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Maximum displacement from the rest Resonans dalam sistem ayunan

1 Waves
(b) Jarak di antara dua titik berturutan
Resonance in oscillating system

yang bergerak dalam fasa yang 1. (a) frekuensi aslinya, daya luar
Memahami Gelombang
1.1 Understanding Wave sama. / Distance between two natural frequency, external force
continuous points that moved in the (b) panjangnya / length
2. medium, memindahkan tenaga (d) frekuensi aslinya, tenaga, amplitud
same phase.
medium, transports energy
(c) Bilangan gelombang lengkap besar, resonans / natural frequency,
3. tenaga, memindahkan jirim
dihasilkan dalam satu saat. / The energy, large amplitude, resonance
energy, transferring matter
4. gelombang melintang, gelombang number of complete wave produced in 2. (a) tenaganya, daya berkala, amplitud
one second. energy, periodic force, amplitudes
transverse waves, longitudinal waves (d) Masa untuk menghasilkan satu (b) besar, frekuensi paksaan, frekuensi
gelombang lengkap. / Time taken to asli / large, force frequency, natural
Jenis-jenis gelombang produce one complete wave. frequency
Types of wave (e) Jarak perambatan gelombang (c) sama, frekuensi, frekuensi asli,
1. (a) zarah-zarah medium, berserenjang, dalam satu saat. / Distance travelled tenaga maksimum, amplitudnya,
air, elektromagnet by a wave in one second. resonans
particles of the medium, perpendicular, same, frequency, natural frequency,
Water, electromagnetic Contoh 1 maximum energy, amplitude, resonance
(b) zarah-zarah medium, selari, bunyi T = 2.5 s , f  = 0.4 Hz
particles of the medium, parallel, Sound
Contoh 2 1
2. (a) Gelombang Mekanikal
(a) T = 0.5 s
Mechanical Waves 1. Tempoh / Frekuensi /
(b) v = 2.5 m s–1
(b) Gelombang Membujur Period, T Frequency, f
(c) l = 1.25 m
Longitudinal Waves
2.0 s 0.5 Hz
(c) Gelombang Melintang
Transverse Waves Graf gerakan gelombang 0.02 s 50 Hz
(d) Gelombang Elektromagnet Graph for wave motion 0.01 s 100 Hz
Electromagnetic Waves 1. (a) • satu tempoh / a period 5 × 10–5 s 20 kHz
• amplitud, a, tempoh, T, frekuensi, f
Muka gelombang 2. (a) (i) 0.6 cm
Wavefronts / amplitude, a, period, T, frequency, f
(ii) l = 4 cm
1. puncak, sama / crest, same Contoh 3 (b) (i) T = 1.25 s
2. berserenjang / perpendicular (a) a = 6 cm   (ii) f = 0.8 Hz
3. (a) (b) T = 2.0 s  (iii) v = f l = 3.2 cm s–1
(c) f = 0.5 Hz 
Pantulan Gelombang
(b) • jarak yang dilalui
1.2 Reflection of Wave
distance travelled  1. dibalikkan / are returned
• amplitud, a, panjang gelombang, l 3. kanta cembung, puncak / convex lens, crest
amplitude, a, wavelength, l 4.
(b) Cahaya
Contoh 4
(a) a = 15 cm
(b) λ = 80 cm
(c) f = 1 Hz

Pelembapan dalam sistem ayunan

Damping in an oscillating system

Sistem ayunan 1. amplitud sama / same amplitude

Oscillating system (a) tenaga keupayaan, tenaga kinetik
potential energy, kinetic energy
1. (a) berulang-alik / periodic to-and-fro (b) tenaga kinetik, tenaga keupayaan Pantulan gelombang air
2. (a) A ke C dan balik semula ke A kinetic energy, potential energy
Reflection of water waves
A to C and back to A (c) malar / constant
(b) sesaran maksimum 3. semakin perlahan, berhenti 1. tangki riak / ripple tank
maximum displacement
slow down, stop 2. hukum pantulan, sudut tuju / law of
(c) membuat satu ayunan lengkap 4. rintangan udara, Tenaga, pelembapan reflection, angle of incidence
complete one oscillation air resistance, Energy, damping 3. (a)
(d) ayunan lengkap, satu saat 5. ke hilang tenaga / losses energy
complete oscillations, one second 6. daya geseran, rintangan

frictional force, resistance
Panjang gelombang dan laju
gelombang 7. regangan, mampatan molekul-molekul
Wavelength and wave speed extension, compression, molecules
8. (a) malar, malar / constant, constant
1. (a) Sesaran maksimum dari kedudukan (b) semakin kecil / smaller and smaller

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(b) (ii) Pantulan gelombang bunyi 2. (a) membias, lebih kecil / refract, smaller
Reflection of sound waves (b) lebih besar / larger

Pembiasan gelombang bunyi

Pembiasan Gelombang Air
1.3 Refraction of Water Wave
Refraction of sound waves

1. dalam, cetek, laju, pembiasan / deep, 2. (a) lemah, tersebar / weak, they spread
45° shallow, speed, refraction out
Normal (b) kuat, dibiaskan, ditumpukan / strong,
4. (a)
refracted, converges

(c) lebih tumpat, dalam, menumpu
denser, inwards, converge
 3. Bunyi tidak dapat dikesan oleh mikrofon
kerana gas helium adalah kurang
Kawasan dalam Kawasan cetek tumpat berbanding dengan udara. Oleh
Deep area Shallow area itu gelombang bunyi terbias ke arah
luar dan mencapah jauh dari mikrofon
supaya tidak dapat dikesan.
Sound waves cannot be detected by the
microphone because helium gas is less dense
Pantulan gelombang cahaya than air. Sound waves are refracted outwards
Reflection of light waves and diverge aways so they are not detected
by the microphone.
Eksperimen 1.1
Kawasan dalam Kawasan cetek
(a) plastisin / plasticine Deep area Shallow area Fenomena disebabkan oleh pembiasan
(b) protraktor / protractor gelombang
(c) sama / equal (c) Phenomena due to refraction of waves
(d) sudut tuju, i = sudut pantulan, r
the angle of incidence i = angle of reflection, r 1. berkurangan, pembiasan gelombang,
Pantulan gelombang bunyi decreases, refraction of the waves, decreases
Reflection of sound waves 2. melengkung ke arah, lebih bergelora,
Kawasan dalam Kawasan cetek lebih tenang, tenaga gelombang
Eksperimen 1.2 Deep area Shallow area bend towards, choppy, calm, energy of the
(a) Tiub kadbod bulat / Round cardboard tubes wave
(b) sama / equal (d) 3. lebih kasar, bengkok ke arahnya,
(c) Sudut tuju, i = sudut pantulan, r tenang, bengkok jauh darinya / rougher,
Angle of incidence, i = angle of reflection, r bend towards it, calmer, bend away from it

1. (a) sudut tuju / angle of incidence 3

(b) panjang gelombang tuju
wavelength of incident wave Kawasan dalam Kawasan cetek
Deep area Shallow area Kawasan dalam Kawasan cetek
(c) frekuensi gelombang tuju Deep area Shallow area
frequency of incident wave
(d) laju gelombang tuju (e)
Arah N
speed of incident wave
gelombang i
2 Wave

Kawasan dalam Kawasan cetek 2.
Deep area Shallow area Kawasan cetek Kawasan dalam
Shallow area Deep area
5. laju gelombang, panjang gelombang
wave speed, wavelength Arah N
(a) dibiaskan / refracted gelombang i
(b) membengkok menjauhi / bend away Wave
2. (a) (i) Penghalang papan lembut : direction
6. (a) lebih panjang / longer r
untuk menghalang gelombang
(b) sama / same
bunyi daripada jam randik.
Soft board : to block the sound (c) lebih cepat / faster
waves directly from the stopwatch. 7. perubahan arah, perubahan laju,
ketumpatan / change of direction, change of Pembelauan Gelombang Air
(ii) papan lapis : untuk 1.4 Diffraction of Water Wave
memantulkan gelombang bunyi speed, density
daripada jam randik. Mengkaji pembelauan gelombang
Plywood: to reflect sound waves Pembiasan gelombang cahaya To study diffraction of waves
from the stopwatch. Refraction of light waves
(b) (i) Sudut i = sudut r 2. celah, tersebar luas, bulatan
Angle i = angle r 1. pembiasan / refraction gap, spread out, circular

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(a) (b) 3. (c)


Pinggir gelap A B
Dark fringes

Pinggir cerah Pinggir cerah pusat

Bright fringes Central bright fringe

4. titik pusat yang cerah, jalur gelap, cerah

sepusat / bright central point, concentric
Menganalisis Interferens
dark, bright fringes 1.5 Gelombang
3. dibengkokkan, bertambah 5. (a) monokromatik / monochromatic Anaylsing Interference of Wave
bend, increased (b) sama saiz, panjang gelombang
(i) comparable, wavelength 1. membina, memusnah
6. saiz celah, sama / slit size, same
constructive, destructive
2. prinsip superposisi
Pembelauan Gelombang Bunyi
principle of superposition
Diffraction of sound waves 3. (a) fasa, puncak, lebih besar, lebih
1. panjang, disebarkan, dibelaukan phase, crest, bigger, bigger
long, spread out, diffracted (b) luar fasa, lembangan, menolak
2. panjang gelombang yang lebih panjang, out of phase, trough, cancel
dibiaskan lebih lagi / longer wavelength,
diffracted more Interferens Gelombang Air
Interference of Water Wave

4 Eksperimen 1.3
Kesimpulan / Conclusion :
1. (a) (b) 1. antinod / antinode
4. kecil, merambat mengelilingi, 2. nod / nod
menutupnya / small, passes around, closes up 3. frekuensi, amplitud, fasa
(i) frequency, amplitude, phase

Interferens gelombang cahaya

   Interference of light wave

(c) Eksperimen 1.4

(a) monokromatik, dwicelah
monochromatic, double slit
(b) fasa yang sama / in phase
(ii) (c) gelap, cerah, jalur
dark, bright, fringes
(d) interferens memusnah, interferens
(d) membina, dwicelah Young
destructive interference, constructive
interference, Young’s double slit
(f) pembelauan, koherens, cerah, gelap
    diffraction, coherent, bright, dark

5. celah, satu halangan Interferens gelombang bunyi

gap, around an obstacle Interference of sound waves
6. lebar / width
2. (a) (b) 1. fasa sama, frekuensi sama
7. (a) sama / same
in the same phase, same frequency
(b) sama / same
2. kuat, lemah / loud, weak
(c) sama / same
3. interferens membina, interferens
(d) lebih kecil / smaller
constructive interference, destructive
Pembelauan gelombang cahaya interference
Diffraction of light waves
4. amplitud / amplitude
   5. kuat, lemah / loud, soft
2. pusat maksimum, jalur gelap, jalur cerah
central maximum, dark, bright fringes

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Menganalisis pola interferens Kelangsingan dan frekuensi (e) (i) Untuk mengukur kedalaman
Analysing the interference pattern Pitch and frequency laut / To measure depth of sea
(ii) Pintu automatik / Automatic door
1. antinod 1. lebih tinggi, bertambah / higher, increases

antinodes (a) rendah / Low
2. nod Gelombang Elektromagnet

(b) tinggi / Higher 1.7 Electromagnetic Waves
2. kelangsingan tinggi / high-pitch
3. garis antinod 1. medan elektrik, medan magnet, vakum,

antinodal lines
Kenyaringan dan amplitud 3.0 × 108 m s–1 / electric fields, magnetic
4. garis nod Loudness and amplitude fields, vacuum, 3.0 × 108 m s–1

nodal lines 3. berserenjang / perpendicular
5. 1. nyaring, amplitud, bertambah, tenaga, 4. tenaga, elektrik, magnet / energy, electric,
Garis antinod lebih besar, amplitud magnetic
Garis antinod Antinodal line Garis antinod

louder, amplitude, increases, energy, larger,
Antinodal line
Garis Garis Antinodal line amplitude
Spektrum elektromagnet
Garis nod nod Electromagnetic spectrum
nod Nodal Nodal
Nodal line line Aplikasi gelombang bunyi 1. Gelombang radio, gelombang mikro,
Application of sound waves inframerah, cahaya boleh nampak,
P ultraungu, sinar-X dan sinar gama.
1. gelombang ultrasonik / ultrasonic waves Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible,
2. (a) pemancar, penerima, bunyi tinggi ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma-rays.
atau bunyi rendah, gema
transmitter, receiver, high or low sound,
Ciri-ciri gelombang elektromagnet
Characteristics of electromagnetic waves
S1 S2 echo
(b) sonar, kedalaman / sonar, depth 1. (a) melintang / transverse
Contoh 5 (d) pengesan ultrasonik, Gema (b) vakum / vacuum
ultrasonic scanner, Echoes
λ = 0.2 cm, x = 4 cm (c) 3.0 × 108 m s–1
(e) mencuci, gelombang ultrasonik, (d) pantulan, pembiasan, pembelauan
5 clean, ultrasonic waves, vibrations
reflection, refraction, diffraction
(e) neutral, cas / neutral, charge
1. λ = 4.3 × 10–3 m (f) elektrik, magnet / electric, magnetic
2. λ = 6.495 × 10–7 m 6
3. D = 2.9 m
Aplikasi gelombang elektromagnet
1. t = 0.059 s Applications of electromagnetic waves
2. (a) Pantulan gelombang bunyi
Gelombang Bunyi Reflection of sound waves 1. panjang, terkecil / longest, smallest
1.6 Sound Waves
(b) Bunyi berfrekuensi tinggi 2. getaran elektron, antena / electrons
2. objek bergetar mempunyai kuasa penembusan vibrate, antenna

vibrating objects yang tinggi. Dengan ini bunyi 3. penyiaran, telekomunikasi, televisyen,
3. getaran tali, getaran tala bunyi, getaran adalah lebih mudah merambat ke telefon selular / broadcasting,
diafragma dalam air dan boleh merambat telecommunication, television, cellular phones
vibrating string, vibrating tunes, vibrating melalui suatu jarak yang lebih jauh.
diaphragm Sound with high frequency has high 4. (a) Gelombang radio / Radio waves
4. gelombang membujur / longitudinal wave penetrating power. So sound is easier (b) Penyiaran / Broadcasting
5. vakum / vacuum to propagate under water and can (c) satelit / satellite
propagate through a longer distance. (d) Infra merah / Infrared
Amplitud dan frekuensi gelombang (c) d = 50 m (e) tujuh komponen / seven components
bunyi (d) Hal ini kerana molekul-molekul air (f) Lampu berpendarflour / Fluorescent
Amplitude and frequency of sound waves tersusun dengan rapat dan dapat lamp
memindahkan tenaga bunyi dengan (g) Sinar-X / X-rays
1. osiloskop sinar katod (OSK) lebih cepat. (h) Radioterapi / Radiotheraphy
cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) This is because water molecules are (i) Bahan radioaktif / Radioactive
2. bentuk gelombang, tempoh, voltan arranged closely and can transfer sound substances
wave shape, period, voltage energy faster.
(j) sel kanser / cancerous cells

