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Millimeter Wave: The Future of

Commerical Wireless Systems

Robert W. Heath Jr.
Wireless Networking and Communications Group
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78704

Abstract—Millimeter wave (mmWave) is coming to fifth gen- allows derivation of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio
eration (5G) cellular, wireless local area networks (WLANs), (SINR) under certain assumptions. This was applied to under-
and wireless personal area networks (WPANs). The benefits of stand the performance of 5G cellular systems with mmWave
using millimeter wave carriers arise from the potential for larger
bandwidths (hundreds of megahertz to gigahertz) compared to for sectored beamforming models in [3]. The work was later
lower carrier frequencies. Differences in the propagation, chal- extended to include the effects of line-of-sight (LOS) and
lenges introduced by hardware constraints, and computational non-line-of-sight (NLOS) blockage in [4]–[6] with extensions
issues related to the high data rates have reinvigorated research to also include body blocking in [7]. Some key conclusions
in wireless communications. This paper, which accompanies a are that directional beamforming substantially improves the
keynote talk with the same name, provides a roadmap to the
author’s research results in the evolving area of mmWave for SINR, blocked interference can be neglected, and that LOS
consumers. interference can be significant in ultra-dense networks. This
work was also extended to consider the impact of initial beam
I. I NTRODUCTION association on the mmWave network performance [8], where
MmWave is the spectral frontier for wireless communica- it was shown that unless the employed beams are very wide
tion systems [1]. Most recent excitement derives from the or the system coherence block length is very small, exhaustive
application of mmWave to 5G cellular communication systems beam search with full pilot reuse among the base stations is
to provide higher data rates. MmWave research, though, has nearly as good as perfect beam alignment. A similar analysis
a long history in wireless communication with applications can also be applied to massive MIMO networks [9], [10]
including satellite communication, radar, and backhaul. Its where it was found that massive MIMO at mmWave can be
most recent application, oriented for consumers, has been to effective even with the hardware constraints provided that the
WLAN and WPAN in the 60 GHz unlicensed band [2]. In the infrastructure is densely deployed.
past few years, the research community has become enamored MmWave spectrum may be expensive. Fortunately, results
with mmWave. in [11] indicate that 5G operators may be able to share
In this paper, I provide an overview of key areas of research spectrum even with co-located infrastructure, obtaining the
in mmWave communication. The paper is not meant to be benefits of using a larger chunk of the spectrum. This may
comprehensive and inclusive, rather it is meant as a guide change how governments allocate 5G spectrum and the extent
to my work (along with PhD students and collaborators) on that operators collaboratively make use of that spectrum.
several diverse problems. Of course there are many research Wearable and ad hoc networks can also make use of
groups around the world also tackling key challenges. In Sec- mmWave communication, to provide high bandwidth con-
tion II, I review work on analysis of mmWave system from a nections between wearable devices. The main challenge is
network perspective (including interference) with applications wearable operation in crowded indoor environments. Stochas-
to cellular, wearable, and ad hoc networks. In Section III, I tic geometry has been applied to this setting as well, [12]–
describe several multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) sig- [15] with the result that crowds do not kill wearables because
nal processing challenges associated with mmWave wireless people also block the signal, and that performance varies as
communication. Then in Section IV, I describe some recent a function of location and orientation relative to the walls.
work that uses mmWave for automotive applications including Interference in ad hoc networks reduces the number of si-
vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). I multaneous connections. With mmWave, due to directionality
wrap up with some work in other areas in Section V. of the beams and blockage in the channel, the number of
simultaneous links can be much higher in mmWave systems
One major challenge in the application of mmWave to
consumer wireless systems is to understand the impact of III. M M WAVE MIMO ARCHITECTURES
interference in the system analysis. One common approach MIMO is used differently at mmWave compared to lower
is to use mathematical tools from stochastic geometry, which frequency systems [20]–[23]. A main implication is that some

