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Stairwell pressurization and the movement of smoke during a high-rise fire

Article  in  ASHRAE Transactions · January 2015

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1 author:

W.Z. Black
Georgia Institute of Technology


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Black, W. Z., “COSMO – Software for Designing Smoke Control Systems in High-Rise Buildings” Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 45, Issue 6-8, pp. 337-348, Nov.–Dec. 2010. View

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Stairwell Pressurization
and the Movement of Smoke
during a High-Rise Fire

W.Z. Black, PhD, PE

Life Member ASHRAE

ABSTRACT the NPP, the flow direction is reversed and the air flows out
of the shafts and into the floors. There are three independent
A smoke movement program is used to determine the
influence of open fire escape doors on the distribution of NPPs at different elevations for the elevator shafts, stair-
smoke inside a high-rise building during a fire. Open doors wells, and the interior floor spaces of the building. Among
are simulated on the fire floor and on floors above and below other factors, their locations are dependent upon the
the stairway neutral pressure plane. The volume flow rates construction of the building and the tightness of the elevator
of the stairwell pressurization fans necessary to maintain and stairwell shafts. The locations of the NPPs can also be
smoke-free conditions are estimated when various stairwell strongly affected by the presence of fans that can be used to
doors are opened throughout the building. The size of the provide fresh air to stairwells in the event of a fire. The
pressurization fans is shown to be influenced by the location respective NPPs dictate the direction that smoke will travel
of open stairwell doors. If fans are inadequately sized to during a fire, and knowledge of their locations within the
overcome the pressure on the fire floor, the process of pres- building will aid in the design of a smoke management plan
surizing the fire escapes may cause an increase in the that will address the building’s life safety issues.
amount of smoke that reaches the upper floors and degrade The NFPA Life Safety Code defines a high-rise building as
the air quality in the stairwells, particularly if the open one that has a height in excess of 23 m (76 ft) (NFPA 2003), and
stairwell doors are on the upper floors in the building. ASHRAE classifies a tall building as one with a height exceeding
92 m (300 ft) (ASHRAE 2011). Obviously, most buildings in
INTRODUCTION crowded urban locations exceed these requirements, and the
The decreasing pressure in the atmosphere imposes a recent trend in constructing supertall buildings in excess of
similar pressure gradient on the interior of all buildings. As 100 stories demands special attention to the design of life safety
the building height increases and the atmospheric temper- systems that can successfully operate under the unique require-
ature decreases, the pressure differences between the ments of tall buildings. Being able to predict the paths that smoke
bottom and top of the building becomes more severe. As a will take during a fire is vitally important because the majority of
means of balancing the flow of air into and out of the verti- fire fatalities result from smoke inhalation and not burns. The
cal shafts (elevator hoistways and fire escape stairwells1) in movement of smoke in a high-rise structure is particularly impor-
the building and in the occupied floor spaces, the pressure tant when crafting a life safety plan, due to the large pressure
distribution inside the building establishes a series of differences imposed on the building by the atmospheric pressure
neutral pressure planes (NPPs). For elevations below the gradient that draws the generated smoke toward the upper floors
NPP, air leaves the floors and flows into the shafts; above and is augmented by the upward forces developed by the hot,
buoyant smoke. A fire on lower floors has the potential to fill the
In this paper the terms stairwell and fire escape are used inter- elevator shafts and fire escape stairwells with smoke, making
changeably. them unusable as safe routes to the exterior. To combat the pres-

W.Z. Black is a Regents Professor Emeritus at the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA.