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Bahagian B
PRAKTIS SPM 1 4. (a) Pembelauan dan interferens/ Diffraction and interference
(b) (i) x dalam Rajah 4.1 (a) lebih panjang daripada x dalam Rajah 4.1 (b).
Soalan Objektif x in diagram 4.1(a) is longer than x in Diagram 4.1 (b).
1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C (ii)
a dalam Rajah 4.1(a) lebih pendek daripada a dalam Rajah 4.1 (b).
6. D 7. C 8. B a in diagram 4.1 (a) is shorter than that of in Diagram 4.1 (b).
(iii) Panjang gelombang cahaya yang digunakan adalah sama.
The wavelength of the light used are same.
Soalan Struktur
(iv) Semakin besar a, semakin besar x.
Bahagian A The greater the a, the greater the x.
(c) (i) Jarak di antara pinggir-pinggir, x bertambah. Cahaya merah mempunyai panjang
1. (a) pembiasan/ refraction
gelombang yang lebih besar daripada cahaya biru. Semakin besar panjang
(b) Panjang gelombang menjadi lebih
gelombang, semakin besar nilai x.
Distance between the fringes increases. Red light has longer wavelength the the blue light.
The wavelength becomes shorter.
The greater the wavelength, the greater the value x.
(c) (d)
(ii) Satu pinggir yang cerah dan tebal terbentuk di tengah, diikuti dengan celah-
Garisan normal
Normal line celah yang lebih nipis dan malap di dua sisi. Pembelauan berlaku kepada
cahaya yang sedang merentasi celah tunggal yang sempit.
Gelombang terbias A bright and thick fringe formed at the middle, following by thinner and dimmer fringes at
Refracted wave
both sides. Diffraction occurs when the light wave is passing through the narrow single slit.
Q (d)
Pengubahsauaian Keterangan
Gelombang tuju Modifocation Explanation
Incident wave
Air dalam Air cetek Dinding ditutup dengan permukaan yang Menyerap gelombang bunyi
Deep water Shallow water
lembut. Absorb the sound waves
The walls are covered with soft surface
2. (a) Sumber yang menghasilkan
gelombang dengan frekuensi dan Lantai ditutup dengan karpet Mengurangkan pantulan bunyi
fasa yang sama. The floor are covered with carpet daripada lantai
Sources that produce waves of the same Reduce the sound reflected by the floor
frequency in same phase.
(b) (i) a dalam Rajah 2.1 lebih pendek Langir di pasang di atas pentas Menyerap gelombang bunyi
daripada a dalam Rajah 2.2. Curtain is installed on the stage Absorb the sound waves
a in Diagram 2.1 is shorter than that
a in Diagram 2.2. Letakkan pembesar suara di kedudukan Untuk melitupi seluruh kawasan
x dalam Rajah 2.1 lebih tinggi dalam dewan
panjang daripada x dalam Place the speakers at a high position To cover the whole area inside the hall
Rajah 2.2.
x in Diagram 2.1 is longer than that Pembesar suara diletakkan pada jarak Jarak antara interferens membina
x in Diagram 2.2. yang agak jauh antara satu sama lain. yang berturut-turut adalah lebih kecil
(iii) Semakin pendek a, semakin Place the two load speakers away to each other Distance between consecutive constructive
panjang x. interference is smaller
The shorter the a, the longer
the x. Bahagian C
(iv) Interferens / Interference 5. (a) Pantulan gelombang
3. (a) P : Sinar X / X-ray Wave reflection
Q : Gelombang mikro / microwave (b) (i)
(b) Frekuensinya cukup tinggi untuk Gelombang mikro Gelombang bunyi
Microwave Sound wave
membawa maklumat dan panjang
gelombang cukup panjang untuk Boleh merambat dalam vakum Merambat dalam medium
menembusi atmosfera. Can travel through vacuum Travel trough mediums
High enough frequency to carry the
information, long enough wave length to Panjang gelombang yang lebih kecil Panjang gelombang yang lebih besar
penetrate the atmosphere.
daripada gelombang bunyi daripada gelombang mikro
(c) (i) 95.8 MHz = 95.8 × 108 Hz Wavelength is smaller than the sound wave Wavelength is larger than the microwave
= 9.58 × 107 Hz
(ii) λ= f
(ii) Zarah-zarah air disusun dengan lebih rapat berbanding dengan zarah-zarah
3 × 108 udara. Gelombang bunyi merambat dengan laju di dalam medium yang tumpat.
= 9.58 × 107
The water particles are arranged closer than the air particles. Sound wave travels fast in a
= 3.13 m dense medium.

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(c) (d) (i) Panjang gelombang/ Wavelength,

Ciri-ciri Keterangan λ = 0.02 cm
Characteristic Explanation
(ii) Tempoh/ period, T = 0.01 s
Gelombang bunyi Berupaya merambat dalam air dengan gangguan (iii) Frekuensi/ Frequency,
Sound wave yang minimum 1
f =
Able to travel in water with minimal distraction T
Frekuensi tinggi Mempunyai tenaga tinggi/ boleh merambat lebih 0.01
High frequency jauh ke dalam laut = 100 Hz
Has high energy/ able to propagate further in the sea (iv) Halaju/ Speed,
v = f λ = 100(0.02)
Halaju tinggi Membolehkan kerja pencerapan dilakukan dalam = 2 cm s–1
High speed jangka masa yang singkat Soalan Klon MRSM
Enable the detection to be done in a short time
1. C
Kuasa penembusan yang tinggi Tidak terhalang oleh zarah-zarah air yang tumpat 2. B
High penetrating power Cannot be stopped by dense water particles

Gelombang yang paling sesuai ialah gelombang S. Gelombang S merupakan

suatu gelombang bunyi, berfrekuensi tinggi, mempunyai kuasa penembusan yang • Frekuensi kekal tidak berubah.
Its frequency remains unchanged.
tinggi dan berhalaju tinggi.
The most suitable one is wave S. Wave S is a sound wave, with high frequency, has a high • Panjang gelombang kekal tidak berubah.
energy, high penetrating power and travels fast. Its wavelength remains unchanged.
• Laju rambatan kekal tidak berubah.
Its speed of propagation remains unchanged.

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

BAB (e) (f) negatif, sebahagian besar nyalaan

2 kelihatan bergerak ke arah plat

Electricity + –
+ – negatif.
+ – The heat energy of the flame ionises the

Medan Elektrik dan Pengaliran Cas + –
2.1 + – air molecules to become positive and
Electric Field and Charge Flow + – –
+ – negative charges. The positive charges

+ –
+ – are attracted to the negative plate and
Cas dan arus elektrik + – the negative charges are attracted to the

+ –
Charge and electric current + – positive plate. This causes the flame to

     disperse in two directions. As the positive
1. menghasilkan, mengumpulkan charges are heavier than the negative
produce, store Kesan medan elektrik charges, a larger portion of the flame is
2. terangkat, cas-cas yang sama, menolak, The effect of an electric field seen moving towards the negative plate.
ke arah atas
lift up, same charges, repel, upwards 1. (a) Plat X bercas positif. Sebelum itu 1
3. bumi, terpesong, cas-cas mengalir, bola tidak bercas. Bola itu diaruh
aliran arus dengan cas negatif pada bahagian 1. (a) + + + + + + +
earth, deflected, charges flow, current flow menghadap plat X dan cas positif
pada sebelah lagi. Hasilnya, bola
Arus elektrik tertarik ke plat X.
Electric current Plate X is charged positive. Initially the – – – – – – –
ball is uncharged. The ball is induced
1. elektron, cas, 1 C s / electrons, charges,
–1 with a negative charge on the side
1 C s–1 facing plate X and a positive charge on (b)
the other away. As a result the ball is
Contoh 1 attracted towards plate X. +
Q = 12 C (b) Apabila bola menyentuh plat X,
sejumlah cas positif diberikan.
Contoh 2 – – – – –
Dengan membawa jenis cas yang
n = 6.25 × 1018
sama, bola itu ditolak dan bergerak
ke arah plat Y.
Medan elektrik When the ball touches plate X, a net
Electric field
positive charge is given to it. Carrying the +
+ –

same kind of charge as plate X, the ball
1. daya elektrik is repelled and moves towards plate Y.
an electric force (c) Apabila bola polistirena yang
2. garis daya elektrik, cas positif bercas positif menyentuh plat Y,
lines of electric force, positive charge elektron (cas negatif) mengalir (d)
3. rapat, kuat, longgar, lemah / closely untuk meneutralkan cas positif.
spaced, strong, widely spaced, weak Aliran elektron menyebabkan
4. (a) (b) penunjuk mikroammeter terpesong – –
menandakan aliran arus.
When the polystyrene ball which is
charged positive touches plate Y, the
– electrons (negative charges) flow to
+ 2. Q = 0.01 C
neutralise the positive charges. The flow
of electrons causes the pointer of the 3. (a) t = 1.0 × 10–3 s
microammeter to deflect, showing that (b) n = 6.25 × 109
current flows.
  (d) n = 1.5 × 1019 Hubungan antara Arus Elektrik dan
2.2 Beza Keupayaan
(c) 2. (a) Nyalaan itu terpisah ke dua arah. Relationship between Electric Current and
Bahagian nyalaan ke arah plat Potential Difference
negatif lebih besar daripada yang Beza keupayaan
positif. Potential difference
+ + The flame dispersed in two separate
directions. The portion of the flame 1. kerja yang dilakukan, cas, titik, volt (V), J
towards the negative plate is larger than C–1 / work done, charge, point, volt (V), J C–1
the portion of the flame towards the
positive plate.
2. 1 joule
(b) Tenaga haba nyalaan mengion Contoh 3
(d) molekul udara untuk menjadi cas V = 3.0 × 1010 V
positif dan negatif. Cas positif
tertarik ke plat negatif dan cas Contoh 4
negatif tertarik ke plat positif. Hal Tenaga elektrik berubah kepada haba,
+ – Electrical energy changed to heat,
ini menyebabkan nyalaan terpisah
kepada dua arah. Oleh kerana cas E = VQ = 240 × 20
positif lebih berat daripada cas = 4800 J

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Hubungan antara arus dengan beza yang berlainan, I = 0.4 A, (c) R = 50 Ω

keupayaan 0.6 A, 0.8 A, dan 1.0 A. 2. lQ = 8 cm
Relationship between current and potential Bacaan voltmeter V yang
difference sepadan dicatatkan.
The experiment is repeated by Litar Sesiri dan Litar Selari
1. (a) Beza keupayaan merentasi adjusting the rheostat to fix the 2.3 Series and Parallel Circuits
konduktor bergantung kepada arus current at I = 0.4 A, 0.6 A, 0.8 A,
yang melalui konduktor. and 1.0 A. The corresponding 2. satu lintasan, litar sesiri
The potential difference across the values for potential difference are one path, series circuit
conductor depends on the current that recorded. 3. tiga cabang, litar selari
passes through the conductor. three branches, parallel circuit
(d) Arus / Current Voltan / Volt
(b) Apabila arus yang melalui konduktor I/A V/V 5. satu lintasan / one path
meningkat, beza keupayaan 6. lintasan berterusan, satu cabang
merentasinya juga meningkat. 0.2 continuous path, a branch
When the current that passes through a 0.4 8. (a)
metal conductor increases, the potential 0.6
difference across it increases. 0.8
(c) (i) Untuk menyiasat hubungan 1.0
antara arus dan beza
keupayaan untuk konduktor (e) bertambah, bertambah
increases, increases Litar sesiri / Series circuit
To investigate the relationship Hukum Ohm (b)
between current and potential Ohm’s Law
difference for a metal conductor.
Pemboleh ubah yang 2. bertambah, bertambah / increases,
dimanipulasikan: Arus, I increases
Manipulated variable: Current, I 3. beza keupayaan, berkadar langsung,
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: arus, suhu malar / potential difference, Litar selari / Parallel circuit
Beza keupayaan, V directly proportional, current, constant
Responding variable: Potential
difference, V 4. berkadar langsung, ditetapkan
Pemboleh ubah yang
directly proportional, kept constant
dimalarkan: Panjang dan jenis 5. (a) pendek, diapitkan dengan ketat
wayar logam short, tightly fixed
Fixed variable: Length and type of (b) Ralat sifar, disemak, dilaraskan
metal wire zero error, checked, adjusted Litar selari / Parallel circuit
Tiga sel kering 1.5 V, (c) tegak di atas imejnya, ralat paralaks
pemegang bateri, ammeter (0 – (d)
vertically above its image, parallax error
1 A), voltmeter (0 – 5 V), 20 cm (d) dimatikan, suhu, ditetapkan
dawai konstantan (s.w.g. 34), turned off, temperature, kept constant
reostat (0 – 15 Ω), suis dan Perintang
wayar penyambung. Resistance
Three 1.5 V dry cells, battery holder, Litar sesiri / Series circuit
ammeter (0 – 1 A), voltmeter 1. beza keupayaan, V, arus, I
(0 – 5 V), 20 cm constantan wire
potential difference, V, current, I Membandingkan arus dan beza
(s.w.g. 34), rheostat (0 – 15 Ω),
switch and connecting wires. Contoh 5 keupayaan bagi litar sesiri dan litar
(v) • Satu litar disambungkan R = 18 Ω selari
To compare the current and potential
seperti yang ditunjukkan Contoh 6 difference of series circuits and parallel
dalam rajah di atas. V = 2.0 V circuits
A circuit is set up as shown in the
figure. Superkonduktor Arus dalam litar sesiri

