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Topic under discussion : How we might craft some easiness for students in respect of finding and buying

the course oriented books?’

Purpose of Writing : Test assignment

Submitted to: TechnoContent

Submitted by: Amen Zaidi


 Problem Identification

 Three Possible Solutions

 Benefits of Each Solution

 Survey Summary

 Conclusion
In LCWU (Lahore College for Women University), I spent four years to complete the degree of BS

Honors in English Literature. This subject might seem dry nonetheless, to read another century with

another angle takes your study to the other level (Dalton, 2018).

An apparent disadvantage I faced in my study is to find relevant books like novels, plays,

criticism books, textbooks, and detailed notes according to the course outline. The individuals at my

home also got stimulated by this tension as I had to go by myself or make anyone else to go at diverse

market places to find particular books. Having no books or facing late availability of them caused me and

many other fellows, at times, to stand outside the class because our professors used not to bear us

inside without text.

The possible solutions to this book availability issue, according to me and the survey samples,

can be as following:

First of all, LCWU must have a bookshop in its territory including all the books according to the

course outlines of all departments.

Secondly, there should be a recruitment of a IT post in all computer labs, who can find books

online and give it a print out. In case some of them is not accessible online, they must be photocopied

and effortlessly available for the students within the University. If management does not cooperate,

students carry it out by themselves.

Thirdly, each department of the university must have a gigantic book rack at a certain place. It

can provide relief to former students by keeping their old books there and newer students to find

relevant books as each semester gets completed respectively.

The book shop in LCWU will enable students to buy each and every book of their course from

the university so they do not have to go outside and bother in searching frequently. This can further

help to avoid errors in buying.

Using internet to take print out of wanted books or get it photocopied can positively be

supportive to eliminate book searching in market. Surely, websites’ surfing is superior to surfing of

roads. It may lose the apparent look of books, however, possessing equivalent dignity.

Having a book rack will provide benefit in bi-ways, students do not have to spend their money in

buying books plus they will get will all notes and highlighted paraphernalia already written in the

textbooks by former students. Through this, better understating and analyzing of text might be assured.

With the help of a social app, I contacted to my class fellows. They were in number of 10. I asked

them a question, “how we might craft some easiness for students in respect of finding and buying the

course oriented books?’

Eight of them expressed their troublesome expressions in finding books and shared the views

consisting of solutions about this problem. Book shop, and IT related idea was specified by them. One

fellow asked me to not even discuss the university crisis with her, because she may burst out will all

difficulties she had faced in that time course. Last one denied me totally about having any trouble in

finding books as she lives near liberty market and easily had what she needed ever. I cherished this

convenient stance provided to her.


All glitches can be resolved if one takes out with all efficiency. As canteen, garden, greenery are

vital in each academic institution as obligatory, likewise each relevant issue should be treated by

probable resolution. Every possible proceedings must be enacted to get positive results.
A book shop including each and every book included in the course, An IT assistance to find books online

or get it photocopied, and lastly a book rack which may act as a recycle tool, can be carried out to avoid

book searching and buying problems for a student.


Wyatt, Dalton. (2018, August). English Majors, listen up! Here’s How to Make the Most of Your Degree.

Retrieved from https://getunbound.org/blog/english-major

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