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6.1 Introduction
6.2 Quantification Principles of Various Items of Work
6.2.1 Earthwork for Foundation
6.2.2 Earthwork for Canals and Roads
6.2.3 Masonry
6.2.4 Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete
6.2.5 Structural Steel
6.2.6 Woodwork
6.2.7 Painting
6.2.8 Plumbing and other Lump-sum Items
6.3 Rate Analysis
6.4 Examples
6.4.1 A Complete Example - Compound Wall
6.4.2 Single-bed Roomed Residential Building
6.4.3 Steel Shnchion with Grillage Foundation
6.4.4 Steel Roof Truss
6.4.5 Arched Culvert
6.4.6 Roads

6.5 Computer-aided Estimating

6.6 Summary
6.7 Answers to SAQs

In Unit 5, estimating was defined as "careful and correct measurement of various
quantities involved in a construction project as reflected in contract documents and
drawings and the subsequent oalculation and application of accurate unit prices to these
quantities". Principles involved in such estimating were also described in detail therein.
In this unit, typical examples of structures will be taken up for quantification. One
exampk of a structure is given a complete treatment including costing whereas in other
examples, only quantification of items of work (without costing) is given. This curtailing
is made to primarily make the size of the unit concise; the secondary reason, of course, is
that while quantities of items of work remain unaltered as long as the drawings1
specifications are not altered, cost varies from site to site and time to time.
It is emphasised that the availability of detailed, precise and well-dimensioned drawiqgs
form an essential prerequisite for accurate estimating on the one hand. On the other, the
estimator or the quantity surveyor is expected to possess adequate knowledge to correctly
read the drawings, interpret abbreviations and specifications, infer any missing data and
correctly apply appropriate formulae using principles of mensuration. At times, the
estimator may have to make independent decisions without consulting the architect or the
engineer in order to complete the job on hand in time. There is a vast array of codes,
standards, regulations and legislation which apply to construction processes and cause
either opportunities or restraints in the use of specific materials, methods or systems. A
general knowledge of these is invaluable to the estimator in making independent
decisions. More importantly, the estimator should have intimate knowledge of the
working procedufes, strengths and limitations of hisher company or organisation in order
to have access to reliable data on labour productivity, equipment utilisation and material
costs including transportation so that the cost estimates prepared by himher are accurate.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
apply the principles learnt in previous unit to estimate actual structures,
Estimating describe precisely the procedure of costing structures as a "three-component"
determine the cost of any structurelproject,
conceptualise that the degree of accuracy of the estimate critically depends
upon the degree of detail with which drawings, specifications and cost data are
gain confidence to take up any structure for estimating,
seek any missing relevant drawingsldata, if you are given an exercise of
, appreciate the commonly stated principle that "practice makes things perfect"
and try out more examples on your own, and
have a feel for the applications of programs designed for construction
estimating using personal computers (PCs).


6.2.1 Earthwork for Foundation
(a) Any earthwork item involves one or more of the following activities :
(i) Cutting
(ii) Filling
(iii) Conveying
(b) Foundation trenches are quantified to the exact dimensions as given in the
drawings. Actual width of excavation may be more for construction
convenience but not provided for in the estimate except in cases such as in
deeper trenches where benching is required.
(c) Excavations of areas wider than 1.5 m and 10 sq m in area and depth less than
30 cm are quantified in sq m and termed as surface excavation and different
from excavation over area or excavation of trenches. The latter two are
quantified in cu m.
(d) Excavation quantities shall be separately done foi different types of soils, viz.
(i) Loose/soji Soil : Any soil that yields to the ordinary application of
pick & shovel or ordinary digging implements, e.g. organic soil
(loam), sand, silt etc.
(ii) Harddense Soil : Soil which requires close application of pick or
jumpers or scarifiers to loosen, e.g. stiff clay, gravel etc.
(iii) Mud : A mixture of soil and water in fluid or weak solid state.
(iv) So8 Disintegrated Rock (not requiring blasting) : Split with crow
bars, e.g. laterite, hard conglomerate etc.
(v) Hard Rock (requiring blasting).
(vi) Hard Rock (blasting prohibited) : Prohibited for any reason, e.g.
safety etc. and excavati6n has to be carried out by chiselling,
wedging etc.
To identify the nature of soil, details are taken from trial pits or bore holes,
which are normally made to assess safe bearing capacity of soil.
(e) Lead and Lift
Lead: Horizontal distance through which the excavated soil is to be conveyed
in order to be dumped or filled.
Gff- Vertical distance through which the excavated soil is to be conveyed in
order to be dumped oa filled.
The quantities of earth that require additiaul lead and lift should be separately
prepxed. Noqnally, initial lead and liftace taken as 10 m and 2 m. respectively
Every 10 m or part thereof over 30 m will constitute an additional lead.
Examples with Diierent
Similarly, every 1 m or part thereof over the initial lift of 2 m will constitute an Types of Stmcture
additional lift.
(f) Filling in the sides of trenches with excavated earth is not separately quantified
unless done with soil other than excavated earth.
(g) Earthwork in plinth filling is calculated as a separate item (even if done with the
excavated soil).
(h) Extra earth required or such filling is brought from outside and surplus earth, if
any is carted away. (After using for filling low lying areas in order to raise the
general level of ground etc.)
Example 6.1
The trench to be excavated is shown in Figure 6.1. Length of the trench is 50 m.
Earth is to be deposited 25 m away from the site of excavation.

Figure 6.1 :ExcavatedTrench

t Solution
Quantification is as follows :

a. Earthwork in Sandy Soil 50 x 1.0 x 1.0 50 cu m

b. Earthwork in Hard Stiff Clay 50 x 1.0 x 2.5 125 cu m

c. Extra for 2 leads 125 + 50 175 cu m

d. Extra for 1 lift 50 x 1.0 x 1.0 50 cu m

e. Extra for 2 lifts 50 x 1.0 x 0.5 25 cu m
6.2.2 Earthwork for Canals and Roads
Depending upon the terrain, alignment of canal or road and the proposed formationlbed
level, the nature of earthwork will be either in cutting or in filling or partially in cutting
and filling. Filling is called banking or embankment. Principles of conveying earth (lead
and lift) and earthwork in different types of soils are the same as for earthwork
excavation in foundation as described in Section 6.2.1.
In order that the excavated or the banked sections remain without collapsing, side slopes
depending upon the nature of the soil (angle of repose) are provided. Therefore, most
cross-sections (except in rocks) are trapezoidal in geometry.
The quantity of excavation or banking can be computed by using various mensuration
techniques out of which three are given below :
(a) Mid-section Area Method,
(b) Mean Sectional Area Method or Trapezoidal Method, and
(c) Prismoidal Method.
Note : Use of tabular statement is advocated for calculation of earthwork using any of
the three methods.
Mid-section Area Method
In this method, the mean depth is to be calculated first by averaging the depth of
two consecutive sections, From the mean depth, the area of the mid-section is to be
worked out and the volume of earthwork to be computed by multiplying the area of
mid-section by the distance between the two original sections.
Volume of earthwork = A, x L
where. A, = area of mid-section, and
L = length of distance between two consecutive sections.

Referring to Figure 6.2,
(dl + d2)
we get, dm =
A, = Area of mid-section + area of two sides ,= Bd, + Sd, 2
Therefore, V (Bd, + sdm2) x L
Mean Sectional Area Method or Trapezoidal Method
This method is based on the assumption that the mid area of a pyramid is half the
average area of the ends and the end sections are in parallel planes. If A1 andA2 are
the areas of the ends and L is the length between two sections, the volume of the
prismoid is given by

( A r + A 2 ) or V = L x A ,
where, A, = mid-sectional area.
Considering a number of consecutive sections, having areas A l , A2, . . . ,A,-1, A,.
Therefor'e, the total volume of earthwork = 2 (Al + Z42 + U 3+ . . . + +A 3
Prismoidal Method ,
From mensuration, volume of a prism having end faces that are'in parallel planes

where A1 and 42are the cross-sectional areas at the ends of a portion of

embankment or cutting of length L and A , is the mid-sectional area.
Example 6.2
Calculate the quantity of earthwork in theireach of a road 300 m long over an
uniform ground. The heights of formation at two sections at the beginning and end
of the reach respectively are 1.5 m and 2.2 m. The formation width is 12 m and
side slopes are 2H : 1V. Assume that there is no transverse slope.
Here, we have B = 12 m, S = 2, L = 300 m, d l = 1.5 m, d2= 2.2 m
Mid-section Area Method
( d l + d2) - (1.5 + 2.2) = 1.85 m
Mean depth, d =
2 - 2
Quantity, V = (Bd, + sdm2) x L = ( 1 2 x 1.85) + ( 2 x 1 .852) x 300
= 29.045 x 300 = 8713.5 cum. c
Mean Sectional Area Method Examples with Dierent
Types of S t ~ c ( u r e
Al = Sectional area at one end = (Bd, + sd12)= (12 x 1.5) + (2 x 1 . 5 ~=) 22.5 sq m.
A2 = Sectional area at other end = (Bd2+ sd22) = (12 x 2.2) + (2 x 2.22) = 36.08 sq m.
(22.5 + 36.08)
Mean sectional area = = 29.29 sq m.
. Quantity = Mean sectional area x Length = 29.29 x 300 = 8787 cu m.

Prismoidal Method
~uantity.V = () d
x (Al + A2 + 41,)

Here, A, = 22.5 sq m, A2 = 36.08 sq m.

