Ezra Half-Elven 3 Level Summoner (Spirit Summoner, Battle) Attributes

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Half-Elven 3rd level Summoner (Spirit Summoner, Battle)

Strength 18 (+2 racial bonus included)
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 08
Charisma 14

Heirloom Weapon (Falchion)
Community Minded

Feats & Class abilities:

(Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Deadly Aim & Weapon Finesse for free)
1st Extra Evolution
1st Skill Focus: Surivival
1st Battle Spirit (+1 attack & damage for 3+CHA rounds/day)
3rd Improved Initiative

Spells known:
(0 – unlimited, 1st – 4)
0 level Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Mending
1st Mage Armor, L. Rejuv Eidolon, Enlarge Person, Shield

Skills: (only include skills you have ranks or bonuses in)

Spellcraft (2 ranks, +3 modifier)
Survival (1 ranks, +3 modifier)
Use Magic Device (3 ranks, +3 modifier)
Linguistics (3 ranks, +3 modifier)
Perception (0 ranks, +2 modifier)
Knowledge (History) (3 ranks +3 modifier)

Chain shirt, +1 Falchion

HP 24 (HD 3d8+6), AC xx, Fort +3, Reflex +3, Will +2, +4 vs. Enchantments (immune to sleep)
Move 30’, Initiative +6
Falchion: +7, 2d4+7
[Attack +2 BAB, +4 STR, +1 Falchion,
[Damage 2d4 +6 STR & 1/2 +1 Falchion,
Eidolon (Biped)
STR – 19, DEX – 14, CON – 13, INT – 7, WIS – 10, CHA – 11
Evolutions (6): Weapon proficiency: Falchion (replaces claws, F), Limbs – Arms (F), Limbs – Legs
(F), Ability increase – Strength (2), , Improved Natural Armor (1), Skilled: Perception (1), Tentacle x2

Abilities: Darkvision, Link, Share spells, Evasion, +4 natural armor,

Feats: Weapon Focus: Falchion, Toughness

HP 25 (HD 3d10+3), AC 18, Fort +4, Reflex +3, Will +4
Move 30’, Initiative (same as Ezra)
Falchion: +9, 2d4+7
[Attack +3 BAB, +4 STR, +1 Falchion, +1 Focus]
[Damage 2d4 +6 STR, +1 Falchion]
Tentacle x2: +2, 1d4+2

[Attack +3 BAB, +4 STR, -5 Secondary Attack]

[Damage 1d4 +2 halfSTR]

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