To Trust or Not To Trust. That Is The Question. Learning Logs To Trust or Not To Trust

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De Guzman Jane Apple T.


BSBA-4A Learning log
To trust or not to trust. That is the question.

Learning logs

To trust or not to trust

When it comes to me actually not only for me but for everyone too, trust is a big
thing. The way we seem to think about trust is as if it's something we place in
another person. A lack of trust in a one particular relationship it can be damaging
as it necessary to trust so many people in our lives. Trust is important in every
relationship. We have to have trust in our family and friends and our partners. It
takes effort, patience, and time to build trust in a relationship talking about what we
can do to build trust in the friendship is a great way to secure the foundation of
trust. From the beginning of our lives, we learn to trust our families, friends and
partners because trust is one of the most important traits that you must have. It can
help businesses to be successful. Mistrusting people can affect our daily lives.
Earning employees trust in an organization is a key component to be a
successful leader in an organization.

Trust matters not just in organization but also to us because if you mistrust
someone its hard to be comfortable with them we can't share or secrets to them.
To make sure that this is understand by everyone involved you should
communicate clearly to anyone. Essentially you need to take responsibility to the
mistakes you made. After taking responsibility to the mistakes that you made you
need to show that it won't happen again and you need to change about your
attitude and show to them that you are better person now. We all know rebuilding
their trust that they gave is never easy. If this situation will happen to you don't rush
the process, give your employees and staff time to think and if you are sincere in
your approach eventually you will regain their trust.

Trusting your employees can help build motivation to do their work responsibly it
can also help them as a team to be more efficient and effective. Trust is one of the
very important traits that you must have to be able to build professional relationship
not only on your employees but for all the people in organization. Trust is very
important to life, and it is safe to say that more relationships fail by a lack of trust
than by actual betrayal of the other person. This approach implies that trust is
about the other person it's something we give to them if they earn it from us, if they
prove themselves to us, sometimes people do as we expect and that trust is
comfortable. Just like what they say Don't make assumptions about what you think
they can handle. During my internship at Cocolife I've learned a lot of things when
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BSBA-4A Learning log
it comes to trust I've learned that it is very important especially when doing policy
contracts of the clients also I've learn that trust is very important to build your self
confidence and to build my self esteem in doing the task correctly. Trusting in the
company means they also trust the employees who will do their contracts. At first
when I'm ask to do some contracts of the clients I feel nervous because I don't
know how to do it perfectly. But with the trust of my supervisor I learn how to do it
without a mistake and how to treat the clients correctly and also because I believe
I trust myself that I can do it. One of the reasons why trust is important especially in
friendship is because we are capable of more when we trust. If we can trust
wholeheartedly it means that their will be there for us to support us through our ups
and downs and also we can have them when we needed them the most we can
also share to them our secrets because we are confidently that they keep it. With
trust in friendship p we can more effectively take challenges and be better, we can
also share our secrets to the people who have our trust.A true friend will be there in
times of need, be supportive, respond honestly to questions, and that your friend
knows your flaws and vulnerabilities, yet accepts them as part of what makes you
unique and loves you no matter what. We cannot maintain good friendships,
relationships, marriages, working relationships without trust because without trust
theirs could be no relationships In all of these relationship if you cannot trust a
person or be trusted there will always be a strain on the relationship.

If trust is not present on both sides there can never be complete openness,
honesty, and the ability to communicate well with that person, trust makes the
friendship to last longer.Without trust there can be no relationship. Trust is
something that two people in a relationship can build together when they decide to
trust each other you can't demand or prove trust. Trust is the foundation for your
relationship and the key to love. When you trust your partner, then you feel secure
that they won’t leave in difficult times. This is the key for love to build and grow.
Trust and respect are also of fundamental importance when dealing with people
who are disadvantaged. They are vulnerable and very often lost and alone. It’s
important for their dignity that when you hold out a helping hand to them, they can
see you as someone on whom they can depend.

