly agree b) agree

c) Dis agrees d) strongly dis agrees

13. Supervisors should give a good deal of attention of the physical working

Of their employees ( )

a) Strongly agree b) agree

c) Dis agree d) strongly dis agree

14. Special wage hike should be given to employee who perform their jobs

Very well ( )

a) Strongly agree b) agree

c) Dis agree d) strongly disagree

15.How is an individual recognition for attaining standard performance in

Your organisation ( )

a) Strongly agree b) agree

c) Dis agree d) strongly dis agree

16. The company retirement benefits and stock programs and important

Factors on their jobs ( )

a) Strongly agree b) agree

c) Dis agree d) strongly dis agree

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 58

17. Almost every job can be made most stimulating and challenging ( )

a) Strongly agree b) agree

c) Dis agree d) strongly dis agree

18. Management could show more than interest in the employees by sponsoring

Social events after hours ( )

a) Strongly agree b) agree

c) Dis agree d) strongly dis agree

19. If your job includes interacting with customer, how affect the following ( )

A) Will increase b) will decrease

c) Will have no effect

SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 59


1 Human Himalaya publishing

resource P.SUBBA RAO 3rd Edition house
management &
2 Human GARY DESSLER Pearson/ prentice hall
resource 10th
management Edition
3 Tmh
Human K.ASWATHAPPA 3rd Edition
management &
4 Research New age International (p)
methodology KOTHARI 2nd Edition Ltd.


SSIET,MBA,-2015 Page 60

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