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English Proficiency Tests

Quick Glance 04
PTE Academic 09

Undergraduate Exams
Quick Glance 11

Postgraduate Exams
Quick Glance 16

Exams for Medical Studies

Quick Glance 24


According to the recent statistics, over six million students are currently studying
abroad across various domains. Before opting for any educational opportunity
away from one’s native country, aspirants need to undergo a rigorous process of
selection; at the helm of which is the study abroad entrance exams- the stepping
stone towards the dream institutions. The popularity of study abroad is reflected in
the number of centres and helplines the exam conductors have set internationally.
The first aspect that draws attention, if one is planning to study abroad, is to
hone his/her English language skills. Studying abroad comes with a bagful of
requirements, out of which the qualifying tests (entrance exams and the English
Language proficiency test) top the list and there is no better way to learn than to
dive right in, practice hard and come out with flying colours.
Considering the gradual increase in aspiring students looking forward towards
education options away from the motherland, more and more universities are
seen wooing international students through their various programmes. The expe-
rience of studying abroad has gone beyond just pursuing a career or becoming
an NRI to something that influences the world views and instills an understanding
of life beyond the boundaries of one’s native country.
Here, Careers360 provides detailed guidelines to the exams leading towards
study abroad. Whether it is an English proficiency test like IELTS/TOEFL/PTE
Academic; aptitude tests like GMAT, GRE, SAT, or MCAT, aspirants would be able
to gather information related to all such exams. Studying abroad not only helps
in widening one’s knowledge and bagging a foreign degree; it enlivens the pos-
sibilities by introducing individuals to new and worldly methods of understanding.

The tests pertaining to studying abroad can broadly be divided into three segments:

1. English Proficiency Tests IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic

2. For Undergraduate Studies SAT, ACT
3. For Postgraduate Studies  GRE, GMAT, LSAT
4. For Medical Studies MCAT, USMLE



Quick Glance

Exam Applica- Total SECTIONAL DURATION Conducting Score

Name tion Fee Duration Reading Listening Writing bodies Pattern
IELTS® INR 12,650 2 hours 45 60 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes 11 – 14 British Coun-
minutes minutes cil, IDP: IELTS
Australia and
the University Band scale
of Cambridge (0-9)
ESOL Exami-
nations (Cam-
bridge ESOL).
TOEFL® $ 180 Up to 4 60 – 80 60 – 90 50 minutes 20 min- Educational 0 to 30 for
Hours minutes minutes utes Testing Ser- each sec-
(including vice (ETS)® tion.
10 minutes Overall
break) Score-120
PTE INR 10, 255 Up to 3 45 – 57 PTE
AcademicTM Hours 32 – 41 minutes 77 – 93 minutes AcademicTM
30mins minutes is accredited
(including by the Quali- 10-90
10 minutes fications and points
break) Curriculum
acronym as


Individuals aspiring to pursue education or seek to work in countries like the USA,
UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc have to qualify the IELTS exam.
The test scores are accepted by over 10,000 organisations in 140 countries world-
wide, including schools, universities, Government departments, employers, immi-
gration authorities and other professional bodies. Being one of the most renowned
English proficiency tests, this test is taken by more than three million candidates
across 140 countries in the world.

Syllabus and Exam Pattern of IELTS

Having two versions; Academic and General Training, IELTS is open to all aspirants
(student or working professional) and do not have any specific eligibility criteria.
Both the formats comprise of four mandatory sections, namely listening, reading,
writing and speaking. Listening and Speaking sections are the same for both the for-
mats, but the subject matter of the Reading and Writing components differ depend-
ing on which test one opts for. IELTS test is designed to reflect the use of English lan-
guage in our daily lives; at work, at play and study. The speaking test is conducted as
a one-on-one test to assess candidates’ English fluency, coherence, pronunciation,
and grammatical accuracy. The responses are recorded by the examiner for analysis
and scoring purpose. The candidates are put through a real-life conversation with a
real person to get their English conversation skills tested.


Exam Pattern of IELTS

IELTS Test Component Duration Brief Description
Listening (Same for Academic and Four sections, 40
30 minutes
General Training) items
Reading (Different for Academic and Three sections, 40
60 minutes
General Training) items
Writing (Different for Academic and 60 minutes Two tasks
General Training)
Speaking (Same for Academic and Three-part one-on-
11–14 minutes
General Training) one conversation

IELTS Exam Preparation Tips

One of the interesting factors of IELTS preparation is that one can incorporate
the IELTS practice into everyday routine. Test aspirant can prepare while read-
ing his/her favourite book, chatting with friends or even watching television! This
English language proficiency exam tests candidates’ overall language skills. One
also needs to religiously solve as many as practice IELTS test papers possible;
analyse the mistakes each time, rectify them, and move on.

