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Karnatak Law Society’s


Course Plan
Semester: VIII CBCS Year: 2018-19 Even Semester

Course Title: INDUSTRIAL SAFETY Course Code: 15ME662

Total No. of Lect. Hours:50 Hrs. No. of Lect. Hrs./Week:03
Exam Marks:80 I A Marks : 20
Lesson plan Author: Prof. Pradeep Y D Date: /01/2019
Checked by: Date: /01/2019
Credits-03 Exam hours:03

Faculty of department who

Prof.Pradeep Y D Prof.
deal this subject

Course outcomes
On completion of this subject students will be able to
1. Understand the basic safety terms, the hazards around the work environment and
2. Use the safe measures while performing work in and around the work area of the available
laboratories.& Able to recognize the sign boards and its application.
3. Able to write, understand and report the case studies

Terms used: accident, safety, hazard, safe, safety devices, safety
guard, security, precaution, caution, appliance, slip, trip, fall.
Ladders and scaffolding. Unsafe acts, reason for accidents, MSDS
(material safety data sheet), OSHA, WHO.
Lockout and tag out procedures. Safe material handling and 12 L1,L2
Case studies: Student should identify the unsafe acts near their
surroundings like housekeeping, lab layouts, road safety, campus
layout, safety signs.
Introduction, Class A, B, C, D and E fire. Fire triangle, Fire
extinguishers, Fire hazard and analysis, prevention of fire. Fire
protection and loss prevention, steps after occurrence of fire.
Portable fire extinguishers. Fire detection, fire alarm and fire
fighting systems. Safety sign boards, instruction on portable fire 10 L1,L2
Case studies: demonstration of fire extinguishers, visit to local fire
fighting stations. Visit to fire accident sites to analyze the cause of
fire and its prevention for future.
Karnatak Law Society’s
PPE, safety guards, Safety while working with machine tools like
lathe, drill press, power and band saws, grinding machines. Safety
during welding, forging and pressing. Safety while handling
Material, compressed gas cylinders, corrosive substance, waste
12 L1,L2
drum and containers.
Case studies: Visit to machine shop, workshops, foundry lab and
local industries to record the practical observation and report the
same with relevant figures and comments.
Introduction to electrical safety, Electric hazards, effect of electric
current on human body, causes of electrical accidents, prevention
of electric accidents, PPE used . Electric shock. Primary and
secondary electric shocks, AC and DC current shocks. Safety
12 L1,L2
precautions against shocks. Safety precautions in small and
residential building intallations.Safety procedures in electric plant.
Case studies: To visit electrical sub stations, local distribution
systems, observe and share the experience and report.
Introduction to Chemical safety, Labeling of chemicals, acid
hoods. Handling of acids, eye washers and showers. Safety
thinking, accident investigation, safety policy of the company,
safety, loss prevention and control, check list for LPG
10 L1,L2
installations, safety precautions using CNG, fire prevention and
safety audit, confined space entry, risk assessment.
Case studies: To visit chemical laboratory of the college and other
chemical industries like LPG , CNG facilities and report.

1- Industrial Safety and Management by L M Deshmukh by McGraw Hill Education (India)
private Limited, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-061768-1, ISBN-10: 0-07-061768-6
2- Electrical Safety, fire safety and safety management by S.Rao, R K Jain and Saluja.
Khanna Publishers, ISBN: 978-81-7409-306-6
1- Chemical process Industrial safety by K S N Raju by McGraw Hill Education (India)
private Limited, ISBN-13: 978-93-329-0278-7, ISBN-10:93-329-0278-X
2- Industrial Safety and Management by L M Deshmukh. McGraw Hill Education (India)
private Limited, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-061768-1, ISBN-10:0-07-061768-6
3- Environmental engineering by Gerard Kiely by McGraw Hill Education (India) private
Limited, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-063429-9

Scheme of examination:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question consists of 16 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module. The students
will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Karnatak Law Society’s
Evaluation Scheme:
Assessment Marks
Internal Assessment tests 20
VTU Semester examination 80
Total 100

Syllabus for the internal Assessment Tests (Tentative):

Internal Assessment Test-I Module:1 (Full), Module-2 (Full )
Internal Assessment Test-II Module-3(Full) , Module; -4(Half Module)
Internal Assessment Test-III Module: 4(Remaining Half Module) , Module:5(Full)

Accidents lead to human tragedy, economical loss to individual, company and the nation.
Safe acts lead to increase in productivity. The present course highlights the importance of
general safety and its prevention, extended to mechanical, electrical sand chemical safety.
The Industrial safety course helps in motivating the staff and students to understand the
reason for fire , its prevention. Controlling of fire by various means are highlighted.
Importance of chemical safety, labeling of chemicals, hand signals during forklift operations
in industrial and aerodromes will help in to understand and apply the techniques in practical
field. A visit to campus, various labs, workshops, local industries and fire stations helps in
analyzing the importance of safety and corrective measures through case studies.