• Suis dihidupkan dan Superconductor Current in series circuit
reostat dilaraskan sehingga 1. satu lintasan, hilang, litar, arus, titik
mendapat satu bacaan arus 1. rintangan elektrik, kehilangan kuasa one path, lost, circuit, current, points
I = 0.2 A pada ammeter. electrical resistance, power loss
Beza keupayaan, V, 2. sangat rendah / very low Beza keupayaan dalam litar sesiri
merentasi dawai konstantan Potential difference in series circuit
3. rintangan sifar, superkonduktiviti
dicatat dari bacaan voltmeter. zero resistance, superconductivity 1. turun / drop
The circuit is switched on and 5. rintangannya, sifar / resistance, zero 2. dikongsi / shared
the rheostat is adjusted until the 6. suhu genting / critical temperature 3. beza keupayaan, komponen-komponen
ammeter gives a reading, 7. tanpa kehilangan tenaga yang berasingan
I = 0.2 A. The potential difference
without loss of energy potential differences, separate components
V across the constantan wire is
recorded from voltmeter. Arus dalam litar selari
• Eksperimen diulangi dengan 2 Current in parallel circuit
melaraskan reostat supaya 1. (a) V = IR = 15 V 1. lebih daripada satu / more than one
mendapat nilai-nilai arus (b) I = 0.2 A 2. berpecah, dua lintasan / split, two paths

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Beza keupayaan dalam litar selari 2. sesiri, selari, kombinasi / series, parallel, (c) litar tertutup, arus / closed circuit, current
Potential difference in parallel circuit combination (e) sama, volt (V) / same, volts (V)
1. dua titik / two points 3. dihidupkan, sejuk, filamen pemanas, (f) lebih kecil, d.g.e. (E), dilesapkan, sel,
2. sama, berkongsi / same, share dihidupkan, panas / on, cold, heating tenaga, 1 C cas / smaller, e.m.f. (E),
4. sama / the same filament, on, hot dissipated, cell, energy, 1 C of charge
4. perintang R, keadaan perlahan,
Membandingkan mentol yang dihidupkan / resistor R, slow mode, on Rintangan dalam, r
disambung secara sesiri dan selari 5. dihidupkan, arus, voltan, bertambah Internal resistance, r
To compare bulbs connected in series and on, current, voltage, increases
parallel circuits (a) sedikit rintangan, beza keupayaan

(a) sama / same

3 some resistance, potential difference
(b) rintangan, cas, elektrolit, bateri
(b) berbeza, beza keupayaan / different, 1. (a) 20 Ω resistance, charge, electrolyte, battery
potential difference (b) 4Ω (c) Kerja, kehilangan, beza keupayaan
(c) putus, dikeluarkan, sifar, sifar / break off, (c) 1.25 Ω Work, drop, potential difference
removed, zero, zero (d) 20 Ω
(d) malap, lebih kecil / dimly, smaller (e) 14.7 Ω Eksperimen 2.1
(e) hasil tambah / sum (f) 25 Ω Perbincangan / Discussion:
(f) sama / same 2. p = 10 V/ V
(g) putus litar, masih sama / will break off, still 3. (a) 6.7 Ω
the same E
(b) 1.2 A, 0.6 A
(h) lebih cerah, lebih besar / brighter, larger (c) 3V E–V

Rintangan berkesan dalam litar sesiri

The effective resistance in series circuit Daya Gerak Elektrik (d.g.e.) dan V
2.4 Rintangan Dalam
1. (a) sama / the same Electromotive Force (e.m.f.) and Internal 0 I
(b) bergantung secara langsung
1. mengekstrapolasikan graf
depends directly 1. tenaga elektrik, haba dan cahaya
extrapolating the graph
(c) jumlah beza keupayaan, dibekal electrical energy, heat and light
2. daya gerak elektrik / electromotive force
oleh sumber / the total potential 2. tenaga kimia, tenaga elektrik
difference, supplied by the source chemical energy, electrical energy Kesimpulan / Conclusion :
3. Kerja dilakukan, daya gerak elektrik kecerunan graf / gradient of the graph
Rintangan berkesan untuk litar selari Work is done, electromotive force
The effective resistance in parallel circuit 4. Kerja dilakukan, coulomb cas, litar Perhatian / Notes :
lengkap / Work is done, coulomb of charge, 1. rintangan berkesan, berkadar langsung,
1. (a) sama / same complete circuit rintangan berkesan, beza keupayaan /
(b) berkadar songsang / inversely effective resistance, is directly proportional,
effective resistance, potential difference
proportional Menganalisis daya gerak elektrik
(c) arus, selari / currents, parallel (d.g.e.) dan beza keupayaan 2. pengaliran arus, litar pintas, Rintangan
Analysing between electromotive force rendah, arus yang besar / current flow,
Contoh 7 (e.m.f.) and potential difference short circuit, Low resistance, large current
(a) R = R1 + R2­ + R3 = 10 Ω
(b) I = 2.0 A 2. Hubungan antara daya gerak elektrik,
V E dan rintangan dalam, r suatu sel
(c) V1 = 2 V,  V2 = 6 V,  V3 = 12 V
The relationship between the electromotive
Contoh 8 force, E and internal resistance, r of a cell
(a) Dalam litar selari, beza keupayaan
merentasi setiap perintang dan bateri A 2. berintangan tinggi, d.g.e. bateri / high
resistance, e.m.f. of the battery
adalah sama, 20 V.
In parallel circuit, the potential difference 3. beza keupayaan, V / potential difference, V
across each resistor and battery is the same, 4. kurang, beza keupayaan, arus, I / less,
20 V 3. (a) Tidak / No potential difference, current, I
2 (b) Kerana voltmeter disambung terus
(b) R = Ω kepada bateri.
Because the voltmeter is connected Menganalisis graf V melawan I
(c) I = 30 A Analysing V against I graph
directly across the battery.
(d) I1 = 20 A,  I2 = 6.7 A,  I3 = 3.3 A
(c) Daya gerak elektrik.
Electromotive force.
(a) diekstrapolasikan, I = 0 dan V = E, daya
Aplikasi prinsip arus, beza keupayaan gerak elektrik / extrapolated, I = 0 and V =
dan rintangan dalam litar sesiri dan E , the electromotive force
litar selari Membezakan daya gerak elektrik
(b) garis lurus, V = –Ir + E [from E – V = Ir]
Application of principles of current, potential (d.g.e.) dan beza keupayaan
straight line
difference and resistance in series and To distinguish between electromotive force
(e.m.f.) and potential difference (c) kecerunan / gradient
parallel circuit
(d) negatif, lebih kecil, ‘volt yang hilang’
(a) litar terbuka, tiada arus / open circuit, no negative, lesser, ‘lost volts’
1. litar selari, sesiri, selari / parallel circuits,
series, parallel current

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Contoh 9 2. joule sesaat (J s–1), watt Kecekapan penggunaan tenaga

R = 2.0 Ω  V  = 10 V
joule per second (J s–1), watt elektrik
3. tenaga elektrik dibebaskan, saat Efficient use of electrical energy
Contoh 10 electrical energy released, second
d.g.e/e.m.f = 3.0 V, r = 1.8 Ω 4. kilowatt (kW), megawatt (MW), 1 000 or 1. bil elektrik, kecekapan penggunaan
103, 1 000 000 or 106 elektriknya / electricity bill, electrical
kilowatt (kW), megawatt (MW) operating efficiency
4 Contoh 11
3. (a) kadar tenaga / energy rating
(b) saiz, ciri-ciri / sizes, features
1. (a) V = 2.8 V E = 8640 J
(c) kawalan masa atau fungsi mati-
(b) R = 7.0 Ω
Contoh 12 kuasa automatik
2. (a) V = 11.4 V
R = 28.8 Ω timer or automatic power-off function
(b) R = 22.8 Ω
I = 8.3 A (d) Mencuci / Clean
(e) rendah / lower
Contoh 13
Kuasa dan Tenaga Elektrik (a) P10 Ω : P25 Ω = 5 : 2
2.5 Electrical Energy and Power
Kepentingan penyelenggaran untuk
(b) P = 20.2 W memastikan kecekapan peralatan
1. haba, cahaya, tenaga mekanik, tenaga elektrik
elektromagnet, peralatan elektrik Kadar kuasa dan penggunaan tenaga The importance of maintenance in ensuring

heat, light, mechanical energy, pelbagai peralatan elektrik efficiency of electrical appliances
electromagnetic energy, electrical devices Power rating and energy consumption of
some electrical appliances 1. penapis udara / air filter
Hubungan antara tenaga (E ), voltan 2. sinaran matahari / sunlight
(V ), arus (l ) dan masa (t ) (a) tenaga elektrik, 1 saat, bekalan 240 V 3. udara masuk, keluar / air inlets, outlets
Relationship between energy (E), voltage (V), electrical energy, 1 second, 240 V supply 4. fros, motor / frost, motor
current (I) and time (t) (b) (i) kuasa / the power 5. penutup pintu / door seal
(ii) masa yang digunakan / the usage time 6. Cuci / Clean
1. coulomb cas (Q), dua titik (c) meter kilowatt-jam / kilowatt-hour meter
coulomb of charge (Q), two points (d) kilowatt-jam atau kWj / kilowatt-hour or
(e) tenaga, 1 jam, 1 kilowatt, 3.6 × 10 J 6 V 2
Hubungan antara kuasa (P), voltan (V) 1. (a) E= t
energy, 1 hour, 1 kilowatt R
dan arus (l)
Relationship between power (P), voltage (V)
(b) E = I  Rt

Contoh 14 V 2
and current (I) (c) P = VI   P = I 2R  P =
RM11.55 R
2. (a) I = 3 A , R = 4 Ω
1. dilesapkan, dipindahkan (b) I = 1.5 A
released, transferred

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

The bigger the size of the cross Reason: The closer the plates
PRAKTIS SPM 2 sectional, the smaller the resistance distance, the stronger the electric
of the conductor. field.
Soalan Objektif
(iii) Lebih besar saiz keratan rentas (ii) Jisim bola P: Jisim harus kecil
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A konduktor, lebih besar arus Mass of ball P: The mass should be
6. C 7. A 8. D mengalir melaluinya. Maka, small.
bacaan ammeter bertambah Sebab: Lebih ringan bola, lebih
Soalan Struktur cepat ditarik oleh plat-plat.
dengan saiz keratan rentas
Reason: The lighter the ball, the
Bahagian A konduktor.
faster the attraction between
1. (a) (i) Pengaliran cas atau arus The bigger the size of cross
sectional of the conductor, the
elektrik. Charge flow or electric (iii) Bekalan V.L.T: Voltan arus
bigger the current pass through it.
current. tinggi.
So, the ammeter reading increase
(ii) Masa untuk mengecas penjana with the cross sectional of the E.H.T. supply: Voltage should be
Van de Graaff adalah lebih conductor. high.
lama dalam Rajah 1(b). Ini (iv) Rintangan konduktor semakin Sebab: Voltan tinggi akan
menunjukkan jumlah cas yang kecil, arus yang mengalir dalam member medan elektrik yang
dihasilkan pada kubah logam litar semakin besar. kuat.
dalam Rajah 1(b) lebih besar. The smaller the resistance of the Reason: Higher voltage will give
Maka, sudut pemesongan conductor, the larger the current flow stronger electric field.
petunjuk galvanometer lebih in the circuit. (d) Susunan C adalah paling sesuai.
besar dalam Rajah 1(b). (c) Apabila terminal A dan terminal Set up C is the most suitable.
The time to charge the Van de B reostat disambung secara
Graaff generator is longer in sesiri dalam suatu litar, reostat Bahagian B
Diagram 1(b). This shows that the bertindak sebagai satu perintang 4. (a) Kadar pengaliran cas
total charge produced on metal yang boleh menghadkan arus
dome in Diagram 1(b) is larger. The rate of flow charge.
mengalir dalam litar. Nilai rintangan (b) • Bacaan ammeter dalam kedua-
Therefore the angle of deflection of
the galvanometer pointer is larger in reostat boleh berubah dari nilai 0 dua rajah adalah sama.
Diagram 1(b). Ω sehingga suatu nilai maksimum The ammeter reading both diagram are
(b) Lampu M menghasilkan lebih mengikut rintangan reostat. Arus equal.
cahaya kerana filamen bergelung yang mengalir dalam litar elektrik • Mentol dalam Rajah 4 (a) lebih
adalah lebih panjang dan bergantung kepada nilai rintangan cerah berbanding mentol dalam
mempunyai rintangan lebih reostat. Apabila pelaras dilaraskan Rajah 4 (b)
tinggi. Kesan pemanasan filamen dari A ke B, rintangan semakin The bulb in Diagram 4 (b) is brighter
bertambah dan arus dalam litar than Diagram 4 (a)
berintangan tinggi adalah lebih
akan semakin berkurang dari nilai • Ketebalan gelungan dalam Rajah
besar. Tambahan pula luas
maksimum ke nilai minimum. 4 (a) lebih nipis berbanding dalam
permukaan bagi filamen yang
When terminal A and terminal B of Rajah 4 (b)
bergelung adalah lebih besar dan
rheostat connected in series in a circuit, The thickness of the coil in Diagram (a)
oleh itu boleh menghasilkan lebih is thinner than that of in Diagram (b)
rheostat act as resistor than can limits
banyak haba dan cahaya. the current that can flow through the • Semakin nipis filamen semakin
The lamp M produces more light circuit. The rheostat resistance value can cerah mentol.
because the coiled filemant is longer and change from 0 Ω to the maximum value The thicker the coil the brighter the
has higher resistance. The heating effect according to the rheostat resistance. The bulb.
for higher resistance filament is greater. current flow in the circuit depends on the • Semakin nipis filamen semakin
Moreover the surface area of the coiled value of the rheostat resistance. When
filament is very much larger and thus can besar jumlah haba yang
the adjuster is adjusted from A to B, the
produce more heat and light. resistance increases and the current dibebaskan.
The thinner the filament the greater the
2. (a) Arus elektrik in the circuit will be reduced from the
amount of heat released.
Electrical current maximum value to the minimum value.
(c) (i) Hukum Ohm tidak dipatuhi. V
(b) (i) Luas keratan rentas konduktor
tidak berkadar terus dengan I.
pada Rajah 2(b) adalah lebih 3. (a) Medan elektrik ialah suatu kawasan Ohm’s law is not obeying. V is not
besar, bacaan ammeter pada yang mana satu cas diletakkan directly proportional to I.
Rajah 2(b) adalah lebih besar padanya akan mengalami daya (ii) Suhu filamen bertambah
dan bacaan voltmeter pada elektrik. apabila arus elektrik bertambah.
Rajah 2(a) adalah sama Electric field is a region where an electric
Rintangan filamen bertambah
dengan bacaan voltmeter pada charge is placed in it will experience an
electric force. apabila suhu bertambah.
Rajah 2(b). The temperature of the filament
The cross sectional area of the (b) 2.4 × 10–3 C increasing as the current increasing.
conductor for Diagram 2(b) is bigger, (c) (i) Jarak di antara dua plat: Resistance of the filament increases
the ammeter reading for Diagram Jarak di antara dua plat harus when the temperature increases.
2(b) is bigger and voltmeter reading kecil.
for Diagram 2(b) is the same with Distance between the two plates:
voltmeter reading for Diagram 2(a). Distance between the two plates
(ii) Lebih besar saiz keratan rentas must be small.
konduktor, lebih kecil rintangan Sebab: Lebih dekat jarak dua
konduktor itu. plat, lebih kuat medan elektrik.