Quantity = (?Ix (22.5 + 36.08 + 4 x 29.045) =

- x 174.76= 8738 cu m.
Example 6.3
The profile of a road alignment in reach ABC is shown in Figure 6.3. The
formation (top) level of the road at A is 30.0. In order to save on earthwork
quantity, following two gradients are proposed :
(a) 1 in 250 rising between A and B
(b) 1 in 400 falling between B and C
Top width of formation is 10 m, with side slopes of 2H : 1V. Estimate the
quantities of earthwork in cutting and filling.
Here, s = 2.0 and B = 10 m. Referring to Figure 6.3, from chainage 1600 to 1800,
there is a changeover from filling to cutting.

Fsgure 6.3 :Earthwork for Road F o m t i o n

Changeover point : 140

x 200 = 175 m.

Similarly, there is a change over from chainage 1800 to 2000.

Changeover point : @ x 200 = 47 m.
Estimating Ouantification is as follows

Thus, we get,
quantity of cutting = 75.44 cu m, and
quantity of filling = 22547.07 cu m.
Ear.thwork for Canals 1
The bed level of the canal is generally decided by the command level required and
the bed slope. Depending upon the terrain, alignment of canal and the proposed
bed level, the nature of earthwork will be either fully in cutting or fully in filling or
partially in cutting and filling.
Fully in Cutting

Figure 6.4 :Fully in Cutting

Referring to Figure 6.4,

Quantity of earthwork,
Q = ( ~ +dsd2) x Length
Note : In this case, the depth d may be equal to or more than the required
designed depth.
Partly in Excavation and Partly in Embankment

Figure 6 5 :Partly in Cutting and Partly in Filling

Referring to Figure 6.5, Examples with Dierent
Types of Structure
Quantity of earthwork in cutting,
Ql = ( ~ +dsd2) x Length
Quantity of earthwork in filling,
Q2 = (blh + slh2) x Length + (b2h + s2h2)x Length
As far as possible, the excavated earth if found suitable is used for filllingto
achieve economy. In some cases, this may involve conveyance of excavated
earth over long distances, making it uneconomical. Under such circumstances,
earth for filling is taken from borrow pits.
Fully in Banking

Figure 6.6 :Fully in Banking

Referring to Figure 6.6, quantity of earthwork may be calculated considering

the whole area as a solid block and deducting the channel portion.
Quantity = (Whole sectional area - Sectional area of channel) x Length
= [(BD + s ~ D - ) + S I H ~ )x] Length
~ (bH
where B = b + b l + b 2 + Z I i l H and D = d + H
Here, it may be seen that the bed of the canal is above G.L. Such a case in
practice is always avoided as any fresh earth is likely to be eroded away. But
wherever it is necessary, this is provided and the bed may be lined.
Example 6.3
Calculate the quantity of earthwork required for an irrigation channel whose
longitudinal section (LS) and typical cross-section are given in Figure 6.7. The bet
width of the channel is 5 m and top width of the banks are 3 m for the left bank
and 1.5 m for the right hank. Side slopes of excavation is 1 : 1 and of bank 1; : 1.
! Height of banks from bed is 2.55 m throughout. The longitudinal slope of channel
1 is 1 in 5000.

figure 6 7 (a) :Cross-section of Channel

Quantity of earthwork in chailnel
Quantity of excess earthwork required for = 1651.30m3
banks to be taken from borrow pits -
Grand total = 6559.25 m3
Table 6.1 :Earthwork Calculation Using Mid-Section Area Method for the Irrigation Channel in Example 6.3


I Total 1 4375.80 1 1 4375.80 1 1651.30 1

Examples with Different
Types of Structure

Figom. 6.7 (b) :Loagitudinal Section Showing Bed Level, G w n d Level &Top of Bund Level

(Refer Table 6.1) Quantity Rate Per Amount

Earthwork in channels and banks 6559.25 m3 Rs.200 100 m3 Rs. 13118.50

Permanent Land
As soon as the alignment for the proposed road or canal is finalised, area required
to be acquired for the project is also to be worked out along with the quantity of
For a typical section shown in Figure 6.5,
Area of Permanent Land = [ b + bl + b2 + 2S1H+ 2S2D + extra width] x Length
The extent of extra width required is dictated by the
(a) Nature of the soil - easily erodable or hard
(b) Height of banking - higher the height of banking more the area
(c) Value of land on either side
(dl Whether the bank slopes a e protected or not.
If very steep banks are provided as for approaches to over-bridge and high
embankments, or if the soil used for banking is oor against erosion, the banks are
to be protected. As the depth of banking varies rom section to section, the width
of permanent land also will vary at different sections. In practice, uniform land
width, equal to the maximum width in a particular reach is proposed for
For the above problem,
Area of permanent land
= Width of permanent land x Length
= [b + b1+ b2 + 2S1H + 2S2h + extra width] x Length

Width of permanent land, W = W1+ 2S2h

We know that W1 = b + bl + b2 + 2S1K + extra width

Therefore, W = 19.15 + 2S2h

From earlier tabular statement given in Table 6.1, Col.10 (h = H - 6) is multiplied
b,y 2S2 as shown in Table 6.2. I
Estimating Table 6.2

Maximum width in the reach between chainage 10 and 20 = 24.31 m

Area of permanent land = 24.31 x 500 = 12155 sq m or 1.2155 Hectares.
6.2.3 Masonry
Masonry is a composite material used in construction of walls, both load bearing and
non-load bearing. The composite consists of masonry unit, which can be brick, block
(hollow or solid), rubble, dressed stone etc. laid in mortar. The mortar can be mud mortar,
lime mortar, cement-sand mortar or any other combination mortar. Masonry is quantified
by volume (in cu m). Sometimes, partition walls constructed of half brick thick masonry
or brick laid on edge are quantified on area basis. Masonry in foundation and basement is
distinguished as a separate item as compared to masonry in superstructure. The main
reason for this is that construction of masonry in superstructure requires scaffolding. In
addition, openings for doors, windows, ventilators etc. have to be left.
Deduction for Openings, Bearing etc. in Masonry
The quantity of masonry 1s first calculated considering it as a solid mass. Openings
are subsequently deducted. There are certain conventions for such deductions. The
principle is that very small openings and openings with unconventional shape are
not deducted in order to compensate the additional involved in leaving such
openings during construction.
No deduction is made for the following :
Opening each up to 1000 sq cm or 0.1 sq m (1 sq ft).
End of beams, purlins, posts, rafters etc. up to 500 sq cm or 0.05 sq m
(72 sq inches) in section.
Bed plate, waIl plate, bearing of chajjas and the like up to 10 cm (4")
Bearings of floor and roof slabs are de 'ucted from masonry. For other openings
deductions are made in the following manner:
Rectangular Openings
Full deduction is made as under :
Deduct (b x h x thickness of wall)
where, b is the width of opening and h is the height of opening.
Segmental Arch Openings
For small segmental arches, deduction is made for the rectangular portion only
up to the springing point. The segmental portion is considered as solid.
For large segmental arch openings, deductions is made for the whole openings -
the rectangular portion, as well as the segmental portion.
The area of segmental portion is obtained approximately by taking 2/3 of the Examples with Diirent
span x rise x thickness of wall. Types of Straeture

[ i: I1
Thus, the total deduction = (1 x h ) + - x 1 x r

where, I is the span of the arch/width of opening.'

x thickness of wall

Semi-circularArch Openings
The area of semicircular portion = $2
The area of the semi-circular portion may also be obtained approximately by
314 x span x rise.

Thus, the total deduction = x thickness of wall

Elliptical arches may be considered as semi-circular and may be dealt in same
manner. For large arches, the actual area of opening shall be calculated
correctly by mensuration formulae, and deducted.
Masonry Arches
Openings in masonry are spanned by flat lintels or arches. Arches can be
constructed of any suitable material. Masonry can also be used to construct arches.
There are different types of masonry arches. Masonry arches are quantified as
separate items distinct from normal masonry walls in view of the fact that arch
masonry requires special masonry units and skills for construction.
For any arch,
Quantity = mean length x thickness of masonry wall x ,depth of arch
For example, in the case of a culvert with masonry arch,
Quantity = the width of the culvert from face to face x mean length x depth of arch
Case I : Segmental Arch with Span and Angle Given

Figure 6.8 :Arch Masonry

The arch is shown in Figure 6.8.

Here, s = span of arch
0 = angle subtended at the centre
r = radius
rm = meanradius
lm = mean length of arch
t = thickness of arch
h = breadth of wall
Therefore, the quantity of arch masonry = 1, x b x t
Estimating Normally, arches over doors and windows are segmental arches with 60° at the
centre. Thus, in this case,
r = s (in case of equilateral triangle) and

Therefore, quantity, q =
Case 2 : Segmental Arch with span and Rise Given

%ore 6.9 :Arch M m a r y - SepmenfBI Arch

Referring to Figure 6.9,

Here, r = radius of intrados
1 = length of intrados

To find radius r,

To find length 1,

From menauration, 1 = and


Therefore, quantity q = xbxt

For a semi-circular arch,

Im = Wm = -
X (S + t)

Case 3: Flat Arches

Flat arches may be used over openings for doors and windows having small spans.
Flat arch csually subtends an angle of 60' at the centre and forms an equilateral
Figure 6.10 :Arch Masonry -Flat Arch

Referring to Figure 6.10,inclined thickness of arch at the s ~ r i n ~mint,

t l- - 1.15 t
= ~ - i -
sin 60' 0.866
Mean length of arch, 1, = s + -
Quantity, q = 1, x b x t

I Serni7ellipticalarches may be considered as segmental arches

2 h3
Area of the segmental portion = -sh
2 h3
Quantity, q = -sh 4 - x thickness of wall
3 2s
But in practice,
Ouantitv = rsh x thickness of wall
I h3 .
(the term -is small and may be omitted)
I Example 6.4
The arch of a culvert, subtends an angle of 135' at the centre. The span of the arch
I is 6.00 m and the thickness of the arch is 60 cm. The length of arch from face to
face is 9 m. Calculate the quantity of arch masonry work.
Radius, r = - + -
2 sm (e!)
s = span = 6.00m
0 = angle subtended at the centre = 135'
r = =+ = 4.08m
2 sin (13.h)
Mean radius, r, = 4.08 + - = 4.38m.