• History of the safety movement.
• Safety and health programs.
• Accident causes and types of accidents.
• Types of injuries.
• Record-keeping.
• Occupational safety and health performance measurement.
• Responsibility for occupational safety and health.
• Organization of the safety and health function.
• Safety inspections.
• Occupational safety and health training.
• Occupational safety and health standards.
• OSHA’s role in occupational safety and health.
• Role of the promotional program and its implementation.
• Safety committees and safety teams.
• Accident investigation.
• The role of insurance and risk management/ loss control in occupational safety and health.

1- Understand the basic safety terms.
2- Identify the hazards around the work environment and industries.
3- Use the safe measures while performing work in and around the work area of the available
4- Able to recognize the sign boards and its application.
5- Able to demonstrate the portable extinguishers used for different class of fires.
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6- Able to write the case studies by sharing experience of the employees working in
housekeeping, laboratories like workshops, electrical labs, machine shops, electronics and
computer laboratories.
7- Able to understand and report the case studies from various references (text books, news
report, journals, visiting industries like power stations, manufacturing and maintenance).

Practicability of Industrial Safety

Why workplace safety is important? There is more to this question than one think.
Workplace safety is very important for each and every employee in the industry because all the
workers desire to work in a safe and protected atmosphere. Health and safety is the key factor
for all the industries in order to promote the wellness of both employees and employers. It is a
duty and moral responsibility of the company to look after the employee’s protection.

Each and every person who leaves his home for his work in the morning should come back to
his home in evening in good health. Have you ever imagined that your loved one will never be
returning home? Or you get a call that he/she is in the hospital due to some incident occurred?
These thoughts only get us goose bumps. This is the only reason that why it is important to
create a safe working environment.

These days, workplace health and safety procedures are important for the well-being of both
employees and employers because human loss is immeasurable and intolerable. As, such loss
or injuries can employ major loss to the families.

All the industries do have safety risks but the management should devote their time to think
and strategize the things that what safety precautions are required in their company to make
sure that their workers are safe enough for all the time. Also, the management should confirm
with all the workers related to their daily work and comfort. So, that the management can take
the same step according to the desired aspects of workers. This helps them in improving the
productivity and quality of the products and lot more.

1. Aware about the surroundings: There are many employees who doesn’t bother about their
surrounding hazards. But, it is important to observe your co-employees working
circumstances. Once you get to know about the particular hazards that occur at your
workplace, then it will help you in reducing the risk and allow you to take the precautionary

2. Reduce workplace stress: Most of the employees are not fit and healthy because of their
busy schedule, which includes long working hours, work-pressure and conflicts occur with co-
workers or with the boss of the organization. And, all these can lead to some illness or
depression to the employees. Also, this not only affects their professional life but also creates
the nuisance in their personal lives too. So, instead of waiting to get unfit, it is better that you
start take care of your health, by taking regular breaks, sit in an appropriate posture with
appropriate diet. It will be better for you to schedule your work accordingly and manage the
things to reduce your workplace stress.
Karnatak Law Society’s
3. Use tools appropriately: Take appropriate precautions while using machinery or any other
tool, instead of taking any shortcuts. Taking shortcuts is one of the biggest reason behind
workplace loss. It’s a biggest safety risk to use scaffolding as a ladder or one tool instead of
another for a particular job. So, it is always recommended to use the correct tools and reduce
the opportunity of workplace injury.

4. Keep crisis exits which are easily accessible: In case there is an emergency, you will need
quick access to the exits. It is also advised to keep clear usage of equipment shutoffs which
might stop you from performing at emergency.

5. Update Your Supervisor about the unsafe conditions: It is important that you keep
updating your supervisor about the hazards or risks occur at workplace. They should be legally
obligated to ensure that their employees are working a safe environment or not. And, in case,
if the employees are not working in safe conditions, then it is the responsibility of the
supervisor to listen and understand their condition and create safe working environment for

6. Use mechanical assistance: Whenever, you want to carry or lift up some heavy
equipment’s then you should use a conveyor belt, crank or forklift. There are lot of risks
involved, if you try to lift something which is heavier, it can affect your weighing capability
and can lead to some muscle displacement. So, make sure that use the appropriate tools for not
harming yourself.

7. Stay Alert: There are many employees who usually compromise or ignore the alerts of
advance warning and due to this, a number of workplace injuries or fatalities occur.