AT THE 2015 ASHRAE WINTER CONFERENCE. The archival version of this paper along with comments and author responses will be published in ASHRAE
Transactions, Volume 121, Part 1. ASHRAE must receive written questions or comments regarding this paper by February 16, 2015, for them to be included in
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ence of smoke in fire escapes, life safety plans often rely on pres- BUILDING MODEL
surization equipment that is designed to maintain smoke-free
High-rise structures present numerous life safety chal-
conditions in the fire escape stairwells so that occupants can rely
lenges. Extended routes via fire escapes require that occupants
of a safe route of egress during a fire.
be able to descend long distances through stairwells that are
A logical and reasonable approach to providing a smoke-free expected to be kept smoke free. Upper floors in high-rise
environment in the fire escapes is to pressurize them with fresh air buildings are exposed to low pressures that exist in the upper
in sufficient quantities so that combustion gases are kept out. Pres- atmosphere and that tend to draw smoke to upper floors. Low
surizing fire escapes so that the internal pressure is always above pressures thereby create dangerous conditions for occupants
the pressure on all floors (and particularly on the fire floor) is a near the top of the structure. Elevator shafts that are vented at
well-established method of ensuring that stairs remain smoke- the top of the building create conduits that draw smoke upward
free during a fire (Tamura and Shaw 1976; Tamura 1983, 1989, and contaminate the elevator hoistways. Smoke transport via
1991, 1992; Tamura and MacDonald 1993; Klote 1980, 1988). the elevator shafts renders them unusable for safe passage out
Unfortunately, this plan is often compromised when people prop of the building (a behavior that has led to the long-standing
fire escape doors open in hopes that they can safely return to the culture of warning occupants not to use elevators as an escape
floors if their escape route is compromised. Open stairwell doors route during a fire).
can often spell failure of an otherwise well-designed pressuriza-
The number of variables that affect the movement of
tion scheme because they effectively deflate the stairwells and
smoke throughout the building is large. Smoke movement is
allow smoke to enter the intended escape route.
strongly influenced by the pressure and the temperature distri-
The goal in this paper is to investigate the potential for bution throughout the building, and extremely small changes
success of a stairwell pressurization plan when applied to a in either can have a significant influence on the route that
high-rise building and to determine the effect of open stairwell smoke will take during a fire. The type of building construc-
doors on the success or failure of a pressurization plan. The tion and the intensity and location of the fire also play a large
influence of the location of the open door will be determined role in the movement of smoke. For this particular study, a set
and the effect on the capacity of the pressurization fans will be of building, fire, and environmental conditions is selected so
estimated so that even though some doors may be open, the that the computer results may be reasonably limited. There-
dedicated fire escape fans will still be able to keep smoke from fore, the trends predicted by the software output that is
entering the escape route. presented here are limited to the specific array of input condi-
tions. Any major change in these conditions would require
SMOKE MOVEMENT SOFTWARE further computer calculations for the revised input informa-
The smoke management program used to analyze the tion. While the results apply only to the building construction,
influence of stairwell pressurization systems and the effect the environmental weather, and the fire conditions described
of open stairwell doors on smoke movement is COSMO by the selected input variables, the general trends suggested by
(COtrol of SMOke) (Black 2009b, 2010). The model the computer output are valid for any high-rise structure.
assumes steady-state conditions, and properties vary only in Therefore, the discussion of the results focuses more on the
the vertical direction. The program is a differential-network trends provided by the results rather than on the quantitative
model in which the building is subdivided into an arbitrary values shown in the graphs.
number of horizontal differential volumes, and the conservation Information that describes a generic high-rise building
equations for mass, momentum, and energy are applied to each and a reasonable fire scenario was selected as input to the
volume. The program code contains a detailed heat transfer smoke movement program. While the input data must be
analysis that includes both the convective and radiative modes quantitative, they describe a building that is typical of modern
used to calculate the temperature distribution of the gases inside construction and fire conditions that could be expected to exist
the building’s vertical shafts. The result is an array of differential in a moderately furnished high-rise. The input data to the
equations for the thermodynamic properties of the gases inside program are specified by the following:
the structure. The differential equations are solved using stan-
dard mathematical methods. The resulting pressure and temper- • Fire conditions: Fire on the first floor, the temperature at
ature distributions are then used to determine the velocities and the floor level is 300°C (570°F), and at the ceiling level
mass flow rates of gases throughout the building. the temperature is 700°C (1300°F). The height of the
The basic equations that form the foundation of the code are smoke layer is 0.5 m (1.64 ft) from the floor, the heat
discussed by Black (2009a, 2009b, 2009c, 2010, 2011) and Wang release rate (HRR) of the fire is 100 MW (3.4 × 108 Btu/h),
et al. (2013) and are not be repeated here. The program results and the average energy content of the fuel is 20 MJ/kg
have been verified by comparing the output with classical solu- (8620 Btu/lbm).
tions for simplified fluid flow and heat transfer problems. The • High-rise building: The structure is 25 stories high and
program results have also been verified by comparing output with has a floor area of 2000 m2 (21,500 ft2) per floor. The
CONTAM, a nodal-network program developed by NIST floor height is 3.5 m (11.5 ft), the exterior wall construc-
(Walton and Dols 2008). tion consists of precast concrete panels, the interior non-