Mean length, 1, = 2nr, x-

0 = 2n x4.38 x-
= 10.32m.
3 60' 360
I Length of arch from face to face, L = 9 m.
Quantity of arch masonry, q = L x 1, x t = 9 x 10.32 x 0.6 = 55.73cu m.

6.2.4 Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete

While cast-in-place plain cwcrete is laid either with or without formwork, most
reinforced cement concrete construction involve some form of centering and shuttering,
which in short is called the formwork. Moulds are used largely in prefabricated
Quantification of any reinforced concrete work can be split in to three components. They
are as follows :
(a) Formwork,
(b) Reinforcing Grill Work, and
(c) Concrete.
The purpose of formwork is to mould the plastic concrete into specific shapes in
specific positions as required by the structural design. Centering or falsework
supports the formwork that provides a level area or an area of the required shape to
receive concrete. Centering consists of a framework of verticals, horizontals and
inclined supports, either of timber or mild steel sections or pipes. Concrete
receiving formwork is made of wooden planks, mild steel plates or plywood
sheets. The surface is oiled and the gaps are properly filled up. Reinforcement
grills are placed on the surface over suitably placed cover blocks and concrete is
poured and compacted. After the concrete has gained sufficient strength, the
formwork is struck off. Falsework and formwork are then inspected for damage, if
any, repaired, if necessary and stored carefully for future reuse.
Formwork is quantified in area basis. It is the inner surface area of the box
(formwork:) that receives the concrete.
Formwork area = Bottom area + Area of sides all around
Bottom area is generally the clear size of rooms or between beams and area
retaining the sides is arrived at as Perimeter x Depth of slab.
Formwork area =
Clear span of the beam x [width of beam + (2 x rib depth of beam)]
+ (area of end faces given by 2 x width x rib depth).
Lintel with Sunshude
Lintels over openings in the external walls are usually cast integrally
(monolithically) with sunshades, as shown below
Formwork area =
Bottom surface (It should be seen whether the sunshade has bearing
over the entire length of lintel or out of opening only) + sides and ends
of lintel + 2 x sides of sunshade.
(The front surface of sunshade compensates for the side of lintel at the junction).
Formwork area = Perimeter x height of column
Normally, moulds of the standard size of columns of a particular height will be
Reinforcing Grill Work
Reinforcing grills are fabricated out of mostly mild steel rods of suitable (design)
grade and estimated as quintals (100 kg) or tomes. There are following two
methods to estimate the quantity of reinforcing grill :
Approximate Method
Approximate Method
In the approximate method, the quantity of concrete is first arrived at. Based on
tables aviulable in handbooks, giving the reinfoicement quantity per cubic metre of
concrete, for different structural members, the quantity of reinforcing grills is
arrived at. In the absence of any handbook, the estimator can use hislher own
previous experience.
The estimator is expected to use his judgement to select and use a particular value
nr;ih;nrho r-n'no n;rron ;n TohIo A 1
Table 6.3 :Quantity of Reinforcing Grill Examples with DitPemt
Types of Structure

Exact Method
The exact method involves actual quantification of the reinforcement grills. This
presupposes the availability of detailed design of the structural concrete members
and detailed drawings.
The designer provides the structural drawings along with detailing of
reinforcement as per design requirements and according to the provisions of the
codes oi-'practice. Normally, this is made available in the form of a Bar Bending
Schedule (BBS) using which the estimxtor prepares a Bar Requirement Schedule
(BRS). The total quantity of reinforcer~~ent is arrived at by multiplying the length
of bars with its corresponding linear weight. Table 6.4 gives the linear weight of
different diameters of commonly available reinforcing steel.
Table 6.4 : Linear Weight of Different Diameters

Note : The linear weight can also be calculated using unit weight of steel as
7850 kg/m3. To calculate the linear weight per metre length (kglm) of any
diameter rbd, multiply the cross-sectional area expressed in sq m by 7850.
Example 6.5 : Slab
A RCC two way slab 150 mm thick covers a hall of clear size 3.6 m x 7.0 m. The
supporting walls all around are 230 mm thick.
Reinforcement along short direction - 10 mm diameter HYSD bars @ 180 mm clc
Reinforcement along long direction - 8 mm diameter HYSD bars @ 150 mm clc.
Altemate bars are c r e e d up at 0.2L (115 span) from face of support. Clear cover
to reinforcement and end cover are 20 mm and 25 mm, respectively. Quantify the
reinforcing steel for the slab. The structural details are given in Figure 6.1 1.
The bar bending schedule is as follows :
Figure 6.11 : Reinforcement Details (Two-way Slab)

I 1
Mark Type/
m / Total
No. ( Length
(m) I Total
Length I Linear
Weight ( Total
Weight (
Short Span I I
lOHYSD ( 40 1 4.24 / 169.6m 1 0.620 1 105.2kp I
SLAB - 'b' 8 HYSI) 2.S 7.63 190.75 m 0.395 75.3 kg
Long Span
At Cranked 'c' 8 HYSD 6 4.16 24.96 m 0.395 9.9 kg
up portion
At Cranked 'd' 8 HYSL) 4
30.24 m
0.395 11.9 kg
up portioi~
Total 202 kg

1 Add 5% (approximate)for Wastage and Laps (rounded up) 1 9.70 1

1 TOTAL 1 2 12.0 kg 1
Example 6.6 :Beam
The main reinforcement of a RCC beam of size 30 cm x 60 cm consists of 3 nos. of
20 mm dia HYSD bars at bottom out of which one middle bar is cranked up over
support. The clear span of beam is 5.0 m with 25 cm bearing on each end. The
hanger (top) bars are 2 nos. of 16 nun dia. HYSD. The crank point is 1/5 span
(clear). There are 5 such beams.
Clear coier to main reinforcement - 25 mm
Clear end cover to reinforcement - 2d of bar (d - diameter of bar)
Shear reinforcement - 8 rnm dia. HYSD - 2 legged stirrups @ 15 cm c/c at end
quarter spans and @ 25 cm c/c in the middle half of the span. Estimate the quantity
of steel per cu m of concrete. Figure 6.12 shows the structural details.

Figure 6.12 :Reinforcement Details (Beam)

The bar bending schedule is as tollows : Examples with Different
Typs of Stmcture
Location & Mark
1 me/
sire I Number
orsets I Length
(em) 1 2~E:;:t (
BEAM - Bottom - Straight (Mark p) 20 HYSD 5 580.00 2
BEAM -Bottom - Cranked (Mark q) 20 HYSD 5 623.90 1

BEAM - Top - (Mark r) 16 HYSD 5 572.40 2

BEAM - Stirrups (Mark s) 8 HYSD 5 176.80 29

Type/ Total Length Total Linear Total
Location Weight
Size No. (m) Length Weight
BEAM -bottom 20HYSD 10 5.80 58.00 m 2.46 142.7 kg
straight marked 'p'
/ BEAM-cranked
marked 'q'
/ 20 HYSD I I
5 6.24 I 31.20 m ( 2.46 ) 76.8 kg )
At top portion 16 HYSD 10 5.72 57.20m 1.58 90.4 kg
marked 'r '
Stimps nmked 's' 8 HYSD 145 1.768 256.40 m 0.395 101.3 kg
1 Total / 411.12kg 1
Add 5% (approximate) for Wastage and Laps (rounded up) 20.80
TOTAL 432.0 kg

In quantifying concrete, different types of concrete, viz. lime concrete, cement
concrete, concrete using stone jelly, concrete using brick jelly etc. shall be
quantified as separate items. Similarly, concrete to be made with different
proportions of materials, methods of mixing, curing etc, shall be quantified as
separate items. Further, concrete used in different component, viz. foundation,
roof, wall, columns may have to be classified and measured under separate heads.
Concrete shall be quantified in cu m and measurements of length, breadth and
height or thickness shall be takeII' to the nearest lcm except that the thickness of
slabs, partitions, posts, beams and the like shall be measured to the nearest 0.5 cm.
No deduction shall be made for openings up to 0.1 sq m.
Fair finish to the exposed surface of ccncrete or hacking or roughening surfaces of
concrete shall be included in the description and the thickness of finishing shall not
be measured with the concrete. Special finishes except in precast concrete shall be
measured separately in sq m. In RCC work, the volume occupied by reinforcement
shall not be deducted from the measured concrete volume.
6.2.5 Structural Steel
There are a large number of major buildings where steel is extensively used. They are
Industrial and very tall residential buildings,
Large span structures, e.g. suspension bridges, railway bridges etc.,
Towers and water tanks, and
- Large span roofs for auditoria and warehouses.
It is fairly easy to estimate the quantity of structural steel due to the following reasons :
(a) Only standard sections of limited sizes are manufactured and their linear weiiht
is known.
(b) InvaAably, the structural drawings are made to a high degree of accuracy and
detail, enabling the estimator to directly work out the quantity of structural steel
Standard strucb~ralsteel sectlons consist of angles (equal and unequal), channels, beams,
plates, flats and ropes. Steel structures are fabricated by cutting and shaping these
sections and joining them by welding or bolting or riveting. This process is known as
"wrought and put up" in estimating parlance. The estimator arrives at the total weight
(tonnage) of steel used. This is done by just multiplying the length of the structural steel
sections by their respective linear weights as done in the case of reinforcing steel. In case
of plates - (Area of plates used x weight/unit area) will give the quantity.
In measuring jointed frame, full length of structural sections out of which site lengths are
fabricated shall be considered. Sirmlarly, in case of plates, e.g. gusset plates, full size of
plates (rectangular or square), out of which odd shapes are cut, shall be measured.
Normally, all structural steel is painted with a coat of red oxide primer - number of coats
depending upon the degree of protection required. if needed one or two coats of enamel/
aluminium paint is given as further protection from corrosion. Painting is measured on
area (m2) bass.

