Shadowrun - Delian Data Tomb (Adventure)

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LVNO1 - THE DELIAN DATA TOMB BY /U/LEVENTNOIR ‘The human looked over the hustle of activity. The Delian Data Tomb LLC was going under. Well there went four weeks careful planning and operation and now it was time to inform hher client that more drastic measures would be needed Independent operators A FIRST SHADOWRUN The purpose of this document is to help a first (or experienced) time GM take some new players and play ‘Shadowrun. While this is mechanically suited for Sth Eaton, the themes and setting should be essily adaptable. This is a Game Master only document, as it contains details about opposition and information that plays should discover through ply. ‘The starting point for any Role Playing Game should be a Session Zero, This is a conversation about what themes, scenes, morals, and limits, This is especially important in a game with dark themes and actions, such as Shadowrun. This and Sundry pages ives a Alter you have talked over what is acceptable or not, you will need a Game Master (GM) pens, pencils, dice, and some characters, You. can make your own, of you can use iw Bamce's pregenerated starting characters ‘The Game Master should read over this entire document and familiarise themselves with it, then we can get into the game. DELIAN DATA TOMB Delian Data Tomb is a multi stage introduction to the basics of shadlowrunaing as commonly presented. It poses common styles of opponents, targets, employers and crimes. The GM. should let players who come up with effective solutions to succeed, and to trust in the skills and knowledge of the characters, Most of all, Shadowrun is not a game of fighting your way through, but solving the problem posed in the way that you are most comfortable and skilled at ‘This run assumes an urban setting, but can be easily ‘adapted to whatever location you wish es a ee ee intended to be read to players after res ee cea ts GM help is presented in white boxes, and help the GM with handling various parts of the run that might be delicate, dificult or unfarilia. OVERVIEW. Alexis Francosia, a local Business Intelligence Analyst at Lymwoods Holding Company, has been asked to learn the intended recipient of a shipping package that was routed through the city docks some years ago. The shipping company had archived all information in the Delian Data Tomb LLC. and an operation was on to extract the required data, However, the Delian Data Tomb has gone into receivership, and a new approach is needed. The data sought is located on a host currently offline, in the safe of the CEO, and in paper form with an archivist. ‘The runners will have to deal with the security of the building proper, the security for the Delian Data Tomb specifically, and locate the data, ‘This is meant to be an introductory Shadowrun so there area number of general principles that should be followed to make it easier forthe players The characters should be considered professional enough to automatically notice any security devices or detals that sren't mentioned to require 2 perception check. Announce their presence as part of the narration of the scene when characters first encounter therm, Additionally, it would be easy (Threshold 1 Security Procedures of Security Devices knowledge skil) for character to recognise what the device / procedure is and at least one way to neutralise it Ia character does not have the exact knowledge skill listed, one that is close enough may be used instead, THE MEET. One ofthe players gets a call from a fixer they know sort of ok. "Chummer. I gota jot. Uwer Milk Run. Now if you want more details, youll come to the Sth floor of the office building at Lith street, two hours from now” ‘The runners will have to scramble to get to the mect location, and will have to travel across town to get there. While shadowrunners with cars will be able to drive right ‘outside the meet location before Gridguide sends the car to a parking garage, those without will have to walk or get the bus. Regardless, the downtown location is too well patrolled and observed to get away with heavy armament ot armout ‘Ask the characters what armour, weapons and items they are bringing to the meet, and if they describe something that wil cause them problems, call or a Tareshold 1 check on an ‘Area Knowledge skill f successful, the character recognises the poor idea. (On the journey there, describe the AR in the ait. The weird magic the gangers are using to mug people. Take the advanced and the fantastic, then make it diry, dark and normal, Arriving at the location, there's no specific security apart from what might be in the general area. The corp with the law contract is on patrol and will arrest and detain