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A Neutronic Evaluation of the HTR-10 Using Scale, MCNPX and MCNP5

Nuclear Codes
Rômulo V. Sousa, Clarysson A. M. Silva, Ângela Fortini, Cláubia Pereira, Maria Auxiliadora F. Veloso and Antonella L. Costa

The HTR-10 (High Temperature Gas-cooled Test Reactor) is a 10 MW modular pebble bed type reactor, built by the Institute of Nuclear
Energy Technology (INET), Tsinghua University, China. As an advanced reactor, it has good passive safety characteristics: capacity of
retaining all fission products inside the coated particles (up to 1,600° C), passive decay heat removal, large heat capacity of the core to
mitigate temperature transition, large fuel temperature margin and negative temperature reactivity coefficient sufficient to accommodate
reactivity insertion and small amount of excess reactivity in the core. This reactor, which core is filled with 27,000 spherical fuel elements,
e.g. TRISO coated particles, is used to test and develop fuel, verify PBR safety features, demonstrate combined electricity production and
cogeneration of heat, and provide experience in PBR design, operation and construction. Using the SCALE 6.0 (Standardized Computer
Analysis for Licensing Evaluation), the MCNPX 2.6.0 (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) and the MCNP 5 (Monte Carlo N-Particle) nuclear
codes, the HTR-10 first critical core described in the Evaluation of The Initial Critical Configuration of The HTR-10 Pebble-Bed Reactor was
modeled and analyzed. A three-dimension model was simulated and the k was obtained and compared with the reference. The result

presents good agreement with experimental value. The goal is to validate the DEN/UFMG model to be applied in transmutation studies
changing the fuel.

Proposal for an International Experimental Pebble Bed Reactor

HTRs, both prismatic block fuelled and pebble fuelled, feature a number of uniquely beneficial characteristics that will be discussed in this
paper. In this paper the construction of an international experimental pebble bed reactor is proposed, possible experiments suggested and
an invitation extended to interested partners for co-operation in the project. Experimental verification by nuclear regulators in order to
facilitate licensing and the development of a new generation of reactors create a strong need for such a reactor. Suggested experiments
include: • Optimized incineration of waste Pu in a pebble bed reactor: The capability to incineration pure reactor grade plutonium by means of
ultra high burn-up in pebble bed reactors will be presented at this conference in the track on fuel and fuel cycles. This will enable incineration
of the global stockpile of separated reactor grade Pu within a relatively short time span; • Testing of fuel sphere geometries, aimed at
improving neutron moderation and a decrease in fuel temperatures; • Th/Pu fuel cycles: Previous HTR programs demonstrated the viability of
a Th-232 fuel-cycle, using highly enriched uranium (HEU) as driver material. However, considerations favoring proliferation resistance limit
the enrichment level of uranium in commercial reactors to 20%, thereby lowering the isotopic efficiency. Therefore, Pu driver material should
be developed to replace the HEU component. Instead of deploying a (Th, Pu)O2 fuel concept, the proposal is to use the unique capability
offered by pebble bed reactors in deploying separate Th- and Pu-containing pebbles, which can be cycled differently; • Testing of carbon-
fiber-carbon (CFC) structures for in-core or near-core applications, such as guide tubes for reserve shutdown systems, thus creating the
possibility to safely shutdown reactors with increased diameter; • Development of very high temperature reactor components for process heat
applications; • Advanced decay heat removal systems e.g. design specific air flow channels, or heat pipe designs external to the reactor
pressure vessel; • Development of a plutonium fuelled peaking reactor with the proposed duel cycle; • A radial coolant flow pattern with
increased power output; • Testing of carbon-fiber-carbon (CFC) core barrel applications. The design will facilitate ease of licensing by
sacrificing performance in favor of safety and employing redundant defense-in-depth safety systems. Speedy licensing is therefore expected.
The economic model will be based on a commercial expedition of the agreed experimental value to collaborating participants. Target costs
will be minimized by exploiting known technology only and by utilizing off-the-shelf components as far as possible.

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