8. Reduce Workplace Environment Stress: Stress to any employee or to any co-worker, can
lead into depression and into concentration problems. And the main reason includes, extended
working hours, excess of work, insecurity of job and issues which occur at co-workers or
professionals. So, instead of taking stress on your shoulders, you should discuss it with your
supervisor and ask him/her to look after your problems which you are facing in the

9. Wear the right safety equipment’s: It is essential that you wear the right protection
equipment tools during your work. And, the equipment’s can be in any form like, earplugs,
earmuffs, hard hats, gloves, full-face masks, safety gloves and any other equipment which is
required to wear while working. These tools will prevent the workers from the incidents that
occur at workplace.

10. Sit in a proper posture: If have a sitting job, then it is essential than keep your posture
correct, while working on a desk. You need to keep your shoulders in line and straight back to
avoid any spine problem. Try to ignore stooping and twisting regularly and if possible, then try
to use the comfort designed furniture and the safety equipment’s, so that the desired things will
be in your reach.
Karnatak Law Society’s
Safety is one of the biggest issue and it is completely the responsibility of the mangers and the
business owners to make sure that their employees are working in safe environment or not.
The management should make sure that they keep on motivating and boosting the employees
to make them active in the working process.

There should be an appropriate discussions done about the work and the culture of the office
on regular intervals, so that the management remain aware that how they simplify the things
for the employee’s comfort. Also, to motivate the workers, management should provide
rewards as an appreciation towards their work. Thus, these only steps will make your
workplace very secure and safe for the employees to work.

Course Code / Title 15ME662 / Industrial Safety Planned Hours: 12

Learning objectives:
Karnatak Law Society’s
1. To study the basics of industrial safety
2. To study the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet),
3. To study the OSHA & WHO Rules
4. To study the Safe material handling

Module Schedule:
Class No. Portion to be covered per lecture (class) CLO BT
Terms used: accident, safety, hazard, safe, safety
L1 1 L1,L2
Terms used: safety guard, security, precaution,
L2 1 L1,L2
caution, appliance, slip, trip, fall.
L3 Ladders and scaffolding. Unsafe acts 1 L1,L2
L4 Reason for accidents. 1 L1,L2
L5 MSDS (material safety data sheet), , 1 L1,L2
L6 OSHA Standards on safety 1 L1,L2
L7 WHO ( World Health Organisation) 1 L1,L2
L8 Lockout and tag out procedures 1 L1,L2
L9 Lockout and tag out procedures 1 L1,L2
L10 Safe material handling and storage. 1 L1,L2
Case studies: Student should identify the unsafe acts
L11 near their surroundings like housekeeping, lab 1 L1,L2
Case studies: Student should identify the unsafe acts
L12 near their surroundings like road safety, campus 1 L1,L2
layout, safety signs.
Model questions:
1. Define the terms
a) Accident b) Safety c) Hazard d) Security e) Precaution f) Caution
2. What is Material Safety Data Sheet. Discuss the contents of MSDS
3. Define Accident & Give classification of Accident based on different criteria
4. Define Hazard & briefly explain Hazard Recognition

Course Code / Title 15ME662 / Industrial Safety Planned Hours: 10

Module No.-2 FIRE SAFETY
Learning objectives:
1. To study and understand Classification of Fire
Karnatak Law Society’s
2. To study and understand Fire hazard and analysis
3. To study and understand Safety sign boards

Module Schedule
Class No. Portion to be covered per lecture (class) CLO BT
L13 Introduction, Class A, B, C, D and E fire 1 L1,L2
L14 Fire triangle, Fire extinguishers 1 L1,L2
L15 Fire hazard and analysis 1 L1,L2
L16 prevention of fire. Fire protection and loss prevention 1 L1,L2
L17 steps after occurrence of fire. 1 L1,L2
L18 Portable fire extinguishers. Fire detection 1 L1,L2
L19 fire alarm and fire fighting systems 1 L1,L2
L20 Safety sign boards, 1 L1,L2
L21 instruction on portable fire extinguishers 1 L1,L2
Case studies: demonstration of fire extinguishers, visit to
L22 local fire fighting stations. Visit to fire accident sites to 1 L1,L2
analyze the cause of fire and its prevention for future.
Model questions:
1. Explain classification of Fire as per European standards
2. Write a short note on Fire Hazard Analysis
3. Write a short note on i) Prevention of fire ii) Steps after occurrence of fire
4. Discuss in brief classification of fire protection system

Course Code / Title 15ME662 / Industrial Safety Planned Hours: 12

Learning objectives:
1. Explain the relevant legal requirements with regard to machinery in the workplace.
Karnatak Law Society’s

2. Identify machinery hazards and risks.

3. Understand the safeguarding of machinery.
4. Identify behavioural factors which influence the safe use of machinery.
5. Show an understanding of machinery controls and permits to work.