Selection Procedure of IELTS

IELTS scores remain valid for two years. However, the acceptance of the IELTS
score depends much on the IELTS selection procedure of the respective institute/
university the candidate is applying to.


The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a test taken by non-native
English speakers to test their English language proficiency. More than 27 million
people are known to have registered for the test, with around 10,000 organisa-
tions accepting its score. Administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS),
the TOEFL test is conducted 50 times a year at around 4500 test centres across
the world.

How to understand and calculate TOEFL scores: Reading,

Listening, Speaking, and Writing
The Reading section has 36–56 tasks based on reading passages from three-four
academic texts and answering questions. Test takers will be awarded one point for
each correct response except for the last question of each set, which is worth two
points. The total TOEFL scores for the reading section are converted to a score
on a scale of 0–30.
The Listening section consists of 34–51 tasks based on listening pertaining to lec-
tures, classroom discussions and conversations, then answering questions. Candi-
dates are allotted one point for each correct answer. Few questions are even worth
2 points. The total points that are converted to a score pattern on a scale of 0–30.
Speaking skills are scored with a SpeechRater program - an automated scoring
system used for TOEFL speaking test. The SpeechRater program uses all six
tasks; responses to determine the overall speaking abilities, which is then con-
verted to TOEFL scores on a scale of 0–30.
The two writing (one independent and one integrated) tasks are scored by e-rater
automatic scoring technology. The score range for the writing skill is from 1 (low)
to 5 (high), the writing task rating is summed and converted to a score on a scale
of 0–30. Candidates might even get 0 for incorrect answers.


Syllabus and Exam Pattern of TOEFL

TOEFL test is devoid of any specific syllabus but a candidate is expected to be pre-
pared to face a number of questions which would require careful listening (English
native speaker), thorough understanding and analytical thinking. Overall, the test
would evaluate all the skill-sets required to be proficient in one particular language,
which is not the mother language. The test consists of four sections, namely Reading,
Listening, Writing and Speaking.

Sec- Time Number of

tion Limit Questions

Reading 60–80 min- 36–56 questions Read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts
utes and answer questions.

Listen- 60–90 min- 34–51 questions Listen to lectures, classroom discussions

ing utes and conversations, answer questions.
Speak- Express an opinion on a familiar topic;
20 minutes 6 tasks
ing speak based on reading and listening tasks.
Write essay responses based on reading
Writing 50 minutes 2 tasks and listening tasks; support an opinion in

Extra Questions
The test one takes may include extra questions in the Reading or Listening section,
but that does not count towards the aggregate score of TOEFL. These are either ques-
tions that allow ETS to make test scores comparable across administrations or new
questions that help ETS determine how such questions function under actual testing
conditions. It is recommended to read the timing instructions for the Reading Section
carefully. The instructions will indicate how many passages test takers will receive
and the amount of time they need to take to respond to questions for those passages.
Candidates should ensure to pace themselves so that they have enough time to answer
all the questions without leaving any, answered.

TOEFL Preparation Tips

Aspirants should start preparing for TOEFL well in advance. Equal focus on all the
four sections will yield a good score. As the sections are quite defined and structured, it
is advisable that one practices individual tests and well as complete mock tests. Timing
the tests and analysing after the completion will help candidates to score beyond 100
with ease. The self-analysis helps in understanding one’s preparation including areas
of strengths and weaknesses.


Pearson- the PTE AcademicTMconducting body administers Pearson Test of English
(PTE) Academic round-the-year. It is a computer-based test for evaluating the English
language proficiency of the non-native English speakers who are aspiring to study abroad
or seeking immigration. The result of PTE Academic test is available within five business
days. The three-hour PTE Academic exam appraises a real-life measure of test takers’
language ability and the PTE Academic score is accepted for admission to several institu-
tions across the world, including countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK
and the USA. Illustrious universities that have started accepting PTE Academic include
Harvard, Yale and INSEAD. The Australian government accepts the score of PTE Aca-
demic for the visa application process as well. Apart from being recognized by a number
of universities across the world, even ministries of education and employers accept it as
a proof of English language proficiency.