978-1-5090-1608-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

spatial processing, e.g. beamforming, precoding, and combin- needed.
ing, may instead be pushed into the analog domain in what is An alternative to the hybrid architecture is to use fully-
called the hybrid precoding structure. Alternatively, other de- digital receivers but with low resolution ADCs (often just
sign tradeoffs will be made, e.g. reducing the resolution of the one bit for each of the inphase and quadrature). At lower to
analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), which are often the most moderate SNRs, there can be a small loss with one-bit ADCs
significant power consumer. Efforts along these lines have [51], [52]. Low resolution is attractive for massive MIMO
already started in commercial systems. Beamforming in the systems even at non-mmWave frequencies. With several anten-
analog domain is already supported in the 60 GHz mmWave nas, near maximum likelihood approaches give good detector
standard IEEE 802.11ad while 5G and IEEE 802.11ay will performance [53], [54]. If there are many antennas, even linear
likely support hybrid precoding for higher spectral efficiencies. processing (neglecting quantization) can be optimum [55]–
A substantial amount of work has focused on single user [57].
hybrid precoding in narrowband MIMO channels. Early work Channel estimation is also challenging with low resolution
made the case for the hybrid architecture at mmWave and ADCs. Fortunately, compressive sensing techniques can also
explained how to exploit sparsity in the mmWave channel be applied. Several strategies have been proposed for the one-
to find the hybrid precoders [24]–[27]. This work was later bit case including those based on the GAMP algorithm [58]
extended to develop other algorithms with lower complexity and adaptive compressive sensing [59], [60]. Some insights
[28], [29], do not require sparsity [30], offer robustness [31]– include the fact that sparsity is critical in reducing the (many)
[33], incorporate energy efficiency [34], or work with antenna measurements needed to get good channel estimates, and
switching architectures [35], [36]. A main conclusion is that that norm information about the channel can never be fully
hybrid precoding approaches the fully digital performance in recovered (at least with symmetric ADCs).
sparse channels when properly designed. Knowledge of the channel is useful to design precoders
A main limitation of most work on hybrid precoding is the that account for the use of one-bit ADCs [52]. Feedback
assumption of narrowband channels, but this has been relaxed designs need to incorporate the fact that phase is important
in recent work. Broadband hybrid precoding is challenging for constellation derotation with one-bit ADCs [61].
because the analog precoding is narrowband but the digital Recently, the ideas of hybrid precoding and low resolution
precoding can be broadband. In [37] a hybrid precoder was ADCs have been combined and generalized [62]. It was found
designed for OFDMA to allow more users than number of that a hybrid approach with several few-bit ADCs yields an
radio frequency chains. A general framework for broadband optimal energy-rate tradeoff based on a certain power metric.
hybrid precoding was proposed in [38], [39]. One significant
result is that broadband precoding is more difficult than the IV. M M WAVE FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS
narrowband case but if properly configured in sparse channels, MmWave has many applications for connected vehicles
it can still lead to performance near the fully-digital solution. [63], now that vehicles are being endowed with more sensors
Some work has also been performed on hybrid precoding and more automated driving functions. MmWave will provide
for multiuser mmWave communication, with an emphasis on vehicles the means to exchange high rates of information
the hybrid downlink. Achievable rates were derived in [40]. A through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) or vehicle-to-infrastructure
multiuser limited feedback strategy was proposed in [41] while (V2I) communication. This will allow vehicles to exchange
an approach based on compressed covariance estimation was high bandwidth sensor data that can aid automated driving.
proposed in [42]. Much work remains on the multiuser hybrid Of course, mmWave can also be used for high data rate
precoding front. infotainment applications.
Most work on hybrid precoding assumed the availability of There is the perception that mobility will be a problem
channel state information. In practice, the precoders are either for mmWave communication. It turns out that this is not
found directly through some kind of beam training or channel necessarily true. The reason is that the directional antennas
estimation is performed. Approaches related to beam training used in mmWave lead to a longer coherence time as long as
include singled sided adaptive estimation [43], [44], oppor- the beam pointing error is not significant [64]. Using these
tunistic beam training [45], and auxiliary beam pair designs insights, a new notion called the beam coherence time was
[46]. Other approaches are based on compressed sensing for- proposed [65]. The beam coherence defines roughly how long
mulations, where compressive measurements derived from the until a beam needs to be realigned and is about one hundred
analog or hybrid beamforming and combining are exploited times longer than the usual coherence time.
with channel sparsity to help estimate the channel. Related Position and velocity information can be used to help beam
work includes an approach based on adaptive compressed alignment. For example, train control information can be used
sensing [47], compressive sensing with random measurements to switch beams [66]. Position information from cars can be
[48], and compressive covariance estimation [49]. It is also used to reduce beam training time [63]. Beam overlap can
possible to exploit channel information derived at a lower further improve coverage [67]. Velocity information can be
frequency to provide information about the higher frequency used for other purposes as well, e.g. link adaptation [68]. Side
[50]. Channel estimation for mmWave remains a challenging information like position and velocity is valuable for mmWave
task, with important extensions into broadband channels still systems.
As automotive radar already operates in the mmWave band, [10] T. Bai and R. W. Heath Jr., “Asymptotic SINR for millimeter wave
it may be cost effective to combine mmWave communication massive MIMO cellular networks,” in Proc. of SPAWC, Jun. 2015, pp.
and radar. One approach is to use the unlicensed band. [11] A. Gupta, J. G. Andrews, and R. W. Heath, Jr., “On the feasibility
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[13] K. Venugopal, M. Valenti, and R. W. Heath Jr., “Device-to-device
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V. C ONCLUSIONS [15] K. Venugopal, M. C. Valenti, and R. W. Heath Jr., “Interference in
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both in the topics already identified and mostly anywhere [16] A. Thornburg, T. Bai, and R. W. Heath Jr., “Performance analysis of
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[20] R. W. Heath Jr., N. G. Prelcic, S. Rangan, W. Roh, and A. M. Sayeed,
The author would like to acknowledge support from the “An overview of signal processing techniques for millimeter wave
National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF-CCF- MIMO systems,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,
1319556, NSF-CCF-1527079, and NSF-CCF-1514275, the vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 436–453, Apr. 2016.
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Intel and Verizon 5G program, Huawei Technologies Co., evolution toward 5G: fixed access and backhaul,” IEEE Communications
the TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center, Mitsubishi Electric Re- Magazine, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 138–144, Apr. 2016.
search Laboratories, the U.S. Department of Transportation [22] S. Sun, T. S. Rappaport, R. W. Heath Jr., A. Nix, and S. Rangan,
“MIMO for millimeter-wave wireless communications: beamforming,
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R EFERENCES in Proc. of ICC, Jun. 2012, pp. 3724–3729.
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