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(d) (c) (i) 12 V

Cadangan Keterangan
Suggestion Explanation (ii) E = I(R + r)
12 = I (6 + 1)
Ketumpatan yang rendah Mengurangkan jisim keseluruhan I = 1.714 A
Low density Reduce the overall mass
(iii) E = I(R + r)
Takat lebur tinggi Tahan suhu tinggi 12 = I (4 + 1)
High melting point Withstand high temperature I = 2.4 A
Kadar pengoksidaan rendah Tidak mudah berkarat dan terbakar
Low rate of oxidation Does not rust and get burnt easily
Soalan Klon MRSM
Kerintangan tinggi Meningkatkan kadar haba yang dibebaskan
High resistivity Increase the rate of heat released 1. A 2. D
Dalam bentuk gegelung Rintangan dawai bertambah kerana panjang dawai
In the form of coils dalam elemen pemanas bertambah
The resistance increases since the length of wire in the
heating element is increase
• Mentol-mentol dalam litar X lebih malap
daripada mentol-mentol dalam litar Y.
Bahagian C The bulbs in circuit X is dimmer than the bulbs
5. (a) (i) Arus terus/ Direct current in circuit Y
(ii) Sambungan sesiri/ Series connection • Kecerahan mentol-mentol dalam setiap
(iii) litar sama ada litar X atau Y adalah
The brightness of the bulbs in each circuit either
A circuit X or Y is the same.
• Hasil nilai tambah beza keupayaan
merentasi mentol dalam litar X adalah
sama dengan beza keupayaan merentasi
(b) sel.
Ciri-ciri Keterangan The total potential differences of the bulbs in
Chracteristics Explanation circuit X are equal to the potential difference
across the cell.
Sel kering disambungkan secara Untuk mendapat jumlah d.g.e. sebanyak
• Nilai beza keupayaan merentasi setiap
sesiri 4.5 V
Dry cell is connected in series To obtain an e.m.f of 4.5 V
mentol dalam litar Y adalah sama dengan
beza keupayaan merentasi sel.
Mentol-mentol disambungkan secara Lampu suluh masih berfungsi jika salah The potential difference of each bulb in circuit Y
selari. satu mentol terbakar is equal to the potential difference of the cell.
The bulbs are connected in parallel The touch light can still operate if one of the • Kecerahan mentol bertambah apabila
bulb is blown beza keupayaan merentasi mentol
Terminal positif disambungkan kepada Membolehkan pengaliran arus elektrik bertambah.
The enable the flow of electric current The brightness of a bulb increases as the
terminal negatif sel yang satu lagi.
potential difference across the bulb increases.
The positive terminal is connected the
negative terminal of another cell
Perintang disambungkan secara sesiri Melaraskan beza keupayaan merentasi
dengan mentol mentol kepada 3 V supaya mentol-mentol
The resistor is connected in series with itu bernyala dengan kecerahan normal.
the bulbs To adjust the potential difference across the
bulbs to 3 V so that the bulbs can light up with
normal brightness.
Litar Q adalah yang paling sesuai. Dalam Litar Q, sel-sel disambungkan
secara sesiri, mentol-mentol disambungkan secara selari, terminal positif sel
disambungkan kepada terminal negatif sel yang satu lagi, perintang disambungkan
secara sesiri dengan mentol.
Circuit Q is the most suitable. In circuit Q, the cells are connected in series, the bulbs are
connected in paralled, the positive terminal of the cell are connected to the negative terminal
of another, the resistor is connected in series with the bulbs.

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

BAB (iv) (b)

3 Electromagnetism
Aliran arus
Current flow

Kesan Magnet bagi Suatu

3.1 Konduktor Pembawa Arus
Magnetic Effect of a Current-Carrying

Elektromagnet Kompas
Electromagnet Compass
3. (a) paling kuat / strongest
1. magnet sementara, melilitkan, teras besi (b) lebih kuat / stronger
lembut, dihidupkan, dimatikan, arus (c) menyongsangkan arah, tidak Arah arus
Current direction

temporary magnet, winding, soft iron core, set berubah / reverse the direction,
on, off, current unchanged
4. petua genggaman tangan kanan, ibu jari 4. (a) lurus, ditaburkan secara seragam,
2. medan magnet, bentuk konduktor
ke atas, sama, arus, genggaman jari kekuatan yang seragam
magnetic field, shape of the conductor

right-hand grip rule, thumb upwards, same, straight, evenly spaced, uniform strength
the current, fingers curl (b) magnet bar, kutub-U, kutub-S
Corak dan arah medan magnet bar magnet, N-pole, S-pole
(B)  Gegelung bulat / Coil
disebabkan oleh suatu arus
The pattern and direction of the magnetic 1. gegelung bulat / circular coil Kutub-kutub suatu solenoid
field due to a current 2. (a) Gegelung bulat Poles of a solenoid
Circular coil
1. serbuk besi, konduktor yang membawa 1. peraturan genggaman tangan kanan
arus / iron filing, current-carrying conductor right-hand grip rule
2. arah / direction (a) menggenggam solenoid, bergulung,
arus, kutub Utara
grips the solenoid, curl, current, to the
Mengkaji corak dan arah medan
Arah arus North pole
magnet yang dihasilkan oleh arus Current direction (b) kutub Utara, arah lawan jam, kutub
elektrik dalam:
To study the pattern and direction of Selatan, arah ikut jam
magnetic field due to a current in: (b) North-pole, anticlockwise direction,
Gegelung bulat
Circular coil South-pole, clockwise direction
(A)  Dawai lurus / Straigth wire
1. membulat, bersudut tegak / circular, at Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
right angles kekuatan medan magnet bagi sebuah
2. (i) elektromagnet
Factors affecting the strength of the
magnetic field of an electromagnet
Arah arus
Current direction 1. besar, kuat
larger, stronger
3. (a) lurus, bersudut tegak / straight, at 2. banyak, kuat
Aliran arus right angles more, stronger
Current flow
(b) paling kuat, pusat gegelung, rapat 3. kuat
strongest, centre of the coil, closest stronger
(ii)   (c) dalam bentuk gelung / in loops
(c) Solenoid / Solenoid Eksperimen 3.1
1. gegelung panjang, bilangan lilitan 1. elektromagnet, arus / electromagnet,
long coil, number of turns
2. arus, satu gegelung, medan magnet 2. besar, kuat / larger, stronger
current, single coil, magnetic field
Aliran arus 3. arus, bilangan lilitan gegelung / current,
3. (a)
Current flow number of turns of the coil
4. kekuatan elektromagnet (diwakili
bilangan klip kertas yang tertarik)
Aliran arus the strength of the electromagnet
Current flow (represented by the number of paper clips
S that are attracted by it.)
5. arus (jika bilangan lilitan gegelung
adalah pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan)
atau bilangan lilitan gegelung (jika arus
adalah pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan)
Arah arus current (if number of turns is the manipulated
Current direction variable) or number of turns of the coil (if
current is the manipulated variable)

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

6. Bekalan kuasa 1 volt, ammeter, reostat, Coil A has the smallest number of turns. Medan lastik
wayar kuprum disalut dengan PVC, rod (b) Gegelung B – ditentukan dengan Catapult field
besi lembut atau paku besar 10 cm, peraturan genggaman tangan
kaki retort dan bikar berisi klip kertas. kanan. 1.
1 volt power supply, ammeter, rheostat, Coil B – determined by right-hand grip
copper wire covered by PVC, 10 cm soft iron rule.
rod or large nail, retort stand and beaker (c) Gegelung B – teras keluli
containing paper clips. mengekalkan kemagnetannya
8. bertambah / increases selepas arus dimatikan.
9. (a) arus / current Coil B – the steel core retains its
(b) bilangan lilitan / number of turns magnetism after the current has been
(c) teras besi lembut / soft iron core switched off. 2.
2. (a)
Aplikasi elektromagnet
Applications of electromagnets U S
Kutub-U Kutub-S
Kren elektromagnet / Lifting electromagnet N-pole S-pole
1. mengangkat / lifting
2. loceng elektrik, telefon, pembesar suara
electric bells, telephones, loudspeakers
3. kesan magnet, tiada arus / magnetic 3.
effect, no current

Loceng elektrik / Electric Bell (b) (i) Medan magnet menjadi lebih
1. elektromagnet, dihidup, dimatikan, U S
pemukul loceng / electromagnet, off, on, Magnetic fields become weak.
bell hammer (ii) Medan magnet menjadi lebih
Bagaimana loceng elektrik berfungsi? kuat.
How does an electric bell works? Magnetic fields become strong.
1. suis / switch (iii) Medan magnet menjadi lebih
Petua tangan kiri Fleming
2. Teras besi / Iron core kuat. Fleming left-hand rule
3. Kepingan besi lembut / Soft iron armature Magnetic fields become stronger.
4. Tukul / hammer 1. bersudut tegak, arus, medan magnet /
5. Sesentuh / Contact right angles, current, magnetic field
Daya ke atas Suatu Konduktor 3. arus, medan magnet, lebih kecil, selari,
Geganti Elektromagnet 3.2 Pembawa Arus dalam Suatu Medan tiada daya / current, magnetic field, smaller,
Electromagnetic Relay
Magnet parallel, no force
1. suis, arus kecil, arus besar Electromotive Force (e.m.f.) and Internal
switch, small current, large current Resistance 4. (a)
Bagaimana geganti elektromagnet Hubungan antara arah daya ke atas +
berfungsi? suatu konduktor pembawa arus dalam A
How does an electromagnet relay works? suatu medan magnet –
1. suis input / input switch The relationship between the directions of
2. Teras besi / Iron core the force on a current-carrying conductor in B
a magnetic field
3. Angker besi lembut / Soft iron armature
5. Bekalan kuasa / Power supply 1. (a) bergerak / move
Pemutus litar / The circuit breaker (b) saling tindakan, medan magnet
magnadur, medan magnet, (b) S
1. suis automatik, memutuskan arus
automatic switch, cuts off the current konduktor membawa arus +
2. arus, sentuhan, elektromagnet, terlalu interaction, magnadur magnetic field, A
magnetic field, current-carrying conductor –
besar, elektromagnet, melepaskan,
(c) (i) arah bertentangan
terbuka, memutuskan, butang reset B
current, contacts, electromagnet, too large, opposite direction
electromagnet, release, open, stop, reset (ii) arah bertentangan
button opposite direction
(d) bergerak, daya saling tindakan
Fon telinga / Earpiece move, interacting force
1. arus berubah-ubah, elektromagnet, (c)
(e) (i) daya, bertindak, konduktor U
bergetar, menghantar / varying current, pembawa arus –
electromagnet, vibrate, send force, acts, carrying conductor A
(ii) saling tindakan, medan magnet, +
1 konduktor pembawa arus
interaction, magnetic field, current- B
1. (a) Gegelung A mempunyai bilangan
carrying conductor
lilitan terkecil. S