PTE Academic Syllabus and Exam Pattern

The PTE Academic exam covers a range of subjects, but it does not require having knowl-
edge on those subjects. The test is to evaluate the English language proficiency. The
total duration of PTE-A test is of three hours. There are three main parts to the PTE-A
test; Speaking and Writing (merged together), Listening and Reading. There are twenty
different question formats, ranging from multiple choice questions to essay writing and
interpreting information. Excerpts from lectures have a range of accents in the PTE-A
test, from British and American to non-native speakers. Candidates might come across
pie charts and graphs as well apart from the regular question sets.


Sections Duration Task

PART 1: PTE Academic Speak- 77 – 93 minutes 1. Personal Introduction
ing & Writing 2. Read Aloud
3. Repeat sentence
4. Describe image
5. Paragraph
6. Answer short question
7. One sentence
8. Re-tell lecture
9. Essay (20mins)
PART 2: PTE Academic Reading 32 – 41 minutes 1. Multiple choice questions (x2)
2. Re-order paragraphs
3. Fill in the blanks (x2)

An optional ten-minute break

PART 3: PTE Academic Listen- 45 – 57 minutes 1. Summarize spoken text
ing 2. Fill the blanks
3. Multiple choices x2
4. Highlight the correct summary
5. Highlight incorrect words
6. Select missing word
7. Write from dictation

PTE Academic Preparation Tips

Emphasis should be more on time and weak areas. If task like writing essay seems chal-
lenging, writing more of them will help to increase the speed and enhance ideas! One
can follow the principle of three P’s- Plan, Prepare and Practice. Practising and analyz-
ing the sample papers can get one to the point of perfection. Time plays a pivotal role in
the entire preparation process. All related information and preparation materials are
available on the PTE Academic resources’ web pages:


Quick Glance

No. of
Exam Application Total Conduct-
Sections ques- Score Pattern
Name Fee Duration ing body
Evidence-Based Reading 52 (Read-
Writing ing) 200–800
$46 (without Three hours
essay) (Extra 50 44
minutes for
® 65-minute Reading sec- (Writing
SAT the Essay
$60 (SAT tion & Lan-
with essay) guage)
which is
optional) 35-minute Writing and
College Language section
20 (No
Note-SAT Subject tests are taken for Math Calcula- 200–800
specific subjects. The duration of the tor)
exam is one hour. Candidates can take a 25-minute (No Calcula- 38 (Cal-
subject test for more than one subject or tor section) culator)
as required by the institute they want to
seek admission. 55-minute Calculator

$46 (without Mathematics- 60 min- 200–800

writing) utes [Candidates
receive two
Reading- 35 minutes 40 scores, one each
$62.50 (with for math and
writing) Science- 35 minutes 40 verbal combined
from the read-
2 hours and English- 45 minutes 75 ing and writing
55 minutes ACT- A sections. Each
Testing out- (Extra 40 non-profit
ACT® minutes for organisa- of these scores
side of the is on a scale
U.S., Canada, the optional tion between 200 and
or U.S. territo- essay)
One 800 points. The
ries requires Essay Writing- 40 min- total maximum,
an additional utes composite (com-
fee: bined) score one
can earn on the
new SAT is 1600
$57.50 points.]


A globally recognised test that evaluates a candidate for college-level admission in the
United States and a few other countries. The two types of test, namely the Reasoning
Test and Subject Test test how well test takers analyse and solve problems. However,
both the test differ in terms of syllabus, test pattern and scoring process; and have sepa-
rate practice sets to guide the candidates. Based mainly on high school subjects, SAT
is organised six times internationally at various centres across the world. An aspirant
is allowed to appear for the test innumerable times within the purview of the allotted
dates. There is no specific eligibility criterion designed for SAT exam. However, since
the test is taken for admissions in colleges, it is advisable for candidates to take the test
when they are in junior or senior high school. Having said that, it should be noted that
the first attempt might not fetch the desired scores required by the respective under-
graduate college; candidates should then, opt for the second/third attempts. The total
duration of this international entrance exam is three hours (plus 50 minutes for the
Essay which is optional). The total score scale ranges from 400 to 1600; out of which
200 to 800 is allotted for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, 200 to 800 for Math-
ematics and 2 to 8 on each of the three traits for Essay writing. It should be noted that
the essay results are reported separately.


