2ND Quarterly Exam - English 10

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Republika ng Pilipinas

Sangay ng Lungsod ng Panabo
Lungsod ng Panabo
Panabo National High School

Name: ________________________________________ Year/Section: ____________________ Score: _________

Direction: Identify the meaning of the underlined words thru the context clues. Write only the letter of your

________1. The knight with the shining armor saves the maiden.
A. old woman B. little girl C. widow D. lady
________2. So in his distress , he thought “ I will evade my fate.”
A. woe B. amazement C. happiness D. loneliness
________3. Put away all your horrible weapon, for I cannot hold your lives.
A. dangerous B. fearsome C. awesome D. doomed
________ 4. The judge himself summoned us to the court.
A. sent to B. called forth C. to put D. stay
________ 5. Perseus condemned Medusa to death.
A. unfavorable B. motivate C. doomed D. created

A. Direction: Identify the idea expressed in each of the underlined modals.

________ 6. In the past, the bodies of water can naturally clean themselves. Nowadays, with the increasing
pollutants, they can’t do it anymore.
A. Ability B. Inability C. Possibility D. All of the above
________ 7. Two decades ago, people could swim in clean and safe rivers and seas.
A. Ability B. Inability C. Possibility D. All of the above
________ 8. May the people just leave the beach without disposing their trash properly?
A. Ability B. Inability C. Possibility D. All of the above
________ 9. Can we just throw our garbage anywhere?
A. Ability B. Inability C. Possibility D. Permission
________ 10. Environmentalists would rather pay attention to cleaning and protecting our forests than abusing it.
A. Ability B. Inability C. Possibility D. All of the above
________ 11. Would you rather abuse our Mother Nature by senseless exploitation than preserve a better world
for the next generations?
A. Ability B. Inability C. Possibility D. Suggestion
________ 12. Too much exploitation may force people to set up reform programs to avert further abuse.
A. Ability B. Suggestion C. Possibility D. Preference
________ 13. The animals may become extinct once all trees are gone.
A. Ability B. Inability C. Possibility D. All of the above
________ 14. Then human beings could starve.
A. Ability B. Inability C. Possibility D. All of the above
________ 15. They could die of extreme heat and pollution.
A. Ability B. Preference C. Possibility D. All of the above

B. Direction: Choose the correct modal in each sentence.

________ 16. You ________ drive over the speed limit.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. wouldn’t
________ 17. ________ Tony run long distances when he was a boy?
A. Can B. Could C. Would D. Must
________ 18. You ________ check that document before you sent it out.
A. should B. would C. won’t D. could
________ 19. When I was a child, I ________ climb trees.
A. can B. could C. will D. should
________ 20. Mat ________ play Tennis well. I usually play with him every weekend.
A. mustn’t B. can C. will D. shall
________ 21. I have no time. I ________ leave now.
A. must B. might C. would D. won’t
________ 22. I wish I ________ buy a new mobile phone but I don’t have enough money.
A. should B. could C. won’t D. must
________ 23. We ________ pay the fees at the fixed time.
A. will B. must C. would D. could
________ 24. If it rains on Saturday, we ________ go to the beach.
A. won’t B. would C. must D. can
________ 25. ________ you speak in German?
A. Can B. Shall C. Will D. Must
________ 26. Someone’s knocking. ________ I open the door?
A. Won’t B. Shall C. Could D. Might
________ 27. Some people ________ help exhausting the environment to satisfy their greed and power.
A. can’t B. shall C. must D. could
________ 28. Yes, I ________ find one. May I go now?
A. will B. won’t C. must D. may
________ 29. I’m very tired and hungry. I ________ have something to eat and a place to stay.
A. won’t B. must C. can’t D. would
________ 30. ________ I come and see you before I leave?
A. Should B. Mustn’t C. Won’t D. Will


Direction: Read the selection and answer the questions:


To most people, colors are symbols.

Different colors give different meanings
When you see black, what does this color tell you? Black reminds you of death. If somebody dies in the family,
some people wear black. It is a sign of mourning.
White means purity. A bride wears white on her wedding day. This means that she is pure and innocent. Blue
and green are cool colors. Artists use these to color mountains, rivers and the sky. On the other hand, red is hot
and exciting. Yellow means cowardice. Purple, a bluish-red color signifies royalty. Gray means old, it also means
dull and gloomy.
Colors are also used to describe different emotions. “I feel blue. I am sad or depressed.”

________ 31. What does the selection mean?

A. it expresses color C. it describes the color aspect
B. it signifies the color representation D. it gives meaning of color
________ 32. What color signifies purity?
A. Orange B. Red C. Blue D. White
________ 33. What color symbolizes mourning?
A. White B. Blue C. Gray D. Black
________ 34. What color is hot and exciting?
A. Red B. White C. Black D. Gray
________ 35. The color purple signifies
A. Purity B. Royalty C. Gloomy D. All

Many have tried to define love but have not quite succeeded. It is something we cannot put our
fingers on. We know that it is there but we do not know how to describe it accurately. At best we can only
compare it with something similar.
Love is like a diamond; it has many facets. It comes in many forms. It can be loved between man and a
woman, between father and son, mother and child. It can be love of a citizen for his country.
Others may say they love basketball or swimming. A farmer loves the soil, as a sailor loves the sea.
Love has, therefore, different meanings for different people. I believe that love is transcendent; it goes beyond
the limits of time, age, race, or geographic barrier. So you will see love lasting beyond death or memory, love
between the young and the old between the black and white, the rich and the poor, between one from the
east and one from the west. Love is as old as life, and as the universe.

