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> data()

> data(SleepStudy, package="Lock5Data")

> SleepStudy$variable <- with(SleepStudy, sexo)

> SleepStudy <- within(SleepStudy, {

+ sexo <- factor(Gender, labels=c('Mujer','Hombre'))
+ })

> data(women, package="datasets")

> with(women, Hist(weight, scale="frequency", breaks="Sturges", col="darkgray"))

> normalityTest(~weight, test="shapiro.test", data=women)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: weight
W = 0.96036, p-value = 0.6986

> editDataset(women)

> women <- within(women, {

+ Sexo <- factor(Genero, labels=c('Hombre','Mujer'))
+ })

> Boxplot(Genero~Sexo, data=women, id=list(method="y"))

> with(women, (t.test(Genero, alternative='two.sided', mu=0.0, conf.level=.95)))

One Sample t-test

data: Genero
t = 11, df = 14, p-value = 0.00000002834
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
1.180695 1.752638
sample estimates:
mean of x

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