anyone carrying overt weapons or armour: Anything heavier than an ‘armoured jacket, or larger than a pistol The character will be fined S00n¥ if the weapon is Restricted If the weapon is Forbidden, it will be 3000n¥ fine and the eharacter will be detained for six hours, causing them to miss the meet, Fe ey ee eee Oe nme be broken, and security evaded, picking an open Ce ere nao When the characters enter the office building at the location given, they find that the lobby is empty apart from an automated information system that shows that the 5th floor is being renovated between tenants, The 5th floor is open, missing anything but the bare walls, and a man of indeterminate age, ethnicity, and status stands waiting for you, flanked by one huge, hulking troll enhanced with cybernetics and a dwarf, mystical patterns tattooed into her face. The Mr Johnson is at the meet ‘The Mr Johnson is Alexis Francosia, and he has pulled some strings with his contacts to get a new, untested, but cheap team to try them out on low risk job. The troll is his bodyguard Krogar, and the dwarf is a corporate mage Ms Colleen. As the runners approach, the Mr Johnson smiles, and opens his arms. "Hello. Let's be brief. Delian Data Tomb has just ‘gone into receivership. They are located a few blocks from here, and currently are being liquidated I'm willing to pay for ‘one specific bit of information: Who was the recipient of ‘shipping order 812184512" The troll and dwarf stay silent through the entire proceedings, and only actif the Runners become threatening for hostile. Ifthe characters do this, step out of character and talk about why they are doing this. Being violent now causes the job to never occur and the session to end, ‘The runners might have many questions, and Mr Johnson will answer them as long as they are not overly tiresome. The characters might ask some of the following questions of the Mr Johnson, He is willing to answer, and has reasonable information about the job in general. ‘+ Where is the data? A: Assumedly on the host, whose general matrix connections have been severed and only slaved devices can stil connect. Otherwise, look for datachips. ‘+ What is the opposition? A: The security contract is active ‘until the end of the liquidation, so expect a Bronze Corporate defense Contract. ‘+ What's the timeline? A: Once the liquidation is complete the data will be burned I expect no more than two or three ays. Don't bother contacting me if you cant get the data ‘+ How do we contact you? A: Leave a datachip with the info in locker 931 at the metro, Come one day later for the credstick if | approve After the back and forth, the Mr Johnson makes an intial offer of 5000n¥ per character. If players wish to negotiate, test ‘one characters Negotiation ~ Charisma [Social] vs 12 dice. Mr Johnson will pay an extra SOOn¥ per net hit on this test. ‘The Mr Johnson leaves with the dwarf, and the troll remains for five minutes to stop the runners following. The Mr Johnson ‘and Dwacf take the time to scan for bugs, and retreat to a bar nearby for afew hours, RR une d aee uals eee arly DELIAN DATA TOMB I the players don't start the run on their own, i's fine for their Fixer to ring themn and ask i the Meet went well, The GM can use this character to suggest that the runners go investigate the target location. ‘The location of the Delian Data Tomb is easily learned, with a ‘Threshold 3 Area Knowledge Check, or a Threshold 1 Matrix Search, A Threshold 3 Matrix Search will additionally reveal that Delian Data Tomb is an nrated corp in receivership. It provided secure, long term data storage services to clients, and was doing well until involved in a corporate political scandal some weeks ago. Clients fled, and contracts elapsed, ‘causing the corp to go under and be bought up for a song. If any of the players call up any business related contacts or have an appropriate knowledge roll they may learn this information as well Researching the location of their offices further, or going to ‘observe reveals that the Delian Data Tomb comprises of four floors in a office tower block in a C rated security zone, Observant runners will note a corporate security drone on patrol every 5 minutes, and a car patrol every half hour. It the runners take some time to look around and observe, ‘mention the Data Liberators. These are a street gang with many highly augmented members carrying scratch build clectronics, and weird polo shirt / denim jacket combination clothing. A Threshold 2 Gangs knowledge skill check would reveal that this gang is ideologically opposed to secure data, and has been harassing the employees of the liquidating ‘corporation. They might also harass the shadowrunners if they look too corporate. ‘The Data Liberstors can be used as