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(d) Kesan putaran suatu gegelung 2. saiz arus atau voltan / size of current or
pembawa arus dalam medan magnet voltage
– The turning effect of a current-carrying coil 3. kekuatan / strength
A in a magnetic field
1. (a) (i) Daya berubah ke arah bawah.
b c
U The force changes to act
U S downwards.
(ii) Daya berubah ke arah bawah.
(e) The force changes to act
S – a
d downwards.
A (iii) Tiada perubahan / No change.
+ 2. (a) Daya pada AB ke bawah dan
Arus masuk Arus keluar
Dawai tidak Current in Current out CD ke atas. / Force on side AB is
bergerak downwards and that on side CD is
B This wire is
not moving upwards.
(b) Kerana BC selari dengan medan
magnet. / Because BC is parallel to the
magnetic field.
5. (a) F U S (c) Gelung berputar ¼ pusingan dari
B arah mengufuk ke arah menegak. Ia
bergetar beberapa kali dalam arah
l menegak sebelum keadaan rehat.
The coil rotates through ¼ turn from
4. (a) arus / current the horizontal to the vertical position. It
(b) vibrates a few times about the vertical
l (b) lilitan / turns
position, then comes to rest there.
(c) luas / area
(d) Hujung gegelung disambungkan ke
F (d) kekuatan / strength
B bekalan kuasa melalui komutator
dan dua berus karbon. Alat-alat ini
Kegunaan kesan putaran magnet pada menyongsangkan arah arus setiap
suatu gegelung kali gegelung membuat separuh
Uses of the magnetic turning effect on a coil
(c) pusingan dan membolehkan
l Tiada daya
magnet gegelung terus berputar.
1. mengesan arus yang kecil / detect small
No magnetic The ends of the coil are connected to the
force current
power supply via a commutator and two
2. gegelung, silinder besi lembut, magnet carbon brushes. These devices reverse
B silinder, spring pengawal / coil, soft-iron the current direction every time the coil
cylinder, cylindrical magnet, hairspring makes a half turn and thus enables the
3. kesan putaran, menggerakkan / turning coil to rotate continuously.
effect, moves
(d) l
4. diseimbangkan, spring pengawal,
F terpesong. saiz arus / balanced, hairspring, Aruhan Elektromagnet
deflection, size of the current 3.3 Electromagnetic Induction
5. (i) Magnet kekal / Permanent magnet
(ii) Gegelung / Coil Aruhan eletkromagnet dalam suatu
(iii) Komutator / Commutator dawai lurus
Electromagnetic induction in a straight wire
(iv) Berus karbon / Carbon brush
6. arus, daya ke arah bawah, daya ke atas
Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi magnitud 1. (a) (i) ke sebelah / one side
/ current, downward force, upward force
daya ke atas konduktor pembawa arus (ii) arus / current
7. arah jam, kedudukan tegak, diputuskan,
dalam suatu medan magnet (b) (i) bahagian bertentangan /
Factors affecting the magnitude of the inertia / clockwise, vertical position, cut off,
opposite site
force on a current-carrying conductor in a inertia
magnetic field 8. arus, daya ke atas, daya ke bawah, ikut (ii) arus mengalir, arah yang
jam / current, upward force, downward force, bertentangan / current flow,
1. Lebih besar, lebih besar / Larger, larger clockwise opposite direction
(a) Menambahkan / Increase 9. menyongsangkan, gegelung, mengubah (c) (i) tidak terpesong / does not deflect
(b) saiz dawai lebih tebal / thicker wire sentuhannya, satu arah / reverse, loop, (ii) tiada arus / no current
(c) dawai lebih pendek / shorter wire changes contact, in one direction (d) (i) tidak terpesong / does not deflect
(d) banyak lilitan dawai (ii) tiada arus / no current
many turns of wire Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laju
2. Lebih kuat, lebih besar putaran sebuah motor arus terus Aruhan elektromagnet dalam suatu
stronger, larger Factors that affect the speed of rotation of a
direct current motor
(a) yang lebih kuat / more powerful Electromagnetic induction in a solenoid
(b) lebih dekat / closer to
1. bilangan lilitan / number of turns 1. (a) (i) ke sebelah / one side

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(ii) arus mengalir / current flow Aplikasi hukum Lenz dalam solenoid 5.
(a) (i) ke sebelah yang bertentangan / Application of Lenz’s Law in solenoid
opposite side Current
(ii) arus mengalir, arah yang 1. kutub Utara, magnet
bertentangan / current flow,
North pole, magnet
opposite direction 2. kutub Selatan, magnet
(c) (i) Tiada pemesongan / No
South pole, magnet
1 putaran
deflection 1 turn
(ii) tiada arus / no current Aplikasi aruhan elektromagnet 1 putaran Bilangan
(d) (i) ke sebelah / to one side Application of electromagnetic induction 2 turn putaran
(ii) arus mengalir / current flow No.of turn
(e) (i) sebelah yang bertentangan / Penjana arus terus
opposite side Direct current generator
(ii) arah yang bertentangan / 1. angker, gelang terbelah dua, berus U S
opposite direction karbon
axle, split-ring, carbon brushes Orientasi gegelung
Daya gerak elektrik aruhan dan arus 2. Tiada arus aruhan, tidak memotong Coil orientation
aruhan dalam No induced current, does not cut
Induced electromotive force and induced 6. positif (+), negatif (–)
current in
3. medan magnet, Arus aruhan, mengalir
positive (+), negative (–)
Dawai lurus / Straight wire keluar, berus karbon 7. paling besar, mengufuk
1. d.g.e. diaruh / e.m.f. is induced the magnetic field, Induced current, flows out, greatest, horizontal
carbon brushes 8. sifar, menegak / zero, vertical
2. arus aruhan / induced current
3. selari, tidak dipotong / parallel, not cut 4. kedudukan menegak, tiada arus aruhan
vertical position, no induced current
Solenoid / Solenoid 5. arus aruhan, mengalir keluar Arus terus dan arus ulang-alik
1. mendekati atau menjauhi, fluks magnet, Direct current and alternating current

induced current, flows out
D.g.e. diaruh / towards or away, magnetic 6. komutator menyongsangkan, arus,
flux. E.m.f. is induced 1. satu arah, penjana arus terus, bateri
sentiasa mengalir, arah yang sama
2. pemesongan penunjuk, arus aruhan
commutator reverses, current, always flows,
one direction, direct current generator, battery
deflection of the pointer, induced current same direction 2. dua arah bertentangan

two opposite directions
Definisi dan arah arus aruhan
Definition and the direction of the induced Arus
current Komutator menyongsangkan arus
Commutator reverses current
1. (a) A – kutub selatan / south pole ;
B – kutub utara / north pole
1. daya gerak elektrik (d.g.e.), memotong,
(b) Komutator. Fungsi : Mengubah arah
mengubah / electromotive force (e.m.f.), 1 putaran
1 turn
arus output untuk setiap putaran
cutting, changing
separuh gegelung, supaya arus
2. petua tangan kanan Fleming 1 putaran Bilangan dalam litar luar sentiasa mengalir
Fleming’s right-hand rule 2 turn putaran dalam arah yang sama.
3. hukum Lenz / Lenz’s law No. of turns
Commutator. Function: To switch the
direction of the output current every half
Petua tangan kanan Fleming U S rotation of the coil, so that the current
Fleming’s Right-hand rule in the outside circuit always flows in the
same direction.
Orientasi gegelung (c)
1. Ibu jari: daya / Thumb: Force( F) Coil orientation
2. Jari telunjuk: Medan magnet
First finger: Magnetic field (B) Arus
Penjana arus ulang-alik Current
3. Jari tengah: Arus aruhan / Second finger:
An alternating current generator
Induced current (f)

1. angker, magnet, gelang gelincir, berus

Hukum-hukum aruhan elektromagnet
Laws of electromagnetic induction
karbon, gelang gelincir
axle, magnet, slip rings, carbon brushes, slip Bilangan putaran
rings No. of turns
1. d.g.e. teraruh, kadar perubahan, kadar
pemotongan 2. arus berulang-alik (a.u.)

induced e.m.f., the rate of change, the rate of alternating current (a.c.) Transformer
cutting 3. sentiasa sentuh, berus karbon, 3.4 Transformer
3. Kerja, menentang, tenaga mekanikal, berulang-alik, arah bertentangan
Struktur dan prinsip operasi sebuah
tenaga elektrik / Work, against, mechanical always in contact, carbon brush, to and fro,
opposite directions
energy, electrical energy Structure and operating principle of a
4. (a) lebih laju / faster 4. sama, putaran gegelung transformer
(b) lebih kuat / stronger same, rotation of the coil
(c) bilangan lilitan / number of turns Struktur / Structure
1. (a) Teras besi lembut / Soft-iron core

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(b) Output / Output 3. lebih besar / larger than 2. Arus ulang-alik (a.u.), diinjak naik,
(c) Gegelung sekunder / Secondary coil 4. menurunkan / step down diinjak turun
(d) Gegelung primer / Primary coil
Alternating current (a.c.), stepped up, stepped
(e) Input / Input Contoh 1 down
(f) teras besi lembut, gegelung primer, Ns = 30 3. meningkatkan. menurunkan

increase, decrease
gegelung sekunder Contoh 2
soft-iron core, primary coil, secondary 4. mengurangkan / reduce
(a) Ns = 180 5. voltan tinggi, lebih cekap
(b) Is = 2 A
high voltage, more efficient
Prinsip kerja / Working principle (c) Ip = 0.11 A 6. Lebih tinggi, lebih kecil
1. elektromagnet, Garis medan, gegelung
greater, smaller
sekunder Kehilangan tenaga dalam transformer 8. kuasa hilang
electromagnet, field lines, secondary coil Energy loss in a transformer
power lost
2. d.g.e. diaruhkan, arus, dipesongkan Contoh 4
e.m.f. is induced , current, deflected 1. Kesan pemanasan / heating effect
(a) P = 31 250 W
3. arus aruhan, menentang 2. dawai tebal / thicker wire
(b) P = 78.1 W

induced current, to oppose 3. arus pusar / eddy current
4. kekal tidak berubah, tiada d.g.e., 4. teras besi berlamina / laminated core
kembali ke sifar 5. pemagnetan, penyahmagnetan / Rangkaian grid nasional

stay unchanged, no e.m.f., returns to zero magnetisation, demagnetisation National grid network
5. hilang, d.g.e., arus, menentang, 6. besi lembut / soft iron
terpesong 7. Kebocoran / Leakage 1. stesen kuasa / power stations

collapse, e.m.f., current, oppose, deflected 8. melilit / winding 2. 25 kV, 132 kV
6. dinyalakan berterusan, lebih cerah, 3. transformer injak turun, 132 kV ke 450
beza keupayaan, gegelung sekunder, Kecekapan transformer V / step-down transformers, 132 kV to 450 V
lebih besar Efficiency of a transformer 5. dikawalkan, dihantar, mengurangkan

lit continuously, brighter, voltage, secondary gangguan
coil, larger Contoh 3 controlled, transmitted, reduce the disruption
7. berubah secara berterusan, sama Kecekapan / Efficiency= 80% 4. kurang cekap, ditutup
change continuously, same
less efficient, closed down
8. tenaga elektrik, primer, sekunder
electrical energy, primary, secondary
7. tanpa mengganggu
Penjanaan dan Penghantaran without disrupting
Jenis-jenis transformer 3.5 Elektrik
Types of transformer Generation and Transmission of Electricity
Contoh 5
(a) NP : NS 25 : 132
Transformer injak naik 1. menjana elektrik / generate electricity (b) P = 718 205 W
Step-up transformer 2. tekanan air, memutarkan penjana / water
1. lebih besar / greater pressure, drive the generator
2. lebih besar / larger 3. (a) Nuklear / Nuclear 4
3. lebih kecil / smaller (b) Hidro / Hydro
(c) Solar / Solar 1. Vt = 10 V
4. menaikkan / step up
2. (a) I = 2 A
Transformer injak turun Penghantaran elekrik (b) P = 6 W, R = 1.5 Ω
Step-down transformer Electricity transmission 3. 0.125 J s–1
1. lebih kecil / less
2. lebih kecil / smaller 1. dinamo besar / large dynamo

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(ii) Tiada perubahan dalam arah. Bahagian B


No change in direction. 4. (a) Kemagnetan yang dihasilkan oleh
Soalan Objektif (iii) Rujuk(a)(i) / Refer (a)(i) arus elektrik./ A magnetism that is
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D (b) Peraturan genggaman tangan produced by an electric current.
6. C 7. B kanan (b) • Arus yang mengalir dalam Rajah 4
Right hand grip rule (b) lebih besar daripada arus yang
Soalan Struktur (c) (i) Bilangan lilitan gegelung = 20 mengalir dalam Rajah 4 (a).
lilitan / Number of turns of coil = 20 Current flow in Diagram 4(b) is greater
Bahagian A turns than current flow of in Diagram 4(a)
1. (a) (b) Lebih banyak bilangan lilitan, • Kuantiti serbuk besi yang ditarik
lebih besar daya putaran untuk oleh teras besi dalam Rajah 4 (b)
memesongkan jarum. lebih besar daripada dalam Rajah
The larger the number of turns of 4 (a)
– coil, the larger the turning force to The amount of iron filing attracted by
turn the pointer. iron core in Diagram 4(b) is more than
(ii) Magnet kekal berbentuk semi in Diagram 4(a)
bulatan • Kekuatan magnet dalam Rajah
Kompas 4 (b) lebih kuat daripada dalam
Semi circular shaped permanent
magnet Rajah 4 (a)
Membentuk suatu medan The magnetic strength in Diagram 4(b)
Serbuk besi Dawai konduktor radial yang seragam supaya is stronger than in Diagram 4(a)
Iron filing Conductor wire
daya putaran gegelung adalah • Kuantiti serbuk besi yang ditarik itu
seragam pada sebarang bertambah apabila arus bertambah
(c) Peraturan genggaman tangan kedudukan. Amount of iron filing attracted increase
kanan when current increase
To form a constant radial field so
Right-hand grip rule that the turning force of the coil is • Kekuatan medan magnet
(d) (i) Kepadatan serbuk besi di P uniform at any position. bertambah ketika arus bertambah.
The magnetic field strength increase
adalah lebih besar daripada di (iii) Spring yang lemah
when the current increase
Q. Weaker spring
(c) (i) Besi lembut lebih mudah
The concentration of iron filing at P Boleh memberi pemesongan
is more than at Q. dimagnetkan dan
yang lebih besar pada petunjuk.
(ii) Jarak P lebih dekat pada dawai dinyahmagnetkan.
Can give greater deflection to the Soft iron is easier to be magnetised
konduktor berbanding dengan pointer. and demagnetised.
Q. (iv) Reka bentuk yang paling (ii) • Ketika arus yang mengalir
The distance P is closer to the sesuai ialah galvanometer Z
conductor wire compared to Q. terlalu tinggi, kekuatan medan
kerana ia mempunyai magnet magnet menjadi sangat kuat.
(iii) Kekuatan medan magnet kekal berbentuk semi bulatan, When the flowing current is too
pada P adalah lebih besar bilangan lilitan gegelung lebih high, magnetic field strength
berbanding dengan Q. besar dan spring pemulihan become very strong.
The strength of the magnetic field at yang lemah. • Elektromagnet itu menarik
P is larger than at Q.
The most suitable design is amatur besi lembut. Sesentuh
(e) (i) Lebih besar kepadatan serbuk galvanometer Z as it has semi dipisahkan dan arus tidak
besi, lebih kuat medan magnet. circular permanent magnet, the mengalir.
The larger the concentration of iron number of turns of coil is larger and The electromagnet pulls the
filing, the larger the strength of the the restoring spring is weaker. soft iron armature. The contact
magnetic field. 3. (a) (i) sementara / temporary separates and the current does
(ii) Lebih dekat pada konduktor (ii) not flow.
dawai, lebih kuat medan • Ketika butang reset ditekan,
magnet. spring Q menarik amatur besi
The closer the distance from the lembut kembali ke kedudukan
conductor wire, the stronger the
magnetic field.
When reset button is pressed,
2. (a) (i) spring Q pulls the soft iron
armature back to its original
(b) (i) Bilangan klip kertas berkurang. position.
Kadbod The number of paper clips is less.
Cardboard (ii) Kekuatan elektromagnet
The strength of the electromagnet