2 CH-15-019
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fire floor temperature is 20°C (67°F), the shaft the energy content of the fuel was selected to simulate burning
temperatures are 40°C (103°F), and the floors have an of combustible substances that are in the midrange of the most
open design (no partitions within the floor area). common materials that populate residential and commercial
• Fire escapes: There are four interior stairwells with a buildings. The selected fire conditions equal the generation
2.13 × 1.22 m (7 × 4 ft) door on each floor, the average rate of 5 kg/s (11 lbms/s) of combustion products on the fire
gap around the doors is 2 mm (0.079 in.), and the shaft floor.
construction consists of concrete block. A winter ambient temperature was selected because
• Elevators: There are eight elevator shafts each having a winter weather creates a lower pressure at the top of the build-
vent at the top of the shaft with an area 10% of the shaft ing and a more demanding set of requirements for pressurizing
cross section, the doors are 2.13 × 1.52 m (7 × 5 ft) for the stairwells. As a result, the estimated pressurization rates
each elevator, the average gap around the doors is 5 mm for the stairwell fans determined by the software output tend
(0.2 in.), the shaft construction consists of concrete to be on the conservative side.
block, and no cars block the hoistways.
• Weather: There is no wind, the ambient outdoor temper- RESULTS
ature is –17°C (1°F), and the pressure at ground level is The smoke management program is able to provide a
101.3 kPa (14.7 psi). wide variety of parameters that can be utilized in designing
a fire safety plan. Several examples of the program results
The open design of all floors in the building implies that are shown in Figures 1 through 3 for the case of unpressur-
the smoke has no resistance for flow between the fire escape ized stairwells and for the case of all of the stairwell doors
and elevator shaft doors. The construction of the floors does remaining closed. These figures illustrate the factors that
not include the consideration of elevator lobbies. This assump- influence the movement of smoke throughout the building,
tion magnifies the interaction between the smoke transported and they help explain why the smoke takes various compet-
between the stairwells and elevator shafts. A more realistic ing routes throughout the high-rise during the fire. Figure
floor design would provide dampening of the flow of smoke 1 shows the pressure distribution in the stairwells, elevator
between the two vertical shafts. shafts, floors, and the atmosphere. The floor pressure on the
The selected HRR for the fire on the first floor corre- first floor is elevated as a result of the generated gases
sponds to a fully developed fire on a floor that has a relatively produced by the fire. Small changes in the HRR of the fire
high fuel load (considering a sofa with polyurethane foam and changes in the building construction influence the pres-
padding provides a peak heat release rate of approximately sures shown in Figure 1. The resulting pressure changes
3 MW [10.2 MBtu/h]) (Klote and Milke 2002). The value for alter the movement of the smoke during the fire. On the fire

Figure 1 Pressure distribution in elevator shafts, stairwells, floors, and atmosphere for all stair doors closed and unpressurized

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Figure 2 Temperature distribution in elevator shafts and stairwells for all stair doors closed and unpressurized stairwells.

Figure 3 Mass flow rate inside elevator shafts and stairwells for all stair doors closed and unpressurized stairwells.

floor, outdoor air is drawn into the building at floor level, intersections of the various curves in Figure 1 identify the
where the atmospheric pressure is greater than the floor three NPPs in the building. Even minute changes in the
pressure, and smoke is exhausted at ceiling level, where the pressure curves cause large changes in the locations of the
pressure difference reverses. For smaller values of the NPPs and dramatically influence the amount of smoke that
HRR, the floor pressure drops and the flow of atmospheric will reach the upper floors via the fire escapes and elevator
air is into the building at all levels on the first floor. The shafts.