6.2.6 Woodwork
Woodwork is required for doors, windows, ventilators, cupboards, partition etc. While
estimating woodwork items, the type is specified as to whether it is panelled, glazed,
partly panelled and partly glazed, louvered, venetian, etc. and the area is measured in
(m2). It may not be required to take out the quantities of the woodwork components on
volume basis - if standardised doors, windows are adopted for which standard data is
available. In major buildings, large number of doors and windows of standard size and
design are used. In such cases, doors 'uld windows can be quantified simply as "so many"
numbers. If standardised doors/windows are not adopted, it is necessary to arrive at the
quantities of woodwork components individually -as shown in the example below for a
door with panelled shutter.
In measuring framed timber, length of tenons, scrafs shall be added to site length of
framed timber.
Referring to Figure 6.13, Table 6.5 gives quantification for the woodwork of a door with
panelled shutter.
Table 6.5
Item Particulars No. L B D Quantity
1. Door Frame
Verticals out of 2m-3m long 2 2.10 0.10 0.075 0.3 15

Horizontals out of 2m-3m long I 1.20 0.10 0.075 0.0090

c. Lock Rail & Bottom Rail

(*) Height = 2.10 - 0.075 + 0.02 - 0.025 (floor covering)

[1.20- ( 0 . 0 7 5 ~2)]
(+) Width =
+ 0.01 5 + 0.02
2.02 - (0.075 + 0.1 + 0. I)
(#) Height =
+ (2 x 0.012) = 0.897 (Shutter inset)
($) Width = 0.56 - (2 x 0.075) + (2 x 0.012) = 0.434
Items to be Priced
(a) Teak wood or country wood scantlings 2 m to 3 m long
Door Frame 0.0315 mi
Shutters 0.0230 m
Total 0.0545 mr
(b) Teak wood or country wood scantlings below 2 m long Ekamples with Different
Types of Structure
Door Frame 0.0090 m3
Shutters 0.0032 m"
Shutters 0.0085 m"
Total 0.0207 m"
(c) Teak woodcountry woodplywood planks more than 30 cm wide for panels -
0.0389 m3.
(d) Teak wood or country wood reepers for fixing panels - 21.30 m.

b l m e n s ~ o n s in m n .

Figure 6.13 :Panelled Door

Fittings made of anodised aluminium or steel
100 mm - Butt hinges - 6 nos.
250 rnm - Aldrop bolt - 1 no.
100 mm - Tower bolt - 1 no.
150 mm - Tower bolt - 1 no.
Handle - 1 no.
Making frames, fixing, holdfasts complete
= 0.0315 + 0.0090 = 0.0405 m3
Making Shutters with moulded panels and fixing fittings complete

Quantities are similarly taken for Glazed Panels or Louvers.

The above quantities are multiplied by corresponding costs and added up to get at
the total cost of one door with panelled shutters.
6.2.7 Painting
'aintingtwhite washing/colour washing of walls/ceiling including sunshades etc. shall be
leasured in sq m. Area can be suitably taken out from the corresponding plastering
Estimating quantity that has been already calculated. Deduction shall be dealt in the same way as for
plastering. Preparation of surface as cleaning, brooming, scraping, etc. shall be included
in the item.
Paintings for doors/windows or any wood work follow certain guidelines as it is rather
time consuming to ascertain areas of small cuts, grooves etc. Coefficients are used to
multiply the over all area of doors/windows/ventilatorsin order to arrive at the actual area
of painting both faces. Table 6.6 gives the painting coefficients that are normally adopted.
Table 6.6 :Painting Coefficients


1. I Batten doors and windows 1 - 2.25

1 2. 1 Panel doors and windows 1 2.25 1
1 3. 1 Panel and.venetian doors 1 3.25 1
) 4. / Panel and venetian doors with glazed top . 1 3.00' I
1 5, ] Iron barred doors 1 1.50 1
1 6. 1
Iron barred doors with batten and sheet
- - - - -
1 3.75 1
Batten windows with iron bars
7. . 2.75
Venetian windows
1 8. 3.50
I 9. Venetian windows with iron bars 4.00
1 10. 1 Venetian windows with glazed top and iron b k s 1 4.50 1
I 11. I Venetian windows with iron bars and glass shutter& / 5.00 /
1 12, 1 Glazed windows with iron bars ,I 2.00 1
/ 13. ' Glazed windows without iron bars
- - -
I ' 1.50 1
14. Glazed shutters (measured over shutters only) 1.00
15. Welded mesh 0.75
Coal tarring and varnishing etc. shall be measured similar to painting.
Painting Corrugation
Corrugated surface shall be measured for painting as flat and not girthed in sq m
and the quantity so measured shall be increased by the following percentages and
the resultant shall be included in general areas.
(a) Corrugated steel sheets - 14%
(b) Corrugated asbestos cement sheets - 20%
(c) Semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets - 10%
Painting Structural Sections
Painting area for any structural sections is taken as follows :
Painting area = 'iength of the section x perimeter.
The perimeter is calculated as given below :
Angle = 4 times the size of the leg.
(In case of unequal angles, sum of 2 times of each leg)
Channel = 2 times the size of the web + 4 times the size of the flange.
Beam = 2 times the size of the web + 4 times the size of the flange.
6.2.8 Plumbi~igand other Lump-sum Items
Plumbing an4 other Services
While preparing estimates of civil works, estimates relating to structural and
finishing items are prepared first with suitable lump-sum provisions towards
services like plumbing, electrification and other non-structural items. Detailed
estimates are subsequently prepared after consulting the concerned engineers, who
specialise in services. This is due to the fact that services in buildings especially
large ones, require elaborate planning and detailing and is inter-disciplinary in
nature, involving a fair amount of knowledge of electrical and mechanical
engineering aspects.
Other Lump-sum Items
Suitable percentages of the cost of civil works are marked out as lump-sum for
items for many other items. These percentages are approximate and similar
detailed estimates are prepared if needed.
Discretion should be used in arriving at the percentages depending upon the
individual cases.
Usually adopted percentages are given below :
Internal & external electrification = 10%
Internal & external water supply = 7.5%
and sanitary arrangements
Architectural features = 1%
Lawns and roads = 2%
Fluctuation in marked rates of labour = 10%
and material
Unforeseen items = 2%
Petty supervision = 3%
In case of hospitals, where provision for electrification and water supply &
sanitary arrangements will be on large scale, the L.S amounts should be higher by
12.5% and 10% respectively.
In large projects, adequate provision towards purchase of special equipment such
as concrete mixers, vibrators, mortar mills, lorries etc. has to be made. Also
provision for construction of temporary quarters for the construction of staffs,
godowns should be made.


Rate analysis or pricing refers to the process of arriving at the price per unit item of work.
An item of work is a part of the total construction project which can be distinguished
from all other parts, and for which costs can be determined separately, e.g. plastering as
distinct from reinforcing grill work in RCC.
The principles involved in pricing any item of work was dealt with in detail in Unit 5.
The four elements of pricing any item of work are as follows :
(a) Materials (c) Equipment
(b) Labour (d) Overheads
An item of work may involve some or all these four elements. A contractor while quoting
his bid to any project adds up the profit margin to the rate arrived at considering the
above four elements.
Consider the following two examples with the pricing data :
(A) Concrete mix 1 : 2 : 4 (by volume) using 20 mm size broken stone in cement
mortar for reinforced concrete works - lcu m.

Materials Broken stone 20 mm size 0.90 cum.

Sand 0.45 cum.
Cement 324 kg
Labour Mason - Semi-skilled 0.35 number
Mazdoor I 2.12 number
Mazdoor II 3.53 number

Equipment Mixer Machine 30 minutes

Estimating (B) Random rubble masonry in cement-sand mortar 1 : 6 - 10 cu m

10 c u m
Bond stone 1 cu m
3.4 cu m
Cement 816 kg

Labour Mason - Skilled 7.10 number

Mason - Semi-skilled 10.6 number
Mazdoor I 14.1 number
Mazdoor II 14.6 number

On a cursory observation of the pricing data relating to the above two items, the
following points can be noted :
(a) The items to be priced are described with reference to their salient
(b) The unit of measurement, i.e. 1 cu m or 10 cu m as the case may be is
(c) The quantities of materialAabourIequipment time are given.
(d) The quantities of material/labour/equipment time are not necessarily in full
(e) Overheads are not mentioned.
(f) Profit margin is not specified.
(g) While in Example (A), three elements (materials, labour and equipment) are
involved, in Example (B), only two elements (materials and labour) are
It is to be further noted that the tabulated quantity of materials required for the unit of
work will remain unchanged whoever carries out the work. But the labour/equipment
requirements can change either way (increase or decrease) depending upon the
productivity levels. Similarly, overheads and profit margins also can be significantly
different with different contractors.
The data books available with the Central Public Works Department and Public Works
Departments of different States give average labour/equipment requirements, which can
be used for preparation of estimates. The equipment usage can be arrived at based on the
principles given in Unit 5. Arriving at labour requirements for a given unit of work is a
difficult exercise. A large number of factors are involved in deciding on the crew size and
its productivity for each and every item of work. Observations taken from a large number
of sites are averaged out and used as labour data for rate analysis. Major contractors have
their own data based on the productivity of their own labour force or on their
subc'ontractors' rates. These are made available in a "Standard Data Book" which
includes a large number of items of work covering most Civil Engineering works.
The exercise of rate analysis is to associate costs to the listed quantum of materials,
labour, equipment for different items of work. While associating costs to materials, the
estimator has to work out the cost of various materials to be used at site of work.
Cost of materials at site = Cost of materials at source + Transportation cost

In a particular locality, though the cost of a material may be same at the source of
availability, the distance of different work sites in the locality from that source may be
different and hence, the landed cost per unit of material may be different. General
guidelines are given below for working out transportation costs of materials. In working
out transportation costs, the principle of "Erne is money" is used.
The following data are needed :
(a) Mode of conveyance - lorry, cart etc.
(Most of the urban work sites are connected by good, black topped roads and
conveyance of building materials is generally by lorries. In rural areas, where
road conditions are poor, bullock carts are used.)
(b) Capacity of conveying vehicle for different materials.
(c) . Distance of site from source of availability of material.
I (e) Speed linlits, if any.

