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Department of Electrical Engineering

Complex Engineering Task #1

In general, except for unique unbalanced loads, two transformer banks do not deliver balanced 3 phase
LV terminal voltages even when the applied HV terminal voltages are perfectly balanced. Also, the two
transformer do not, in general, operate at same power factor or at the same percentages of their rated kilo-
voltamperes. Hence, the two transformer are likely to have unequal percentages of voltage regulation.
Figure: 1 shows two single phase transformer connected in open Y-HV and open delta -LV. The two
transformer bank supplies a large amount of single phase lighting a small amount of three phase power
loads. Both transformers have 7200/120-240 v ratings and have equal transformer impedance of:
ZT=0.01+j0.03 pu
Based on their ratings. Here, neglected transformer magnetizing currents.
Figure: 2 shows the LV phasor diagram. In this problem, the secondary voltages are to be assumed to be
perfectly balanced and the primary voltages then unbalanced as required. Note that in figure 2, 0 indicates
the three phase neutral point. Based on the given information determine the following:
a) Find the phasor currents Ta, Tb and Tc.
b) Select suitable standard kilo-voltampere ratings for both transformer. Overloads, as much as 10%, will
be allowed as an arbitrary criterion.
c) Find the per unit kilo-voltampere load on each transformer.
d) Find the power factor of the output of each transformer.
e) Also write the necessary codes to solve the problem in MATLAB.
f) Also verify your answers by Simulink.

Fig: 1 Fig: 2

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