4 CH-15-019
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Figure 2 plots the temperature distribution of the gases in stairwell unsafe during the fire. To ensure that the stairwells
the stairwells and the elevator shafts. Smoke that enters the will remain smoke free, the pressurization system must have
two shafts near the floor level below the smoke layer is rela- sufficient capacity to increase the interior pressure such that it
tively cool, and its temperature increases over the height of the is greater than the highest pressure on the fire floor. That
first floor as hot smoke at the ceiling level is drawn into the two condition will drop the stairwell NPP to the ground level and
vertical shafts. The temperature of the combustion gases in no combustion products will be able to enter the fire escapes.
both shafts then decreases as they transfer heat by convection Therefore, the criterion used here to judge the effectiveness of
and radiation to the cool boundary surfaces and as cool air a stairwell pressurization system is one that forces the stair
from the floors is drawn into the shafts below their respective NPP to the bottom of the fire floor.
NPPs. By the time the gases in both shafts reach the top floors,
their temperature has decayed to a value that is nearly equal to All Stairwell Doors Closed
the surface temperature of their respective shafts. Repeated computer simulations were obtained for a vari-
Figure 3 plots the total mass flow rate of gases inside the ety of cases for which the stairwell doors were open and closed
eight elevator hoistways and the four stairwells as they move and for a range of stairwell pressurization rates. The goals
vertically upward through the shafts. The curves increase in were to determine how the status of stairwell doors influences
magnitude below their respective NPPs as air is drawn into the the movement of smoke during a fire and to determine a range
shafts from the floors. They reach a peak value at the location of of pressurization rates that would provide a smoke-free atmo-
their respective NPPs, and then they decrease as gases leave the sphere inside the fire escapes. Results like those shown in
shafts on the upper floors. The elevator shafts transport the vast Figures 1 through 3 were used to achieve these goals.
majority of smoke to the upper floors due to their loosely fitting In order to establish a set of baseline conditions for smoke
doors and the presence of the vent at the top of the shafts that movement inside the designated high-rise building, the
exposes them to the low atmospheric pressure at the top of the program was executed assuming all fire escape doors remain
building. The size of the elevator vents plays a critical role in closed and the stairwells were unpressurized. For this specific
determining whether smoke inside the hoistways will contam- set of conditions, the mass flow rates of gases leaving and
inate the upper floors or whether the smoke will exhaust through entering the floor spaces are shown in Figure 4. The positive
the vents to the exterior of the building (Black 2009a). flow rate values represent flow of gases into the floor spaces
The results in Figure 3 predict the magnitude of the task from the two shafts or from the atmosphere. The negative
of maintaining smoke-free conditions inside the four fire values indicate flow of gases into the shafts from the floors.
escapes. Any smoke that enters the fire escapes on the fire The stairwell NPP is on the 13th floor and smoke generated by
floor will be transported to the top of the building and contam- the elevated pressure on the fire floor enters through the cracks
inate the upper floors above their NPP and also render the around the first floor doors and through construction gaps in

Figure 4 Flow rates in/out of floors for all stairwell doors closed and unpressurized stairwells.

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the four stair shafts. Air enters the stairwells on all floors To maintain clean air in the fire escapes on all floors, the
below its NPP and dilutes the smoke that has entered on the fire stairwells must be pressurized by dedicated fans with a supply
floor. Above the NPP, the diluted smoke in the stairwells is of fresh air sufficient to overcome the elevated fire pressure on
forced onto the floor areas and it contaminates roughly the the first floor. As the pressurized air is added to the stairwells,
upper half of the building. Obviously, when the stairs are not the mass flow rate curve for the stairwells shifts toward more
pressurized, they become dangerous for use as an escape route positive values (to the right in Figure 4), indicating that the
during the fire as a result of the smoke that enters on the fire stairwell NPP falls lower in the building, the amount of gases
floor. leaving the stairwells increases, and less smoke enters on the
first floor.
For the unpressurized case, the NPP for the elevator shafts
is on the 21st floor. Elevator shafts contain a higher concen- When the stairwell pressurization rate is 0.38 m3/s
tration of smoke because they receive more smoke on the fire (805 cfm) on each floor, the mass flow rates throughout the
building are shown in Figure 5. When the values in this figure
floor as a result of their less-tight doors and relatively loose
are compared with those of Figure 4, the effect of stairwell
shaft construction. More air enters the elevator shafts below
pressurization is evident. The addition of outside fresh air has
their NPP than enters the stairs. The entering air dilutes the
dropped the stairwell NPP to the first floor and dramatically
concentration of smoke carried upward by the elevator shafts.
increased the flow of air exiting from the stairwells into all
Above the 21st floor, the elevator shafts are a source of smoke floors in the building. The volume flow rate of smoke that
that contaminates the upper floors. A prudent life safety plan enters the stairwells on the fire floor is reduced by about a
must address the possibility of smoke delivered to the upper factor of four; however, a small amount of smoke is still able
floors via the smoke-laden elevator shafts. Consideration to enter the stairwells on the first floor, indicating that a further
should be given to installing exhaust fans in the vents at the top increase in the amount of pressurized air is required to achieve
of the shafts and increasing the size of the vents such that the smoke-free fire escapes. Additional computer simulations for
NPP is drawn to above the top of the building. If that goal can increased stairwell pressurization show that a pressurization
be accomplished, then the smoke transported by the elevator rate of about 0.45 m3/s (955 cfm) in each stairwell on each
shafts is able to exhaust from the building without contami- floor is necessary to stop the smoke from invading the stair-
nating the upper floors of the high-rise building. wells so that they remain smoke-free during the fire.

Figure 5 Flow rates in/out of floors for all stairwell doors closed. Stairwell pressurization = 0.38 m3/s (805 cfm) per floor.

