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Part I.


Absenteeism, according to Merriam- Webster dictionary means chronic absence. If a child

misses 18 or more days in a school year, he’s considered to be chronically absent. Chronic
absentee students are placed at a disadvantage both socially and academically. They miss out
on critical stages of social interaction and development with their peers and at the same time
impacts negatively on their academic progress. School absenteeism is an alarming problem
for administrators, teachers, parents, and the society in general, as well as for the students in
particular. Also, prolonged absence can have deleterious effects for the child in later life.
Students who are absent from the school are at the risk of dropping out of school early.

Part II. Findings and Insights

When a student misses a day of school he/she must have lost the chance to hear others,
interpret and analyzing the lessons or joins the interaction within the class. This lost is being
rooted to two different courses and varying factors under these courses. The inquiry is in a
family situation or an individual problem. Then, under these courses are the factors that
contribute to a child’s regular truancy. These are the following factors influencing students’

 Physical Factors
The distance of their house to the school and the danger posed by walking to the
school is one causes of students’ absenteeism.
 Health
In one school year most or some of the students suffer health problems which include
fever, flu and headache.
 Personal Attitude
Some of the student doesn’t wake up early. The tardiness and laziness of the students
may cause to their absent.
 Teacher-related
When the students are scolded for their bad behavior by the teacher, this tends to
make them be absent from their classes
 Classroom Atmosphere
Bullying from their peers contribute to students’ absenteeism.
 Home-related
Students may leave classes because they say their parents asked them to be absent, not
having money to spend for snacks and other small expenses in school, no
breakfast/food, and that their parents quarrelled.
Part III. Summary
A child or student’s interest is the most basic element that makes a group learning
system work in an organize way. From the head to the base members of this organization, the
condition of one may affect the others. Population and percentage within that population
which causes negative feedbacks can be primary reason of a poor product. The group or
classroom type of organized way of learning has given that impact to the community being
the commonly used system. Its effectiveness has been proven and has never been out of
Absenteeism in one angle view point is one of the most common causes of degrading
performances of the students. These includes failure in the academic, dropping out of school,
substance abuse, gang involvement, and criminal activity. Student absenteeism can be
contributed by many factors Among the conditions that are often associated with a child’s
frequent absence from school includes health and financial concerns, poor school climate,
drug and alcohol use, transportation problems, and differing community attitudes towards
No matter how the school aim and strive for perfect attendance of the students for the
whole school year .It cannot be denied that every now and then, students may miss some
school activities and lessons due to some causes. Hence, teachers should exert effort to
determine individual problem to understand them, provide alternative actions and avoid such
discrimination from peers and teachers.

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