Trust is vitally important to us on a variety of levels, from the importance that you
trust the people around you in your everyday life to be the best and healthiest
person you can be. We need trust to establish and deepen our friendships. Trust
allows us to feel safe with our friends, safe to make plans and safe to share
ourselves and creating a sense of trust is one of the key factors that we need to be
considered. A company that is able to create a strong sense of trust in the
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BSBA-4A Learning log
workplace is better able to weather the storms throw up by the competition and
have a clearer vision of what the company stands for. Trust between people within
an organization can be lost within an instance. Successful businesses are built on
relationships. Relationships between employers, employees staff on organizations
is durable because of trust they trust each other and they accept everyone
decisions and plans when it comes in decision making. Trust takes a long time and
much effort to develop you need to become smart person so that you will know
who's the people are worth to have your trust. Trust is the key component of any
relationship and this is the number one aspect of it. Rebuilding that trust isn’t
always an easy process, what this really important is to analyze what your
qualifications when you are going to trust a one person you need to know him to
maintain your trust with one another once you have it, so in order to to make a
healthy relationship is you need to be A honest person to everyone and
communicate clearly and openly with everyone and better in person. You need to
take responsibility for mistakes that you made and make sure this is understood by
everyone who also belong in your workplace or on your organization. Working
relationships that have been built on trust are an important sustainable competitive
advantage because trust is so valuable and it so rare thats why we need to keep it.
The level of trust a leader is able to achieve with his or her associates is contingent
upon the associate’s perceptions of the leader’s ability, honesty and integrity. The
study also concluded that the ability of a leader to earn higher trust from his or her
employees likely creates a competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals.

For organizations, trust is necessary for cooperation and communication, and the
foundation for productive relationships. Earning employees trust in an organization
is a key component to be a successful leader to that person because trust is
hard to gave back once its break. However, trust is very important also in the
workplace being trustworthy gained a lot of benefits that have the possibility to help
your organization, First is you will Improved employee recruitment and retention
because if have trust on your employees they will stick on your company, second is
A stronger share price third is More confidence by investors they have a chance
that you can get a lot of investors, fourth is Enhanced customer relationships and
loyalty, fifth is Opportunities for partnering with others, sixth is Increased risk
taking and innovation. Trust is also essential for good relationships between
organizations and it may lead good relationships between to the organization and
employees.Employees trust leaders is a sign that a organization have good
employee relationships.

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BSBA-4A Learning log
Leaders impact the future of the organization and the employees in it therefore,
employees trust leaders who they believe are honest, who will do what’s right for
the company. Fairness is a foundation for building trust, and the lack of fairness
feels threatening and can make a person feel undervalued so it's important that we
have fairness in every decision that we made to lessen favoritism and to build
trust and to have strong bond relationships with your co employees. Having
competent leaders builds trust. Every Employees want to work in an organization
where they have confidence in the ability of their leaders to guide the organization
to be successful.We all know that every employees want to be a part of a winning
team where the business is in good health and worth to put investment of their time
so that if we can work hard and if we can treat them with kindness and if we
became honest to them its easy to us to gain their trust. A competent leaders know
how to inspire those they lead and clarify decisions and direction also competent
leaders are not only competent in thinking strategically and executing effectively,
but also in doing open and honest are important specially when we are inter acting
to our subordinates they are provided with information about how job-related
problems are handled and how major organizational decisions will affect them as
individuals thats why every organization need to maintain good workplace. Trust
also help every employee to engage to there organization itself. Employees trust
the organization when they believe their supervisor or manager is concerned about
their personal well-being not only for their own happiness they consider.
Employees identify with and trust organizations that conduct themselves in a way
that is consistent with how employees believe the organization should operate.
creating trust is important in order for people to feel safe in both their personal lives
and in the workplace. In fact, organizations that have successfully built a culture of
trust experience the highest levels of employee performance. A strong bond of
trust between a manager and employee is important in executing company
change, a strong sense of trust in an employee-manager relationship encourages
loyalty from both sides they are not focusing in just one side they ensure the good
relationships between employees up to the managers trusting that the employee
will maintain contact with the management because if an employee is engaged in
organization they will have a chance to stay for a long time, then also he will give
his best shot to the company and it may lead successful So, trust is very important
for the growth of the organization and the employee as well so without trust in any
relationship whether it be friends, lovers, employer/employee the relationship can
never grow and be a good one.

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