Appendices Week 1 Lesson 1

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Appendix A


Most librarians use the Dewey Decimal Classification System in arranging their books. The
system was developed by a man named Melvil Dewey. He divided books into ten classes, then
used decimals to further subdivide each class into smaller classes.

00-099 –General Works

100-199- Philosophy and Psychology
300-399-Social Sciences
500-599-Pure Science
600-699-Applied Science and Useful Arts
700-799-Fine Arts and Recreation
900-999-Geography and History

Activity 1:

Write the Dewey Decimal class number of the following topics. Write you answer on the
space provided before the number. (The teacher will give the list of the Dewey Decimal System)

________1. The Philosophy of Man

________2. Three Branches of Government
________3. Biodiversity
________4. Subject- Verb Agreement
________5. Pair of Equilaterals
________6. The Story of Creation
________7. Monalisa
________8. Essay Writing
________9.History of Christianity
________10.Physical Fitness

Answer Key:

1. 100-199
2. 300-399
3. 500-599
4. 400-499
5. 600-699
6. 200-299
7. 700-799
8. 800-899
9. 200-299
10. 700-799


A researcher should know how to use the card catalog to be able to locate books easily in
the library. The card catalog is a steel or wooden cabinet consisting of drawers filled with
alphabetically arranged catalog cards. There are at least , three cards for each book in the
library- author card, subject card, and a titled card.The cards are alike except for the top line.
Activity 2:
Shown below are three catalog cards. Which one is an author card? A title card?A
subject card?


Cir History- Western

E79W The Western Heritage by
Stewart C. Easton
New York: Rinehart & Winston, Inc. 1996



Cir Greek-Philosphy: Thales to Aristotle

1991 Greek-Philosophy: Thales to Aristotle
By William Anderson
New York: The Free Press, 1991



BL820 The Bulfinch, Thomas

1979 Bulfinch Mythology by
Thomas Bulfinch
New York: Gramercy Books, 1979


Answer Key:

1.Subject Card
2.Title Card
3. Author Card

Appendix C

Identify the correct answer of the following questions using appropriate mechanism or
tools in the library. Write your answer on your paper.
1. In which of the following card catalog drawers would you most likely find a card for the book
“Language Through Experience”?
a. Kr-Lg b. Fue-Hi c. Ta-Tu d. Hj-
2. Which of the words below is found on the dictionary page with the guide words promise-
a. prone b. propagate c. proponent d. progress
3. Which of the following words below is found on the dictionary page with these guide words:
a. Entanglement b. Entail c. Epitome d.
4. What type of card catalog would you look for, if you do not know the author’s name but only
the title of the reference you need to find?
a. Author card b. title card c. subject card d. index card
5. What part of the book list the titles of references, names of authors, copyright dates, and
names of publishing companies?
a. Glossary b. Bibliography c. Index d.
6. In which section of the newspaper would you scan through if you wish to find a list of used
cars for sale?
a. Entertainment b. Business section c. Classified ads d.

Answer Key:

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B

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