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Top soil - overburden Unidad

Area (Ap) 263.66 Ha Rotary drills, electric

Soil tons (Ts) ton Electric cable shovels
Waste tons (Tws) ton Mechanical trucks

Drill equipment Unidad

Diameter 12 1/4 inch
Number of drillers 3
Tons of drilled rock 25,511 ton
Drilling equiment cost 5,455,018 US$

Loading equipment Unidad

Shovel Size 10 yd3
Number of shovels 5
Loading cost (shovels, fronters, bulldozers) 16,089,412 US$

Hauling equipment Unidad

Truck Size (t) 113 ton
Number of trucks 12
Haulage equipment cost 16,903,703 US$

Services Unidad
Truck shop area 26026.28 ft2
Cost of pit maintenance facilities 4,292,461 US$
Communication and electrical services 448,107 US$
Cost of refueling system 50,188 US$
Type Un. Market Price ($ 1000) O´hara price ($1000) Var
12 1/4 inch 1,842,000 1,818,339 1.28%
10 yd3 3,397,000 3,217,882 5.27%
126 ton 1,504,000 1,408,642 6.34%
Top soil - overburden Unidad
Area requerida (Ap) 7.42 Ha
Clearing costs 12,139 US$
Cost of soil stripping US$
Cost of mass extraction US$
Excavation and fill compaction US$

Building Unidad
Concrete foundation costs 4,449,719 US$
Cost of building 10,884,723 US$
Cost of crushing plant 19,722,791 US$
Cost of grinding and bins 20,489,789 US$

Processing and related sections Unidad

Process capital costs 5,522,989 US$
Tailing storage 2,966,479 US$

General cost Unidad

Water sypply system 5,643,930 US$
Peak load () 31,445 kW/month
Power consumed () 564,393 kW/hr
Cost of substation 2,298,617 US$
Cost of power distribution 4,557,602 US$

General Services Unidad

Administrative office area 3,428 ft2
Cost of office 235,409 US$
Maintenance shop 224,840 US$
Mine changehouse 169,603 US$
Surface warehouse (almacén) 313,788 US$
Miscellaneous surface facilities 1,483,240 US$
Simple low-grade base metal ores of copper with minor content of gold, which can be recovered as smelter credits. Flotation, thickening, filtering, a
Low-grade ores cyanide leaching, CIP (carbon-in-pulp) or CIL (carbon-in-leach) adsorption
Daily tonnage tpd SR
T0 = tons of ore mined/day 22,000 1.02
Tw = tons of waste mined/day 22,440
Tc = tons of ore passing the primary crusher/day 22,000
Tp = T0 + Tw = total material mined/day 44,440
T = tons of ore milled/day 22,000

Personal Number
Mina 126
Planta 115
Servicios 61
Administrativos 34

Capital Cost (US$)

Mine capital costs

Pre-production stripping cost (US$)

Clearing cost 241,579
Soil stripping 0
Waste stripping 0

Mine equipment (US$) (US$)

Drilling 5,455,018
Loading 16,089,412
Hauling 16,903,703
Maintenance 4,292,461
Services 498,295

Total $43,238,889
al Cost (US$)

Mill capital costs

Pre-production stripping cost (US$)

Clearing costs 12,139
Cost of soil stripping 0
Cost of mass extraction 0
Excavation and fill compaction 0

Building (US$)
Concentrator building 10,884,723
Cost of crushing plant 19,722,791
Cost of grinding and bins 20,489,789
Concrete foundation costs 4,449,719

Processing and related sections (US$)

Process capital costs 5,522,989
Tailing storage 2,966,479

General cost (US$)

Water sypply system 5,643,930
Cost of power distribution 4,557,602
Cost of substation 2,298,617

General Services (US$)

Cost of office 235,409
Maintenance shop 224,840
Mine changehouse 169,603
Surface warehouse (almacén) 313,788
Miscellaneous surface facilities 1,483,240
Total $78,963,520
Ktpd mine 44.4
Ktpd plant 22.0

Mine capital costs US$

Drilling 5,455,018
Loading 16,089,412
Hauling 16,903,703
Maintenance 4,292,461
Services 498,295
Total $43,238,889

Mill capital costs US$

Crushing and grinding 55,547,022
Processing and related sections 8,489,468
General cost 12,500,149
General Services 2,426,881
Total $78,963,520

Total $122,202,409

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