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When the stairwells are pressurized, the flow of gases that during the fire. To determine the effect of open stairwell doors,
leaves the stairwells also influences the movement of gases to computer simulations were run when all four stairwell fire
and from the elevator shafts and the external skin of the build- escape doors were assumed to be open on the fire floor. This
ing. The air that leaves the stairwells helps pressurize the type of scenario describes a severe demand on the stairwell
floors. The added air on the floors raises the NPP of the eleva- pressurization equipment, because an open door on the fire
tor shafts and helps decrease the amount of smoke that floor provides a low-resistance path for smoke to travel into
contaminates the upper floors due to smoke that arrives via the the fire escapes. The smoke is then able to contaminate the
elevator shafts. Therefore, stairwell pressurization not only stairwells for the entire height of the building. Furthermore,
improves the air quality inside the fire escapes, but it also helps the stairwells will also become a conduit for smoke and will
maintain cleaner air on the upper floors of the building. This distribute smoke to the floors above the stairwell NPP.
trend suggests that a reasonable life safety plan would include
floor pressurization in addition to stairwell pressurization so The curves in Figure 6 show the effect of open first-floor
that the floors and the stairwells would both remain smoke- doors when the stairwells are unpressurized and each of the
free areas during a fire (Black 2014). four stairwell doors has an open area of 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2). By
comparing the results in Figure 6 with those in Figure 4, the
effect on smoke distribution resulting from an open fire floor
Stairwell Doors Open on the Fire Floor
door can be determined. Obviously, the open fire escape door
The baseline case is an idealized one because it assumes dramatically increases the amount of smoke that is able to
that all fire escape doors remain fully closed throughout the enter the stairwells on the first floor.At the same time, the open
duration of the fire. One possible reason for an open door is fire escape doors reduce the first-floor pressure and cause
that the door failed during the fire. Another reason is that a fire more fresh air to be drawn into the fire floor from the atmo-
escape door could be propped open by occupants who wish to sphere. Most of the combustion products leave the first floor
protect a return route to the floors in the event that they should via the fire escapes. Clearly an open door on the fire floor
find the fire escapes contaminated by smoke. Since open stair- creates a dangerous situation for the inhabitants throughout
well doors can dramatically alter the pressure distribution the entire building if the stairwells are not pressurized, because
throughout the structure and change the distribution of smoke it contaminates the stairwells for the entire height of the build-
within the building, it is important to determine the trends in ing. Failure of the fire floor doors predicts a demanding set of
smoke movement when various fire escape doors are open conditions for providing uncontaminated fire escapes.

Figure 6 Flow rates in/out of floors for open stairwell doors (0.5 m2 [5.38 ft2] open) on first floor. Unpressurized stairwells.

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When the fire floor doors remain closed, the elevator arrived if the stairs had not been pressurized in the first place.
shafts transport far more smoke to the upper floors than the Obviously, pressurization equipment must be sized suffi-
stairwells (Figure 4). Once a door on the fire floor is opened, ciently to hold the smoke back, or otherwise stairwell pressur-
however, the stairs take on the dominate role and they become ization may worsen the situation by delivering an increased
the preferred route for smoke to reach the upper floors flow of smoke to the upper floors.
(Figure 6). Therefore, the open stairwell door causes a reversal The curves in Figure 7 show that when the stairwell pres-
of the preferential shaft that the smoke uses to move toward the surization rate is 0.35 m3/s (740 cfm), the mass flow rate of
upper floors and the fire escapes replace the elevator shafts as combustion products that pass through the open door drops by
the major conduit for vertical smoke travel. This fact empha- nearly one third. Extrapolating this value until it reaches zero
sizes the need to ensure that fire escape doors on the fire floor suggests that a pressurization rate of about 0.6 m3/s (1270 cfm)
remain closed during a fire. is necessary to maintain an uncontaminated condition in the
The flow rate values on the first floor shown, in Figure 7, entire height of the fire escapes.
illustrate how the amount of smoke that enters the fire escapes The curves in Figure 8 illustrate how the pressurization of
can be reduced when they are pressurized. Pressurized air at a the stairwells effectively reduces the mass of smoke that is
rate of 0.35 m3/s (740 cfm) on each floor pushes the location transported to the upper floors in the building. Pressurization
of the stairwell NPP to the top of the first floor, but it is insuf- at a rate of 0.35 m3/s (740 cfm) on each floor reduces the mass
ficient to keep smoke from entering the stairwells on the fire of smoke that enters the fire escapes on the fire floor by about
floor. In the process of pressurizing the fire escapes, the one half. Considering the fact that all of the gases inside the
increased pressure drops the NPP and exposes more floors to stairwell eventually end up distributed on the floors within the
smoke that is ingested on the first floor. In other words, if the building, the pressurization helps improve the air quality on
volume of pressurized air is insufficient to keep smoke out of the floors. However, the pressurization rate of 0.35 m3/s
the fire escapes, the fire escapes will remain contaminated for (740 cfm) is insufficient to prevent smoke from entering the
the entire height of the building and, at the same time, more stairs on the first floor, so the stairwells unfortunately will
smoke will enter more floors via the stairs than would have spread smoke onto all floors above the fire floor. When the

