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Section 1 : Project Scope

1.1. Project overview :

BBT is a professional software company provided custom software project and designed ecommerce site,
mobile app for small businesses.This project charter is described the planning and implementation of a
professional development event targeted on internal employees working in this company.

This project charter outline a 4 -phased project for the training plan. The events including a range
of activities, seminars, workshops, team-building activities and break-out sessions. We expected that 40
employees will attend the event. There is a large auditorium that will seat 60, and the outdoor centre can
accommodate 15 at any one time for activities. In addition, there are three break-out rooms, one with
computers for up to 20 and two other seminar rooms that seat up to 30.

1.2 Project purpose :

The event is scheduled in four days at a nearby residential centre, and will include a number of
workshops, coaching sessions and team-building activities. This event help staffs in the company
understand the importance of communicating ideas and experiences among the group to accomplish
goals.The Activities are also aimed at boosting the morale of employees. Team members are developed
from brainstorming and give breakthrough ideas through difficulties in team building activity. The team
are expected to becoming a high performance team,can resolving conflict, setting goals, managing
members and leading group.

P2 Demonstrate that you have used effective time management skills in planning an event.

Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving techniques in the design and delivery of an event.
P4 Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a given solution.
P6 Work within a team to achieve a defined goal.

Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success and/or failure of group work.

Communication is vital for a successful project because the team leader must give directions and advice
clearly to ensure the team understands its task, and the team must feel comfortable relaying problems and
inquiries to each other and the manager. Project managers who keep the lines of communication open
create a flexible team that reacts to challenges quickly and precisely. Ineffective project managers, such
as those who offer unclear directions and little constructive feedback, create a sluggish atmosphere that
inhibits performance.

Motivated workers are excited to contribute. Unmotivated workers, at best, do just enough to avoid
criticism. At worst, their lax attitudes lead to poor quality work, jeopardizing the success of the project.
Use incentives to motivate your team to work together well. For example, announce that successful
completion of the project ahead of its deadline will result in bonuses for all. Such motivations encourage
team members to support each other.

Innovation can be an emergent group phenomenon, meaning it arises from the communication dynamics
of the entire team, not just from the rare brilliant individual, according to the book “New Directions in
Group Communication,” by Lawrence R. Frey. For example, if the atmosphere you create rewards
creativity and avoids negative criticism, team members will feel comfortable taking chances. When
difficult problems arise, a supportive climate can elicit outside-the-box thinking that leads to novel
solutions. The key to creating an innovative atmosphere is to ensure the team remains positive and
supportive, avoiding negative comments and cynicism, which stifle creativity.

Effective team dynamics allow each participant to serve in her best capacity. The various skills of the
team members complement one another, leading to speedy, efficient work. Improper team dynamics, such
as those that give rise to cliquish behavior, cordon off people, inhibiting cooperation and limiting the
entire team’s ability to get the job done.

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