SAT Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Since SAT is attempted by students who are in their high school or equivalent to
pursue undergraduate studies, the SAT syllabus is also based on the level of the high
school curricula.

Following are the components of the SAT Reasoning Test-

Subjects Number of Questions Time Score Range

Mathematics 57 80 minutes 200–800
Reading Test 52 65 minutes 200–800 (combined
with Writing section)
Writing and Lan- 44 35 minutes 200–800 (combined
guage Test with Reading sec-
Essay (Optional) 1 prompt 50 minutes Not scored
Total 3 hours (with optional 50 154 ques- 1600
minutes) tions

The SAT Subject Test is based on specific topics that the candidate can appear for.
The SAT Subject Tests are scored on a 200-800 scale.

The following subjects are included in the test-

Litera- Biology/EM German Italian

U.S. His- Chemistry German with Listening Latin
World His- Physics Spanish Chinese with Listening
Math Level French Spanish with Listening Japanese with Listening
Math Level French with Lis- Modern Hebrew Korean with Listening
2 tening

The exam conducting College Board allows aspiring candidates from all over the
world to appear for SAT Exams. SAT Test centre and date can be selected by the test
taker depending on their convenience. A candidate who intends to take the SAT test
should duly complete the SAT registration process both online and by mail.


ACT offers solutions and products for improving the college and career readiness
of students. One of the most popular services offered by the administrative body is
the ACT college readiness assessment which is a curriculum and standards-based
educational and career planning tool that assesses students’ academic readiness for
college studies, to be precise for college admissions in the US. The ACT test scores
gauge a student’s learning throughout high school; provide colleges and universi-
ties with information for recruiting, advising, placement and retention. Rather than
being an IQ test, the ACT is more of an exam whose questions are directly related
to what students have learnt in high school courses. The ACT is and always has
been a curriculum-based achievement test, measuring what a student has learnt in
school. The ACT is offered four to six times a year, depending on the state. In the
USA, it is conducted in the months of September, October, December, February,
April, and June. The test can also be taken in other countries but the availability
of ACT test centres as well as test dates is much less as compared to the USA cen-

ACT Syllabus and Exam Pattern

The ACT exam consists of multiple-choice questions pertaining to four subjects,
namely English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. The averages of the scores in
these four subjects make the composite ACT exam score. The student is given an
option to take the ACT Writing test which does not add to the composite score. Any
candidate across the world is allowed to take the ACT up to 12 times.


The following table provides information about the ACT test pattern-

Number of Score
Section Time (minutes) Content
questions Range
English 75 45 1–36 and rhetorical skills
elementary alge-
bra, intermediate
algebra, coordinate
Mathematics 60 60 1–36 geometry, geom-
etry, elementary
trigonometry, rea-
soning, and prob-
Reading compre-
Reading 40 35 1–36 hension
analysis, evalua-
Science 40 35 1–36 tion, reasoning, and
Optional Writ-
ing Test (not 1 essay
included in 40 1–12 Writing skills
Average (mean) of
Composite 1–36 all section scores
except Writing
2 hours and 55 min-
utes (plus 40 min-
Total 215+1(Essay) utes for the optional

ACT Preparation Tips

Take as many practice tests possible; preferably under conditions similar to the test
day. As the total duration of the four multiple choice tests is 2 hours 55 minutes, pro-
spective test takers should solve them in order, in one sitting with a 10 – 15 minutes
break between Tests 2 and 3. The instructions are printed on the first page of each
multiple-choice test sets; read them well before answering the paper. If a candidate
decides to use the permitted calculator, use the same for practice. It is important
to maintain the pattern of the practice days on the test day. This will ease the exam


Quick Glance

Total Con- Time

Exam Applica- No. of ques-
Dura- ducting Sections Allotted Score Pattern
Name tion Fee tions
tion body in Mins
Verbal Reason- 30 min. 130–170 in
20 questions
ing (Two sec- per sec- 1-point incre-
per section.
GRE® tions) tion ments
eral Test- ETS®- Quantitative 35 min. 130–170 in
3 20 questions
$205 Educa- Reasoning (Two per sec- 1- point incre-
hours per section.
GRE® tional sections) tion ments
45 Testing
GRE Sub- mins One "Analyse
ject test is an Issue" task 30 min.
$150 Analytical Writ- 0-6 in half-point
and one "Ana- per sec-
ing increments
lyse an Argu- tion
ment" task
Analytical Writ- 1 essay ques- 30 min- 0-6, in half-point
ing Assessment tion utes increments
Integrated Rea- 30 min- 1-8, in 1-point
Graduate 12 questions
soning utes increments
3 ment Quantitative 62 min- 0-60, in 1-point
hours 31 questions
GMATTM US$ 250 30 Admis- Reasoning utes increments
mins Verbal Reason- 65 min- 0-60, in 1-point
Council® 36 questions
(GMAC) ing utes increments
Overall- 200–
800 in 10-point
Analytical Rea- 35 min-
Approx. 24
soning utes

