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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. DILG -NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA comer Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City httpy/wendilg.govph CIRCULAR December 6, 2018 No. 2018 -_32 SUBJECT : POLICY GUIDELINES ON THE TRAINING FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS OFFICERS (LGOOS) I! AND Ill 1. INTRODUCTION The training for Local Government Operations Officers II and Ill is a Competency- Based intervention designed to prepare these LGOOs to assume greater responsibilities as front liners of the Department. Enhancing the competencies of these officers is necessary for the Department in the performance of its general supervision functions over local governments. Given the recent development in the field of local governance, a new competency framework was crafted to ensure that learning and development interventions for LGOOs are competency based and are responsive to the requirements of both - the individual and the organization. These competencies are either Core, Leadership or Functional. This strategic initiative of the Department is necessary to ensure the relevance of its Local Government Operations Officers in the field of capacity development. Moreover, with the current policy of the Department, completion of the LGOO Training is a basic requirement for promotion to higher LGOO positions. Consistent to the above premise and the existing Personnel Recruitment and Guidelines, the following implementing policies governing the conduct of the Training for Local Government Operations Officers (LGOOs) II and Ill are hereby prescribed: 2. TARGET GROUP All LGOOs II and Ill of the Department who are eligible for promotion to a higher LGOO position are required to undergo the training 3. PURPOSE This policy aims to provide clarity and consistency that governs the conduct of the training LGOOs 1! & Ill program. 4. SCOPE AND COVERAGE All DILG operating units both at the Central and Regional levels including its officers and staff and prospective trainees shall have responsibility to observe and abide this Policy guidelines contained in this Memorandum Circular issuance. LOCAL GaVERI RECORDS SECTION RECEIVED ACADEMY SIGNATURE: | pate: ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Participants should meet the minimum requirements of the LGOO Training 5.1 Must be PQE passer for technical position with at least Middle Average rating 5.2 Holder of an LGOO Il and LGOO Il positions for not less than six (6) months prior to the commencement of the training program 5.3 Must be recommended by the Regional Development Committee (RDC) or by Human Resource Development Committee (HRDC) and duly approved by the concerned Regional/Central Office Director. 5.4 Must not more than fifty (50) years old at the commencement of the training program 5.5 Submit to the Local Government Academy the following documents (in PDF Format) not later than two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the Training Program. 554 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 555 5.5.6 Letter from the concemed Regional, Bureau, Service or Office Directors signifying its intent to participate in Training Program together with the names of the prospective LGOOs I! or LGOOs Ii trainees Medical clearancesicertificate from a government physician that the prospective trainee is mentally and physically fit to undergo the training and is free from diseases that includes tuberculosis, lung, heart or hypertension ailments, hepatitis, asthma and epilepsy as certified by a government physician before the formal start of the training. For women, a clearance must also state that the trainee is not pregnant (must submit also 2-weeks before the conduct of the Face-to-Face Training). Pregnant women will not be allowed to participate in the training. Passer of Psycho-Nuero exam administered by duly accredited psychologist. Passed the drug test administered by a duly accredited government testing center not earlier than one (1) week from the commencement of the training program and one (1) week before the start of the Face- to-Face Training) Affidavit of Undertaking, duly notarized, scanned and certified as true copy by the HRMO or Chief of AFMD. After submission of all the requirements by the applicants and properly assessed by Regional/Bureau/Service /Office, a Department Order of confirmed participants to undertake training program shall be issued a week before the commencement of Component I! 5.5.7 Applicants not included in the master list are considered not eligible to undertake training program activity. 6. PROGRAM COMPONENTS The Training Program for LGOO Ils and Il shall be delivered using blended-learning approach wherein some modules are delivered through residential or face-to-face, Online or E- learning and field immersion. It is designed to be sequential with each component serving as pre-requisite to participation to the succeeding components. The program shall consist of four (4) components, as follows: 6.1 Component I: General Orientation ~ This component shall be conducted and manage by the concerned Region Office or a cluster of Regions/Central Office Bureau/Service using face-to-face mode. For clustered training, the concerned regions/bureaus/service office shall select among them which regior/bureau/service shall manage this component of the training and agree on a cost sharing of training expenses. This component of the training program shall be conducted for two (2) weeks is designed to provides the trainee a general understanding of the role of DILG in Local Governance, the Salient Features of the Local Government Code of 1991 and Basic Information on Government Administration and Financial Systems. After the conduct of Component 1 — General Orientation, a Competency Examination shall be administered to all participants by the Local Government Academy (LGA) at designated Regional Centers/Central Office. The results of the Competency Examination shall be used by the LGA as basis for prioritizing the top One Hundred (100) participants that shall proceed to the next component of the LGOO Training. However, any Participant who shall manifest conduct unbecoming for a DILG employee as determined by the regionalicentral training team may be excluded from the priority list after due process. In this case, the next in rank in the priority list shall be the replacement to ensure respect for the ranking of the participants 6.2 Component il - Enhancement Training - This component provides an intensive study of the different areas of local governance. It has two (2) parts: 6.21 Part 4: E-Learning (Online Training) - this will be administered by the Academy and to be facilitated by the trained e-coaches. Conduct of Online Training/E-leaming shall be at 12:00 noon onwards. During this time, trainees shall be free from their tasks to have time to study and do their e-learning module requirements,

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