________ 36. Based on the selection, why is love so popular with everybody?
A. It feels good to be loved. C. It is exciting to be in love.
B. Everybody wants to fall in love. D. Everybody has experienced love.
________ 37. What does the writer mean when he said that, “Love is like a diamond; it has many facets”?
A. Love differs in meaning for each individual. C. Love is difficult to describe or define.
B. Love is capable of attracting everyone. D. Love is costly commodity.
________ 38. Which of the following statements expresses opinion?
A. The farmer loves the soil, as sailor loves C. Others may say that love is transcendent.
B. Love is compared to a diamond with many facets. D. Many love basketball.
________ 39. What may happen if people let love rule in their lives?
A. A lot of people will marry at a young age. C. Wars will have no place in the world.
B. Divorce in the world will become rampant. D. Young people will have less vice.
________ 40. What is the author’s purpose in writing the selection?
A. To enlighten the reader on the nature of love
B. To inform those who are in search for love.
C. To inspire the reader to write about love.
D. To describe those who fall in love.

Langston Hughes’
Mother to Son

Well, son, I’ll tell you:

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had stacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor---
But all the time
I’se been a- climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
‘Cause you find it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now---
Foe I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

________ 41. To what are splinters and tacks compared to in the poem?
A. memories B. tools C. hardships D. childhood
________ 42. Which type of person is mostly like the mother?
A. Someone who gives up at the first sigh of trouble.
B. Someone who doesn’t have advice for others.
C. Someone who has a carefree, luxurious life.
D. Someone who works hard despite setbacks.
________ 43. In line 2, the speaker says, “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.” What does the speaker mean by
crystal stair?
A. Bare and colorful C. Rich and easy
B. Breakable and hard D. Sleep and dangerous
________ 44. What is likely reason why the author uses words like “ain’t” and “I’se”?
A. To prove that the speaker has a crystal stair
B. To encourage people to follow their dreams
C. To make it sound like a real person’s conversation
D. To show that the reader should trust the speaker
________ 45. The speaker in “Mother to Son” would most likely describe herself as
A. timid B. fortunate C. determined D. short-tempered


________ 46. What was the dreadful oracle delivered to King Acrisius?
A. “No grandsons shall be born to you, but you shall have a son, and by his hand you shall die.”
B. “You, King Acrisius, shall die in the hands of your own son.”
C. “You, King Acricius, shall die in the hands of your own daughter, Danae.”
D. “No sons shall be born to you, but you shall have a grandson, and by his hands you shall die.”
________ 47. To evade his fate, King Acrisius shut Danae from the sight of men in a house of bronze all sunk
underground, yet Danae got pregnant. Who beheld her?
A. Hermes B. Dictys C. Polydectes D. Zeus
________ 48. Danae and baby Perseus were placed in a big chest which were set adrift upon the sea. It happened
that a fisherman saw the chest bobbing on the waves. He dragged the box to the land, save the
mother and the son and later decided to adopt them. Who was the fisherman?
A. Hermes B. Polydectes C. Hermes D. Dictys
________ 49. Perseus received the winged sandals, the magic wallet and the helmet of invisibility from:
A. Goddess Athena B. Hermes C. Nymphs D. The Gray Women
________ 50. Helmet of invisibility means:
A. just an ordinary helmet C. Helmet can’t be seen
B. magic helmet D. The person wearing the said helmet can’t be seen
________ 51. “Descend Perseus and strike! The Gorgon nearest to the shore is Medusa.” This statement was
uttered by:
A. The Gray Women B. Nymphs C. Athena D. Hermes
________ 52. Perseus saved Andromeda from the serpent and made a contract with her parents.
A. Andromeda will become Perseus’ slave.
B. The kingdom of Andromeda’s parents will be given to Perseus.
C. Andromeda will soon marry Perseus.
D. Andromeda will be released from prison.
________ 53. They have but one eye shared among the three. They are the:
A. Gorgons B. Sea monsters C. Gray Women D. Serpents
________ 54. Perseus needed a magnificent curved sword from Hermes because Medusa’s scales are as hard as:
A. cement B. stone C. metal D. bricks
________ 55. The ruby drops falling from Medusa’s hands were turning into something that would inhabit the
desert forever.
A. venomous snakes C. edible fruits
B. poisonous plants D. hard stones
________ 56. They are stories about gods, goddesses, and heroes passed from one generation to another.
A. oral tradition C. myths
B. parables D. legends
________ 57. For ages, writers, artists and musicians have cursed mythological characters as their:
A. great grandparents C. inspiration
B. heroes D. models
________ 58. Which statement is NOT TRUE:
A. Orpheus played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth.
B. Men and women forgot their cares when gathered around him to listen.
C. Wild beasts lay down as they gathered around him.
D. Only rocks and trees didn’t follow him and the rivers never changed their direction because
they didn’t want to hear him play.
________ 59. Opheus loved a young woman and when they were married, they looked forward to many years of
A. Calliope C. Eurydice
B. Persephone D. Titaness
________ 60. After the death of his beloved, Orpheus…
A. roamed the earth, singing sad melodies, to toy to overcome his grief.
B. longed for his wife so deeply that he decided to follow her to the underworld.
C. rendered his gentle song to King Hades and Queen Persephone which made the King and
Queen of the underworld agreed for him to be reunited again with his wife.
D. Orpheus and his wife were reunited again and lived happily ever after.

“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest

where you haven’t planted.” ~ David Bly

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