Law 1st Logical Rea- 35 min-

Approx. 24
2 School soning utes
Test scores are
hours Admis-
LSAT® $ 180 20 sion
2nd Logical Approx. 24 35 min- reported on a
Reasoning utes percentile basis
mins Council®
(LSAC) Reading Com- 35 min-
Approx. 24
prehension utes
Total- 92–100 questions


Educational Testing Services, renowned as ETS® conducts the Graduate Record
Examination (GRE) which is a standardised test taken by aspirants to fetch admis-
sion to graduate and business schools across the world. GRE is the right exam for
someone who aspires to pursue a master’s or MBA degree from abroad. Available
over 1000 test centres in more than 160 countries, the GRE can be taken both as a
general and subject test. While the syllabus, exam pattern and scoring scales of both
the tests differ, many international graduate and B-schools accept both the scores.
Like the English proficiency tests (IELTS and TOEFL), GRE exams do not call for
any specific eligibility criteria as well. Aspirants are allowed to select a date of their
preference and register for the test irrespective of age and qualification. Globally, the
application fee for GRE General Test is $205 and fee for GRE Subject test is $150.
For any alteration related to change of subject in the Subject test, candidates will be
charged an additional fee of $50. One can appear for the GRE Test once every 21 days
and up to five times within a 12-month period.

GRE® General Test Pattern and Syllabus

GRE General Test

The GRE Test Pattern consists of three sections-
●● Analytical Writing
●● Verbal Reasoning
●● Quantitative Reasoning


The total duration of the GRE is 3 hours 40 minutes. Besides the main academic
sections, there are two other variable sections and a 10-minute break is given after
the third (Quantitative Reasoning) section during the GRE Test. The two variable
sections are Unscored and the Research section, which do not count toward the final
GRE score.

Test Pattern of General GRE 2018

Sections Number of Questions Allotted Time
Analytical Writing One "Analyse an Issue" task and one "Analyse 30 minutes per
an Argument" task task
Verbal Reasoning 30 minutes per
20 questions per section
(2 Sections) section

Quantitative Rea-
soning 35 minutes per
20 questions per section section
(Two Sections)
Unscored Will vary Will vary
Research Will vary Will vary

GRE Subject Test

The GRE test pattern includes six GRE subject tests, namely,
●● Biology
●● Chemistry
●● Literature in English
●● Mathematics
●● Physics
●● Psychology

Each subject has a different test pattern. The GRE Subject Tests are conducted in
the paper-based format. Candidates can opt for the test three times round-the-year
in September, October and April. The GRE Subject test is 2 hours and 50 minutes

Syllabus of GRE Test

The Quantitative Reasoning section of GRE evaluates the candidate’s level of under-
standing and analyzing quantitative information. It checks the candidate’s abilities


to interpret quantitative information accurately as well. This section is test formulated

on basic mathematics; concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation
are included as well.
The skills tested in the Verbal Reasoning section are primarily Reading Comprehension
followed by Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence. The questions are framed to
understand a candidate’s analyzing skills along with their ability to draw conclusions,
understand and add value to partial information provided, as well as identify the percep-
tion of the author. It also tests the test taker’s ability to identify primary points and differ-
entiate between them. The section also aims to test the candidate’s skills with reference
to understanding work relationships and concepts.

Lastly, in the Analytical Section of GRE, the candidate is required to effectively under-
stand and articulate ideas both simple and complex. This section also expects the candi-
dates to be able to support ideas with significant reasons and relevant examples as well
as examine claims and associated facts while able to maintain a rational and well-focused


The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardised management
test used in the selection procedure of more than 7000 business and management
programmes in more than 2300 universities and organisations across 114 countries.
Only an accredited, degree-granting institution that offers graduate-level programs in
business and management is eligible to receive GMAT scores. Conducted by GMAC®,
the computer adaptive GMAT exam is used by business schools as a criterion for appli-
cation into a wide range of management programs like MBA, Master of Accountancy
and Master of Finance programs. A GMAT score is valid for up to five years and is held
all around the year at over 600 test centres across the world. All aspirants should know
that the GMAT exam is only one of the many factors in the admissions decision. The
official result is sent to the selected programmes and institutions within 20 days of the
respective exam date. Pearson Vue sends a notification email as and when the scores
are reportable. The candidate may then visit their GMAC account to download, view
or print their score report.

