VE013 Work Sheets

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Laws of Leadership Name:EXER 3: LAWS

Essay: Use the lesson you heard in class, and the result of your MOS interviews to answer the essay question.

Are leaders born or developed? I think leaders are developed. We can say that leaders are born but for me you will be a leader by developing
yourself through experience, sacrifices, lost and heartbreaks. We can’t be a leader by saying that we are born as leader and you don’t do anything,
you exert effort and you don’t sacrifice. You will not be a leader if you don’t do anything. RUBRICS FOR GRADING
8 out of 10 by standers say that leaders are developed, they say that you can’t be easily a leader. We need to study all things about being a leader, we 100 – The student has a definite stand. The
Need to exert or sacrifice a effort on what we are doing. They say that just like in the office, you are the fresh graduate you can’t be leader because you don’t essay is well written because the 7 Laws of
have experience and knowledge to lead. Leadership are used in the exposition, as
well as the result of the MOS.
I think law of sacrifice, Because I observed that you need to learn how to sacrifice, sacrifice your ego to enable to hear opinions of other. The 3 laws that so
90 - The student has a definite stand. The
evident in my interview, first is the law of sacrifice, second the law of priority and lastly the law of victory.
essay mentions the 7 Laws of Leadership
but the result of the MOS isn’t mentioned.

80 The student has a definite stand but

both the Laws of Leadership and MOS
result are not mentioned in the essay.

70 The student doesn’t have a definite

stand. The essay mentions the 7 Laws of
Leadership as well as the result of the

Failed (0-69) – any output worse than the

standard stated in the “70” level.

If the space is not enough, you can write at the back of this paper.

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