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(d) (c) (i) Kuprum

Pengubahsuaian Keterangan
Modification Explanation copper
V = 240 V – 220 V = 20 V
Tukarkan gelang gelincir dengan Untuk menyonsangkan sesentuh dengan
komutator berus supaya arus elektrik kekal pada V
I =
Change slip rings with commutator arah yang sama pada litar luaran R
To reverse contact with brushes so that the 20
current flow in same direction in external =
Tambahkan bilangan putaran dalam Tambahkan kadar perubahan medan (iii)
P = I 2 R
gegelung magnet = 22 × 10
Increase the number of turns in the coil Increase the rate of change of magnetic field
= 40 W
Gunakan magnet yang lebih kuat Tambahkan kekuatan medan magnet
Use stronger magnet To increase the magnetic field strength
Gunakan magnet cekung Untuk mengurangkan kebocoran fluks Soalan Klon MRSM
Use concave magnet magnet
To reduce the leakage of magnetic flux 1. D 2. B

Tambahkan kapasitor pada litar luaran Untuk meratakan arus elektrik

Adding capacitor to the external circuit To smooth out the current

Bahagian C
Ciri-ciri Alasan
5. (a) (i) Transformer injak naik Characteristic Reason
Step-up transformer.
(ii) • Arus ulang-alik menghasilkan medan magnet yang berubah-ubah dalam Ketumpatan rendah Kabel lebih ringan
gegelung primer. Density must be low The cable will be
An alternating current produces changing magnetic field in the primary coil. lighter
• Arus ulang-alik mengalir dalam gegelung primer. Diameter kabel Mengurangkan
Alternating current flows through the primary coil.
mesti tebal rintangan
• Medan magnet yang berubah-ubah memotong gegelung sekunder. Diameter of the cable Reduce the resistance
The alternating magnetic fields cut through the secondary coil. must be thicker
• Arus teraruh dalam gegelung sekunder.
Current is induced in the secondary coil. Muatan haba tentu Suhu tidak
tinggi meningkat dengan
(b) Ciri-ciri Keterangan Specific heat capacity cepat
Characteristic Explanation must be high The temperature do
not increase fast
Teras besi lembut Untuk mengurangkan kehilangan tenaga melalui
Soft iron core histerisis
Reduce the lost of energy through hysteresis
Teras besi berlamina Mengurangkan arus pusar yang mengakibatkan
Laminated core iron pemanasan
Reduce the eddy current that causes the heating
Injak turun Manginjak turunkan voltan supaya sesuai kepada
Step-down telefon bimbit yang memerlukan voltan yang rendah
Step down voltage so that it is suitable for the cellular
phone that requires a low voltage
Wayar kuprum Rintangan rendah.
Copper wire Low resistance
Q ialah jenis transformer yang paling sesuai digunakan. Q mempunyai teras besi
lembut dan berlamina, merupakan transformer injak turun, menggunakan wayar
Q is the most suitable transformer to be applied. Q has a soft iron and laminated core. It is a
step-down transformer, using copper wire

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

BAB 3. tiub vakum, sinar katod (b) Tempoh / Period, T = 2 × 1 s, f

4 Electronics

vacuum tube, cathode ray
4. a : Filamen pemanas/ Heating filament,
= 0.5 Hz
(iii) (a) Voltan puncak / Peak voltage
Osiloskop Sinar Katod (O.S.K.)
katod / cathode = 2 V
4.1 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O.) b : Katod / Cathode, awan elektron (b) Tempoh / Period, T = 4 × 0.01 s,
1. pembebasan elektron, permukaan cloud of electrons f = 25 Hz
logam c : Grid kawalan / Control grid, bilangan (iv) (a) Voltan puncak / Peak voltage
giving off electrons, metal surface elektron / the number of electrons = 3 × 0.5 = 1.5 V
2. satu alur elektron, bergerak d : Anod memfokus / Focusing anode, (b) Tempoh / Period, T
a stream of electrons, moves Memfokuskan / Focusing = 6 × 0.001 s,
e : Anod memecut / Accelerating anode, f = 166.7 Hz
Tiub vakum Memecutkan / Accelerating 2. (a) Masa / Time, t = 1/50 = 0.02 s
Vacuum tube f : Plat-Y / Y-plate , ke atas, ke bawah / (b) t = 5 × 0.02 = 0.1 s
up, down (c) t = 2.5 × 0.02 = 0.05 s
1. tiub kaca yang divakumkan, positif, g : Plat-X / X-plate, dari kiri, kanan / from (d) t = 0.5 × 0.02 = 0.01 s
negatif left, right

evacuated glass tube, positive, negative h : Salutan grafit / Graphite coating,
2. anod, katod voltan positif, menarik, mengalirnya, Diod Semikonduktor

anode, cathode positif, memecutkan / positive voltage, 4.2 Semiconductor Diodes
3. voltan tinggi, elektron, sinar katod attracts, removes, positive, accelerate

high voltage, electrons, cathode rays i : Skrin pendarflour / Fluorescent screen, Ciri-ciri semikonduktor
tompok cahaya / bright spot Properties of semiconductor
Tiub Palang Maltese
The Maltese Cross tube Sistem pesongan 4. (i) Pembawa cas positif – lohong
Deflection system Positive charge carrier – holes
1. (a) bayang / shadow (ii) Pembawa cas negatif – elektron
1. tiada pemesongan / no deflection Negative charge carrier – electrons
(b) sinar katod, garis lurus
cathode rays, straight lines 2. pesong ke atas, bergerak ke atas 5. (i) Suhu – pembawa cas bertambah
(c) cahaya hijau, pendarfluor deflects upwards, moves to the top dengan suhu.
green light, fluorescence 3. pesong ke bawah, bergerak ke bawah Temperature – charge carrier increases
with temperature.
(d) tenaga / energy deflects downwards, moves to the bottom
(e) tenaga cahaya / light energy (ii) Cahaya / Light
4. pesong ke atas, ke bawah, surih tegak
2. (a) dua bayang 6. arus, elektron, lohong
yang cerah
current, electrons, holes
two shadows deflects up, down, bright vertical trace
(b) cahaya, di tengah
light, at the centre Prinsip kerja osiloskop sinar katod Pendopan semikonduktor
3. (a) bergerak, dipesong ke bawah The working principle of the cathode ray Doping of semiconductors
moved, distorted downwards oscilloscope
(b) sinar, suatu daya 1. menambahkan, bendasing tertentu,
the rays, a force 1. plat-Y, kedudukan menegak meningkatkan
(c) zarah bercas negatif
Y-plate, vertical position adding, specific impurities, increase
negatively charged particles 2. grid kawalan, keamatan 2. jenis-n, jenis-p / n-type, p-type
(d) Arah, petua tangan kiri Fleming control grid, intensity
direction, Fleming’s left-hand rule 3. ketajaman / sharpness Jenis-jenis semikonduktor
4. kedudukan mengufuk / horizontal position Types of semiconductor
Sifat-sifat sinar katod 5. frekuensi / frequency
Characteristics of cathode rays 6. jenis input / type of input 1. atom pentavalen, fosforus, arsenik
pentavalent atoms, phosphorus, arsenic
1. zarah bercas negatif Mengukur beza keupayaan 2. mendermakan, pembawa cas majoriti

negatively charged particles Measuring potential difference donates, majority charge carriers
2. dalam garis lurus 3. mendopkan, atom trivalen, boron,
in straight lines 2. 1.5 V galium
3. tenaga / energy 3. –1.5 V doping, trivalent atoms, boron, gallium
4. medan magnet, medan elektrik 4. 1.5 V a.c / a.u. 4. lebihan lohong, lohong, pembawa cas
magnetic field, electric field 6. 1.5 V majoriti
7. –1.5 V extra holes, holes, majority charge carriers
Osiloskop sinar katod (O.S.K.) 8. 1.5 V a.c./ a.u. 5. penderma / donor
Cathode ray oscilloscope (C.R.O.) 6. penerima / acceptor

1. paparan visual / visual display 1 Diod semikonduktor

2. I : Senapang elektron 1. (i) (a) Voltan puncak / Peak voltage Semiconductor diode
Electron gun = 2 V
II : Sistem pemesongan (b) Tempoh / Period, T = 5 × 0.1 s, f 1. simpang p-n / p-n junction
Deflection system = 1/T = 2 Hz 2. jenis-n, jenis-p, elektron bebas, mengisi
III : Skrin pendarflour (ii) (a) Voltan puncak / Peak voltage lohong, lapisan susutan / n-type, p-type,
Fluorescent screen free electrons, fill up the holes, depletion layer
= 2 V

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Fungsi diod (a) Output perata b.k. Suis kawalan cahaya

Diode function Smoothed output p.d. Light controlled switch
1. rendah / low
1. (a) positif / positive 2. menghidupkan / switch on
(b) negatif / negative 3. besar, menghidupkan / large, switch on
(c) rendah / low 4. gelap, cerah / dark, bright light
2. (a) positif / positive
(b) negatif / negative Suis kawalan haba / Heat controlled switch
(b) Output perata b.k.
(c) tinggi / high Smoothed output p.d. 1. tinggi, sangat rendah / high, too low
2. dipanaskan, menghidupkan, dihidupkan
heated, switch on, turned on
Diod sebagai rektifier
Diode as rectifier 3. sejuk, sangat rendah / cold, very low

1. arus ulang-alik, arus terus Get Logik

alternating current, direct current
4.4 Logic Gates
3. dicaskan, dinyahcaskan, Arus nyahcas,
2. (a) arus mengalir voltan output Simbol bagi get logik
current flows is charged, discharged, discharge current, Symbols for logic gates
Output output voltage
1. keputusan, terminal input
decision, input terminals
4.3 Transistor 2. DAN, ATAU, TAK / AND, OR, NOT
The Transistor
1. jenis-n, jenis-p, tiga lapisan Analogi suis bagi tiga get asas

The switch analogy for the three basic gates

n-type, p-type, three layers
(b) tiada arus, mengalir
no current, flows enis transistor / Type of transistor
J 1. (a) dihidupkan, dihidupkan / ON, ON
Output 1. n-p-n, p-n-p Output Algebra Boole
2. tapak (B), pengumpul (C), pengeluar (E) Boolean algebra
base (B), collector (C), emitter (E) Y
3. pembawa cas, pengumpul 0
charge carriers, collector 0
4. Anak panah, arus 0
arrow, current
(c) pincang ke depan 1
forward biased
Litar transistor / Transistor circuit
(d) pincang ke belakang 1. litar tapak, litar pengumpul (b) dihidupkan, dihidupkan, dihidupkan
reverse biased base circuit, collector circuit / ON, ON, ON
Output 2. menghidupkan, Arus pengumpul
switch on, collector current Output Algebra Boole
3. arus pengumpul, suis Y Boolean algebra:
collector current, switch Y=A+B
4. mengawal, amplifier arus
control, current amplifier 1
(f) pincang ke depan 1
Transistor sebagai amplifier arus
forward biased Transistor as a current amplifier
(g) pincang ke belakang 1. amplifier arus, mengawal (c) dimatikan, dihidupkan / OFF, ON
reverse biased current amplifier, control
C D 2. arus tapak Ib, mengawal, arus Output Algebra Boole
1 2 pengumpul Ic Boolean algebra:
base current Ib, control, collector current, Ic –
A H 3. gandaan arus / current gain 1 Y=A
G ke OSK
B to CRO 4. perubahan kecil, perubahan besar 0
3 small change, big change
Pembahagi beza keupayaan (d) dihidupkan, dihidupkan / ON, ON
Potential divider
1. mengubah / varying Output Algebra Boole
Kapasitor sebagai perata arus 2. sesiri, pembahagi beza keupayaan Boolean algebra:
series, potential divider
Capacitor as current smoothing
1 Y =  A • B 
Transistor sebagai suis automatik
1. arus yang seragam Transistor as an automatic switch 1
steady current 1. pembahagi beza keupayaan 1
2. diratakan, kapasitor yang besar potential divider
smoothed out, large capacitor 0
2. sifar, dimatikan, bertambah
zero, switched off, increase
3. menghidupkan / switch on

