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1. Gender ?
A)Male B)Female

2. Do you visit any website from online shopping ?

A) Yes B) No

3. Which are the following are your reason for shopping online ?
A) Convenience B) Wide range available C) Discounts D)Others

4. Which company website do you access for online shopping?

A) Flipkart B) Amazon C) Snapdeal D) Any other

5. How often do you purchase from Flipkart?


6. How did you come to know about Flipkart?

a) Friends b) Television c) Newspapers and Magazines d)

Advertisements on Websites e)Others if any please Specify

7. Since how long are you accessing flipkart?

A)Less than 1 month B) 2 to 6 months C)7 to 12 months D)More than a Year

8. How much do you spend on average for Retail shopping per month ?
A) ₹100 -₹500 B) ₹500-₹1000 C)1000-₹5000 D)Above 5000

9. How much do you spend on average for Online shopping per month ?
A) ₹100 -₹500 B) ₹500-₹1000 C)1000-₹5000 D)Above 5000

10. Which of the following attributes is good in Flipkart?

A) Ease of navigation B) Accuracy of information C) Quality of content
D) Layout / design

11 .What are the following features Do you like about flipkart?

A) Discounts B)Customer Service C)Delivery Time
D)Cash On Delivery E)Exchange offer F)Packaging Others

12. What are the following features you dont like about flipkart?
A)Delayed Delivery B)Delivery charges C)Packaging D)Others E)No complaints
13. What category of products do you purchase from Flipkart?

a) Books and Stationary b) Electronic Items c) Mobile and accessories d) Health and
Beautyproducts e) Music, movies and posters f) Cameras g) Watches h) Others(Pleasespecify)

14. My frequency of purchase has increased/decreased/remained unchanged since my

first purchase.

15. I sometimes dont purchase a certain category of products because of:

(a)Delivery time (b) I cant touch and experience product online

(c) Replacement time (d)Price (e) Habit of purchasing from open market
(f) Lack of immediate service (g) Lack oftrust (h) Others (please specify if any)

16. How often does the Flipkart promotional scheme on websites influence you to
visit their site?


17. How often does the product review influence your decision?


18. Kindly rate the importance of these parameters on your buying decision:

1 (Least important)-2-3-4-5(Most important)

19. Kindly rate the importance of these parameters on your level of satisfaction for
(5:Satisfied; 4: somewhat satisfied; 3: average; 2: somewhat dissatisfied; 1: dissatisfied)

20.Have you had any bad experiences whilst using Flipkart website ?
A) Yes.I had B) No i never had any

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