Figure 7 Flow rates in/out of floors for open stairwell doors (0.5 m2 [5.38 ft2] open) on first floor. Stairwell pressurization =
0.35 m3/s (740 cfm) per floor.

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Figure 8 Mass flow rate inside one stairwell when doors are open 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2) on first floor.

pressurization rate is increased to 0.6 m3/s (1270 cfm), the NPP to the first floor and decreases the flow of smoke that
pressure increase provided by the stairwell fans is able to enters on the fire floor by about one half. Stairwell pressuriza-
prevent smoke from entering the stairwell and to transport tion eliminates the inflow of air on the lower nonfire floors and
only fresh air to the upper floors. increases the outflow of gases into the floors above the NPP.
On the fifth floor, the air leaving the open fire escape doors
Stairwell Doors Open Below the NPP increases dramatically and the added air increases the fifth
To determine the effect that the location of an open stair- floor pressure, which has a side effect of increasing the flow
well door has on smoke distribution, the program was used to of air into the elevator shafts on that particular floor
estimate the amount of smoke that is transported by the stair- (Figure 10).
wells when the four fire escape doors are opened on a floor Additional computer simulations for higher pressuriza-
below the NPP. A sample of the results is shown in Figure 9, tion rates show that a pressurization rate of about 0.5 m3/s
which plots the mass flow rate of gases into and out of the stair- (1060 cfm) per floor is sufficient to keep smoke from entering
wells, elevator shafts, and building when all four stairwell the stairwells on the first floor when the doors have an open
doors are open 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2) on the fifth floor and the fire area of 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2). The pressurization rate must be
escapes are not pressurized. increased to about 0.55 m3/s (1165 cfm) per floor if the doors
A partially open door on the fifth floor changes the distri- have an open area of 1.0 m2 (10.76 ft2). In excess of those rates,
bution of smoke below the NPP, particularly on the floor with the pressurization fans force fresh air out of the stairwells and
the open door. When the stairs are not pressurized, the mass of into the floors at all levels within the building, and no smoke
uncontaminated air that enters the stairwells on the fifth floor is transported throughout the building via the fire escapes.
increases by about a factor or two and the added air increases Pressurizing the stairs has little influence on the smoke move-
the stairwell pressure. This change in the flow pattern causes ment through the elevator shafts, and the shafts continue to
a greater dilution of the smoke that enters on the first floor, and move large volumes of smoke to the upper floors above their
it improves the air quality of the gases that leave the stairwells respective NPP.
on the upper floors. As a result, an open fire escape door on the In Figure 11, the mass flow rate of gases through one
lower floors somewhat improves the air quality inside the stairwell is plotted when there is no stairwell pressurization
stairwells, but it does not completely provide smoke-free and compared to the value when the stairwell is pressurized
conditions within the fire escapes because smoke is still able at a rate of 0.3 m3/s (635 cfm) per floor. When the stairwells
to enter the fire escapes on the first floor. are not pressurized, fresh air enters the fire escapes through
If pressurized air is added to the stairwells at a rate of the open door on the fifth floor, which causes a slight
0.3 m3/s (635 cfm) on each floor, the direction of airflow increase in the amount of smoke transported to the upper
caused by the added air changes from inward to outward on all floors. When the stairwells are pressurized, the flow of air
the lower floors except on the fire floor (Figure 10). The addi- through the open door reverses, and a large amount of smoke
tion of fresh air from the pressurization fans drops the stairwell enters the fifth floor, reducing the mass of smoke that is

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Figure 9 Flow rates in/out of floors for open stairwell doors (0.5 m2 [5.38 ft2] open) on the fifth floor. Unpressurized stairwells.

Figure 10 Flow rates in/out of floors for open doors (0.5 m2 [5.38 ft2] open) on the fifth floor. Stairwell pressurization = 0.3
m3/s (635 cfm) per floor.