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(e) dihidupkan, dihidupkan, dihidupkan

/ ON, ON, ON
2 (e)

1. (a) A 0011 1100

Output Algebra Boole OUTPUT
Boolean algebra: A 0010
Y B 0101
Y =  A + B  0011 1100
Y Input Output
0 0101 1010 A B Y
0 0 0 0
0 Input Output
0 1 0
1 0 1
0 0 1
Contoh 1 1 1 0
Get DAN / AND gate 0 1 1
1 0 1 (f)
Voltan / V
1 1 0
A 0011
Voltan / V 1 1
(b) 1100
0 1 1 A 0011 0001
0001 OUTPUT 1010
0101 0101
Voltan / V
0 0 A Y
Voltage B 0101 B
0 0101
Voltan / V 1 1 Voltan / V Input Output
Voltage Voltage
0 0
0 Input Output A B Y
1 1 1
A B Y 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Input B Output Y 0 1 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 1

Get ATAU / OR gate 1 1 1

Sistem kawalan get logik
Voltan / V (c) Logic gate control system
A 0011 0001 1. Pengesan input / The input sensor
Voltan / V 0101 Y 2. Litar kawalan / The control circuit
Voltage0 0 B 1011 3. Peralatan output / The output device
0 1010
1 1
Voltan / V
Input A Sistem kawalan lampu jalan
Voltage 0
0 Street light control system
Voltan / V 1 1 Voltan / V
Input Output
0 0 Voltage A B Y 1. menghidupkan, malam / switch on, night
0 1 1 1 1 1 2. pengesan cahaya / light sensor
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 1 0 Sistem keselamatan
0 0
1 0 1 Security system
Input B Output Y
1 1 1 1. perintang peka cahaya, pengesan
inframerah, get DAN, penggera
Gabungan get-get logik
Combination of logic gates (d) light sensitive resistor, infrared sensor, AND
gate, alarm
1. DAN, TAKATAU, TAKDAN / AND, NOR, A 0011 2. pencerobohan, sinaran inframerah,
1110 OUTPUT pengesan inframerah, get logik,
NAND 0101 Y
0001 penggera
2. jadual kebenaran / truth table B
night intruder, infrared, infrared sensor, logic
P Q Y Input Output gate, alarm

1 1 1
0 0 0 3
1 0 0 0 1 0 1. (a) (I) input A  
1 0 0 1 0 0 (II) input B
1 1 1 (b) P adalah get TAK dan Q adalah get
0 0 0 DAN. / P is NOT gate and Q is AND

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Bahagian B • Arus elektrik mengalir jika diod

PRAKTIS SPM 4 3. (a) Membenarkan arus mengalir dalam disambungkan secara pincang
Soalan Objektif satu arah. hadapan. Arus elektrik tidak
Allow current to flow in one direction. mengalir jika diod disambungkan
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C (b) • Mentol dalam Rajah 3.1 (b) secara pincang songsang.
6. B 7. B 8. A menyala tetapi mentol dalam Electric current is flowing when the
Rajah 3.1 (a) tidak menyala. diode is in forward-biased. Electric
Soalan Struktur The bulb in Diagram 3.1 (b) lights up current is not flowing when the diode
but the bulb in Diagram 3.1(a) doesn’t is in reverse-biased.
Bahagian A light up. (c) (i)
1. (a) Get logik ialah suatu peralatan • Arus elektrik mengalir dalam
elektronik dengan banyak input Rajah 3.1 (b) tetapi tidak
tetapi hanya satu output. mengalir dalam Rajah 3.1 (a).
Logic gate is an electronic device with Electric current flows in Diagram (b)
multiple input but only one output. but doesn’t flow in Diagram (a)
• Diod dalam Rajah 3.1 (a)
(b) (i) Output X dipasang secara pincang
(ii) Kapasitor / Capacitor
Output X songsang manakala diod dalam
Rajah 3.1 (b) dipasang secara
pincang hadapan.
0 The diode in Diagram (a) is in
reverse-biased whereas the diode in
0 Diagram (b) is in forward-biased.
• Mentol bernyala apabila diod
disambungkan secara pincang
hadapan. Mentol tidak bernyala
(ii) Get DAN / AND gate apabila diod disambungkan
secara pincang songsang. (iv)
(iii) The bulb lights up when the diode is
in forward-biased whereas the bulb
doesn’t light up when the diode is in

(c) (i) Jisim harus kecil supaya lebih

ringan untuk mengurangkan
inersia. (d) Ciri-ciri Keterangan
The mass should be small so that it Characteristic Explanation
is lighter to reduce inertia.
Termistor digunakan. Nilai rintangan termistor berubah dengan
Gunakan kuasa motor lebih
A thermistor is applied. perubahan suhu persekitaran.
berkuasa supaya dapat
The resistance of the thermistor changes with the change
berfungsi lebih cekap. in surroundings temperature.
Use a more powerful motor so that it
can work more efficiently. Termistor itu diletakkan Beza keupayaan merentasi R1 meningkat
2. (a) Alur elektron pada kedudukan R1 dan R1 apabila suhu persekitaran meningkat. Arus
A beam of electron menggantikan tempat PPC. tapak yang mengalir menghidupkan transistor itu
(b) (i) Katod The thermistor is placed at the menghidupkan transistor.
Cathode position of R1 and R1 replaces Potential difference across R1 increases when the
the position of the LDR. surroundings temperature increases. The base current that
(ii) Skrin berpendaflour
flows through the transistor switches on the transistor.
Fluorescent screen
(c) Tingkatkan beza keupayaan V2. Suis geganti digunakan. Suis geganti mengasingkan litar kawalan
Sinar katod terdiri daripada elektron A relay switch is applied. bertransistor daripada litar penghawa dingin yang
yang boleh dipesongkan oleh berkuasa tinggi (lebih bahaya).
medan elektrik. V2 memesongkan The relay switch separates the transistor control circuit
sinar katod secara menegak. form the air conditioner circuit that has a high power (more
Increase the potential difference V2. dangerous).
Cathode ray is made of electrons that
Penghawa dingin Litar penghawa dingin yang berkuasa tinggi boleh
can be deflected by electric field. V2
deflates the cathode ray vertically. disambungkan kepada suis dihidupkan oleh litar kawalan bertransistor yang
geganti. berkuasa rendah.
1 2
(d) E =mv The air conditioner is connected The air conditioner circuit in high power can be switched
2 to the relay switch. on by the transistor control circuit that is in low power.
4.8 × 10–16 = (9.0 × 10–31)v2
2 Perintang disambungkan Menghadkan nilai arus yang mengalir melalui
v2 = 1.067 × 1015 pada tapak transistor. transistor.
v = 3.27 × 107 The resistor is connected to the Limits the value of current that flows through the transistor.
base of the transistor.

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Bahagian C (c) (i) 12 V

4. (a) (i) Transistor (ii) R = R1 + R2
(ii) • Arus elektrik yang kecil dari Input A menghidupkan R = 20 kΩ + 40 kΩ = 60 kΩ
komponen M. R2
Small electric current from Input A switch on component M. (iii) VTU = ( )×V
R1 + R 2
• Arus elektrik yang kecil dari Input B menghidupkan
komponen N. 20 kΩ
= × 12
Small electric current from Input B switch on component N. 60 kΩ
• Arus elektrik dibenarkan mengalir daripada +6V = 4 V
ke output X ketika M atau N atau kedua-duanya
Electric current is allowed to flow from +6V to output X when Soalan Klon MRSM
M or N or both are switched on.
• Output X ialah 1 jika dan hanya jika input A atau 1. C 2. A
input B atau kedua-duanya adalah 1.
Output X is 1 if only if input A or input B or both are 1.
(b) Aspek Keterangan
Aspect Explanation Cadangan Penjelasan
Suggestion Explanation
(i) Input P = 1 Satu isyarat dihantarkan kepada get
logik ketika penumpang dikesan Tukar R1 kepada Boleh mengesan haba apabila suhu dalam
A signal is sent to the logic gate when a termistor bilik tinggi
passenger is detected Change R1 into Able to detect heat when the temperature in the
thermistor room is high
(ii) Input Q = 1 Satu isyarat dihantarkan kepada get
logik ketika tiket dimasukkan Tukar LDR kepada Apabila suhu meningkat, voltan merentasi
A signal is sent to the logic gate when a R1 R1 akan tinggi dan arus tapak akan
ticket is inserted Change LDR into R1 mengalir
(iii) Get DAN Apabila kedua-dua P dan Q adalah When there is a rise in temperature, voltage
AND gate across R1 will be higher and base current will flow
1, output R = 1 sebagai arahan untuk
membuka penghadang. Tukar LED kepada Dapat menyejukkan bilik apabila suhu
When both P and Q are 1, output R = 1, as kipas panas
an instruction to open the barrier. Replace LED into fan Able to cool the room when temperature is high
(iv) Suis geganti Memisahkan litar get logik daripada
dipasang motor yang berfungsi dengan
Relay switch menggunakan voltan tinggi
is installed Separate the logic gate circuit from the
motor that is operated by using high voltage
Sistem J adalah yang paling sesuai digunakan. J terdiri
daripada satu get DAN, suis geganti dipasangkan, isyarat
output R = 1 apabila kedua-dua input P dan Q adalah 1.
System J is the most suitable to be used. J is made up of an
AND gate, a relay switch is installed, output signal R = 1 when
both input P and Q are 1.

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Keradioaktifan Isotop 2. (b) zarah alfa, zarah beta, sinaran gama
5 Radioactivity
Isotope alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray
(c) sinaran pengionan
1. nombor proton, nombor nukleon ionising radiation
Nukleus Suatu Atom
5.1 The Nucleus of an Atom

proton number, nucleon numbers (d) ais kering / dry ice
2. (a) 18 (e) alkohol / alcohol
Pelbagai model atom (b) 20 (f) ion-ion / ions
Various models of atom
(g) terkondensasi / condensed
1. Model Dalton / Dalton’s model (h) runut / track
2. Model Thomson / Thomson’s model 1 (i) dawai halus, kasa dawai
fine wire, wire gauze
3. Model Rutherford / Rutherford’s model 1. Bilangan Bilangan Bilangan (j) bunga api / sparking
proton neutron elektron (k) bunga api, rawak / sparks, random
Eksperimen Geiger-Marsden
Geiger-Marsden’s experiment Number of Number of Number of (l) mengionkan / ionises
protons neutrons electrons
2. (a) teras yang tumpat, nukleus Ciri-ciri sinaran radioaktif
dense core, nucleus
1 2 1 Characteristics of radioactive emissions
(b) bercas positif, jisim 3 4 3
positively charged, mass 1. (a) Zarah alfa / Alpha particles (α)
(c) Elektron-elektron, orbit 19 21 19 (b) Zarah beta / Beta particles (b)
electrons, orbits (c) Sinar gama / Gamma rays (γ)
36 54 36 2. (a) helium / helium
Komposisi nukleus
Composition of the nucleus 47 60 47 (b) elektron / electrons
(c) gelombang elektromagnet
1. nukleon / nucleons 53 74 53 electromagnetic waves
2. proton, neutron / protons, neutrons
86 136 86 3. mengionkan / ionise
3. bercas positif / positively charged
(a) Zarah-α / α-particles
4. nombor proton, Z / proton number, Z
92 143 92 (b) Zarah-b / b-particles
5. Nombor nukleon, A, nombor jisim /
nucleon number, A, mass number
(c) Sinar-γ / γ-rays
6. nombor nukleon – nombor proton (A – 2. 4. (a) kuasa pengionannya / ionising power
Simbol Nombor neutron
Z) / nucleon number – proton number (A – Z) (b) julatnya lebih panjang / longer range
Symbol Number of neutrons
7. jisim yang sama, sebarang cas / same (c) paling panjang / longest
mass, any charge C 6 5. (a) sekeping kertas
Contoh 1 a sheet of paper
4 proton, 5 neutron / 4 protons, 5 neutrons 6
C 8 (b) kepingan aluminium
aluminium sheet
Simbol nuklid (c) paling tinggi
Nuclide notation 11
Na 13

(d)  6. (a) arah bertentangan

1. nombor proton, nombor nukleon / proton 27
Co 33
number, nucleon number opposite directions
(b) plat negatif
2. (a) Nombor nukleon / Nucleon number As 41
(b) Nombor proton / Proton number
33 negative plate
(c) Simbol unsur / Symbol of element (c) plat positif
U 146 positive plate
(d) lebih besar, lebih ringan
3. Bilangan proton Bilangan neutron greater, lighter
Number of protons Number of neutrons (e) tidak terpesong
Reputan Radioaktif not deflected
1 0 5.2 Radioactive Decay
8. petua tangan kiri Fleming
Fleming’s left-hand rule
2 2 Radioactivity 9. lebih berat / heavier
6 6 1. pereputan spontan, zarah bertenaga,
Pereputan radioaktif
foton Radioactive decay

spontaneous decay, energetic particles,
30 35
photons 1. suatu nukleus yang lebih stabil
88 138 3. (a) 6C a more stable nucleus
16 2. nuklid induk, anak nuklid
(b) 8O parent nuclide, daughter nuclide
92 146 210 212 5. berkurang 2, berkurang 4
(c) 82Pb , 82Pb
reduced by 2, reduced by 4
9. bertambah 1, tidak berubah
Contoh 2 Alat pengesan sinaran radioaktif increased by 1, unchanged
23 nukleon, 11 proton, 12 neutron Radioactive radiation detector 11. gelombang elektromagnet, sinar-γ
23 nucleons, 11 protons, 12 neutrons
electromagnetic waves, γ-rays
1. proses pengionan / ionising process