(If different speed limits are specified as in cities, then split up distances outside
and inside city limits are to be noted.)
Hire charges per day of the conveying vehicle.
(g) Loading and unloading time of material.
(h) Loading and unloading charges of material per trip.
The following example will illustrate the procedure nf working out "cost of material at
Example 6.7
The site is located in an urban area. Material to be transported is river sand. Cost at
source is Rs. 15 per cu m.
Data given is as follows :
Examples with Dierent
Types d S t ~ c t ~ u - e

Hire charges for lorry is Rs. 1440 per day of 8 hours.

The capacity of lorry is 4 cu m for sand.
Permissible speed limits :45 kmlh outside the town and 40 kmlh inside
the town.
Loading and unloading time - 20 minutes each.
Loading and unloading charges - Rs. 50 each operation.
Lead - 40 km out of which 30 km is outside town and 10 km is inside
It is assumed that the lorry makes 2 trips every time to bring 1 lorry load of
material to the site (1 empty trip to the source and 1 loaded trip to the site).
Cost per minute use of lorry = -= Rs. 3.00
(8x 60)
Time spent for bringing 1 lorry load of sand to site
= loading time at source + travel time to site with load + unloading
time at site + travel time to source without load

= 150 min.
Cost of conveyance of 1 lorry load of sand to site
= Cost of lorry use + Loading and unloading charges
= (150 x 3.00) + 50 + 50 = Rs. 550
Cost of conveyance of 1 cu m of sand

- Cost of 1 lorry load .-- -

550 = Rs. 137.50
Capacity of lorry
Cost of 1 cu m of sand at site = Cost at source + Cost of conveyance
= 15 + 137.50 = 152.50

i. .: ,$
\%%atis i?c palntir:g urea fore srrrck of ~t~uct:.irr,l
s t ~C~C , IlI S ~ S ! ~ :0f,1::'~('9.
YSh.Is 49(f (I:mgc width 23'3 mm)and 3 nos. of !SA 150 'F, 1 1.5 x i2 '!
EPtimating 6.4 EXAMPLES
In the earlier sections, you were given an insight into the nuances of quantification
involved in individual items of work. In the following sections, you will be exposed to
quantification of actual structures. Different types of structures are chosen so that, by
themselves, these together cover a fairly wide range of civil engineering projects.
Nevertheless, these examples alone cannot be considered exhaustive. This is in view of
the limitations of this unit and you are advised to refer to good textbooks suggested in the
section "Further Reading" given at the end of this block.
The first example given below is complete by itself in the sense that it includes all the
three components, viz. quantity estimate, rate analysis and abstract estimate. In other
examples, only quantity estimates are furnished. The reason is that while quantities of
items of work remain unaltered as long as the drawings/specifications are not altered, cost
changes from site to site and time to time.

6.4.1 A Complete Example - A Compound Wall

The example details below will give a complete picture as to how you should proceed in
costing any work. The example chosen is simple with a small number of items of work.
The type and nurnber of items of work may vary with other projects for which costing
needs to be done, but essentially, the procedure will be identical to the one described
Example 6.8
Prepare a detailed estimate for the consm' tion of a compound wall.

Fig- 6.14 : Compound (Boundary) Wall

. The site is located in a town.
The foundation is with PCC 1 : 4 : 8 using 40 mm size broken stone
jelly and 230 mm thick wall built with stock bricks - I sort of size
23 x 11.5 x 7.5 cm in cement-sand mortar 1 : 5.
The superstructure consists of 115 mrn thick wall built with stock
bricks - I sort of size 23 x 11.5 x 7.5 cm size in cement-sand mortar
1 : 4, plastered on both faces using cement-sand mortar 1 : 5 - 12 mm
thick, extending 20 crn below ground level; white wash with 3 coats up
to G.L.
The super~tructureis strengthened with 230 x 230 rnm size pilasters at
2.4 m cic, built with stock bricks - I sort of size 23 x 11.5 x 7.5 cm in
cement-sand mortar 1 : 4; plastered and whitewashed.
Total number of bays - 80 (2.4 m length each).
Solution Exampleswith Different
T y p dStmetan
QUANTITY ESTIMATE -per bay of 2.4 m length
No. Particulars N L B D Quantity

1. Earthwork excavation for 1 2.40 0.65 1.00 1.560 m3

foundation in sandynoose
soil (including refilling the

2. Concrete in foundation 1 2.40 0.65 0.20 0.312 m3

3. Brickwork in foundation
and pilaster

Foundation 1 2.4 0.23 0.60 0.331 m3

Pilaster 1 0.23 0.23 1.70 0.090 m3

0.421 m3

4. Brick wall - 115 mm thick 1 2.17 - 1.70 3.69 m2

5. Plastering 12 mm thick

Pilaster - top 1 0.23 0.23 - 0.05

- sides all round 1 0.69 - 1.70 1.17

115 mm thick wall -top 1 2.17 0.115 - 0.25

- sides 1x 2 2.17 - 1.70 7.38

8.850 m2

6. White washing 3 coats

Pilaster -top 1 0.23 0.23 - 0.05

- sides all round 1 0.69 - 1.50 1.04

115 mmthick wall - top 1 2.17 0.115 - 0.25

- sides 1x2 2.17 - 1.SO 6.51

7.850 m2

The following data are available from the records of the contractor's office :

The contractor has his ownlorry for transportation. According to the costing data,
the running cost per km is Rs. 5.00. Loading/unloading charges are Rs.30 per each
Rates of labow
Earthwork ex'cavation :
. Open excavation - Rs. 70 per m3
Excavation for foundation in loose soil - Rs. 120 per m3
Refilling the sides - Rs. 10 per m3
Mazdoor I - Rs. 80 per day and Mazdoor I1 - Rs. 75 per day 57,.
Mason (skilled) - Rs. 130 per day Mason (semi-skilled) - Rs. 110 per day
Mortar mixing per m3 - 1/3 Mazdoor I1 = 7513 = Rs. 25
Cost of Materials at Site
Conveyance cost per lorry load = 2 x 5 x 5 + 60 = Rs. 110.
Conveyance cost per tonne = [ -
l i o ) = Rs. 22

Cost at site = Rs. 3400 + Rs. 22 = Rs. 3422

Conveyance cost per lorry load = 2 x 30 x 5 + 60 = Rs. 360.

Conveyance cost per 1000 nos. = (E] = Rs. 240

Cost at site = Rs. 1750 + Rs. 240 = Rs. 1990

Stone jelly
Cor.veyance cost per lorry load = 2 x 10 x 5 + 60 = Rs. 160.
Conveyance cost per m = [- = Rs. 40

Cost at site = Rs. 150 + Rs. 40 = Rs. 190

Conveyance cost per lorry load = 2 x 30 x 5 + 60 = Rs. 360.
Conveyance cost per m = (3:0]= Rs.90

Cost at site = Rs. 15 + Rs. 90 = Rs. 105

Shell lime
Conveyance cost per lorry load = 2 x 15 x 5 + 60 = Rs. 210.

