Exam Topic 1 2005

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Exam Topic 1

1. Rewrite the following quote by Sapir in the correct order:

“non-instinctive human desires emotions symbols voluntarily produced
human purely language communicating ideas language of and by is a
method means”

2. What do we use Charles Hockett’s Comparative Approach for?

a) Connect functions and language
b) Connect functions and communication
c) Connect language and communication
d) Connect symbols to functions

3. Give me five functions of language


4. Match the functions to their meanings and fill in the gaps.

Functions Meanings
The textual function Organizes_____ in a real
or imaginary world
The interpersonal Serves to create
function _______or ________texts
The ideational function Maintains ________
________between people

5. What does communication mean?

6. Who said that the message is the medium and what does it mean?

7. Put these elements of the mathematical model in the correct order with
an example of a class.
8. Which of the following is correct and rewrite the incorrect ones?
 Representatives, the speaker is committed in varying degrees to
the truth of a proposition; e.g. affirm, believe.
 Directives, the speaker tries to get the hearer to do something e.g.
Ask, challenge, and request.
 Commisives, the speaker alters the external status or conditions
of an object or situation solely by making the utterance; e.g. I
resign, you’re fired.
 Expressives, the speaker is committed, in varying degrees to a
certain course of action; e.g. guarantee, pledge, and promise.
 Declarations, the speaker expresses an attitude about a state of
affairs; e.g. apologize, congratulate, thank.

9. Place the following words with the correct sentence endaphora,

anaphora, cataphora and exaphora.
a. Precedes the text –
b. Refers to linguistic context-
c. The context of situation-
d. Following the text-

10. Explain the difference between field-mode-tenor

11. What type of systems do the following languages use?

(Phonological – Non-phonological) and state if they are alphabetic or

 English
 Ideographic
 Portuguese
 Arabic
 Chinese
 Hieroglyphics
 Scottish
 Japanese

12. Which of the following are correct?

a. speech - phonic substance - static
b. static - graphic substance – time-bound
c. graphic substance – writing – time-bound
d. dynamic – phonic substance – space-bound
e. space-bound – static – graphic substance
Exam 2

1. What is semiotics?
a. The study of signs and speech
b. they study of symbols and writing
c. the study of signs and symbols
d. the study of symbols and mediums

2. Complete Harmer’s characteristics of communication.

Harmer said that the speaker:

• wants to ________to someone,
• has a communicative _______
and has a wide range of language to choose from.
On the other hand the listener:
• wants to ______to someone,
• is interested in the ___________purpose of what is being said,
• and processes a variety of_____________.

3. Who was appointed by the European Union to develop a method

for teaching languages?

4. Notional categories are the meanings and concepts of a

language and categories of communicative functions are speech
acts. Classify the following sentences:

a. Can I have a cigarette?

b. I went to the park yesterday
c. How much sugar do you take with your coffee?
d. Place the cup over there
e. Shall I open the window?
f. Would you mind not smoking, please?

5. Fill in the missing words.

• The___________ _________, activities which are interesting
students, promote learning.
• The_________ ________, activities which are interactive
promote learning.
• The_________ __________, activities that involve
communication promote learning.
6. Explain information gap.

7. Give me examples of functional communicative activities and

social interaction activities.
e.g. debates, following a route on a map

8. Write the following characteristics by Harmer:

• A desire to ___________
• A communicative ______________
• Must be based _______________
• Must use a variety of language
• No teacher ______________
• No materials control

9. What is the difference between kinesics and proxemics?

10. Who developed total physical response?

11. Which of the following are correct according to TPR?

• Co-ordination of writing and action

• The trace theory of memory
• Learning a second language conveys a different process to
first language acquisition
• Comprehension abilities follow productive skills in learning and
• Teaching should emphasise meaning rather than form
• Teaching should minimize learner stress
• He employs a formal theory of language
• There is a bio-program in the brain
• TPR is directed to left brain learning
• He believes that successful learning takes place in a stress-
free environment.

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