GMAT Exam Pattern

The updated GMAT syllabus consists of a wide range of topics designed in a specific
pattern of four sections, namely, Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning,
Quantitative and Verbal. The total duration of the exam is a three and half hours and
the total score is between 200-800.


Section Components Topics Score

Section 1 Analytical Writing Analysis of Argument
Section 2 Integrated Reason- Multi-Source Reason-
ing ing 200 –800
Graphics Interpretation
Two-Part Analysis
Table Analysis
Section 3 Quantitative Abili- Data Sufficiency
ties Problem Solving
Section 4 Verbal Reading Comprehen-
Critical Reasoning
Sentence Correction

GMAT Exam Syllabus

The GMAT syllabus consists of a wide range of topics covered under four sections-
Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative and Verbal.
GMAT checks a candidate’s ability to critically think and evaluate solutions to muti-
farious problems.

New element of GMAT- The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC),

the conducting authority of GMAT has reduced the GMAT exam duration by 30
minutes. The GMAT will now be of three-and-a-half hour instead of four hours. The
mentioned alteration has been first implemented in GMAT exam on April 16, 2018.
The exam content and the time allotted per question remains unaltered. The GMAT
exam will be scored abiding by the similar parameters. It is the same GMAT exam –
just shorter by 30 minutes.


Administered by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC®), the Law School
Admission Test (LSAT) is a standardised law entrance test conducted for admission
to law schools in the US, Canada and some other countries. It is held four times a year
at designated test centres across the globe; the LSAT evaluates aspirants on skills
that he/she will have to execute in law schools. As such, the LSAT syllabus includes
three main related topics that are analytical reasoning, logical reasoning and reading
comprehension. Since there is no specific eligibility criterion for taking LSAT; can-
didates are advised to check the selection procedure for the respective law schools
they would wish to apply.
There are three ways to register for LSAT exam, online, by phone and by mail. The
common way is to register for the test online. The initial step for the online regis-
tration is to open an LSAC account. On opening the account, the candidate will be
allotted an account number that will be his/her primary identification number for
all LSAT correspondence. Prospective test takers can also check their application
status through the LSAT account. The fee for LSAT registration is $180. Credential
Assembly Service (CAS) fees- $175.

LSAT Test Pattern and Syllabus

According to the pattern of the test, LSAT allocates 35 minutes to each topic; except
logical reasoning, which gets 70 minutes for two sub-sections. Usually, February,
June, October and December are the fixed months for taking the law entrance exam.
However, not all test dates are available at all the LSAT centres.


There are three multiple-choice question types in the LSAT-

●● Reading comprehension questions evaluate the ability to read, with understanding and
insight, examples of lengthy and complex materials similar to those commonly encountered
in law school.
●● Analytical reasoning questions evaluate the ability to understand a structure of relationships
and to draw logical conclusions about that structure.
●● Logical reasoning questions measure the ability to analyze, critically evaluate, and complete
arguments as they occur in ordinary language.

LSAT Test Pattern

Section Number of questions Duration
Reading Comprehension 26 to 28 (approximately) 35
Analytical Reasoning 22 to 24 (approximately) 35
Logical Reasoning (Two sec- 24 to 28 (approximately) for each sec- 35+35
tions) tion (70)
Variable section (Unscored) - 35
Writing section (Unscored) - 35

The test consists of five sections comprising of multiple-choice questions. Four

of the five sections contribute to the test taker’s score. These sections include one
Reading Comprehension section, one Analytical Reasoning section, and two Logical
Reasoning sections. The un-scored section, widely referred to as the variable section,
typically is used to pre-test new test questions or to pre-equate new test forms. The
placement of this section keeps varying. Identification of the un-scored section is not
available until the candidate receives his/her score report.



