Reaction Paper

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Audrey Faye P.

Ordoyo Environmental Science

BTM 13 Mr. Jonathan Rubio


The video is all about the materials’ economy. It tackles about where all of our stuff comes
from and where It all goes when we throw it away. The speaker explained the over-all process—
from its origin, production, distribution, consumption and disposal. She also clarified the identities
of both the government and corporations. The corporations clearly dominated the government
which means that they hold the outmost power in the world’s industry and economy. The first
stage happens when resources from the natural environment are continuously consumed at or
beyond its limit. Natural environments that houses numerous ecosystems such as forests and
rivers are being abused for its minerals and natural materials for the production of the different
stuffs we have right now. Both humans and animals are taken of their shelter because of this act
of greediness. The second stage occurs in the production of these stuffs. To produce different
materials, the natural resources are combined with toxins that are harmful to both humans and
the environment. Most of all the materials we’re using such as pillows and computers are soaked
with these toxins— which we’re not aware of. The third stage occurs at the distribution. This most
specifically occurs at malls and markets where we buy our stuffs commonly. The speaker revealed
that the physical price of a product or materials is not what it seems to be. For the resources used,
the people and animals bothered in gathering these items and the danger we are exposed to
because of the toxins used are not justified for the prices shown in the market. The fourth stage
would be the consumption, which is the heart of the economy of materials. She explained that
people buys a product continuously because of two reasons— it could be planned and
persuasive. Planned in a way that the producers make a certain material to last for, example 6
months only, and that would drive the people to buy another one of this item. It could be also
persuasive that would be the main purpose of commercials and advertisements. They would
create a stereotype that when yours is different or outdated, you should be ashamed and buy the
new one. These are the ways on both the producers and distributors make people consume
materials that are more than what they needed. The last stage would be the disposal. After
consuming a material, there would inevitably come a time where it should be disposed for
uncountable reasons. The speaker clearly said that the garbage are stocked on a landfill— which
is only a hole in the ground; and in an incineration that is more dangerous because it releases the
toxins, from its production, in the air. She also spoke of recycling but says that it is not enough for
the billions of trash disposed by humans.
All-in-all, the video has somewhat made me guilty for all the things and items I have now.
Thinking that I contributed a number of garbage in the entire planet, I felt small and ashamed. But
at the same time, I was astonished on how detailed and informing the video was and would want
to share it to a number of people, hoping that they would also come to realize the crisis our would
are facing and would be facing in the future for the next generations to come. I learned so many
things such as the disposal of the garbage and trashes that humans have been creating for the
past decades. What can I do next? How can I contribute to the world’s natural environment? As
a student, it seems that studying is the only key and practicing environmental habits are the first
step in dealing with the crisis.

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