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

14. nombor proton, nombor nukleon (b) 1 daripada sampel tidak mereput α source is not suitable because
proton number, nucleon number 8 α-particles cannot penetrate the
1 metal foil.
of the original samples does not decay.
Contoh 3 8 (ii) Sumber γ tidak sesuai kerana
214 b, γ 214 a 210 b, γ 210 b sinaran γ mempunyai kuasa
83Bi → 84Po → 82Pb → 83Bi → Penggunaan Radioisotop penembusan yang sangat tinggi
5.3 Uses of Radioisotopes
210 a, γ 206 dan dengan ini kadar pembilang
84Po → 82Pb tidak berkurang dengan banyak
Radioisotopes selepas melalui kepingan
Separuh hayat logam.
Half-life 1. isotop yang tidak stabil, sinaran γ source is not suitable because
1. masa yang diambil, setengah, nilai radioaktif γ-rays are highly penetrating, so the
unstable isotopes, radioactive emissions count rate does not decrease much
asalnya / time taken, half, original number after passing through the metal foil.
2. Radioisotop buatan
Contoh 4 Artificial radioisotopes
2. 40 000, 1
2 Kegunaan radioisotop Tenaga Nuklear
4. 10 000, 1 Uses of radioisotopes Nuclear Energy
1. sinar gama Unit jisim atom
Atomic mass unit
Contoh 5 gamma rays
Selepas 24 hari, 8 g iodine-131 belum 2. pensterilan 1. jisim / mass
mereput manakala 56 g telah mereput. sterilisation 3. Isotop karbon-12 / isotope carbon-12
After 24 days, 8 g of iodine-131 has not decayed
3. natrium-24 1
5. , 1.66 × 10–27 kg
while 56 g has decayed.
sodium-24 12
Contoh 6 1 4 60 226 0 1 1
4. iodin-131 6. 1 H, 2 He, 27 Co, 88 Ra, –1 e, 1 p, 0 n
Separuh hayat bahan itu ialah 72 s.
Therefore, the half-life of the substance is 72 s
5. Technetium-99
Contoh 7 Pembelahan nukleus
Technetium-99 Nuclear fission
(a) Selepas 108.3 minit, pecahan yang
7. Fosforus-30
belum mereput ialah 1 Phosphorus-30 1. pemecahan, nukleus ringan
After 108.3 minutes, the fraction that has not splitting, lighter nuclei
8. Sinar gama
1 2. uranium-236 / uranium-236
decayed is
Gamma rays
(b) 84 g 3. dua, tiga / two, three
9. pentarikhan karbon
6. tenaga / energy
Separuh hayat dan aktiviti carbon dating
7. tindak balas kendiri
Half-life and activity 10. zarah beta, umurnya self-sustaining reaction
beta particles, its age
2. Becquerel (Bq) / Becquerel (Bq) 8. tindak balas berantai / chain reaction
3. lengkung pereputan, 55 s, mereput 11. Sinar gama I berlanggar / collides
pada suatu kadar lebih besar, kadar Gamma rays II terbelah / split up
lebih kecil 12. natrium-24, Zarah beta III Dua, tiga / Two, three
decay curve, sss, decay at a faster rate, sodium-24, beta particles IV membelah / split
slower rate 13. Zarah alfa V tindak balas berantai / chain reaction
Contoh 8 alpha particles 9. jisim genting
(a) Maka, daripada graf, separuh hayat = critical mass
25 minit 10. kurang daripada
Therefore, from the graph, half-life = 25 3 less than
(b) 75 min. 1. (a) Suatu peningkatan dalam bacaan
Pelakuran nukleus
pembilang GM menunjukkan Nuclear fusion
bahawa kepingan logam adalah
lebih nipis daripada normal. 1. gabungan, nukleus berat
An increase in the GM counter reading combining, heavier nucleus
1. (a)   82 Pb
indicates that the metal foil is thinner 3. Tenaga yang dibebaskan, tenaga kinetik
than normal.
energy released, kinetic energy
(b)   86 Rn (b) Tekanan penggelek harus 4. tenaga, kehilangan jisim
234 234 dikurangkan untuk membuat
90 Th,   91 Pa energy, loss of mass
kepingan logam lebih tebal.
239 5. jisim dan tenaga
(d)   93 Pu
The roller pressure should be decreased
mass nor energy
to make the metal foil thicker.
239 235 6. tenaga / energy
  91 Pa,   89 Ac (c) (i) Sumber α tidak sesuai kerana
2. (a) 3 separuh hayat zarah α tidak dapat menembusi Contoh 9
3 half-lives kepingan logam. 7.81 × 10–13 J

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Contoh 10 6. (a) Loya Sisa aras rendah

= 6.47 × 10–13 J Nausea Low-level waste
(b) Keguguran rambut 1. hospital, industri
Hair loss hospitals, industry
Penjanaan tenaga elektrik
Generation of electricity (c) Kerosakan organ 2. kertas, peralatan
Organ failure
paper, tools
1. menjana arus elektrik (d) Penyakit darah
Blood disorder 3. keradioaktifan hayat pendek

generate electricity
short-lived radioactivity
2. (a) Rod kawalan boron, neutron (e) Kecacatan kongenital
Congenital defects 4. Ditanam / Buried
berlebihan 5. dimampat / compacted
Boron control rods, excess neutrons
(f) Kromosom tidak normal
Abnormal chromosome
(b) Moderator grafit, memperlahankan Sisa aras sederhana
Graphite moderator, slow down Intermediate-level waste
Langkah-langkah keselamatan dalam
(c) Rod bahan api uranium, tenaga pengurusan unsur radioaktif 2. tinggi / higher
haba Safety precautions in the handling of
Uranium fuel rod, heat energy
3. resin / resins
radioactive substances
(d) Perisai konkrit, menghalang 4. Dipejalkan
kebocoran 1. Baca, ikut
Concrete shield, prevents leakage
Read, follow 5. Sisa hayat pendek
(e) Turbin, aliran stim 2. Sarung tangan
Short-lived waste
Turbines, flow of steam
Gloves 6. Sisa hayat panjang
(f) Dinamo, menjana elektrik 3. Baju makmal, kasut menutup jari kaki
Long-lived waste
Dynamo, generates electricity
Laboratory coats, closed-toe footwear
(g) Kondenser, Menyejukkan 4. tumpah, pecah Sisa aras tinggi
Condenser, cool down spilt, broken High-level waste
5. tangan, lengan 2. bahan api

hands, forearms
Kepentingan Pengurusan Bahan
5.5 Radioaktif yang Betul
6. kotak plumbum 3. hasil pembelahan
The Important of Proper Management of

lead boxes
fission products
Radioactive Substances 4. jumlah haba yang banyak
Pengurusan sisa radioaktif
large amounts of heat
Kesan negatif bahan radioaktif Radioactive waste management
The negative effects of radioactive 5. bekas keluli
stainless steel canisters
1. sisa berbahaya

hazardous waste
2. pengionan, atom-atom lain
ionisation, other atoms 2. Sisa radioaktif

Radioactive waste
3. kesan somatik, kesan genetik
somatic effect, genetic effect 3. aras rendah, aras sederhana, arah
4. Kesan somatik, dos tinggi

Somatic effects, dose low-level, medium-level, high-level
5. sel-sel pembiakan
reproductive cells

  Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(iii) Semakin besar perubahan jisim, semakin besar tenaga

PRAKTIS SPM 5 yang dibebaskan.
Soalan Objektif The greater the change in mass, the greater the amount of
energy released.
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B (c) • Nukleus yang berat dan tidak stabil dibedil dengan
6. B 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C neutron.
Heavy and unstable nucleus are bombarded with neutron.
Soalan Struktur • Tindak balas pembelahan nukleus yang berlaku
menghasilkan nukleus-nukleus yang ringan, diiringi
Bahagian A
dengan neutron-neutron yang bertenaga tinggi.
1. (a) Radioisotop adalah isotop yang tidak stabil yang Nuclear fission produces light nuclei, accompanied with energetic
mereput akan dan membebaskan sinar radioaktif yang neutrons.
memudaratkan. • Neutron-neutron yang bertenaga tinggi itu membedil
Radioisotope is unstable isotope which decays and releases nukleus-nukleus berat di sekeliling dan menghasilkan
harmful radiation.
proses pembelahan nukleus dengan kadar yang
(b) Zarah beta berganda.
Beta particle The energetic neutrons bombard the heavy nuclei at the
(c) (i) 8 hari surroundings and create multiples nuclear fissions.
8 days • Proses pembedilan dan pembelahan ini berterusan
T T T T1/2 sehingga bilangan nukleus berat yang tidak stabil itu
(ii) 2000 1/2 1000 1/2 500 1/2 250 125
lebih rendah daripada jisim genting.
Aktiviti = 125 bilangan per minit These processes of bombarding and fissions occur until the
Activity = 125 counts per minute numbers of heavy and unstable nuclei is lower than the critical
2. (a) Pembelahan nuklear mass.
Nuclear fission
(b) A: 92 (d) Cadangan Keterangan
B: 36 Suggestion Explanation
(c) (i) Cacat jisim / Mass defect Dalam bentuk pepejal Senang dikendalikan
= 0.18606 × 1.66 × 10–27 In solid form Easy for handling
= 3.09 x 10–28 kg
(ii) E = m c2 = 3.09 × 10–28 × Kuasa pengionan yang Kesan kemudaratan
(3.0 × 108)2 = 2.78 × 10–11 rendah seperti sinar gama terhadap sel-sel benda
Gamma rays that poses a low hidup lebih rendah
ionizing power The harmful effect to the cells of
Bahagian B
living things is lower
3. (a) Gabungan nukleus-nukleus yang ringan untuk membentuk
nukleus yang lebih berat dan stabil. Separuh hayat yang Boleh digunakan lama dan
Combination of light nuclei to form a heavier and more stable panjang tidak perlu digantikan selalu
nucleus. Long half-life Can last long and don’t have to
(b) (i) be replaced frequently

Persamaan 1 Persamaan 2 Kuasa penembusan Sinar radioaktif dapat

Equation 1 Equation 2 yang cukup tinggi untuk dikesan dan bacaan yang
menembusi keranjang dicatatkan itu berubah
Persamaan/ Similarity aluminum dan diserap terhadap ketebalan
Mengalami cacat jisim/ Amaun tenaga yang besar dibebaskan sebahagiannya keranjang.
Experience a mass defect/ A large amount of energy is release
Penetrating power that high The radiation can be detected
enough to pass through the and the reading registered is
Perbezaan/ Differences
and partially absorbed by the altered by the thickness of the
• Pelakuran nukleus • Pembelahan nukleus aluminum foil foil.
Nuclear fusion Nuclear fission Pengesan Tiub-GM dan Memberikan bacaan yang
• Nukleus yang kecil • Nukleus yang berat dan meter kadar digunakan. tepat mengenai dos sinaran
bergabung untuk membentuk tidak stabil bercerai sehingga A GM-tube and a rate meter radioaktif yang dikesan
nukleus yang lebih stabil menjadi nukleus yang lebih is applied Giving an accurate reading of
Small nucleus combine to form a stabil the dosage of radiation detected
more stable nucleus A heavy and unstable nucleus
• Tidak menjana sebarang disintegrates to form buclei that
hasil yang radioaktif are more stable
Bahagian C
Does not generate any • Menghasilkan sisa radioaktif 4. (a) Reputan radioaktif adalah proses peleraian nukleus yang
radioactive product Produce radioactive waste
tidak stabil dengan memancarkan radiasi sehingga menjadi
(ii) • Perubahan jisim dalam Persamaan 1 lebih kecil Radioactive decay is a process which unstable nucleus emits
daripada dalam Persamaan 2. radiation to become stable.
The mass change in Equation1 is smaller than that of in 238 234 4
Equation 2.
(b) (i) 92U 90Th + 2He + Tenaga / Energy
• Amoun tenaga yang dibebaskan dalam Persamaan (ii) Nombor proton berkurang sebanyak 2
Proton number decreases by 2.
1 lebih kecil berbanding amoun tenaga yang
Nombor nucleon berkurang sebanyak 4
dibebaskan dalam persamaan 2. Nucleon number decreases by 4.
The amount of energy released in Equation 1 is smaller than
that of in Equation 2.

Fizik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(c) (iii) Tenaga / Energy,

Ciri-ciri Keterangan
Characteristics Explanation E = mc2
= (8.47 × 10–30 kg) × (3 × 108)2
Kuasa penembusan Boleh menembusi tanah supaya =7.62 × 10–13 J
yang tinggi boleh dikesan
Has high penetrating Can penetrate through the soil so that
power it can be detected
Soalan Klon MRSM
Sinar gama Kuasa penembusan yang tinggi/
Gamma ray kurang memudaratkan 1. B 2. A
High penetrating power/ less harmful
Separuh hayat Pendek tetapi masih cukup untuk
yang pendek dikesan keradioaktifannya
Has a short half-life Short but enough time to detect the Cadangan Penjelasan
radioactive Suggestion Explanation

Bentuk cecair. Boleh dilarutkan dengan mudah Separuh hayat pendek- Membenarkan baja diserapkan oleh
Liquid form dan mengalir dengan air hanya beberapa hari tumbuhan sebelum pencerapan
Can be dissolved easily and flow with Shorter half life- only few dilakukan
water day Allow time for the fertilizer to be absorbed by
the plant before the detection is conducted
Bahan W adalah yang paling sesuai. W mempunyai
separuh hayat yang pendek, memancarkan sinar gama, Membebaskan zarah Zarah beta berupaya menembusi tisu
cecair dan mempunyai kuasa penembusan yang tinggi. beta tumbuh-tumbuh
Substance W is the most suitable. W has short half-life, emits Emits beta particles Beta particles are able to penetrate through
beta ray, liquid and has high penetrating power. the plant’s tissue

(d) (i) 2He Guna GM tube Boleh mengesan zarah beta
Use GM tube Can detect beta particle
(ii) Cacat jisim/ Mass defect
= 230.0331 u – (226.0254 + Guna meter kadar Boleh memberikan kadar bilangan
  4.0026 u) Use rate meter secara terus
= 0.0051 × (1.66 × 10–27 kg) Can give the count rate directly
= 8.47 × 10–30 kg


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