10 CH-15-019
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Figure 11 Mass flow rate inside one stairwell when doors are open 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2) on fifth floor.

transported to the upper floors. The pressurization rate is not 20th floor, as shown in Figure 12. Any fire safety plan must
sufficient to prevent smoke from entering the fire escapes on account for local changes in building conditions, such as
the first floor, even though it dramatically reduces the open fire escape doors affecting smoke movement in adja-
amount of smoke that the stairwell transports to the upper cent enclosures within the building.
floors above its NPP.
The various smoke flow rates when the stairwell
pressurization rate is 0.45 m3/s (955 cfm) on each floor are
Stairwell Doors Open Above the NPP
shown in Figure 13. When the stairs are pressurized, they
As an example of the effect of an open door on a floor supply air to all nonfire floors, as illustrated by the values
above the NPP, Figures 12 and 13 illustrate the case where lying to the right side of the figure. Gases leaving the
the four fire escape doors are partially open on the 20th stairwell and entering the 20th floor through the partially
floor, each with an open area of 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2). An open open door are greatly increased. This trend shows that a
door above the stairwell NPP tends to reduce the pressure pressurization rate insufficient to prevent smoke from
inside the stairwell because it exposes the stairs to lower entering the stairs on the fire floor can potentially cause the
atmospheric pressure that exists at higher elevations in the fire escapes to be contaminated for the entire height of the
building. Lower pressures tend to draw more smoke into the building and deliver a large percentage of that smoke to the
fire escapes at the fire floor and the stairwells have a floor with the open door. Counterbalancing this detrimental
tendency to behave like a chimney, depositing smoke on the effect is a positive effect caused by the slight reduction of
floor with the open door. The lower stairwell pressure smoke that enters the stairs on the first floor. These
creates a more demanding set of conditions needed to keep diverging trends again point out the danger of pressurizing
smoke from invading the fire escapes than occurs when a the stairwells at a rate insufficient to hold the smoke back on
door is open on a lower floor. When the stairs are not pres- the fire floor. Unless the pressure inside the fire escapes is
surized (Figure 12), combustion products can enter the fire greater than the pressure on the fire floor, any attempt to
escapes on the first floor. The smoke travels to the upper create smoke-free conditions in the stairs can actually
floors, where the open door delivers a greatly increased decrease the air quality on upper floors, where a door may
amount of smoke to the 20th floor through the partially be held open during the fire. On the other hand, if the
opened door. The open stairwell not only influences the pressurization rate is sufficient to keep smoke from invading
smoke movement through the stairwells, but, to a lesser the fire escapes on the fire floor, then only fresh air will be
degree, it affects the local smoke movement in the elevator delivered to all floors in the building, including the floor that
shafts and through the exterior surface of the building on the has an open fire escape door.

CH-15-019 11
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Figure 12 Flow rates in/out of floors for open stairwell doors (0.5 m2 [5.38 ft2] open) on 20th floor. Unpressurized stairwells.

If the smoke management software is applied to the cases Capacity of Pressurization Equipment
of increasing pressurization rates and the curves in Figure 13
Applying the program with increasing volume flow rates
are extrapolated, a pressurization rate of about 0.6 m3/s
of fresh air added to the stairwells provides a range of fan
(1270 cfm) is sufficient to maintain smoke-free fire escapes if
capacities that are necessary to block the entry of smoke
the door on the 20th floor is open 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2), and that
generated by the fire and keep it from entering the fire escapes.
value must be increased to about 0.65 m3/s (1380 cfm) when
If all fire escape doors remain closed, the necessary pressur-
the doors are open 1.0 m2 (10.76 ft2).
ization rate of approximately 0.45 m3/s (955 cfm) is required
Figure 14 shows the mass flow rate of gases inside a single on each floor for the specified building construction, atmo-
stairwell when it is not pressurized and when it is pressurized spheric conditions, and fire intensity. For this case, the fire
at a rate of 0.45 m3/s (950 cfm) per floor. When the stairs are escape stairwells remain free of smoke on all floors, and only
not pressurized, the 20th floor is above the NPP and the fresh, pressurized air is distributed to upper floors via the stair-
amount of smoke inside the fire escapes decreases when wells. However, when fire escape doors are open during the
smoke leaves the shaft and enters the floor. When the stairs are fire, the pressurization rate must be increased up to about
pressurized, the increased shaft pressure forces more smoke to 0.65 m3/s (1380 cfm), depending on the location and extent of
enter the 20th floor and the flow of smoke within the shaft the open door.
decreases more dramatically. Since the pressurization rate is The criterion used here to ensure that the stairwells will
insufficient to keep smoke from entering on the first floor, remain smoke free is one that pushes the fire escape NPP to the
pressurization of the stairwells causes more smoke to enter the ground level. However, current codes (NFPA 2000, 2012)
20th floor and actually degrades the air quality on that floor. address the same goal by specifying a pressure difference of
In other words, the situation on the floor with an open door 12.5 Pa (0.05 in. of water) across openings in an enclosure
actually degrades when the stairs are pressurized as long as the when the structure has sprinklers and 25 Pa (0.10 in. of water)
pressurization fans are incapable of preventing smoke from in spaces without sprinkler systems. There is no indication in
entering the stairs on the fire floor. the NFPA code as to the capacity of the pressurization equip-