Module Schedule
Class No. Portion to be covered per lecture (class) CLO BT
L23 PPE, safety guards 1 L1,L2
Safety while working with machine tools like lathe, drill press, power L1,L2
L24 and band saws, grinding machines. 1
Safety while working with machine tools like lathe, drill press, power L1,L2
L25 and band saws, grinding machines 1
Safety while working with machine tools like lathe, drill press, power L1,L2
L26 and band saws, grinding machines 1
Safety while working with machine tools like lathe, drill press, power L1,L2
L27 1
and band saws, grinding machines
Safety during welding, forging and pressing. L1,L2
L28 1
Safety while handling Material compressed gas cylinders corrosive L1,L2
L29 substance, waste drum and containers 1
Safety while handling Material compressed gas cylinders corrosive L1,L2
L30 1
substance, waste drum and containers
Safety while handling Material compressed gas cylinders corrosive
L31 1 L1,L2
substance, waste drum and containers
L32 Case studies: Visit to machine shop 1 L1,L2
L33 Case studies: Visit to workshops, foundry lab 1 L1,L2
Case studies: Visit to local industries to record the practical observation L1,L2
L34 1
and report the same with relevant figures and comments.
Model Questions
1. What is Personal Protective Equipment?
2. When do you need PPE?

Course Code / Title 15ME662 / Industrial Safety Planned Hours: 12

Learning objectives:
1. List the implications of the legislation on the use of electricity at work.
Karnatak Law Society’s

2. Identify electrical hazards in the workplace.

3. Describe protective measures against direct and indirect contact.
4. Identify methods of isolation and switching.

Module Schedule:
Class No. Portion to be covered per lecture (class) CLO BT
Introduction to electrical safety
L35 2 L1,L2
L36 Electric hazards 2 L1,L2
Effect of electric current on human body 2 L1,L2
L38 Causes of electrical accidents 2 L1,L2
Prevention of electric accidents L1,L2
L39 2
PPE used L1,L2
L40 2

L41 Electric shock. Primary and secondary electric shocks 2 L1,L2

L42 AC and DC current shocks 2 L1,L2
Safety precautions against shocks L1,L2
L43 2
Safety precautions in small and residential building intallations L1,L2
L44 2
Safety procedures in electric plant L1,L2
L45 2
Case studies: To visit electrical sub stations, local distribution systems, L1,L2
L46 observe and share the experience and report. 2
Model Questions
1. Explain Importance, Emergence & challenges in Nanotechnology
2. Explain in brief any one method of creating Nanostructures
3. Explain Mechanical grinding for producing ultrafine powders
4. Explain sol-gel process
5. Explain GPC & CVC
6. Explain Principles, Imaging Modes, Applications, Limitations of SEM
7. Explain Principles, Imaging Modes, Applications, Limitations of TEM
8. Explain Principles, Imaging Modes, Applications, Limitations of XRD & SP

Course Code / Title 15ME662 / Industrial Safety Planned Hours: 10

Learning objectives:
1. State their duties under current legislation
Karnatak Law Society’s

2. Describe the different types of chemical hazards

3. Understand the meaning of warning signs and labels
4. Use and understand a S.D.S (Safety Data Sheet)

Module Schedule:
Class No. Portion to be covered per lecture (class) CLO BT
Introduction to Chemical safety
L47 3 L1,L2
Labeling of chemicals, acid hoods. Handling of acids, eye washers and L1,L2
L48 3
Safety thinking, accident investigation L1,L2,L3
L49 3

L50 safety policy of the company 3 L1,L2,L3

safety, loss prevention and control L1,L2
L51 3
check list for LPG installations L1,L2
L52 3
safety precautions using CNG L1,L2
L53 3

L54 fire prevention and safety audit, 3 L1,L2

confined space entry, risk assessment L1,L2
L55 3
Case studies: To visit chemical laboratory of the college and other L1,L2
L56 chemical industries like LPG , CNG facilities and report 3
Model Questions
1. What is a CNC and what are elements of CNC?
2. What is CNC Machining center?
3. Explain fundamental steps involved in part programming?
4. Write Programs steps involved in milling and turning?
5. Explain principles and strategies of automation
6. Explain functions of Advanced Automation
7. Write a note on Basic Elements of an automated system
8. Explain Levels of Automations
9. Discuss Process industry vs discrete manufacturing industries
10. Explain Continuous process and its forms

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