Quick Glance

Applica- Total No. of Time Score Pat-
Exam conduct- Sections
tion Fee Duration questions Allotted tern
ing body
and Bio-
chemical Sectional Score
Founda- 59 95 minutes Range-
tions of 118–132
Living Sys-
and Physi-
cal Founda-
7 Hours 33 Association 59 95 minutes
tions of
minutes of American Biological
MCAT® $ 315 approx. Medical Systems;
(including Colleges
the Breaks) (AAMC) Psychologi-
cal, Social, Total Score
and Biologi- Range: 472–
59 95 minutes
cal Founda- 528
tions of
and Rea- 53 90 minutes
Step-1: $ 310 MCQ
910 +Inter- questions.
USMLE Minimum score
national Covers 18 8 Hours
Step-1 — 192
Delivery major sub-
Surcharge jects
of State USMLE
Step-2 Medical 9 Hours
CK: $ 910 Boards
+Inter- (FSMB) and
USMLE® national the National Founda-
Delivery Board of tions of
Surcharge Medical Independ-
Examiners® ent Practice Most scores fall
USMLE Two-day
Step-2 CS: (NBME®) (FIP) and between 140
Step-3 exam
$ 1,565 Advanced and 260.
Step-3: $ (ACM).


The Medical College Admission Test, conceived and administered by the Association
of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), is a standardized, multiple-choice examina-
tion designed to aid the medical school admissions offices assess the aspirants’ prob-
lem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science
concepts and principles prerequisite to the study of medicine. MCAT is accepted for
admission mainly to medical institutes in the US, Canada and some other countries.
The syllabus and pattern for this test are set in a way to test an aspirant’s awareness
of scientific concepts and principles. Besides medical institutes, some other health
professions and graduate schools accept MCAT scores as part of their selection pro-
cedure. Aspirants planning to register for health professional institutes can choose
to appear in the MCAT test. MCAT centres are located all around the world for the
convenience of the test takers. However, the confirmation of the test date depends on
the availability of seats for that particular day and location. With more than 85000
students appearing for the exam every year, MCAT evaluates a candidate on three
yardsticks, namely, Physical Sciences, Verbal Reasoning and Biological Sciences.

MCAT Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Along with medicine, in particular, the following medical schools are a part of ‘health
professional institutions’ as well:
●● Allopathic
●● Osteopathic
●● Podiatric and
●● Veterinary medicine.


International aspirants do not require ‘special permission’ to register for MCAT exam
if they have completed MBBS or are pursuing the program. With a total duration of 6
hours 5 minutes (approximately), the medical entrance examination consists of four
sections, namely

●● Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems

●● Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
●● Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behaviour
●● Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills

It is advisable that aspirants should be well-versed with the syllabus of the MCAT
exam so that preparation of the exam can be a planned one.

MCAT Syllabus

Sections MCAT Subject Topics

Introductory biology, Chemistry concepts: organic, and inorganic;

Biological and Basic Biochemistry concepts: first-semester biochemistry;

Biochemical Biology: Cellular and molecular (first-semester biochemistry);
of Living Sys- Statistics concepts and introductory research methods; and
Natural sciences: Scientific inquiry and reasoning, research methods,
and statistics.
Introductory biology, chemistry: organic and inorganic, and concepts of

Chemical First-semester biochemistry concepts;

and Physical First-semester molecular biology;
of Biological Introductory statistics concepts and research methods used for intro-
Systems ductory science courses; and
Show scientific inquiry and reasoning, research methods, and statistics
skills as applied to the natural sciences.


Concepts of psychology, sociology, and biology about the behavioral

and socio-cultural health determinants;

Psychological, Concepts of psychology and sociology;

Social, and Biology concepts of mental processes and behavior;
Foundations Introductory statistics concepts and research methods of introductory
of Behaviour science; and
Social and behavioral sciences: scientific inquiry and reasoning,
research methods, and statistics skills.
Test comprehension, analysis, and reasoning skills;
Critical Analy-
sis and Rea- Include content from ethics, philosophy, studies of diverse cultures,
soning Skills population health, and a wide range of social sciences and humanities

The following table explains the exam pattern of MCAT test-

No. of Break-up of ques-

Sections Duration
Questions tions
Examinee Agreement 8 minutes
Tutorial (optional) 10 minutes
10 passage-based sets
of questions
Chemical and Physical
Foundations of Biologi- 59 95 4–6 questions per set
cal Systems
15 independent ques-
Break (optional) 10 minutes
9 passages
Critical Analysis and 53 90 5–7 questions per pas-
Reasoning Skills
Mid-Exam Break 30