12 CH-15-019
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Figure 13 Flow rates in/out of floors for open stairwell doors (0.5 m2 [5.38 ft2] open) on 20th floor. Stairwell pressurization
= 0.45 m3/s (950 cfm) per floor.

ment necessary to generate this magnitude of pressure differ- ization fans, and they give proper trends that can be relied upon
ence. Therefore, the selection criteria of pressurization when designing a fire safety plan for high-rise buildings.
equipment is somewhat vague as to the capacity of the pres-
surization fans that are required to develop the code-required CONCLUSIONS
pressure differences. The results provided by the smoke management software
suggest the following guidelines for stairwell pressurization
Repetitive runs of the program provide rough guidelines
rates are necessary to prevent smoke from infiltrating the fire
to the size of equipment necessary to maintain safe conditions
escapes during a structural fire:
when the stairwell doors are opened to varying degrees and are
located on different floors in the building. These values are 1. The capacity of fans used to pressurize fire escapes
summarized in Table 1. It is important to recognize that these depends upon the location of open doors in the stairwell.
values apply to the specific design conditions of the building The computer results were obtained for a case of a fully
under consideration as well as the given fire conditions and developed, high-heat-release-rate fire on the first floor of
winter environmental conditions. Any changes in the weather a simulated high-rise building. The weather conditions
(ambient temperature, wind velocity), building design that were selected correspond to a cold, winter day with
(number of floors, tightness of construction, etc.), or fire char- no wind. These conditions create as set of conservative
acteristics (HRR, fire temperature, and smoke layer depth) limits, and they result in fan sizes that should be able to
will certainly influence the values in Table 1. The tabular prevent smoke from entering the stairwells in the most
values, however, do provide guidelines for selecting pressur- demanding cases.

CH-15-019 13
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Figure 14 Mass flow rate inside one stairwell when doors are open 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2) on 20th floor.

Table 1. Approximate Capacity 3. When stairwell doors are open, the distribution of smoke
of Pressurization Fans Necessary throughout the building is altered, and the presence of open
to Maintain Smoke-Free Conditions in the Stairwells stairwell doors affects the capacity of the stairwell pressur-
ization equipment designed to provide fresh air to the fire
Capacity of Pressurization Fans escapes. If stairwell doors are open on the fire floor, they
m3/s (cfm) on Each Floor expose the stairwells to the elevated fire pressure, and the
for Smoke-Free Stairwells capacity of the pressurization equipment must be increased
approximately 40% to 50% to provide a shaft pressure that
Door Open All Doors Open Area Open Area
On Closed 0.5 m2 (5.38 ft2) 1.0 m2 (10.76 ft2)
exceeds the local fire floor pressure.
4. When open doors are below the stairwell NPP, the inflow
1st Floor 0.45 (955) 0.6 (1270) 0.65 (1380) of air to the stairwells increases the stairwell pressure. The
5th Floor 0.45 (955) 0.5 (1060) 0.55 (1165) increase in stairwell pressure helps hold back the smoke on
the fire floor and helps reduce the load on pressurization
20th Floor 0.45 (955) 0.6 (1270) 0.65 (1380) air-handling units. As a result, an open door below the
stairwell NPP requires only a relatively small increase in
fan size to ensure that no smoke enters the fire escapes.
2. If all fire escape doors remain closed, a relatively modest 5. If an open stairwell door occurs above the NPP, the pres-
flow rate provided by pressurization fans can be sure in the fire escapes is reduced and the open door tends
employed to maintain smoke-free conditions in the stair- to act like a chimney, transporting an increased flow of
wells. The predicted size of the pressurization fans is smoke to the upper floors of the building. Therefore, an
within the ability of air-handling equipment that is open door on the upper floors demands pressurization
needed to provide comfort cooling and heating for the fans with greater capacity than expected if the fire
specified building. escapes are expected to be kept free of smoke.

14 CH-15-019
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