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Tutorial Notes

Week 1

Warm Up Rats and Rabbits (invasion Game)

- In partners stand in the middle of the court with inside feet touching (left side -
rats, right side - rabbits)

- Teacher yells out ‘rats’ or ‘rabbits’

- If rats is called, the left side sprint to the left sideline while the right side ‘rabbits’
chase them (opposite happens if rabbits were called)

- If either partner catches them before they run to the sideline they win the round

- Arms drive forward in relaxed style, elbows bent

- Keep head erect and eyes up

- Arms/Legs move in opposition

Passing Cut the Cake
- In a group, everyone stands in a circle with one player in the middle

- The middle plater passes to each person on the outside of the circle

- Once everyone has been passed to the middle person swaps with an outside

- Repeat until everyone has been in the middle

- Use a chest pass and ‘W’ finger grip

- Use communication to call names for smoother run through


Three Man Weave

- Have three players lining up on the baseline with the middle player holding the

- When the middle player has passed to the outside player, they run around the
outside player and follow the ball

- Continue passing and following pass till opposite baseline

- Make strong drives on a 45* angle

- Use shoulder pass to make full distance


Modified Games Half Court

- Players include; centre, wing attack, wing defence, goal shooter, goal keeper, goal
attack and goal defence

- Normal netball rules

- Use of space

- Positioning

- Anticipates ball movements

- Execution of skills

- Decision making

Week 2

Warm Up Line Game

- Each individual has a ball

- When a line is called everyone runs to the line and touches it with the ball
(transverse, sideline, centre circle, baseline and goal circle)

- Bounce the ball while running around the court

- Pass with a partner

- Keep eyes facing forward and aware of other players

- Concentrate on pathway and control the ball

Passing Passing back and forth
- Passing back and forth with a partner

- Different passes

• Chest pass

• Bounce pass

• Shoulder pass

• Lob pass

- Two hands behind the ball with thumbs and fingers in “W” shape
- Step forward with weight transferred onto front foot as the ball is pushed with
wrist and fingers
- Follow through with arms and fingers in direction of pass and eyes looking


Long Court Drill

- Line up along the centre of the court

- Once the ball is in play first player leads out and does an outside foot turn

- Next player leads out and receives the ball

- Repeat until each player has lead out and received a pass

- Use a shoulder pass to reach the full distance
- Pivot on outside foot
- Lead on a 45* angle

Footwork Outside foot turn
- in groups of 3

- Middle player leads to ball, and catches ball from outside player, using either a
two foot or one step landing

- Player then pivots, and throws ball to other player on the outside

- if ball is thrown to the left, land on left foot

- If ball thrown to the right, land on right foot

- Can use two foot landing in any situation

- Land with feet shoulder width apart to give a firm support base

- Continue to bend knees after impact to help with a balanced soft landing

- Keep strong torso (body upright) bend at hips, knees and ankles on impact to
cushion landing


Attacking/defending Sideline to Sideline

- 3 players are attackers and two are the defenders

- The attacking players have to pass between them selves until they reach the
other side

- If the defending players intercept the ball, the game resets

- Drive with your leading foot

- Put leading hand out in front of body for passing target

- Once passed, re-offer with another lead

- Use a variety of passes to get past the defenders, (chest, bounce, shoulder,

Shooting Bump
- Everyone lines up behind the goal circle

- The first person and second person have ball

- Once the first person shoots the second person can then shoot as well

- If the person behind you scores before you, then your out


Week 3

Shooting Pass Out and Shoot

- The GS has to make 3 pass’s out to the circle before shooting

- Can not pass to the same person twice in a row

- Has to cut and re-offer around the GK

- Push off back leg when leading
- Put leading hand out in front for a target for passer
- Call for the ball so the outer circle attackers know when to pass
- Use back and front cuts to get around the GK
- Bend knees, bend elbows and aim when shooting

Modified games Full Court Game

- Netball rules

- 7 people per team

- 1.2m distance for defenders

- No defines whilst shooting


- Use of space

- Positioning

• Anticipates ball movements

- Execution of skills

- Decision making

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