No. of Break-up of ques-

Sections Duration
Questions tions
10 passage-based sets
of questions
Biological and Bio-
chemical Foundations 59 95 4–6 questions per set
of Living Systems
15 independent ques-
Break (optional) 10 minutes
10 passage-based sets
of questions
Psychological, Social,
and Biological Founda- 59 95 4–6 questions per set
tions of Behaviour
15 independent ques-
Void Question 5 minutes
Satisfaction Survey 5 minutes
6 hours 15 min-
Total Content Time utes
7 hours 33
Total “Seated” Time* minutes(Approx)

The aforesaid mentioned sections of MCAT are scored separately. In addition,

MCAT also releases sum total of the four sections. The official MCAT scores are
released 30–35 days after the scheduled exam is over. Candidates receive five
scores from their MCAT test, with score pertaining to one of the four sections and
a total score. MCAT scores range from 472 to 528, with 500 being the midpoint.


The scoring format of the MCAT is well-illustrated underneath-

Section Score
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Sys- 118 – 132, midpoint:125

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems 118–132, midpoint:125

Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of 118–132, midpoint:125


Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills 118–132, midpoint:125

Total 472 – 528, midpoint:500


The United States Medical Licensing Examination® acronym (USMLE®) is a
three-step examination process for medical licensure in the United States and is
sponsored by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National
Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®).
United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is a test for medical
graduates who want to practice medicine in the USA as it is only the USMLE
qualified candidates who are allowed to practice medicine in the USA.

USMLE Test Pattern

USMLE Step 1 can be taken up to 6 times. One is permitted to appear for the
exam thrice in a year, to be precise, three times in a 12 months’ time. If an aspir-
ant takes the exam for the fourth time, there should be at least a one-year gap
between the first attempt and the fourth attempt as well as a six-month gap since
the previous attempt. The USMLE evaluates a physician’s ability to apply knowl-
edge, concepts, and principles, and to demonstrate fundamental patient-centred
skills, that are important in health and disease and that constitute the basis of safe
and effective patient care. Each of the three steps of the USMLE complements
the others; none of the steps can stand alone in the assessment of readiness for
medical licensure. The result of USMLE is available three-four weeks from the
date of the test.

Score Pattern for all the three steps of USMLE Exam

Minimum USMLE scores required for each of Step 1, 2 and 3 are as the following-


Tests Minimum USMLE Scores Required

Step 1 192
Step 2 CK 209
Step 3 196

Following are the three steps of the screening test (USMLE)

Step 1- Evaluates an aspirant’s basic concepts of medicine and its practice

Step 2- Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Sciences and
Step 3- Conducted by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the
National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), the test is taken by those who
want to pursue Residency programmes in USA.

USMLE Step-1
The USMLE Step 1 test is taken by candidates who are enrolled in or have passed
medical school with a degree from a college recognised by the World Directory
of Medical Schools. Step 1 assesses a candidate’s knowledge of the concepts of
science in terms of medical practice. Step 1 covers around 18 disciplines and inter-
disciplines of medicine. Though one does not have to obtain any specific score in
USMLE Step-1, however, students have to get a minimum score to qualify the test.

USMLE Step- 2
Step 2 (CK and CS) is further divided into Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Sci-
ence. It is identical to the pattern followed in Step-1 in terms of eligibility. This
step can be taken by students who are enrolled in or have passed medical school
with a degree from a college recognised by the World Directory of Medical Schools
outside of the US and Canada. The Step 2 paper focuses more on the health pro-
motion and disease prevention.

USMLE Step- 3
The USMLE step 3 is the concluding examination in the entire USMLE testing
process. Unlike Step 1 and Step 2, the USMLE step 3 can be taken only by gradu-
ates of medical colleges i.e. one who possesses a degree equivalent to the US and
Canadian MD degree from a medical school listed in the World Directory of Medi-
cal Schools. However, like the other two steps, Step 3 is applicable to international
students from institutes recognised by the World Directory of Medical Schools as
well. This phase checks whether the candidate is ready for unsupervised medical


practice. Clearing this test leads to the final licence for students to practice medicine
in the USA. Step 3 is a two-day exam divided between Foundations of Independent
Practice (FIP) and Advanced Clinical Medicine (ACM). The first day of testing
includes 260 multiple-choice questions divided into six blocks of 38-44 questions.
The second day, which is nine-hour long, includes 200 questions divided into six
blocks of 33 questions.


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