Conveyance cost per m = O:() - = R s 52.50

Cost at site = Rs. 900 + Rs. 52.50 = Rs. 952.50

Rate Analysis
Cement-sand mortar 1 : 4 - 1 m3
Quan'tity Detaii Rate (Rs.) Per Amount (Rs.)
l m3 Sand for mortar 105 1 m3 105.00
360 kg Cement 3422 1 tonrle 1231.92
1 m3 Mixing mortar 25 1 m3 25.00
Total Rs. 1361.92

PCC 1 : 4 : 8 using 40 mm size broken stone - 1 m3

Cement-sand mortar 1 : 5 - 1 m' Examples with Different
Types of Stmetare
Quantity Details Rate (Rs) Per Amount (Rs.)
1 m3 Sand for mortar 105 1 m3 105.00
288 kg Cement 3422 1tonne 985.54
1m3 Mixing mortar 25 1n13 25.00
Total Rs. 1115.54

Brickwork in cement-sand mortar 1 : 5 using I sort-stock bricks -' 100 cft

Brickwork in cement-sand mortar 1 : 4,

= 4436.80+ 0.708 x (1361.92- 1115.54)
= Rs. 461 1.24 per 100 cft or Rs. 1629.41per m3
Brickwork in wall (1 15 mm) using stock bricks in cement-sand mortar 1 : 4 - 10 m2
Quantity Details Rate Per Amount (Rs.)
1.15 m3 Brickwork in cement-sand 1629.41 1 m3 1873.82
mortar1 : 4
0.5 nos. Mason semi-skilled - extra 110 Each 55.00
Total for 10 m2 Rs. 1928.82

Plastering with cement-sand mortar 1 : 5 - 12 mm thick - 10 m2

Quantity Details Rate (Rs) Per Amount (Rs.)
0.14 m3 Cement-sand mortar 1 : 5 1115.54 1 rn3 156.18
1.1 nos. Mason skilled 130.00 Each 143.00
0.5 nos. Mazdoor I 80.00 Each 40.00
1.1 nos. Mazdoor II 75.00 Each 82.50
Total for 10 m2 Rs. 418.68
White washing - 3 coats - 100 m2
Quantity Details Rate (Its.) Per Amount (Rs)

0.09 m3 Fine screened shell lime 952.50 1 m3 85.73

2.2 nos. Mason semi-skilled 110.00 Each 242.00
0.5 nos. Mazdoor I 80.00 Each 40.00
3.8 nos. Mazdoor I1 75.00 Each 285.00
L. S. Brushes, Gum etc. - - 50.00
Total for 100 m2 Rs. 702.73

6. 1 7.85 m2 1 White washing 1 702.73 1 100m2 55.16

Total for 1bay Rs. 2228.14
Total for 80 bays Rs. 1,78,251

rJ 260 X 160

W( 0
480 x 360 ,- 360x360 ..W

8ED 4- r 200
% 360~890

( ~ h o d n j clear m t e r d dimenstons of
rooms @ f 10or Iebel)
0 Opening - 100 x 200
J-RCJali -180x120 All dimensions in centimetres
Figure 6.15 :One Bed Roomed House

6.4.2 Single Bed-roomed Residential Building

A Note on Centre Line Method
In case of most residential buildings, the planner initially visualises the
requirements as a line plan. The line plan includes the arrangement of rooms with
theit internal clear dimensions at floor level. Once the line plan is frnalised it
should be possible for the estimator to proceed with quantification of most of the
items even without a detailed plan. Kmay be seen that the load bearing walls in
,. -
super structure, basement and foundatian are, in most cases concentric; the centre ExanQles with Dittermt
Types of Strudlllp
line length remaining the same.
The centre line length of walls of a plan form can be visualised as the perimeter of
the rectangle enclosing the same. The length of all cross walls will then be
measured as their individual centre line lengths minus the widthtbreadth under
quantification. Following example illustrates the usage of centre line method.
Example 6.9
Prepare a quantity estimate for thk construction of a one bed-roomed residential
building. Refer to drawings given in Figure 6.15. Use Centre Line Method for
* Foundation concrete PCC - 1 : 4 : 8.
* RR Masonry in CM - 1 : 5 in foundation and basement.
Brick Masonry in CM - 1 : 6 in superstructure.
All RCC items (lintels, sunshades, roof slab etc.) in cement concrete
1 : 2:4.
Plastering of walls in CM - 1 :4.
Weathering course with brick jelly rime concrete with one course of
pressed clay tiles.
Flooring with heavy tiles 2 cm thick over PCC - 1 :4 : 8 - 10 cm thick.
All woodwork in the best country wood.
Painting woodwork with one coat of primer and 2 coats of ready mixed
enamel paint.
All walls whitelcolour washed.
Additional Specifications
The sidewalls for the cupboard in the bed room, for the hearth slab in
kitchen and in front of the toilet area are assumed to be built with'half
brick thick walls and constructed over the floor.
All lintels over openings are 120 rnrn thick with bearing of 200 mrn on
either side.
Details of Measurement and Calculation of Quantities
No. Particulars . N L B D Quantity

1. Earthwork excavation for foundation Walls

all round : 2 x (L + B)

L = ( 0 . 1 + 3 . 6 + 0 . 2 + 4 . 8 + 0 . 1 ) = 8.8m 1 37.0 0.8 0.7 20.72

B = ( 0 . 1 + 3 . 9 + 0 . 2 + 3 . 6 + 0 . 2 + 1.6+0.1)=9.7rn

Cross wall between bed and hawing 1 8.0 0.8 0.7 4.48
(0.1 + 3 . 6 + 0 . 2 + 4 . 8 + 0 . 1 ) - 0 . 8 = 8 . 0 0 m

Cross wall between bed and verandah 1 1.4 0.8 0.7 0.78
(2.2-0.8)= 1.4m .

Cross wall between kitchen and drawing 1 3.0 0.8 0.7 1.68
3.8 - 0.8 = 3.00 m

Cross wall between kitchen and toilet 1 2.0 0.8 0.7 1.12
2.8 - 0.8 = 2.00 m
,Lump sum 0.22
- Add for steps etc.
Total 29.0 A3
- -
Item B Quantity
No. Particulars N L I)

2. Concrete in foundation 1 51.4 0.8 0.1 4.11

Total length as in item 1

Add for steps etc. Lump sum 0.14
Total 4.25 m3
3. RR masonry in foundation and basement
1st footing :

Walls all round 1 37 0 0.5 0.6 11.10

All cross walls (14.40 + 4 x 0.30)' 1 15.6 0.5 0.6 4.68

* The sum of centre line lengths of all 4 cross walls is 17.6 m. As the width uhder
quantification is 0.5 m, 4 times 0.5 m should be deducted from this length to get the
net length. Alternately, four times the difference between the width under
quantification in item 1 or 2 can be added to the net length of cross walls shown in
item 1.
2nd footing :

Walls all round 1 37.0 0.4 0.45 6.66

All cross walls (15.60 + 4 x 0.1) 1 16 0.4 0.45 2.88

Total 25.32 m3
, , I I ,

Walls all round

All cross walls (16.0 + 4 x 0.2)

RC Jali 1 2.20 0.23 0.12 0.06

6 14 m3
Net brickwork (32.52 m3- 6.14 m3) 26.38 m3
Item Examples with Dierent
No. Particulars N L B D Quantity Typos of Structure

5. Concrete for RCC works

Lintels as above 0.6 1

Lintel over toilet door 1 1.20 0.12 0.10 0.01

Roof slab 2 8.00 4.00 0.12 7.68

1 5.60 1.00 0.12 0.67

1 41.6 0.75 0.12 3.74

Hearth slab 1 2.60 0.75 0.07 0.14

Cup board slabs 3 2.60 0.50 0.03 0.04

Total 12.89 m3-
6. Reinforcement grill work (following approximate method)
Lintels 0.62 m3 @ 80 kg/m3 49.6 kg
Roof slab 12 09 m3 @ 50 kg/m3 604.5

Hearth slab and Cup board slabs 0.18 m3 @ 30 kg/m3 5.4

Total 659.5 kg
7. Fonnwork for concrete
Roof slab - Bed room 1 3.6 3.9 - 14.04 rn2

* Drawing 1 4.8 3.6 - 17.28

* Verandah 1 4.8 2.0 - 9.6

* Kitchen 1 3.6 3.6 - 12.96

* Toilet 1 3.6 1.6 - 5.76

* Sides all around 1 44.6 - 0.12 5.35

1 41.6 0.75 - 31.2

Lintels - Door bottom 1 39 ' 0.23 - 0.90

- Door sides 2 5.5 - 0.12 1.32

- Ends 8 - 0.23 0.12 0.22

Lintels -Window bottom 1 7.5 0.23 - 1.73

-Window sides 2 8.5 - 0.12 2.04

- Ends 10 - 0.23 0.12 0.28

Lintels - Openings bottom 1 3.0 0.23 - 0.69

- Openings sides 2 4.2 - 0.12 1.01

- Ends 6 - 0.23 0.12 0.17

Lintels - Jali bottom 1 1.8 0.23 - 0.41

- Jali sides 2 2.2 - 0.12 0.53

- Ends 2 - 0.23 0.12 0.06

- Total 105.55 m2

Note : Precast lintels are used over toilet door and ventilator openings.
Item Particulars N L B D Quantity
8. Filling in basement with sand
Baj room 1 3.4 37 0.35 4.40 m3

Drawing 1 4.6 3.4 0.35 5.47 m3

Verandah 1 4.6 1.8 0.35 2.90m3

Kitchen 1 3.4 3.4 0.35 4.05 m3

Toilet 1 3.4 1.4 0.35 1.67m3

Bed room 2 7.5 - 3 45.00 m2

Drawing 2 8.4 - 3 50.4

Verandah 2 6.8 - 3 40.8

Kitchen 2 7.2 - 3 43.2

Toilet 2 5.2 - 3 31.2

External plastering 1 37.8 - 3 113.4
1 37.2 0.05 - 19

1 37.4 - 0.45 16.8

Total 342.7 m2
Deduct for all openings once I

Doors 3 1.00 - 2.00 6.0

- 1 090 - 2.00 1.8

Windows 3 1.50 - 1.20 5.4

2 1.00 - 1.20 2.4

Ventilators 1 0.60 - 0.50 0.3

Openings 3 1.00 - 2.00 6.0

RC Jali 1 1.80 - 1.20 2.2

Total deductions 24.1 m2

Net plastering area 318.6 m2
(342.7 m2- 24.1 m2) \ I

14. Woodwork
Par~elleddoors - 100 x 200 cm 3 3 nos.
Panelled doors - 90 x 200 cm 1 1 no.

Panelled doors - 80 X 200 cm 1 1 no.