an avenue to push the players, by offering money for any data they can steal. "Moi You look like some freedom of information types. How would ‘you like to help our ideals, and make a bit of money?" Have the data liberator (ll the character that getting in should be easy enough but the corpsec keep on kicking the gangers out ‘The gangers are offering 1,000n¥ for whatever data the characters can steal Ifthe players ask if the gangers can help, they'll charge 2,000n¥ to cause a distraction with a fight at the front entrance, causing three of the four guards at the loading dock to leave and assist. If a fight breaks out with the Data Liberators due to poor conversation or overt threats, use six Professional rating 1 Street Scum. ‘The Data Liberators arent directly linked into this run but are rather a flavour aspect. Don't force any interactions or fights ‘The main entrance to the tower block is up a short ight of stairs from road level, which combined with the ram proof bollards make vehicular assault nearly impossible. Set slightly back from the road, the main approach leads through s small courtyard set with shrubs. The external walls are made of concrete (Structure 12 Armour 20), with the external glass doors and windows made of ballistic glass (Structure 8, ‘Armour 12) If the runners walk into the main entrance they will find themselves in a lobby with four human Professional Rating 2 security guards who require all visitors to pass through a rating 3 MAD Scanner arch and subject any bags to XRay. Additionally, they will perform a Rating 2 SIN cheek on any Shadowrunners if the guards notice any weapons. If the runners fail the MAD scanner, have unlicensed or forbidden items, the security guards will refuse entry. The runners should notice all of these features and expect the response. Runners can bypass the radscanner and Xray with Palmning checks contested by the guards Perception skill Alternatively, smooth talking runners might Con the guards, or Negotiate a bribe, Pulling weapons and shooting the guards is a vald option, but puling weapons and Intimidating can also work. IF runnets want to search for an unguarded entvance, let them, revealing a lacked side door hidden down an alleyway Encourage and reward inventive solutions to the puzzles that characters encounter ‘Should it come to a fight, these guards, as well as the ones in the offices ofthe Delian Data Tomb are little more than rent cops, meant to deter muggers, escort out fired employees, and call for backup. Ifthe corpsee encounter a shadowrunner or other intruder, their course of action will be to radio the incident, then escort the runner offsite, ‘The guards are equipped with biomonitors, and major injury oF unconsciousness will trigger a silent alarm after one ‘minute unless confirmed to not be a problem. A guard's death will igger an HTR callout immediately. However, if the runner is obviously armed or violent, the first action isto cal in Tigh Thread Response then attempt a delaying action with pepper punch rounds, retreating, and delaying, The build has its own Bronze Corporate defense Contract, and thus, High Threat Response will arrive in 146 x 5 minutes after being called Use approximately. 10-20 Professional Rating 5 opponents who arrive in a VTOL or armoured truck. Make it clear to your players that fighting these HTR urits is suicide. They are specialist response units for eliminating shadowrunners that are extremely dangerous, ‘A similar security checkpoint is present at the rear of the building where vehicles can enter an underground loading dock, but there is an additional Rating 4 Olfactory Seanner to check for explosives or ammunition, ‘The olfactory scanner is powerful enough to reliably detect exalosives and ammunition, 30 runners breaking in this entrance would know to not to bring such items unless they disable the sensor oar willing to set off the alarm, Lesson: Targets are protected. The protection ee ee Pree Lesson: Injuries can be explained away or dismissed, but major escalation will result in pe cee ee een | pee eee te aces ee ete ee etd Cate are THE OFFICE FLOOR Onee inside the office building proper, the runners can take the stairs or the lit to the 8th through 11th floors, These are ‘the floors that Delian Data Tomb operated from. The stairs are only unlocked on the 8th floor with the doors to the 9th, 10th and 11th floors locke. The lift requires « keycard before traveling to the 9th, 10th or 11th floors. ‘The runners will recognise that a keycard would be needed, and if they atterapt to bypass the keycard reader they should be allowed to go to the floor they wish, but will be lacking the information a3 to where to be looking for the information,

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