Panelled doors - 90 x 200 cm

Glazed windows - 150 x 120 cm

Slab projection (41.6 x 0.75)

Sides of slab etc. 6.7 mZ

Total 420.0 m2

6.4.3 Steel Stanchion with Grillage Foundation

Example 6.10
Prepare the quantity estimate for a steel stanchion with grillage foundation shown
in Figure 6.16.
The square grillage foundation is of size 3 m x 3 m (size of concrete
encasement).The area of grillage is 2.75 m x 2.75 m. It consists of 3
beams of ISMB 350 in top tier tied with 2 nos. of 10 mm dia spacer
bolts and 8 beams of ISLB 250 in bottom tier tied with 2 nos. of ISA ,

50 x 50 x 6 on either side.
* Column and base
The column consists of 2 nos. of ISWB 400 with a battened plate of 10
mm thick at the top end and 7 nos. of intermediate plates.
The column is supported by cleat angles 2 nos. of ISA 75 x 75 x 8 at
the web side. Ths size of the base plate is 750 x 750 x 22 mm and that
of gusset plates - 2 nos. of 750 x 350 x 12 mm, Packing plates - 2 nos.
of 750 x 350 x 10 mm, Gusset angle - 2 nos. of ISA 150 x 115 x 12.
* Minimum cover of concrete is 125 mm.

7. .-
Setion AA.
7 5 ~ brick
~ .
FB S O / id3

beams ISLB 259

figurn 6.16 (a) :Grillage Foundation for Steel Staochi~n

Examplea with Different
Types of Structure

Figore 6.16 (b) :Steel Staaehion figure 6.16 (c) :Details of Gusseted Base

Details of Measurement and Calculation of Quantities.

3. Cement concrete in
foundation ( 1 2 4 )
Lower portion
Upper portion 1 3.00 3.00 0.55 4.95m3
1 3.00 1.05 0.65 2.05 m3

Total 7.00m3
Note :No deduction is to be made for the volume occupied by the grillage beams. This
practice is similar to that adopted for reinforced concrete.
I /
No. ~arriptionof item I *a ( L ( B ( H / Quanti@ p /
weisht 1
r udt itl~upntity I

(a) / Bottom tier ISLB

( 8 1 / 1 1

22 1

27.9 (

613.8kg /

(b) Bottom tier cleat 2 2.75 5.5 4.5 24.75 kg


(c) Top tier ISMB 350 .3 2.75 8.25 52.4 432.3 kg


(d) Top tier 10 rnm 2 0.75 1.5 3.0 4.50 kg

spacer bolts

(e) 1 B W plate
33 mm I 1
I 0.75 10.75 1 1 0.5625 / 172.7 1 97.14kg (
Gusset plate 12 2 0.75 0.35 0.525 94.2 49.46 kg
mm thick .
I !
(g) Packing plate 10
mm thick
1 / 1 / I
2 0.75 0.35 0.525 1 78.5 1 41.21 kg I
(h) Gusset angle ISA 2 0.75 1.5 23.8 35.70kg
15ox 115 x 12

.(i) Column section 2 5.0 10.0 66.7 667.00 kg

ISWB 400

(j) Cleat angle (web) 2 0.15 0.3 8.9 2.67 kg

-- lSA75 ~ 7 5 x 8
- - - - - L 1

(h) Batten plates 10

mm thick
End plate 1 0.525 0.4 0.2 1 78.5 16.49kg
Int~:rmediatc:plate 7 0.525 0.32 1.176 78.5 92.32 kg

Rivets 22 mm diameter - 4% of the total weight of all members (kg)

Total quantity of steel required 2160 kg

6.4.4 Steel Roof Truss

Example 6.11
Prepare a quantity estimate of the roof of an industrjal shed.
The span is 12.0 m and the spacing of trusses is 4.0 m.
The inside length of the shed% 24 m.
At the ends of the shed, there are gable walls to support the purlis.
The AC sheet roofig is supported on steel trusses and purlins.
All connections are riveted and cleats for purlins and fixing plates are of
ISA 60 x 60 x 6 rnm. All steel works shall be painted with one coat of
red oxide primer and two coats of aluminium paint.
Principal rafter and ties : each 2 nos. ISA 50 x 50 x 6 @ 4.5 kglm
Purlins : ISA 125 x 75 x 8 @J 12.1 kglm.

Verticals marked 3 and 4 : ISA 40 x 40 x 6 @ 3.5 kglm.

All others :ISA 60 x 60 x 6 @J 5.4 kglm.
uss set plate sizes - all 8 mrn thick.
At A-400x250 D-300x300 E-200x100 Examples wiUm Different
Types of Strocture
F 2207 180 C -180 x 280 G, H, K, L - 200 x 200
Fixing plate is 400 x 400 x 12 mm thick.
Cleats for purlins - 10 nos. ISA 60 x 60 x 6 @5.4kglm
Cleats for fixing plates - 4 nos. ISA 60 x 60 x 6 85.4 kglm
The actual length of members are given in Figure. 6.17.

Ty P ~ C A L sc>lt4T
Note :
The members at a joint do not join at a point The Gussct
Plate joins t b m and its size is cut out from (L x B).

Figure 6.1 7 :Steel Roof TNSS

Details of Measurement and Calculation of Quantities

I t~I Description of item

1 No' 1 I / 1
1 z:: 1 2: 1
QusntiQ Weight

1 (a)

1 Principal rafter ties

1 : I 2:: 1 235.8 kg
Item L B Total
Oescription of item No. QuantiQ we.$t j
1 (b) Verticles marked 3 2 0.35 0.7 2.45
Verticles marked 4 2 0.7 1.4 4.90

Total 7.35 kg

1 (c) All other members marked

5 2 1.05 2.1 11.34
6 1 1.40 1.4 7.56
7 2 1.35 27 14.58
8 2 1.50 3.0 16.20
9 2 1.65 3.3 17.82

Total 67.5 kg

1 (d) Gussets 8 mm thick - at

A 2 0.40 0.25 0.20 m2
E 2 0.20 0.10 0.04
F 2 0.22 0.18 0.08,
(3,H, K,L 8 0.20 0.20 0.32
D 1 0.30 0.30 0.09
C 1 0.18 0.28 0.05

Details of Measurement and Calculation of Area of Painting

No. Description of item No. L B Quantity i
2. Painting the structural steel with 1 coat of red oxide primer and 2 coats of enamel

2 (a) Principal rafter Ties 4 6.9 0.20 5.52

4 6.2 0.20 4.96

Total 10.48 m2

2 (b) Verticles marked 3 2 0.35 0.16 0.112

verticles marked 4 2 0.7 0.16 0.224

- 0.336 m2
Item Examples with Different
Description of item No. L B Quantity T~l~esofstmctwe

2 (c) All other members

marked 5 1 1.40 0.24 0.336
marked 6 2 1.05 0.24 0.48
marked 7 2 1.35 0.24 0.648
marked 8 2 1.50 0.24 0.72
marked 9 2 1.65 0.24 0.792

Total c 2.976 m2

2 (d) Gussets - vide item 1 Area = (2 x 0.78) 1.56 m2

2 (e) Fixing plate 12 mm thick 4 0.4 0.40 0.64

2(f) Cleats for purlins 10 0.108 0.24 1.259

Cleats for fixing plates 4 0.40 0.24 0.384

Total 0.643 m2
Painting 6 r 1 truss = (10.48 + 0.336 + 2.976 + 1.56 + 0.64 + 0.643) 16.635
Painting for 5 truss 83.175

2 (g) Purlins 12 24.3 0.4 116.64 m2

2 (h) Wind ties 2 24.3 0.076 3.69 m2

Total 203.51 m2
3. AC Sheet roof including all fittings 2 24.30 0.4 335.35 m2
4. AC Sheet ridging 1 24.30 24.30 m
5. AC Gutters 2 24.30 49.6 m
6. A@ Raiowater pipes 150 dia. 6 3 .O 18 m


Figwe 6.18 :Arched Masonry Culvert

Description of Item

(m) I
Breadth Height or
D ~ ~ &Quantity Remark
Examples with D i i e m t
Types d Structure

Arch optking 1 6.8 (% x 3 x 0.45) 6.120 2/3

segmental span x
portion rise
Arch masonry 4.478 As in
Item 4.
Triangular 2 6.8 (Ux 4.2 x 0.35) 9.996
portion above Area of
abutment triangle
Triangular 2 ( M X 4.2 X 0.35 x 0.40) 0.588 breadth
portion above of wall

Total Deductions 21.18 m3

Net masonry (54.94 m3 - 21.18 m3) 38.76 m3

4. 1st class brick 1 6.8 3.293 0.2 4.478 m3

work in arch

Arch calculations :

(';)+(s)(y) 1"(
r = = + 8 x 0.45 = 2.725 m

, (t1= r (y)
+ = 2.725 + = 2.825 m

b = @Z = d(l.s2 + 0.45~= 1.566 m

) )

I = ((8b ;

2a) = ((8 x 1.566) - (2 x 1.5)


Q = L x In x t = 6.8



3.293 x 0.2 = 4.478 m3

= 3.176 m

5. at stone work
laid in coping 2 10.6 0.35 0.075 0.5565

6. Cement Pointing

Facewall upto top 2 10.5 - 3.00 63.00

of parapet

Inner face of 2 10.5 - 0.75 15.75

above road level

Ends of parapets 4 - 0.40 0.20 0.32

Ends of parapets 4 - 0.40 0.45 0.54

Inner face of 2 6.8 - 1.3 17.68

abu trnents

Soffits of arch 1 6.8 3.176 - 21.60 1= 3.176

Total 118.89 mZ
Breadth Height or Q u a . 6 ~
D-rip.onofItem No. L;y Deptl, etb(m)

Deduct -

Rectangular 2 3.0 1.3 7.80

Arch opening 2 5?, x 3 x0.45 1.80 Rectan-
segmental gular and
portion segmental
Triangular ' 4 lh x 2.35 x 2.85 13.40 are to be
portion below deducted
earth slope in
face walls

Total deduction 23.OO m2

Net Pointing (118.89 &- 23.Q0m2) 95.89 m2 A

6.4.6 Road
Example 6.13
Prepare a q-ty estimate for the construction of a new road with the
, cross section as given in Figure 6.19.

Figure 6.19 :Cnms-section&Road

The length of road is 1 km.
The formation width of the road is 10 metre.
The average height of embankment is 1 m with the side slope of 2 : 1.
The metalled width is 3.70 m and three coats of metalling are to be
The surface shall be finished with two coats of black topping.
Details of Measurement and Calculation of Quantities

Item Description of Item No. Quantity Remarks


1. Surveying, 1 1 km lkm
degbelling ,,'
2. Earthwork (EW) Q = ( ~ +dsd2) x L 12000m2 B = lOm
in Q = (10 x 1 + 2 x 12) x 1000 d=lm

3. Land acquisition
temporary -- Quantity of EW in embankment 40000 m2 Depthof
borrow pit
Depth of borrow pit
= 0.3 m
- 40000

6. Preparation of 1 lo00 4.00 4000 m2 30 cm

subgrade wider

7. Soling coat

Stone boulders 1 1000 4.00 0.15 600 m3

15 cm size 30 cm
Laying and (SAME AS ABOVE) 600m3
consolidation of
boulders including
binding with
sandy soil

8. Inter coat

Stone ballast 1 1000 3.70 0.12 444m3 12cmto

50mmsize loose
Laying and (SAME AS ABOVE) 444 m3 compacted
consolidation of to 8 cm
ballast including
binding with
sandy soil

9. Top coat

Stone ballast 1 100 3.70 0.12 444m3 12cmto

40 mm gauge loose
Laying and (SAME AS ABOVE) 444 m3 compacted
consolidation of to 8 cm
ballast including
binding with
sandy soil

10. Beam or patri 1 1 km lkm



11. 1st coat with roat

tar No. - 3
' 1.35
Stone grit 1 1000 3.70m 100 50 m3
20 mm gauge
@ 1.35 m3 per
100 m2
Painting or 1 1000 3.70m 100 8.14
binding Road tonne
tar No.4 @ 220
kg per 100 m2

Laying 1 1000 3.70 m 3700 m2

4. ,<

Estimating Itern Description of Itgm No. Breadth Hei$t ~umti$ R.~lu

No. '(m) (m) D e p a (m)
12. 2nd coat with

Stone grit 1 1000 3.70 m 0.75/100 27.75 m3

12 mm gauge
@ 0.75 m3 per
100 m2

Painting or 1 1000 3.70 m 120/100 4.44

binding Asphalt tonne
@ 120 kg per
100 mZ

Laying 1 1000 3.70m 3700 m2

13. Brick edging on 1 lkm 1 km

both sides
including bricks
and labour


(for which estimates are to be subsequently prepared)

14. Bridges (minor) 1 lkm lkm

and culverts

15. bhalfkm 1 lkm 1 km

boundary stones

16. Formation level 1 1 km 1 km


17. Road direction 1 1 kin lkm

posts, caution
I---- signs etc
18. Traffic diversion, 1 1 km lkm
service roat, etc

1 19. Arbonculture 1 1 km lkm

6.5.1 Introduction
We have seen that estimating involves handling of an enormous amount of compilation of
measurements, calculations of quantities using mostly simple arithmetic and the use of a
fairly large volume of cost data, which are mostly standard. Witb the advent of
microcomputers and their ability to rapidly accept, file, store, sort and retrieve or delete
large amount of complex data with minimal error and in desired and advantageous
patterns, it is realised that an estimator needs to educate himself on the use of personal
computers just in the same way as electronic calculators were substituted for manual .
calculations a few decades back. Computers significantly reduce the time required to
prepare an estimate, improve the accuracy of computations and enhance the quality of the
various analyses required. I

Applications \
In the particular fields of constrbction estimating and cost accounting, there are
already hundreds of specialist programs with more beiqg developed every year. All
of these exhibit varying degrees of quality and utility, and each has been to serve
some-real or imaginary specific need of the construction estimator or cost
accountant, either on an individual basis or on an industry-wide basis. Programs of
most interest to construction estimators broadly fall into the categories of
spreadsheets, databases, CADD and speci-d estimating packages.
A spreadsheet is nothing more than a two-dimensional matrix which consists of khmplos with Differed
Types dStmdure
vertical columns connecting with horizontal rows, to produce small boxes or
"fields" into which data can be inserted. The ordinary quantity take-off paper used
by estimators is a good example of a spreadsheet. Most of the examples illustrated
in this unit can be easily implemented on a spreadsheet. The columns are usually
identified by letters and the rows by numbers. As all columns and lines chat
appear on the computer console screen at once, the program must be able to permit
"scrolling" from side to side and forward and backward to permit all parts of the
spreadsheet to be viewed and modified. The main advantage of the computer
spreadsheet is that the program can command the CPU to manipulate data inserted
into the various field cells; for example, lengths can be multiplied by widths to
produce areas, and numbers of areas can be summed instantly and correctly.
- Reflected dimensions can be passed automatically to one or more cells, as
I required. If a change is made in any one cell, the results can also be automatically
amended to reflect the effects of the change. Some of the popular spreadsheet
packages available in the market include Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, etc.
Apart from measurement and summarising, there are many programs available to
suit the needs of estimators involved with cost control, scheduling, purchasing
payroll and other features involved in the proper management of any construction
company. Filling and mailing programs are also very popular and useful for
companies with large numbers of customers or clients, or any other extensive data
base requiring storage, manipulation, and retrieval, such a labour, material, and
equipment output and cost data. In the design field, there are computer programs
intended to assist with the graphical aspects of design, in which the data are
pictorial or graphical, as distinct from vertical or numerical. Such programs are
generally known by the acronym CADD, which stands for "computer aided design
and drafting". CADD prograrns can also be used to generate data of use to the
design estimator, m the form of the perimeter lengths of walls, floor areas, building
volumes, quant~tiesof specified elements, heating and cooling roads, and the like,
which when used with other programs can generate probable costs of proposed
solutions to design problems with in seconds.
:, 5,

r ii. Irni: pl:lt.: -,I a building w l f h clear intertlal dirnlcnsinns (in cmj
r? %
at fli~urlevel is
~tt!'..;ii in !71yur.r6 . X (a). *a
Ahr-;ih!wn i s !he cross-section of the founclati!)n for the
u:a . . in F;gi:r.i: b.20 (I-.). Nnte that the supersti-ccwe wall is placed eccentric
i:~~:. ii the ft,oriug:; zxr: crjncenric) with rcfereilcc rc; foundation concrete. Estimate
;i!.: ii:!:!!i:!iry :.'f ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~in and masonry ill the t%o for:lings:
c :l'c:u~ldatir!~l
- . SAQ3
m e line plan of a proposed residential building, showing clear intkmal dimensions
(in cm) of rooms, is given m Figure 6.21 (a). The eastem outer wall is to be built to
coincide with the property limit of the plot and hence, is provided with eccentric
footing [Figure 6.21 (b)l. All other remaining walls have concentric footings
\ [Figure 6.21 (c)]. Make a quantity estimate of concrete in foundation and ,
brickwork in foundation arid basement. I


FIgPrr 6.21 :Line Am

Work out lhe area of formwork needed for concreting of the beams and slab in the
room shown in Figure 6.22. Also calculate the quantity of reinforcing grill work
needed for both the slab and the beams assuming approximate quantities of
60 kg/cu m of concrete for slab and 110 kglcu m of concrete for beams.

Figure 622 :Plan of the Room and Section of Beam

Examples with D i i m t
6.6 SUMMARY Types ofSLmCan

In this unit, an overview of procedures involved in quantification of various items of civil

construction works are given. To the extent possible, all essential items of work normally
encountered by the estimator are covered. The principles given in Unit 5 and the
procedures described in this unit are simple to comprehend but only by practise (by
workmg out a number of examples), a student can imbibe well all these principles and
procedures. It is emphasised that the three components of estimating, viz. quantification,
rate analysis and abstract estimating sh$l always be carried out as three separate and
independentunits as illustrated in the "compound wall" example. Only quantity estimates
are given for other examples. The student is advised to try out rate analysis using
standard data given in text books or collected from Public Works Departments.
With the advent of computers, the job of estimating has been made a lot more simpler and
less time consuming. The student is also advised to farniliarise himself with the use of
computers for esttmating.


(a) 26.6 sq m.
(b) 49.1 sq m.
Concrete in foundation = 6.07 cu m.
M~SONY in two footings = 15.11 cu m.
Concrete in foundation = 8.18 cu m.
Brick work in foundation and basement = 19.93 cu m.
Area of formwork = 92.9 sq m.
Reinforcing grill work = 801 kg.
Glenn M. Hardie, Construction Estimagng Techniques, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, 1986.
B. N. Dutta, Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering :Theory and Practice, UBS
Publishers' Distributors Ltd., New Deihi, 1996.
M. Chakraborti, Estimating, Costing, Specification and Valuation in Civil Engineering,
Calcutta, 1997.
IS : 1200-1974, Parts 1 to 25, Methods of Measurement'of Building and Civil Engineering
Works, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
"Standard Data Books" of Central Public Works Department (CPWD) and Public Works
Departments of States.

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